def download_hardware_tools(): # Download esp32 tools (not part of the repo so `git submodule update` won't fetch them) logger.notice( "Downloading additional esp32 tools not included in the repo...") try: esp_tools_folder = os.path.join(ESP_BOARD_FOLDER, "tools") cur_dir = os.path.abspath( os.curdir ) # Save a copy of the current dir so we can return after the script is run os.chdir(esp_tools_folder) # Enter the directory sys.path.insert( 0, esp_tools_folder) # Add it to the PATH so can be imported import get as esp_get # Import the script as a module ## TEMPORARY HACK (hopefully they create a main() function so we don't have to manually copy the contents of the __main__ block) # Perform the same steps as the "if __name__ == '__main__':" block esp_get.mkdir_p(esp_get.dist_dir) tools_to_download = esp_get.load_tools_list( "../package/package_esp32_index.template.json", esp_get.identify_platform()) for tool in tools_to_download: esp_get.get_tool(tool) # Finally, remember to return to the original folder (so the rest of our script works) os.chdir(cur_dir) except Exception as e: logger.critical("ERROR downloading esp32 tools. Reason: {}".format(e)) return False logger.success("Additional esp32 tools downloaded :)") return True
def record_cam(cam, out_folder='data', t_start=None, save_as_video=True): if t_start is None: t_start = # Initialize t_start to current time if t_start wasn't specified if isinstance(t_start, datetime): t_start = str(t_start)[:-7].replace(':', '-') # Convert to str out_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, t_start) os.makedirs(out_folder, exist_ok=True) # Ensure folder exists # Open the camera video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(cam) fps = video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) ret, frame = # Read a frame, sometimes first read() returns an "invalid" image if not ret: logger.critical("Oops, can't access cam {}, exiting! :(".format(cam)) return frame_dimensions = frame.shape[1::-1] # width, height # Create a video file if save_as_video if save_as_video: video_filename = os.path.join(out_folder, "cam_{}_{}.mp4".format(cam, t_start)) video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(video_filename, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'avc1'), fps if fps > 0 else 25, frame_dimensions) # Note: avc1 is Apple's version of the MPEG4 part 10/H.264 standard apparently logger.notice("Starting cam '{}' recording! Saving {}".format(cam, "as {}".format(video_filename) if save_as_video else "at {}".format(out_folder))) t_frames = [] try: while True: ret, frame = t_frames.append( if len(t_frames) > 1: logger.debug("Wrote frame {} with delta={:.3f}ms (saving took {:.3f}ms)".format(len(t_frames), 1000*(t_frames[-1]-t_frames[-2]).total_seconds(), 1000*(t_save-t_frames[-2]).total_seconds())) if not ret: logger.critical("Unknown error capturing a frame from cam {}!") elif save_as_video: video_writer.write(frame) else: # Save as still image cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(out_folder, "cam_{}_f{:05d}_{}.jpg".format(cam, len(t_frames), t_frames[-1].strftime("%H-%M-%S-%f"))), frame) t_save = except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.notice("Stopping cam recording!") finally: video_capture.release() info_filename = os.path.join(out_folder, "cam_{}_{}.h5".format(cam, t_start)) with h5py.File(info_filename) as hf: hf.attrs["t_start"] = t_start hf.attrs["fps"] = fps hf.attrs["width"] = frame_dimensions[0] hf.attrs["height"] = frame_dimensions[1] hf.create_dataset("t_frames", data=np.array([t.timestamp() for t in t_frames])) logger.success("Goodbye from cam {} recording!".format(cam))
default=60, type=int) experiment = DataCollection() args = parser.parse_args() if args.ip_list is not None: conn_info = [(x, args.port) for x in args.ip_list] else: # Parse prefix (make sure it ends in a period) range_prefix = args.range[0] if not range_prefix.endswith('.'): range_prefix += '.' # And parse range start/end (ensure ints, etc.) try: range_start = int(args.range[1]) range_end = int(args.range[2]) if not (1 <= range_start <= range_end <= 254): raise ValueError("IP range value needs to be between 1 and 254") except ValueError: logger.critical("Couldn't parse IP range FROM/TO value (need to be ints between 1 and 254, with FROM <= TO)") exit(-1) conn_info = [(range_prefix + str(x), args.port) for x in range(range_start, range_end+1)] try: # Start the data collection process experiment.start(conn_info, args.new_file_interval) # And wait for a keyboard interruption while threads collect data while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: experiment.stop()
def collect_BNO055_data(experiment_t_start=None, serial_port='/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART', baud_rate=115200, out_base_folder='data', out_filename_prefix='BNO055_', imu_ready_queue=None): # NOTE: In order to allow for multiple simultaneous IMUs, experiment_t_start indicates the name of the enclosing folder where the data will be saved, # and each one will have their own imu_t_start indicating the precise time when each IMU was rebooted (and therefore its data started logging)"Connecting to {}...".format(serial_port)) s = serial.Serial(serial_port, baud_rate) logger.success("Successfully connected! Please reboot the ESP32") # Initialize variables fields_to_save = init_fields_to_save() data_block = SensorData.DataBlock() imu_t_start = None F_samp = 0 try: # Read serial until we receive the " -- SETUP COMPLETE -- " message while True: l = s.readline().rstrip() # Read a line (removing any trailing \r\n) logger.debug(l) if l == b'-- SETUP COMPLETE --': logger.notice("Esp32 is done booting, collecting data until Ctrl+C is pressed!") break # Update imu_t_start to the actual time the data collection started imu_t_start = if experiment_t_start is None: experiment_t_start = imu_t_start # If user didn't specify an experiment t_start, it's probably only collecting data for 1 IMU -> Use imu_t_start to name the data folder if imu_ready_queue is not None: # Pass the current time through the queue to notify the main process to start recording the camera imu_ready_queue.put(imu_t_start) # Collect data (read samples and append them to fields_to_save) last_msg_id = None while True: pb_len = struct.unpack('<H',[0] # Read 2 bytes that indicate how long the proto message will be and convert to uint16 pb = # Read the proto contents data_block.ParseFromString(pb) # Decode them"Message received: {} (t={:.6f})".format(, data_block.t_latest.seconds + data_block.t_latest.nanos/1e9)) # Check if any data got lost (hopefully not :D) if last_msg_id is None: F_samp = data_block.F_samp # Store the sampling frequency so we can save it in the file elif - last_msg_id > 1: n_lost = - last_msg_id - 1 logger.critical("Lost {} packet{}! (Previous message ID was {}, current is {})".format(n_lost, 's' if n_lost>1 else '',, last_msg_id)) last_msg_id = # Append new data to fields_to_save for field_name, field_children in fields_to_save.items(): field_children_values = getattr(data_block, field_name) for axis, axis_values in field_children.items(): axis_new_values = getattr(field_children_values, axis) # Fetch new sensor readings axis_values.append(axis_new_values) if isinstance(axis_new_values, int) else axis_values.extend(axis_new_values) # Append values except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.notice("Stopping data collection!") finally: # Close serial port and save all data to a file s.close() save_data_to_file(fields_to_save, out_base_folder, experiment_t_start, out_filename_prefix, imu_t_start, F_samp) logger.success("Goodbye from BNO055 data collection!")
SYMLINK_FOLDERS = ["libraries", "hardware"] # Create symlinks to Arduino/libraries and Arduino/hardware parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="GeophoneDuino Setup: downloads and symlinks necessary 3rd party libraries/tools") parser.add_argument("-i", "--install", help="Install the 3rd party libraries into Arduino through symbolic links.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-r", "--remove", help="Remove the 3rd party library symbolic links from the Arduino libraries directory.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", help="Path to the Arduino root folder (optional, by default [%(default)s] will be used).", default=get_default_Arduino_path()) args = parser.parse_args() if args.install: # Create symlinks for every submodule folder (libraries, hardware...) for dir in SYMLINK_FOLDERS: if not create_symlinks(args.path, dir): # Stop the process as soon as a component fails logger.critical("Installation failed! :( Please see errors above and fix them before trying again.") exit(-1) # And perform additional steps (install esp8266 tools and SPIFFS plugin) make_symlink(os.path.abspath("platform.local.txt"), os.path.join(ESP_BOARD_FOLDER, "platform.local.txt")) # Symlink platform.local.txt, with compiler extra flags for the libraries download_hardware_tools() install_plugins(args.path) elif args.remove: # Remove symlinks for every submodule folder (libraries, hardware...) for dir in SYMLINK_FOLDERS: remove_symlinks(args.path, dir) else: # If neither install nor remove actions, print help parser.print_help()