コード例 #1
ファイル: logcolors.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
class LogColors(object):
    '''Provides the colors that will
    be used when printing Log4J levels'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.color = TermColorCodes()
        # defaults
        # color instance has dinamically assigned attributes
        # so pylint complaints.
        # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        self.warning = self.color.yellow
        self.warn = self.color.yellow
        self.error = self.color.magenta
        self.info = self.color.green
        self.trace = self.color.black
        self.debug = self.color.black
        self.fatal = self.color.red
        self.critical = self.color.red
        self.reset = self.color.reset
        self.backgroundemph = self.color.backgroundemph

    def parse_config(self, properties):
        for key in properties.get_keys():
            code = self.color.getCode(properties.get_value(key))
            if not code:
            setattr(self, key, code)

    def getLogColor(self, color):
        return self.color.getCode(color)

    def getLevelColor(self, level):
        level = level.lower()
        if level in loglevels.logLevels:
            return getattr(self, level)
コード例 #2
 def test_hostnameinconfig(self):
     logfile = 'out.log'
     fh = open(logfile, 'w')
     someLogTraces = ['FATAL> something went wrong',
                           'ERROR> not so wrong',
                           'WARN> be careful',
                           'DEBUG> looking behind the scenes',
                           'INFO> the app is running']
     for line in someLogTraces:
         fh.write(line + '\n')
     logcolors = LogColors()  # using default colors
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     target = None
     notifier = notifications.Print(PropertiesMock())
     message = Message(logcolors, target)
     log = Log(logfile)
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     hostname = socket.gethostname()
     for _ in range(len(someLogTraces)):
         line = log.readLine()
         line = line.rstrip()
         level = line.split('>')
         message.parse(line, log)
         output = (hostname + ': ' +
                 logcolors.getLevelColor(level[0]) +
                 line +
         notifier.notify(message, log)
         self.assertTrue(output in sys.stdout.captured)
     line = log.readLine()
     self.assertEqual('', line)
     message.parse(line, log)
     self.assertFalse(notifier.notify(message, log))
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_cornermark.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
    def testNotMarkMarkedNotMark(self):
        trace = "INFO this is an info trace"
        sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
        logcolors = LogColors()
        termcolors = TermColorCodes()
        message = Message(logcolors)
        notifier = notifications.CornerMark(0.01)
        anylog = Log('out.log')
        message.parse(trace, anylog)
        padding = self.ttcols - len(notifier.MARK)
        output = padding * " " + termcolors.backgroundemph + notifier.MARK +\
        notifier.notify(message, anylog)

        def belowgap():
            return 0

        notifier.timer.corner_mark_ellapsed = belowgap
        trace = "FATAL there could be an error in the application"
        message.parse(trace, anylog)
        notifier.notify(message, anylog)
        self.assertEquals(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
        trace = "INFO this is an info trace"
        notifier.timer.corner_mark_ellapsed = overgap
        message.parse(trace, anylog)
        notifier.notify(message, anylog)
コード例 #4
ファイル: logcolors.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def __init__(self):
     self.color = TermColorCodes()
     # defaults
     # color instance has dinamically assigned attributes
     # so pylint complaints.
     # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
     self.warning = self.color.yellow
     self.warn = self.color.yellow
     self.error = self.color.magenta
     self.info = self.color.green
     self.trace = self.color.black
     self.debug = self.color.black
     self.fatal = self.color.red
     self.critical = self.color.red
     self.reset = self.color.reset
     self.backgroundemph = self.color.backgroundemph
コード例 #5
ファイル: notifications.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def __init__(self, gaptime):
     self.corner_time = float(gaptime)
     self.termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     self.len_mark = len(self.MARK)
     self.timer = Timer(self.corner_time)
     self.count = 0
     self.flagged = False
     self.emphcolor = 'backgroundemph'
コード例 #6
 def test_trace_level(self):
     level = 'TRACE'
     trace = "TRACE level for finer informational log traces than DEBUG"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.Print()
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     output = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + trace + termcolors.reset
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #7
 def testnotify(self):
     pattern = re.compile(r'hi, this line to be notified')
     trace = "info hi, this line to be notified"
     level = "INFO"
     notifier = notifications.Filter(pattern)
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     output = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + trace + termcolors.reset
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_cornermark.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def testWillMarkForSpecifiedTime(self):
     trace = "FATAL there could be an error in the application"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.CornerMark(10)
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     padding = self.ttcols - len(notifier.MARK)
     output = padding * " " + termcolors.backgroundemph + notifier.MARK +\
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #9
 def testShouldColorizeWarningLevelAsWell(self):
     '''test that *warning* keyword gets colorized as well'''
     level = 'WARNING'
     trace = "WARNING there could be an error in the application"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.Print()
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     output = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + trace + termcolors.reset
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #10
 def testshouldFailColorizeWithBackground(self):
     trace = "FATAL there could be an error in the application"
     level = 'WARN'
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.Print()
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     output = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + trace + termcolors.reset
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertNotEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_cornermark.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def testMarkedTARGETOverMarkableLevel(self):
     logfile = "/any/path/out.log"
     trace = "this is a FATAL targeted log trace"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     notifier = notifications.CornerMark(0.02)
     anylog = Log(logfile, PropertiesStub())
     message = Message(logcolors, properties=PropertiesStub)
     padding = self.ttcols - len(notifier.MARK)
     output = padding * " " + termcolors.oncyanemph + notifier.MARK +\
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #12
 def testshouldColorizefirstLevelFoundignoringSecondinSameTrace(self):
     # Test for fix 5
     # Should give priority to FATAL in next trace
     level = 'FATAL'
     trace = "FATAL there could be an error in the application"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.Print()
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     output = (logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + trace + termcolors.reset)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(output, sys.stdout.captured[0])
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_cornermark.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def testMarkedFATALMarkedWARNING(self):
     trace = "FATAL this is a fatal trace"
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.CornerMark(0.02)
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     padding = self.ttcols - len(notifier.MARK)
     output = padding * " " + termcolors.onyellowemph + notifier.MARK +\
     trace = "WARN this is just a warn"
     message.parse(trace, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEquals(output, sys.stdout.captured[2])
コード例 #14
ファイル: sshlogtailer.py プロジェクト: qrees/log4tailer
 def __init__(self, default_config, wait_for=time.sleep):
     self.arrayLog = []
     self.logcolors = default_config.logcolors
     self.pause = default_config.pause
     self.silence = default_config.silence
     self.actions = notifications.Print()
     self.throttleTime = default_config.throttle
     self.target = default_config.target
     self.properties = default_config.properties
     self.mailAction = None
     self.logger = logging.getLogger('SSHLogTailer')
     self.sshusername = None
     self.hostnames = {}
     self.hostnameChannels = {}
     self.color = TermColorCodes()
     self.rsa_key = SSH_KEY
     self._wait_for = wait_for
コード例 #15
 def testshouldColorizeMultilineLogTraces(self):
     trace = 'FATAL> something went wrong\nin here as well'
     trace0, trace1 = trace.split('\n')
     level = 'FATAL'
     termcolors = TermColorCodes()
     # now assert trace0 and trace1 are in FATAL level
     sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
     logcolors = LogColors()
     message = Message(logcolors)
     notifier = notifications.Print()
     anylog = Log('out.log')
     expectedLogTrace0 = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + \
             trace0 + termcolors.reset
     expectedLogTrace1 = logcolors.getLevelColor(level) + \
             trace1 + termcolors.reset
     message.parse(trace0, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(expectedLogTrace0, sys.stdout.captured[0])
     self.assertEqual('FATAL', message.messageLevel)
     message.parse(trace1, anylog)
     notifier.notify(message, anylog)
     self.assertEqual(expectedLogTrace1, sys.stdout.captured[2])
     self.assertEqual('FATAL', message.messageLevel)
コード例 #16
    def testMessage(self):
        logcolors = LogColors()  # using default colors
        termcolors = TermColorCodes()
        target = None
        notifier = notifications.Print()
        message = Message(logcolors, target)
        log = Log(self.logfile)
        sys.stdout = MemoryWriter()
        #testing Colors with default pauseModes
        for count in range(len(self.someLogTraces)):
            line = log.readLine()
            line = line.rstrip()
            level = line.split('>')
            message.parse(line, log)
            output = (logcolors.getLevelColor(level[0]) + line +
            notifier.notify(message, log)
            self.assertTrue(output in sys.stdout.captured)

        line = log.readLine()
        self.assertEqual('', line)
        message.parse(line, log)
        self.assertFalse(notifier.notify(message, log))