def __init__(self, master): global c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, iClassifier global TRAIN_NUM, POS_WEIGHT, NEG_WEIGHT, Tkinter frame = Frame(master, width=700, height=600, bd=1, background ="black") frame.pack() # Add a title temp.iTitle = title.theTitle(frame,TOP) # Add setting option # temp.iSetting = setting.theSetting(frame,BOTTOM) iFrame = Frame(frame, width=700, height=600, bd=1, background ="black") iFrame.pack(side=TOP) # User Input Image temp.usrInput = display.theDisplay(iFrame,"User Input Image",LEFT) # Input and weight Overlap temp.inputWeight = display.theDisplay(iFrame,"Input and Weight Overlap",LEFT) # Current Weight temp.currentWeight = display.theDisplay(iFrame,"Current weight",LEFT) iFrame = Frame(frame, width=700, height=600, bd=1, background ="black") iFrame.pack(side=TOP) # Control panel temp.iControl = control.theControl(iFrame,LEFT) # Current Weight temp.weightChange = display.theDisplay(iFrame,"Weight Change",LEFT) # System Output Frame temp.iOutput = output.theOutput(iFrame,LEFT) # Add a log list temp.LOG_LIST = log.theLog(iFrame,BOTTOM) # Select classifier temp.iClassifier = perceptron.PerceptronClassifier()
result[i][j] = '+' elif i > 0 and result[i-1][j] == '#': result[i][j] = '+' elif j < 27 and result[i][j+1]== '#': result[i][j] = '+' elif j > 0 and result[i][j-1] == '#': result[i][j] = '+' TEMP += result[i][j] text_file.write(result[i][j]) if len(temp.text) != 0: temp.usrInput.canvas.delete(temp.text[i]) tempText.append(temp.usrInput.canvas.create_text(120, count, text=TEMP, fill="#3cecff", justify=CENTER, font=('courier', 10))) count += 10 if i < 27: text_file.write("\n") if i == 27: text_file.write(" ") temp.text = tempText[:] text_file.close() temp.LOG_LIST.insertItem("Loading completed.") temp.LOG_LIST.insertItem("==================") # Test Module if __name__=="__main__": root = Tk() frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() temp.c3 = Canvas(frame) temp.LOG_LIST = log.theLog(frame) loadImage()
exit() def modBG(self, item): item["background"] = "blue" item["fg"] = "#FFF" for i in self.button: if self.button[i] != item: self.button[i]["background"] = "black" self.button[i]["fg"] = "#3cecff" # Test code if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() frame = Frame(root) temp.LOG_LIST = log.theLog(frame, TOP) iControl = theControl(root, TOP) temp.iClassifier = perceptron.PerceptronClassifier() temp.iTitle = title.theTitle(frame, TOP) # Add setting option #temp.iSetting = setting.theSetting(frame,TOP) # Add a log list temp.LOG_LIST = log.theLog(frame, TOP) # User Input Image temp.iDisplay = display.theDisplay(frame, "hi", TOP)