コード例 #1
def InitialiseTrainer(dev):
    # will not read cadence until initialisation byte is sent
    data = struct.pack(sc.unsigned_int, 0x00000002)

    if debug.on(debug.Data2):
        logfile.Write("InitialiseTrainer data=%s (len=%s)" %
                      (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))

    dev.write(0x02, data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: ExplorAnt.py プロジェクト: roggenbrot/FortiusANT
                                    data = []
                                    d = ant.ComposeMessage(
                                        ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)
                                    while (NrTimes):
                                        NrTimes -= 1
                                    AntDongle.Write(data, False)

                            # Other data pages
                                error = "Unknown FE data page"
                    if Unknown:
                        logfile.Console ("IGNORED!! msg=%s ch=%s p=%s info=%s" % \
                                        (hex(id), Channel, DataPageNumber, logfile.HexSpace(info)))

                # WAIT So we do not cycle faster than 4 x per second
                SleepTime = 0.25 - (time.time() - StartTime)
                if SleepTime > 0: time.sleep(SleepTime)

                # Inform once per second
                listenCount += 1
                if listenCount == 4:
                    listenCount = 0
                    if clv.SimulateTrainer:
                        logfile.Console ( ("Simulate Cadence=%3s Power=%3s Speed=%4.1f hr=%3s " + \
コード例 #3
ファイル: antSCS.py プロジェクト: trygvelu/FortiusANT
    CadenceEventTime  = int(CadenceEventTime)  & 0xffff  # roll-over at 65535 = 64 seconds
    CadenceEventCount = int(CadenceEventCount) & 0xffff  # roll-over at 65535
    SpeedEventTime    = int(SpeedEventTime)    & 0xffff  # roll-over at 65535 = 64 seconds
    SpeedEventCount   = int(SpeedEventCount)   & 0xffff  # roll-over at 65535

    # Prepare for next event
    PedalEchoPreviousCount = PedalEchoCount

    # Compose message
    info    = ant.msgPage_SCS (ant.channel_SCS, CadenceEventTime, CadenceEventCount, SpeedEventTime, SpeedEventCount)
    scsdata = ant.ComposeMessage (ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

    # Return message to be sent
    return scsdata

# Main program for module test
if __name__ == "__main__":
    scsdata = BroadcastMessage (0, 1, 45.6, 123)
    print (logfile.HexSpace(scsdata))
コード例 #4
ファイル: FortiusAnt.py プロジェクト: mtbiker22/FortiusANT
def Tacx2Dongle(self):
    global devAntDongle, devTrainer

    # Initialize antDongle
    # Open two channels:
    #    one to transmit the trainer info (Fitness Equipment)
    #    one to transmit heartrate info   (HRM monitor)
    ant.ResetDongle(devAntDongle)  # reset dongle
    ant.Calibrate(devAntDongle)  # calibrate ANT+ dongle
        devAntDongle)  # Create ANT+ master channel for FE-C
    ant.HRM_ChannelConfig(devAntDongle)  # Create ANT+ master channel for HRM

    if not clv.gui: logfile.Write("Ctrl-C to exit")

    # Loop control
    self.RunningSwitch = True
    EventCounter = 0

    # Calibrate trainer
    Buttons = 0
    CountDown = 120 * 4  # 8 minutes; 120 is the max on the cadence meter
    ResistanceArray = numpy.array(
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         0])  # Array for running everage
    Calibrate = 0
    SetTacxMsg(self, "* * * * * C A L I B R A T I N G * * * * *")
    while self.RunningSwitch == True and not clv.SimulateTrainer and clv.calibrate \
          and not Buttons == usbTrainer.CancelButton and Calibrate == 0:
        StartTime = time.time()
        # Receive / Send trainer
        usbTrainer.SendToTrainer(devTrainer, usbTrainer.modeCalibrate, \
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
        SpeedKmh, WheelSpeed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, TargetResistance, Resistance, Buttons, Axis = \

        # Show progress
        if clv.gui:
            SetTacxMsg(self, "* * * * * C A L I B R A T I N G * * * * *")
        SetValues(self, SpeedKmh, int(CountDown / 4),
                  round(CurrentPower * -1, 0), gui.mode_Power, 0, 0,
                  Resistance * -1, 0)

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Average power over the last 20 readings
        # Stop if difference between min/max is below threshold (30)
        # At least 30 seconds but not longer than the countdown time (8 minutes)
        # Note that the limits are empiracally established.
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        if Resistance < 0 and WheelSpeed > 0:  # Calibration is started (with pedal kick)
            ResistanceArray = numpy.append(ResistanceArray, Resistance *
                                           -1)  # Add new value to array
            ResistanceArray = numpy.delete(ResistanceArray,
                                           0)  # Remove oldest from array

            if CountDown < (120 * 4 - 30) and numpy.min(ResistanceArray) > 0:
                if (numpy.max(ResistanceArray) -
                        numpy.min(ResistanceArray)) < 30 or CountDown <= 0:
                    Calibrate = Resistance * -1

            CountDown -= 0.25  # If not started, no count down!

        # WAIT        So we do not cycle faster than 4 x per second
        SleepTime = 0.25 - (time.time() - StartTime)
        if SleepTime > 0: time.sleep(SleepTime)
    # Stop trainer
    usbTrainer.SendToTrainer(devTrainer, usbTrainer.modeStop, 0, False, False,
                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, clv.SimulateTrainer)

    # Initialize variables
    TargetMode = gui.mode_Power
    TargetGradeFromDongle = 0
    TargetPowerFromDongle = 100  # set initial Target Power

    TargetGrade = 0  # different sets used to implement
    TargetPower = 100  #   manual mode
    UserAndBikeWeight = 75 + 10  # defined according the standard (data page 51)
    #   testWeight              = 10            # used to test SendToTrainer()

    CurrentPower = 0
    SpeedKmh = 0
    WheelSpeed = 0
    PedalEcho = 0
    HeartRate = 0
    CurrentPower = 0
    Cadence = 0
    Resistance = 0

    # Trainer variables and counters
    AccumulatedPower = 0
    AccumulatedTimeCounter = 0
    AccumulatedTime = 0
    AccumulatedLastTime = time.time()
    DistanceTravelled = 0

    # Heart Rate
    HeartBeatCounter = 0
    HeartBeatEventTime = 0
    HeartBeatTime = 0
    PageChangeToggle = 0

        while self.RunningSwitch == True:
            StartTime = time.time()
            # Get data from trainer
            if clv.SimulateTrainer:
                SpeedKmh, WheelSpeed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, Resistance, CurrentResistance, Buttons, Axis = \
                    SimulateReceiveFromTrainer (TargetPower, CurrentPower)
                SpeedKmh, WheelSpeed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, Resistance, CurrentResistance, Buttons, Axis = \
                if CurrentPower < 0:
                    CurrentPower = 0  # No negative value defined for ANT message Page25 (#)

                CurrentPower /= clv.PowerFactor

            # Show results
            if SpeedKmh == "Not Found":
                SpeedKmh, WheelSpeed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, Resistance, Buttons, Axis = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
                SetTacxMsg(self, 'Cannot read from trainer')
                if clv.gui: SetTacxMsg(self, "Trainer detected")

            # In manual-mode, power can be incremented or decremented
            # In all modes, operation can be stopped.
            if clv.manual:
                if Buttons == usbTrainer.EnterButton: pass
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.DownButton:
                    TargetPower -= 50  # testWeight -= 10 to test effect of Weight
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.UpButton:
                    TargetPower += 50  # testWeight += 10
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.CancelButton:
                    self.RunningSwitch = False
                if Buttons == usbTrainer.EnterButton: pass
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.DownButton: pass
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.UpButton: pass
                elif Buttons == usbTrainer.CancelButton:
                    self.RunningSwitch = False

                if TargetMode == gui.mode_Power:
                    TargetPower = TargetPowerFromDongle * clv.PowerFactor
                    TargetGrade = 0

                elif TargetMode == gui.mode_Grade:
                    TargetPower = 0
                    TargetGrade = TargetGradeFromDongle

                    logfile.Write("Unsupported TargetMode %s" % TargetMode)

            # Send data to trainer (either power OR grade)
            usbTrainer.SendToTrainer(devTrainer, usbTrainer.modeResistance, \
                    TargetMode, TargetPower, TargetGrade, UserAndBikeWeight, \
                    PedalEcho, WheelSpeed, Cadence, Calibrate, clv.SimulateTrainer)    # testWeight

            # Prepare data to be sent to ANT+
            CurrentPower = max(0, CurrentPower)  # Not negative
            CurrentPower = min(4093, CurrentPower)  # Limit to 4093
            Cadence = min(253, Cadence)  # Limit to 253

            AccumulatedPower += CurrentPower
            if AccumulatedPower >= 65536: AccumulatedPower = 0

            if EventCounter % 64 in (
                    30, 31
            ):  # After 10 blocks of three messages, then 2 = 32 messages
                # Send first and second manufacturer's info packet
                #      FitSDKRelease_20.50.00.zip
                #      profile.xlsx
                #      D00001198_-_ANT+_Common_Data_Pages_Rev_3.1%20.pdf
                #      page 28 byte 4,5,6,7- 15=dynastream, 89=tacx
                comment = "(Manufacturer's info packet)"
                info = ant.msgPage80_ManufacturerInfo(ant.channel_FE)
                newdata = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

            if EventCounter % 64 in (
                    62, 63
            ):  # After 10 blocks of three messages, then 2 = 32 messages
                # Send first and second product info packet
                comment = "(Product info packet)"
                info = ant.msgPage81_ProductInformation(ant.channel_FE)
                newdata = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

            elif EventCounter % 3 == 0:
                # Send general fe data every 3 packets
                AccumulatedTimeCounter += 1
                AccumulatedTime = int(time.time() -
                                      AccumulatedLastTime)  # time since start
                Distance = AccumulatedTime * SpeedKmh * 1000 / 3600  # SpeedKmh reported in kmh- convert to m/s
                DistanceTravelled += Distance

                if AccumulatedTimeCounter >= 256 or DistanceTravelled >= 256:  # rollover at 64 seconds (256 quarter secs)
                    AccumulatedTimeCounter = 0
                    AccumulatedLastTime = time.time()  # Reset last loop time
                    DistanceTravelled = 0

                comment = "(General fe data)"
                # Note: AccumulatedTimeCounter as first parameter,
                #       To be checked whether it should be AccumulatedTime (in 0.25 s)
                info = ant.msgPage16_GeneralFEdata(
                    ant.channel_FE, AccumulatedTimeCounter, DistanceTravelled,
                    SpeedKmh * 1000 * 1000 / 3600, HeartRate)
                newdata = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

                # Send specific trainer data
                comment = "(Specific trainer data)"
                info = ant.msgPage25_TrainerData(ant.channel_FE, EventCounter,
                                                 Cadence, AccumulatedPower,
                newdata = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

            # Broadcast and receive ANT+ data
            data = ant.SendToDongle([newdata], devAntDongle, comment, True,

            # Here all response from the ANT dongle are processed (receive=True)
            # Commands from dongle that are expected are:
            # - TargetGradeFromDongle or TargetPowerFromDongle
            for d in data:
                synch, length, id, info, checksum, rest, Channel, DataPageNumber = ant.DecomposeMessage(
                error = False
                # Fitness Equipment Channel inputs
                if Channel == ant.channel_FE:
                    if id == ant.msgID_AcknowledgedData:
                        # Data page 48 (0x30) Basic resistance
                        if DataPageNumber == 48:
                            TargetMode = gui.mode_Basic
                            TargetGradeFromDongle = 0
                            TargetPowerFromDongle = ant.msgUnpage48_BasicResistance(
                                info) * 1000  # n % of maximum of 1000Watt

                        # Data page 49 (0x31) Target Power
                        elif DataPageNumber == 49:
                            TargetMode = gui.mode_Power
                            TargetGradeFromDongle = 0
                            TargetPowerFromDongle = ant.msgUnpage49_TargetPower(

                        # Data page 51 (0x33) Track resistance
                        elif DataPageNumber == 51:
                            TargetMode = gui.mode_Grade
                            TargetGradeFromDongle = ant.msgUnpage51_TrackResistance(
                            TargetPowerFromDongle = 0

                        # Data page 55 User configuration
                        elif DataPageNumber == 55:
                            UserWeight, BicycleWeight, BicyleWheelDiameter, GearRatio = ant.msgUnpage55_UserConfiguration(
                            UserAndBikeWeight = UserWeight + BicycleWeight

                        # Data page 70 Request data page
                        elif DataPageNumber == 70:
                            SlaveSerialNumber, DescriptorByte1, DescriptorByte2, AckRequired, NrTimes, \
                                RequestedPageNumber, CommandType = ant.msgUnpage70_RequestDataPage(info)

                            info = False
                            if RequestedPageNumber == 80:
                                info = ant.msgPage80_ManufacturerInfo(
                                comment = "(Manufactorer info)"
                            elif RequestedPageNumber == 81:
                                info = ant.msgPage81_ProductInformation(
                                comment = "(Product info)"
                            elif RequestedPageNumber == 82:
                                info = ant.msgPage82_BatteryStatus(
                                comment = "(Battery status)"
                                error = "Requested page not suported"
                            if info != False:
                                data = []
                                d = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData,
                                while (NrTimes):
                                    NrTimes -= 1
                                ant.SendToDongle(data, devAntDongle, comment,

                        # Other data pages
                            error = "Unknown data page"

                    elif id == ant.msgID_ChannelResponse:
                        Channel, InitiatingMessageID, ResponseCode = ant.unmsg64_ChannelResponse(

                        error = "Unknown message ID"

                # Heart Rate Monitor inputs
                elif Channel == ant.channel_HRM:
                    if id == ant.msgID_ChannelResponse:
                        Channel, InitiatingMessageID, ResponseCode = ant.unmsg64_ChannelResponse(

                        error = "Unknown message ID"

                # Unknown channel
                    error = "Unknown channel"

                # Unsupported channel, message or page can be silentedly ignored
                # Show WHAT we ignore, not to be blind for surprises!
                if error and (True or debug.on(debug.Data1)):                    logfile.Write(\
"Dongle error:%s: synch=%s, len=%2s, id=%s, check=%s, channel=%s, page=%s(%s) info=%s" % \
(error, synch, length, id, checksum, Channel, DataPageNumber, hex(DataPageNumber), logfile.HexSpace(info)))

            # Broadcast Heartrate.
            # This appears as a separate ANT-device "on air"
            # Heartrate is filled if a HRM is detected by the trainer
            if True and HeartRate > 0:
                # Check if heart beat has occurred as tacx only reports
                # instantaneous heart rate data
                # Last heart beat is at HeartBeatEventTime
                # If now - HeartBeatEventTime > time taken for hr to occur, trigger beat.
                # We pass here every 250ms.
                # If one heart_beat occurred, increment counter and time.
                # Ignore that multiple heart-beats could have occurred; increment
                #   with one beat per cycle only.
                # Page 0 is the main page and transmitted most often
                # In every set of 64 data-pages, page 2 and 3 must be transmitted 4
                #   times.
                # To make this fit in the EventCounter cycle (0...255) I have
                # chosen blocks of 64 messages as below:
                if (time.time() - HeartBeatTime) >= (60 / float(HeartRate)):
                    HeartBeatCounter += 1  # Increment heart beat count
                    HeartBeatEventTime += (60 / float(HeartRate)
                                           )  # Reset last time of heart beat
                    HeartBeatTime = time.time(
                    )  # Current time for next processing

                    if HeartBeatEventTime >= 64 or HeartBeatCounter >= 256:  # Rollover at 64seconds
                        HeartBeatCounter = 0
                        HeartBeatEventTime = 0
                        HeartBeatTime = 0

                if EventCounter % 4 == 0:
                    PageChangeToggle ^= 0x80  # toggle bit every 4 counts

                if EventCounter % 64 <= 55:  # Transmit 56 times Page 0 = Main data page
                    DataPageNumber = 0
                    Spec1 = 0xff  # Reserved
                    Spec2 = 0xff  # Reserved
                    Spec3 = 0xff  # Reserved
                    comment = "(HR data p0)"

                elif EventCounter % 64 <= 59:  # Transmit 4 times (56, 57, 58, 59) Page 2 = Manufacturer info
                    DataPageNumber = 2
                    Spec1 = 0x01  # Manufacturer ID LSB   1=garmin, 15=Dynastream, see FitSDKRelease_21.20.00 profile.xlsx
                    Spec2 = 0x75  # Serial Number LSB
                    Spec3 = 0x59  # Serial Number MSB     # 1959-07-05
                    comment = "(HR data p2)"

                elif EventCounter % 64 <= 63:  # Transmit 4 times (60, 61, 62, 63) Page 3 = Product information
                    DataPageNumber = 3
                    Spec1 = 0x01  # Hardware version
                    Spec2 = 0x01  # Software version
                    Spec3 = 0x33  # Model number
                    comment = "(HR data p3)"

                info = ant.msgPage_Hrm(ant.channel_HRM,
                                       PageChangeToggle | DataPageNumber,
                                       Spec1, Spec2, Spec3, HeartBeatEventTime,
                                       HeartBeatCounter, HeartRate)
                hrdata = ant.ComposeMessage(ant.msgID_BroadcastData, info)

                #   Removed, because I do not see the purpose
                #   We have to send every 250ms on either channel
                #   It does not meand, we have to send every 125ms on all channels.
                #               SleepTime = 0.125 - (time.time() - StartTime)
                #               if SleepTime > 0: time.sleep(SleepTime) # Sleep for 125ms
                #                                                       # So we transmit once every 125ms, alternating Trainer and HRM
                ant.SendToDongle([hrdata], devAntDongle, comment, False)

            # Show progress
            TargetPower = round(TargetPower, 0)
            SetValues(self, SpeedKmh, Cadence, round(CurrentPower,
                                                     0), TargetMode,
                      TargetPower, TargetGrade, Resistance, HeartRate)

            # WAIT        So we do not cycle faster than 4 x per second
            SleepTime = 0.25 - (time.time() - StartTime)
            if SleepTime > 0:
                if debug.on(debug.Data2):
                    logfile.Write("Sleep(%4.2f) to fill 0.25 seconds done." %
                logfile.Write("Processing longer than 0.25 seconds: %4.2f" %
                              (SleepTime * -1))

            EventCounter += 1  # Increment and ...
            EventCounter &= 0xff  # maximize to 255

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    # Stop devices
    ant.ResetDongle(devAntDongle)  #reset dongle
    usbTrainer.SendToTrainer(devTrainer, usbTrainer.modeStop, 0, False, False, \
                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, clv.SimulateTrainer)

    return True
コード例 #5
def ReceiveFromTrainer(devTrainer):
    global trainer_type

    Axis = 0
    Buttons = 0
    Cadence = 0
    CurrentPower = 0
    CurrentResistance = 0
    Error = ""
    HeartRate = 0
    PedalEcho = 0
    Speed = 0
    TargetResistance = 0

    #  Read from trainer
    data = ""
        data = devTrainer.read(0x82, 64, 30)
    except TimeoutError:
    except Exception as e:
        if "timeout error" in str(e) or "timed out" in str(
                e):  # trainer did not return any data
            logfile.Console("ReceiveFromTrainer: USB READ ERROR: " + str(e))
    if debug.on(debug.Data2):
        logfile.Write("Trainer recv data=%s (len=%s)" %
                      (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))

    # Handle data when > 40 bytes (boundary as derived from antifier)
    if len(data) > 40 and LegacyProtocol == False:
        # Define buffer format
        nDeviceSerial = 0  # 0...1
        fDeviceSerial = sc.unsigned_short

        fFiller2_7 = sc.pad * (7 - 1)  # 2...7

        nYearProduction = 1  # 8
        fYearProduction = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller9_11 = sc.pad * (11 - 8)  # 9...11

        nHeartRate = 2  # 12
        fHeartRate = sc.unsigned_char

        nButtons = 3  # 13
        fButtons = sc.unsigned_char

        nHeartDetect = 4  # 14
        fHeartDetect = sc.unsigned_char

        nErrorCount = 5  # 15
        fErrorCount = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis0 = 6  # 16-17
        fAxis0 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis1 = 7  # 18-19
        fAxis1 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis2 = 8  # 20-21
        fAxis2 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis3 = 9  # 22-23
        fAxis3 = sc.unsigned_short

        nHeader = 10  # 24-27
        fHeader = sc.unsigned_int

        nDistance = 11  # 28-31
        fDistance = sc.unsigned_int

        nSpeed = 12  # 32, 33            Wheel speed (Speed = WheelSpeed / SpeedScale in km/h)
        fSpeed = sc.unsigned_short

        fFiller34_35 = sc.pad * 2  # 34...35           Increases if you accellerate?
        fFiller36_37 = sc.pad * 2  # 36...37           Average power?

        nCurrentResistance = 13  # 38, 39
        fCurrentResistance = sc.short

        nTargetResistance = 14  # 40, 41
        fTargetResistance = sc.short

        nEvents = 15  # 42
        fEvents = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller43 = sc.pad  # 43

        nCadence = 16  # 44
        fCadence = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller45 = sc.pad  # 45

        nModeEcho = 17  # 46
        fModeEcho = sc.unsigned_char

        nChecksumLSB = 18  # 47
        fChecksumLSB = sc.unsigned_char

        nChecksumMSB = 19  # 48
        fChecksumMSB = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller49_63 = sc.pad * (63 - 48)  # 49...63

        format = sc.no_alignment + fDeviceSerial + fFiller2_7 + fYearProduction + \
                 fFiller9_11 + fHeartRate + fButtons + fHeartDetect + fErrorCount + \
                 fAxis0 + fAxis1 + fAxis2 + fAxis3 + fHeader + fDistance + fSpeed + \
                 fFiller34_35 + fFiller36_37 + fCurrentResistance + fTargetResistance + \
                 fEvents + fFiller43 + fCadence + fFiller45 + fModeEcho + \
                 fChecksumLSB + fChecksumMSB + fFiller49_63

        # Buffer must be 64 characters (struct.calcsize(format)),
        # Note that tt_FortiusSB returns 48 bytes only; append with dummy
        for v in range(64 - len(data)):

        # Parse buffer
        tuple = struct.unpack(format, data)
        Cadence = tuple[nCadence]
        HeartRate = tuple[nHeartRate]
        PedalEcho = tuple[nEvents]
        TargetResistance = tuple[nTargetResistance]
        CurrentResistance = tuple[nCurrentResistance]
        Speed = Wheel2Speed(tuple[nSpeed])
        CurrentPower = Resistance2Power(tuple[nCurrentResistance], Speed)

        Buttons = tuple[nButtons]
        Axis = tuple[nAxis1]

    elif LegacyProtocol == True:
        # Define buffer format
        nStatusAndCursors = 0  # 0
        fStatusAndCursors = sc.unsigned_char

        nSpeed = 1  # 1, 2      Wheel speed (Speed = WheelSpeed / SpeedScale in km/h)
        fSpeed = sc.unsigned_short

        nCadence = 2  # 3
        fCadence = sc.unsigned_char

        nHeartRate = 3  # 4
        fHeartRate = sc.unsigned_char

        nStopWatch = 4
        fStopWatch = sc.unsigned_int  # 5,6,7,8

        nCurrentResistance = 5  # 9
        fCurrentResistance = sc.unsigned_char

        nPedalSensor = 6  # 10
        fPedalSensor = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis0 = 7  # 11
        fAxis0 = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis1 = 8  # 12
        fAxis1 = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis2 = 9  # 13
        fAxis2 = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis3 = 10  # 14
        fAxis3 = sc.unsigned_char

        nCounter = 11  # 15
        fCounter = sc.unsigned_char

        nWheelCount = 12  # 16
        fWheelCount = sc.unsigned_char

        nYearProduction = 13  # 17
        fYearProduction = sc.unsigned_char

        nDeviceSerial = 14  # 18, 19
        fDeviceSerial = sc.unsigned_short

        nFirmwareVersion = 15  # 20
        fFirmwareVersion = sc.unsigned_char

        # Parse buffer
        # Note that the button-bits have an inversed logic:
        #   1=not pushed, 0=pushed. Hence the xor.
        format = sc.no_alignment + fStatusAndCursors + fSpeed + fCadence + fHeartRate + fStopWatch + fCurrentResistance + \
                 fPedalSensor + fAxis0 + fAxis1 + fAxis2 + fAxis3 + fCounter + fWheelCount + \
                 fYearProduction + fDeviceSerial + fFirmwareVersion
        tuple = struct.unpack(format, data)

        Cadence = tuple[nCadence]
        HeartRate = tuple[nHeartRate]
        PedalEcho = tuple[nPedalSensor]
        CurrentResistance = tuple[nCurrentResistance]
        TargetResistance = CurrentResistance  # Is not separately returned
        # is displayed by FortiusANT!
        Speed = Wheel2Speed(tuple[nSpeed])
        Buttons = ((tuple[nStatusAndCursors] & 0xf0) >> 4) ^ 0x0f
        Axis = tuple[nAxis1]

        CurrentPower = Resistance2Power(CurrentResistance, Speed)

        Error = "Not Found"

    if debug.on(debug.Function):
        logfile.Write ("ReceiveFromTrainer() = hr=%s Cadence=%s Speed=%s TargetRes=%s CurrentRes=%s CurrentPower=%s, pe=%s %s" % \
                                        (  HeartRate,   Cadence,   Speed, TargetResistance, CurrentResistance, CurrentPower, PedalEcho, Error) \

    return Error, Speed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, TargetResistance, CurrentResistance, Buttons, Axis
コード例 #6
def SendToTrainer(devTrainer, Mode, TargetMode, TargetPower, TargetGrade,
                    PowercurveFactor, UserAndBikeWeight, \
                    PedalEcho, SpeedKmh, Cadence, Calibrate, SimulateTrainer):
    global LegacyProtocol  # As filled in GetTrainer()

    if debug.on(debug.Function):
        logfile.Write("SendToTrainer(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" %
                      (Mode, TargetMode, TargetPower, TargetGrade,
                       UserAndBikeWeight, PedalEcho, SpeedKmh, Cadence))

    # Data buffer depends on trainer_type
    # Refer to TotalReverse; "Legacy protocol" or "Newer protocol"
    if LegacyProtocol == True:
        fDesiredForceValue = sc.unsigned_char  # 0         0x00-0xff
        #           0x80 = field switched off
        #           < 0x80 reduce brake force
        #           > 0x80 increase brake force
        fStartStop = sc.unsigned_char  # 1         0x01 = pause/start manual control
        #           0x02 = autopause if wheel < 20
        #           0x04 = autostart if wheel >= 20
        fStopWatch = sc.unsigned_int  # 2...5
        fControlCommand = sc.unsigned_int  # 0...3
        fTarget = sc.short  # 4, 5      Resistance for Power=50...1000Watt
        fPedalecho = sc.unsigned_char  # 6
        fFiller7 = sc.pad  # 7
        fMode = sc.unsigned_char  # 8         Idle=0, Ergo/Slope=2, Calibrate/speed=3
        fWeight = sc.unsigned_char  # 9         Ergo: 0x0a; Weight = ride + bike in kg
        fCalibrate = sc.unsigned_short  # 10, 11    Depends on mode

    # Prepare parameters to be sent to trainer
    error = False
    if Mode == modeStop:
        Calibrate = 0
        PedalEcho = 0
        Target = 0
        Weight = 0

    elif Mode == modeResistance:
        if Calibrate == 0:  # Use old formula:
            Calibrate = 0  # may be -8...+8
            Calibrate = (Calibrate + 8) * 130  # 0x0410

        if TargetMode == mode_Power:
            Target = Power2Resistance(TargetPower, SpeedKmh, Cadence)
            # Target *= PowercurveFactor                    # manual adjustment of requested resistance
            # IS NOT permitted: When trainer software
            # asks for 100W, you will get 100Watt!
            if LegacyProtocol == False and Target < Calibrate:
                Target = Calibrate  # Avoid motor-function for low TargetPower
            Weight = 0x0a  # weight=0x0a is a good fly-wheel value
            # UserAndBikeWeight is not used!
        elif TargetMode == mode_Grade:
            Target = Grade2Resistance(TargetGrade, UserAndBikeWeight, SpeedKmh,
            Target *= PowercurveFactor  # manual adjustment of requested resistance
            Weight = 0x0a  # weight=0x0a is a good fly-wheel value
            # UserAndBikeWeight is not used!
            #       an 100kg flywheels gives undesired behaviour :-)
            error = "SendToTrainer; Unsupported TargetMode %s" % TargetMode

    elif Mode == modeCalibrate:
        Calibrate = 0
        PedalEcho = 0
        Target = Speed2Wheel(20)  # 20 km/h is our decision for calibration
        Weight = 0

        error = "SendToTrainer; incorrect Mode %s!" % Mode

    if error:
        # Build data buffer to be sent to trainer (legacy or new)
        if LegacyProtocol == True:
            if Mode == modeResistance:
                DesiredForceValue = Target
                StartStop, StopWatch = 0, 0  # GoldenCheetah sends 2-byte data
                #    in sendRunCommand() with
                #    StartStop always zero
                # so we should be good like this
                format = sc.no_alignment + fDesiredForceValue + fStartStop + fStopWatch
                data = struct.pack(format, DesiredForceValue, StartStop,
                data = False
            format = sc.no_alignment + fControlCommand + fTarget + fPedalecho + fFiller7 + fMode + fWeight + fCalibrate
            data = struct.pack(format, 0x00010801, int(Target), PedalEcho,
                               Mode, Weight, Calibrate)

        # Send buffer to trainer
        if not SimulateTrainer and data != False:
            if debug.on(debug.Data2):
                logfile.Write("Trainer send data=%s (len=%s)" %
                              (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))
                logfile.Write ("                  target=%s pe=%s mode=%s weight=%s cal=%s" % \
                                             (int(Target), PedalEcho, Mode, Weight, Calibrate))

                devTrainer.write(0x02, data, 30)  # send data to device
            except Exception as e:
                logfile.Console("SendToTrainer: USB WRITE ERROR " + str(e))
コード例 #7
def GetTrainer():
    global trainer_type
    global LegacyProtocol
    # Initialize
    if debug.on(debug.Function): logfile.Write("GetTrainer()")
    trainer_type = 0
    LegacyProtocol = False

    # Find supported trainer
    msg = "No Tacx trainer found"
    for idp in [
            tt_iMagic, tt_iMagicWG, tt_Fortius, tt_FortiusSB, tt_FortiusSB_nfw
            if debug.on(debug.Function):
                logfile.Write("GetTrainer - Check for trainer %s" % (hex(idp)))
            dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=idVendor_Tacx,
                                idProduct=idp)  # find trainer USB device
            if dev != None:
                msg = "Connected to Tacx Trainer T" + hex(idp)[
                    2:]  # remove 0x from result, was "Trainer found:"
                if debug.on(debug.Data2 | debug.Function):
                trainer_type = idp
        except Exception as e:
            if debug.on(debug.Function):
                logfile.Write("GetTrainer - " + str(e))

            if "AttributeError" in str(e):
                msg = "GetTrainer - Could not find USB trainer: " + str(e)
            elif "No backend" in str(e):
                msg = "GetTrainer - No backend, check libusb: " + str(e)
                msg = "GetTrainer: " + str(e)

    # Initialise trainer (if found)
    if trainer_type == 0:
        dev = False
    else:  # found trainer
        # iMagic            As defined together with fritz-hh and jegorvin)
        if trainer_type == tt_iMagic:
            LegacyProtocol = True
            if debug.on(debug.Function):
                logfile.Write("GetTrainer - Found iMagic head unit")
                fxload.loadHexFirmware(dev, imagic_fw)
                if debug.on(debug.Function):
                        "GetTrainer - Initialising head unit, please wait 5 seconds"
                msg = "GetTrainer - iMagic head unit initialised"
            except:  # not found
                msg = "GetTrainer - Unable to initialise trainer"
                dev = False

        # unintialised Fortius (as provided by antifier original code)
        if trainer_type == tt_FortiusSB_nfw:
            if debug.on(debug.Function):
                    "GetTrainer - Found uninitialised Fortius head unit")
                fxload.loadHexFirmware(dev, fortius_fw)
                if debug.on(debug.Function):
                        "GetTrainer - Initialising head unit, please wait 5 seconds"
                dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=idVendor_Tacx,
                if dev != None:
                    msg = "GetTrainer - Fortius head unit initialised"
                    trainer_type = tt_FortiusSB
                    msg = "GetTrainer - Unable to load firmware"
                    dev = False
            except:  # not found
                msg = "GetTrainer - Unable to initialise trainer"
                dev = False

        # Set configuration
        if dev != False:
            if trainer_type == tt_iMagic: dev.set_interface_altsetting(0, 1)

        # InitialiseTrainer (will not read cadence until initialisation byte is sent)
        if dev != False and LegacyProtocol == False:
            data = struct.pack(sc.unsigned_int, 0x00000002)
            if debug.on(debug.Data2):
                logfile.Write("InitialiseTrainer data=%s (len=%s)" %
                              (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))
            dev.write(0x02, data)

    # Done
    if debug.on(debug.Function):
        logfile.Write("GetTrainer() returns, trainertype=" + hex(trainer_type))
    return dev, msg
コード例 #8
def ReceiveFromTrainer(devTrainer):
    global trainer_type
    if debug.on(debug.Function): logfile.Write("ReceiveFromTrainer()")

    Axis = 0
    Buttons = 0
    Cadence = 0
    CurrentPower = 0
    HeartRate = 0
    PedalEcho = 0
    TargetResistance = 0
    CurrentResistance = 0
    Speed = 0
    WheelSpeed = 0

    #  Read from trainer
        data = devTrainer.read(0x82, 64, 30)
    except Exception as e:
        if "timeout error" in str(e):  #trainer did not return any data
            logfile.Write("ReceiveFromTrainer: USB READ ERROR: " + str(e))
        data = ""
    if debug.on(debug.Data2):
        logfile.Write("Trainer recv data=%s (len=%s)" %
                      (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))

    #  Handle data when > 40 bytes                Will fail when less than struct.calcsize(format)
    if len(data) > 40:
        # Define buffer format
        nDeviceSerial = 0  # 0...1
        fDeviceSerial = sc.unsigned_short

        fFiller2_7 = sc.pad * (7 - 1)  # 2...7

        nYearProduction = 1  # 8
        fYearProduction = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller9_11 = sc.pad * (11 - 8)  # 9...11

        nHeartRate = 2  # 12
        fHeartRate = sc.unsigned_char

        nButtons = 3  # 13
        fButtons = sc.unsigned_char

        nHeartDetect = 4  # 14
        fHeartDetect = sc.unsigned_char

        nErrorCount = 5  # 15
        fErrorCount = sc.unsigned_char

        nAxis0 = 6  # 16-17
        fAxis0 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis1 = 7  # 18-19
        fAxis1 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis2 = 8  # 20-21
        fAxis2 = sc.unsigned_short

        nAxis3 = 9  # 22-23
        fAxis3 = sc.unsigned_short

        nHeader = 10  # 24-27
        fHeader = sc.unsigned_int

        nDistance = 11  # 28-31
        fDistance = sc.unsigned_int

        nSpeed = 12  # 32, 33            Wheel speed (Speed = WheelSpeed / SpeedScale in km/h)
        fSpeed = sc.unsigned_short

        fFiller34_35 = sc.pad * 2  # 34...35           Increases if you accellerate?
        fFiller36_37 = sc.pad * 2  # 34...35           Average power?

        nCurrentResistance = 13  # 38, 39
        fCurrentResistance = sc.short

        nTargetResistance = 14  # 40, 41
        fTargetResistance = sc.short

        nEvents = 15  # 42
        fEvents = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller43 = sc.pad  # 43

        nCadence = 16  # 44
        fCadence = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller45 = sc.pad  # 45

        nModeEcho = 17  # 46
        fModeEcho = sc.unsigned_char

        nChecksumLSB = 18  # 47
        fChecksumLSB = sc.unsigned_char

        nChecksumMSB = 19  # 48
        fChecksumMSB = sc.unsigned_char

        fFiller49_63 = sc.pad * (63 - 48)  # 49...63

        format = sc.no_alignment + fDeviceSerial + fFiller2_7 + fYearProduction + \
                 fFiller9_11 + fHeartRate + fButtons + fHeartDetect + fErrorCount + \
                 fAxis0 + fAxis1 + fAxis2 + fAxis3 + fHeader + fDistance + fSpeed + \
                 fFiller34_35 + fFiller36_37 + fCurrentResistance + fTargetResistance + \
                 fEvents + fFiller43 + fCadence + fFiller45 + fModeEcho + \
                 fChecksumLSB + fChecksumMSB + fFiller49_63
        # Parse buffer
        tuple = struct.unpack(format, data)
        if debug.on(debug.Data2):
            logfile.Write ("ReceiveFromTrainer: TargetResistance=%s hr=%s sp=%s CurrentResistance=%s pe=%s cad=%s axis=%s %s %s %s" % \
                          (tuple[nTargetResistance], tuple[nHeartRate], tuple[nSpeed],      \
                          tuple[nCurrentResistance], hex(tuple[nEvents]), tuple[nCadence], \
                          tuple[nAxis0], tuple[nAxis1], tuple[nAxis2], tuple[nAxis3]  \

        WheelSpeed = tuple[nSpeed]

        Cadence = tuple[nCadence]
        CurrentPower = Resistance2Power(tuple[nCurrentResistance], WheelSpeed)
        HeartRate = tuple[nHeartRate]
        PedalEcho = tuple[nEvents]
        TargetResistance = tuple[nTargetResistance]
        CurrentResistance = tuple[nCurrentResistance]
        Speed = Wheel2Speed(tuple[nSpeed])

        Buttons = tuple[nButtons]
        Axis = tuple[nAxis1]

        Speed = "Not Found"

    return Speed, WheelSpeed, PedalEcho, HeartRate, CurrentPower, Cadence, TargetResistance, CurrentResistance, Buttons, Axis
コード例 #9
def SendToTrainer(devTrainer, Mode, TargetMode, TargetPower, TargetGrade,
                  UserAndBikeWeight, PedalEcho, WheelSpeed, Cadence, Calibrate,
    if debug.on(debug.Function):
        logfile.Write("SendToTrainer(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" %
                      (TargetMode, TargetPower, TargetGrade, UserAndBikeWeight,
                       PedalEcho, WheelSpeed, Cadence))

    fControlCommand = sc.unsigned_int  # 0...3
    fTarget = sc.short  # 4, 5      Resistance for Power=50...1000Watt
    fPedalecho = sc.unsigned_char  # 6
    fFiller7 = sc.pad  # 7
    fMode = sc.unsigned_char  # 8         Idle=0, Ergo/Slope=2, Calibrate/speed=3
    fWeight = sc.unsigned_char  # 9         Ergo: 0x0a; Weight = ride + bike in kg
    fCalibrate = sc.unsigned_short  # 10, 11    Depends on mode

    error = False
    if Mode == modeStop:
        Calibrate = 0
        PedalEcho = 0
        Target = 0
        Weight = 0

    elif Mode == modeResistance:
        if Calibrate == 0:  # Use old formula:
            Calibrate = 0  # may be -8...+8
            Calibrate = (Calibrate + 8) * 130  # 0x0410

        if TargetMode == gui.mode_Power:
            Target = Power2Resistance(TargetPower, WheelSpeed, Cadence)
            if Target < Calibrate:
                Target = Calibrate  # Avoid motor-function for low TargetPower
            Weight = 0x0a  # weight=0x0a is a good fly-wheel value
            # UserAndBikeWeight is not used!
        elif TargetMode == gui.mode_Grade:
            Target = Grade2Resistance(TargetGrade, UserAndBikeWeight,
                                      WheelSpeed, Cadence)
            ########    if Target < Calibrate: Target = Calibrate   # Avoid motor-function for descends
            Weight = 0x0a  # weight=0x0a is a good fly-wheel value
            # UserAndBikeWeight is not used!
            #       an 100kg flywheels gives undesired behaviour :-)
            error = "SendToTrainer; Unsupported TargetMode %s" % TargetMode

    elif Mode == modeCalibrate:
        Calibrate = 0
        PedalEcho = 0
        Target = Speed2Wheel(20)
        Weight = 0

        error = "SendToTrainer; incorrect Mode %s!" % Mode

    if error:
        format = sc.no_alignment + fControlCommand + fTarget + fPedalecho + fFiller7 + fMode + fWeight + fCalibrate
        data = struct.pack(format, 0x00010801, int(Target), PedalEcho, Mode,
                           Weight, Calibrate)

        if debug.on(debug.Data2):
            logfile.Write("Trainer send data=%s (len=%s)" %
                          (logfile.HexSpace(data), len(data)))
            logfile.Write ("                  target=%s pe=%s mode=%s weight=%s cal=%s" % \
                                         (int(Target), PedalEcho, Mode, Weight, Calibrate))

        if not SimulateTrainer:
                devTrainer.write(0x02, data, 30)  # send data to device
            except Exception as e:
                logfile.Write("SendToTrainer: USB WRITE ERROR " + str(e))