コード例 #1
def runRGBModuleControlBlock():

    log.rgb_log(log.LEVEL.VERBOSE, "About to start light module thread")

    t1 = threading.Thread(target=RGBModuleControlThread, args=())
    t1.daemon = True
    log.rgb_log(log.LEVEL.VERBOSE, "Light Module Thread Created and Started")
コード例 #2

# TODO: 1)create array to store various different sockets to monitor different ports, or to keep track of threads monitoring those ports
# This program runs on the pi and receives messages from the network

import socket

import logging as log
import network_com
from Modules.RGB import module_control_block as RGB_moduleControlBlock
import threading
import time

# initial greeting
log.rgb_log(log.LEVEL.STATUS, "Network Controller Initiated")

def initial_greeting():

    print ""
    print ""
    print "******************************************************************"
    print "This Program runs on the Pi and initiates specific Module Control Blocks"
    print ""
    print ""

def runRGBModuleControlBlock():

    log.rgb_log(log.LEVEL.VERBOSE, "About to start light module thread")