コード例 #1
def record_query(user, now):

    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)

        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except QueryTime.DoesNotExist:
        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.create(user=user, last_query_time=now)

    last_query = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user).last_query_time.replace(tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time = now - last_query - timedelta(hours=1)

    qt_obj.last_query_time = now

    if time <= timedelta(seconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' 1Q')

    elif time < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RP ' + str(time))

    elif time < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' TO')

        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' S1')
コード例 #2
def paginated_search(request, query, user):
    condition = get_user_condition(request)
    user_id = str(user.id)
    q_len = str(len(query))
    page = request.REQUEST.get('page')
    hq = hashlib.sha1(query)
    hash_q = hq.hexdigest()

    if query:

            if not response_cache.get(query):
                    response = run_query(query, condition=1)
                    response_cache.set(query, pickle.dumps(response), 600)
                except exceptions.EngineConnectionException:
                    response = 'Unable to connect to the search engine at this time. Please try again later.'
                profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
                query_num = int(profile.num_query)
                profile.num_query = query_num + 1
                event_logger.info(user_id + ' QL ' + q_len + ' HQ ' + hash_q + ' CA ')

                response = pickle.loads(response_cache.get(query))
                event_logger.info(user_id + ' HQ ' + hash_q + ' PA ' + str(page) + ' RR')

            if type(response) == str:
                results = response
                paginator = Paginator(response.results, 10)

                     results = paginator.page(page)
                except PageNotAnInteger:
                    # if page not an integer, deliver first page
                    results = paginator.page(1)
                except EmptyPage:
                    # if page out of range, deliver last page of results
                    results = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

            return results
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: EuanCockburn/ifind
def record_link(user, now, url, rank):
    records data about links visited by user

    :param user:(User) the current user instance
    :param now: (datetime)the current time
    :param url: (unicode)the url clicked by the user
    :param rank:(unicode)the rank of teh url on the page
    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)
    hl = hashlib.sha1(url)
    url_visited = hl.hexdigest()
    url_rank = str(rank)

    profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
    link_num = int(profile.links_visited)
    profile.links_visited = link_num + 1

        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except LinkTime.DoesNotExist:
        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.create(user=user, last_link_time=now)

    last_link = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user).last_link_time.replace(
        tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time = now - last_link - timedelta(hours=1)

    lt_obj.last_link_time = now

    if time <= timedelta(seconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank +
                          ' 1L')

    elif time < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank +
                          ' LT ' + str(time))

    elif time < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank +
                          ' TO')

        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank +
                          ' S1')
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Loptr250/ifind
def record_link(user, now, url, rank):
    records data about links visited by user

    :param user:(User) the current user instance
    :param now: (datetime)the current time
    :param url: (unicode)the url clicked by the user
    :param rank:(unicode)the rank of teh url on the page
    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)
    hl = hashlib.sha1(url)
    url_visited = hl.hexdigest()
    url_rank = str(rank)

    profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
    link_num = int(profile.links_visited)
    profile.links_visited = link_num + 1

        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except LinkTime.DoesNotExist:
        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.create(user=user, last_link_time=now)

    last_link = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user).last_link_time.replace(tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time = now - last_link - timedelta(hours=1)

    lt_obj.last_link_time = now

    if time <= timedelta(seconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' 1L')

    elif time < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' LT ' + str(time))

    elif time < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' TO')

        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' S1')
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: EuanCockburn/ifind
def record_query(user, now):
    records details of user activity in log file

    :param user:(User)the user instance
    :param now: (time)the current time
    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)

        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except QueryTime.DoesNotExist:
        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.create(user=user, last_query_time=now)

    last_query = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user).last_query_time.replace(
        tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time_spent = now - last_query - timedelta(hours=1)

    qt_obj.last_query_time = now

    if time_spent <= timedelta(milliseconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' 1Q')

    elif time_spent < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RP ' + str(time_spent))

    # if the user spends > 10 min on a results page, assume they have wandered off
    elif time_spent < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' TO')

    # if it's been over an hour, assume its their first query of the session
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' S1')
コード例 #6
def record_link(user, now, url, rank):

    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)
    hl = hashlib.sha1(url)
    url_visited = hl.hexdigest()
    url_rank = str(rank)

    profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
    link_num = int(profile.num_links)
    profile.num_links = link_num + 1

        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except LinkTime.DoesNotExist:
        lt_obj = LinkTime.objects.create(user=user, last_link_time=now)

    last_link = LinkTime.objects.get(user=user).last_link_time.replace(tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time = now - last_link - timedelta(hours=1)

    lt_obj.last_link_time = now

    if time <= timedelta(seconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' 1L')

    elif time < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' LT ' + str(time))

    elif time < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' TO')

        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' LV ' + url_visited + ' LR ' + url_rank + ' S1')
コード例 #7
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Loptr250/ifind
def record_query(user, now):
    records details of user activity in log file

    :param user:(User)the user instance
    :param now: (time)the current time
    user = user
    str_u_ID = str(user.id)

        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user)
    except QueryTime.DoesNotExist:
        qt_obj = QueryTime.objects.create(user=user, last_query_time=now)

    last_query = QueryTime.objects.get(user=user).last_query_time.replace(tzinfo=None, microsecond=0)

    time_spent = now - last_query - timedelta(hours=1)

    qt_obj.last_query_time = now

    if time_spent <= timedelta(milliseconds=0):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' 1Q')

    elif time_spent < timedelta(minutes=10):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RP ' + str(time_spent))

    # if the user spends > 10 min on a results page, assume they have wandered off
    elif time_spent < timedelta(hours=1):
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' TO')

    # if it's been over an hour, assume its their first query of the session
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' S1')
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: EuanCockburn/ifind
def paginated_search(query, condition, u_ID, page, user):
    performs a paginated search based on a given query and records data about the search to a log file

    :param query: (str)the search query input by the user
    :param condition: (int)the condition assigned to the user
    :param u_ID: (int)the user id
    :param page: (unicode)the page number of results to be displayed
    :param user: (User)the user instance
    :return: (paginator.Page(page))paginated results of the search

    q_len = str(len(query))
    cnd = condition
    str_u_ID = str(u_ID)
    h1 = hashlib.sha1(query)
    q_hash = h1.hexdigest()
    profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
    queries = int(profile.queries_submitted)

    if query:
        # Run our Bing function to get the results list!
        if not (response_cache.get(query)):
            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' QL ' + 'HQ: ' + q_hash + ' ' +
                              q_len + ' CA ')
                result_list = run_query(query, cnd)
                response_cache.set(query, pickle.dumps(result_list), 300)
            except exceptions.EngineConnectionException:
                result_list = 'Unable to connect to the search engine at this time. Please try again later.'

            profile.queries_submitted = queries + 1

        elif page is None:  # a new query has been submitted
            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RR ' + 'HQ: ' + q_hash + ' ' +
            result_list = pickle.loads(response_cache.get(query))
            mod = conditions[condition]
            result_list = mod(result_list)

            profile.queries_submitted = queries + 1

            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' PA' + str(page) + ' RR')
            result_list = pickle.loads(response_cache.get(query))

        if type(result_list) == str:
            contacts = result_list
            paginator = Paginator(result_list.results,
                                  10)  # show 10 results per page

                contacts = paginator.page(page)
            except PageNotAnInteger:
                # if page not an integer, deliver first page
                contacts = paginator.page(1)
            except EmptyPage:
                # if page out of range, deliver last page of results
                contacts = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

        if contacts is None:
            contacts = "No results."

        #right before the results are returned, log the fact that the search is completed.
        #this time difference can be used to calculate the lag from running the query through bing
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RPL')

        return contacts
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Loptr250/ifind
def paginated_search(query, condition, u_ID, page, user):
    performs a paginated search based on a given query and records data about the search to a log file

    :param query: (str)the search query input by the user
    :param condition: (int)the condition assigned to the user
    :param u_ID: (int)the user id
    :param page: (unicode)the page number of results to be displayed
    :param user: (User)the user instance
    :return: (paginator.Page(page))paginated results of the search

    q_len = str(len(query))
    cnd = condition
    str_u_ID = str(u_ID)
    h1 = hashlib.sha1(query)
    q_hash = h1.hexdigest()
    profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)
    queries = int(profile.queries_submitted)

    if query:
            # Run our Bing function to get the results list!
        if not (response_cache.get(query)):
            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' QL ' + 'HQ: ' + q_hash + ' ' + q_len + ' CA ')
                result_list = run_query(query, cnd)
                response_cache.set(query, pickle.dumps(result_list), 300)
            except exceptions.EngineConnectionException:
                result_list = 'Unable to connect to the search engine at this time. Please try again later.'

            profile.queries_submitted = queries + 1

        elif page is None:  # a new query has been submitted
            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RR ' + 'HQ: ' + q_hash + ' ' + q_len)
            result_list = pickle.loads(response_cache.get(query))
            mod = conditions[condition]
            result_list = mod(result_list)

            profile.queries_submitted = queries + 1

            event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' PA' + str(page) + ' RR')
            result_list = pickle.loads(response_cache.get(query))

        if type(result_list) == str:
            contacts = result_list
            paginator = Paginator(result_list.results, 10)  # show 10 results per page

                contacts = paginator.page(page)
            except PageNotAnInteger:
                # if page not an integer, deliver first page
                contacts = paginator.page(1)
            except EmptyPage:
                # if page out of range, deliver last page of results
                contacts = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)

        if contacts is None:
            contacts = "No results."

        #right before the results are returned, log the fact that the search is completed.
        #this time difference can be used to calculate the lag from running the query through bing
        event_logger.info(str_u_ID + ' RPL')

        return contacts