コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def em_predict() :
	""" used to assigned label of cluster the Image
		coming from client side and return the result
	 	object contain image feature, responsibility
	 	and assigned cluster

		Request Method : 
		Body :
			type = 'application/json'
			value (str) : base64 encoded value of image
			filename (str) : name of Image file
			filetype (str) : Image extension
			k (int) : number of clusters (explicitly type cast to int)

		Return :
			Json Predicted responsibilities for all clusters along with the file details
	try :
		req = request.get_data().decode('utf-8')
		img = json.loads(req)
		img_base64 = img['value']
		img_name = img['filename']
		filetype = img['filetype']
		k = int(img['k'])
		path = os.path.join(CONSTANT.TEMP_FILE_PATH, img_name)
		path = spr.decode_base64(img_base64, path)
		if path is not None :
			emobj = get_model(k)
			result = emobj.predict_data(img_name, filetype, path, img_base64)
			return result.to_json(orient='records')
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # log exception
		return {}
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def getfirstndataresponsibility():
		return all the image with parameters like
		responsibility image parameters assigned clusters

		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of clusters
			n (int) : number of responsibilities
		Return :
			JSON With cluster name to top n requested training data responsibility with Details
		k = request.args.get('k', type = int)
		n = request.args.get('n', type = int)
		emobj = get_model(k)
		temp = emobj.get_first_n_data_responsibility(n, to_json=True)
		for i in temp.keys() :
			temp[i] = ast.literal_eval(temp[i]) # convert string list to list
		return  json.loads(json.dumps(temp))
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def changek():
		change value of k and retrain the model

		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of clusters

		Return :
			JSON {'res': (bool)status if successfully create model for changed k or not} 
		k = request.args.get('k')
		if k in dic_model :
			del dic_model[k]
		emObj = get_model(k)
		if emObj is None :
			return jsonify({'res':False})
		else :
			return jsonify({'res':True}) 
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def getclusterparameter():
	""" get all cluster trained parameter like weights
		means covarience metrix responsibilities for 
		each cluster

		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of cluster (explicitly casted to int)

		Return :
			JSON contain {weights: weight of cluster, means: mean points of cluster, covariances: covariance metrix}
		k = request.args.get('k', type = int)
		emobj = get_model(k)
		param = emobj.em_parameters
		param['weights'] = param['weights'].tolist()
		param['means'] = param['means'].tolist()
		param['covariances'] = param['covariances'].tolist()
		del param['responsibility']
		return json.loads(json.dumps(param))
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def setclustername():
		set cluster number to name mapping

		Method :
		Body :
			type = 'application/json'
			k (int) : cluster number (explicitly casted)
			mappedey (dictionary) : cluster number to name mapping
		Return :
			JSON {'res' : (bool)saved status}
		req = request.get_data().decode('utf-8')
		data = json.loads(req)
		k = data['k']
		dic = data['mappedKey']
		emobj = get_model(k)
		return emobj.set_cluster_name(dic)
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def getclustername() :
		get cluster number to name mapping
		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of clusters
		Return :
			cluster number to name mapping json
	try :
		k = request.args.get('k', type = int)
		emobj = get_model(k)
		return emobj.cluster_name
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def getsupportedimagesextension() :
		Used to get all the image file extension
		supported for image processing in EM algorithms

		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of cluster

		Return :
			Array of string having supported extensions
	try :
		k = request.args.get('k', type = int)
		emobj = get_model(k)
		return jsonify(emobj.IMAGE_EXT_SUPPORTED)
	except Exception as e:
		LOGGER.LOG(e) # Log Exception
		return {}
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: LHTRI/PYTHONMLAPI
def getfirstnheterogeneity():
		return value of k and its assiciate
		heterogeneity to obtain optimum value of k

		Method :
		Arguments :
			k (int) : number of clusters
			n (int) : number of First n heterogeneity

		Return :
			JSON of number of cluster to heterogeneity mapped pair
		k = request.args.get('k', type = int)
		n = request.args.get('n', type = int)
		emobj = get_model(k)
		return emobj.get_first_n_heterogeneity(n, seed=CONSTANT.SEED)
	except Exception as e:
		return {}