コード例 #1
def prime_equillibrium(vocab, signature, aux=set()):
    Generates the formula:
       x = x' & y = y' & n* = n*' & ...
    for all the symbols in the vocabulary
    @param vocab symbols to process
    @param signature a (sorted) signature
    @param aux symbols to skip
    res = []
    vocab_prime = vocab.prime()

    for v, vprime in vocab_prime.locals:
        # HACK: Exclude non-deterministic variables
        if v.literal.startswith('nondet') or v in aux: continue

        if tuple(signature.sorts[v][0].from_) == ("V", "V"):
            f = FolFormula(eqrel, [FolFormula(v), FolFormula(vprime)])
        elif tuple(signature.sorts[v][0].from_) == ("V", ):
            f = FolFormula(eqpred, [FolFormula(v), FolFormula(vprime)])
            f = FolFormula(FolWithEquality.eq,
                           [FolFormula(v), FolFormula(vprime)])

    return FolFormula.conjunction(res), vocab_prime
コード例 #2
def generate_unary_pred_properties(type_decls, preds, consts):
    ts = type_decls.sorts
    for p in preds:
        for (from_, to) in ts.ary(p, 1):
            if to in ['', 'bool']:
                arg_sort = from_[0]
                for c in consts:
                    if type_decls.sorts.returns(c, arg_sort):
                        yield FolFormula(p, [FolFormula(c)])
コード例 #3
def generate_named_properties(name_property_list, type_decls):
    named_axioms = []

    for name, property_formula in name_property_list:
        p = Identifier(name, 'predicate')
        type_decls.sorts[p] = [((), '')]
        axiom = FolFormula(FolFormula.IFF, [FolFormula(p), property_formula])
        named_axioms += [(p, axiom)]

    return named_axioms
コード例 #4
 def _quantify_forall(self, t):
     vars0 = [
         self.Var(Identifier(t.var_name(i), 'variable'), None)
         for i in reversed(xrange(t.num_vars()))
     body = self.with_some_vars(vars0)(t.body())
     phi = body
     for v in vars0:
         phi = FolFormula(FolFormula.FORALL,
                          [FolFormula(v.identifier), phi])
     return phi
コード例 #5
def generate_binary_pred_properties(type_decls, preds, consts):
    ts = type_decls.sorts
    for p in preds:
        if p == 'F0': continue  # hack
        for (from_, to) in ts.ary(p, 2):
            if to in ['', 'bool']:
                arg_sort0, arg_sort1 = from_
                for c0 in consts:
                    for c1 in consts:
                        if type_decls.sorts.returns(c0, arg_sort0) and \
                           type_decls.sorts.returns(c1, arg_sort1):
                            yield FolFormula(p,
コード例 #6
def transition_system(syn, loop, vocab, signature):
    fin, vocab_prime = prime_equillibrium(vocab, signature)
    L = syn.expansion.parser
    rho = FolScheme(L * 'wp_ea([?loopBody],[?trans])')(loop.body, fin)
    rho0 = FolFormula.conjunction(syn.first_pass([rho]))
    # set back in time; x->x0, x'->x
    rho0 = vocab.to_past(rho0)
    rho0 = vocab_prime.to_past(rho0)
    return rho0
コード例 #7
def generate_p_properties(syn, consts, vocab):
    Extra properties:  {n(u,v) | u,v program variables + null}
    ptot_template = FolFormula.conjunction(
        map(FolScheme, syn.expansion("ptot_([?u],[?v])")))

    extras = [('p%s%s' % (u, v), ptot_template(u, v)) for u in consts
              for v in consts]

    return AbstractionProperties.from_named_formulas(extras, vocab)
コード例 #8
 def _id(self, symbol):
     if not isinstance(symbol, Identifier):
         raise FolSemanticError(symbol)
         return self.ids[symbol], True
     except KeyError:
         i = "%s%d" % ("".join(
             c for c in str(symbol) if c in string.letters + "_")
                       or "i", len(self.ids))
         self.ids[symbol] = i = FolFormula.Identifier(i, symbol.kind)
         return i, True
コード例 #9
def display_invariant(inv, abs_props):
    z3g = Z3Gate()
    fol_inv = z3g.formula_back(inv)
    bnd = [t.subtrees[0] for t in fol_inv.nodes if t.root.kind == 'quantifier']
    subst = {
        v: FolFormula(Identifier("x%d" % i, 'variable'))
        for i, v in enumerate(bnd)
    fol_inv = FolSubstitution(subst)(fol_inv)
    print " - " * 20
    print fol_inv
    print " - " * 20
コード例 #10
 def __call__(self, t):
     if is_var(t):
         return FolFormula(self._get_free_var(t))
     elif is_true(t) or is_false(t):
         return FolFormula(is_true(t))
     elif is_const(t):
         kind = 'predicate' if is_bool(t) else 'function'
         return FolFormula(Identifier(unicode(t), kind))
     elif is_quantifier(t) and t.is_forall():
         return self._quantify_forall(t)
     elif is_app(t):
         r = t.decl()
         for k, v in self.o.map_ops.iteritems():
             if is_app_of(t, k):
                 r = v
             r = Identifier(unicode(r), '?')
         if callable(r):
             return r([self(x) for x in t.children()])
             return FolFormula(r, [self(x) for x in t.children()])
         raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #11
ファイル: seq.py プロジェクト: lenadank/verification_project
 def quantifier_semantics(cls, formula, domain_consts):
     Given a list of domain constants, unwraps the quantifier to a long
     formula or term.
     E.g. Я[+]x (f(x))  --->  f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+f(4)
     if formula.root == cls.Signature.REDUCE_GLOB:
         if len(formula.subtrees) != 3:
             raise ValueError, "%r requires exactly 3 arguments, in %r" % (formula.root, formula)
         op, v, expr = formula.subtrees
         if op.subtrees != [] or op.root.kind != 'function':
             raise TypeError, "expected a binary function symbol instead of %r, in %r" % (op, formula)
         qf = reduce(lambda x,y: FolFormula(op.root, [x,y]),
                     (TreeSubstitution({v: i})(expr) for i in domain_consts))
         return qf
コード例 #12
    def redefine(self, synopsis):
        Defines macros 'cond', 'loopBody', 'epilogue', and 'bad' in the environment.
        stmts = lambda x: FolFormula.join(self.SEMI, x, self.SKIP)
        delta = synopsis.expansion.delta
        delta.transformers += [
            DeltaReduction.Transformer(delta, name, params=[], body=expr)
            for name, expr in [("cond", self.cond), (
                "loopBody", self.body), ("epilogue", stmts(self.epilogue))]

        if not any(
                getattr(t, 'head', None) == "bad" for t in delta.transformers):
            bad = synopsis.expansion.parser * self.BAD
            delta.transformers += [
                DeltaReduction.Transformer(delta, "bad", params=[], body=bad)
コード例 #13
def load_data():
    import argparse

    a = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    a.add_argument('filename', type=str, nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
                   help="universal invariant inference")
                   help="(experimental) use alpha-from-below")
                   help="(experimental) use partial models, not sound")
                   help="(experimental) stuff, broken")
                   help="generalize enum values")
                   help="do not generate abstraction predicates for dll")
                   help="do not generate 'sorted' abstraction predicates")
    a.add_argument('--domain', type=str, default=None)
                   help="(development) disable IC3 optimizations")
        "print the discovered invariant as a first-order formula (requires unicode support)"
                   help="typeset discovered invariant using LaTeX")
    a.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true')
    args = a.parse_args()

    if not hasattr(args, 'filename'):
        import os.path
        from filesystem.paths import find_closest
        here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        args.filename = os.path.join(find_closest('benchmarks', start_at=here),

    program = open(args.filename).read().decode('utf-8')
    print "* BENCHMARK"
    # print os.path.basename(args.filename),
    print args.filename

    # Initiate proof synopsis and load required modules
    syn = ProofSynopsis()

    # annot = list(ProofSynopsis.get_annotations(program))
    annot = list(syn.get_annotations(program))

    # Get more flags from @flags annotation in input file
    # (note: there is currently no way to override @flags)
    for (key, val) in annot:
        if key == "flags":
            args = a.parse_args(a.convert_arg_line_to_args(val), args)

    ms = module_system_default()
    uses = [
        t.strip() for (key, val) in annot for t in val.split() if key == "uses"
    if uses == []: uses = ['dtca_ea']  # backward compat
    for t in ['base', 'dtca']:
        if t not in uses: uses.append(t)

    syn.libs += [
        open(fn).read().decode('utf-8') for module_name in uses
        for fn in ms.find_module_source(module_name)
    syn.libs += [EXTRA_PROP_MACROS]

    # Construct vocabulary
    t = syn.type_declarations

    vocab = TwoVocabulary()
    vocab.type_declarations = t

    axioms = list(vocab << syn.first_pass(program))

    print "* PREDICATES"
    print vocab.preds

    print "* CONSTANTS"
    print vocab.consts

    # Extract loop from program (use cond := ... and loopBody := ... definitions as fallback)
    loop = MainLoop.locate_loop(syn.first_pass)

    if loop.prologue:
        raise NotImplementedError("loop prologue is currently not supported")

    trans = transition_system(syn, loop, vocab, t)
    cond = loop.cond
    cond0 = vocab.to_past(cond)

    use_extra_properties = not args.u

    if use_extra_properties:
        extra = generate_n_properties(syn, vocab.consts, vocab)

        extra.props += list(
            generate_unary_pred_properties(t, vocab.preds, vocab.consts))
        extra.props += list(
            generate_binary_pred_properties(t, vocab.preds, vocab.consts))

        extra.axioms += axioms

        # Stability (absence of dangling pointers)
        if FolSorts.FunctionType.parse(u'V→') in t.sorts.ary('alloc', 1):
            extra += generate_stability_properties(syn, vocab)

        # Properties for order and sorting
        if not args.no_preds_sorted:
            if FolSorts.FunctionType.parse(u'V×V→') in t.sorts.ary('R', 2):
                if args.domain is None or "S" in args.domain:
                    extra += generate_order_and_sorting_properties(syn, vocab)

        # Properties for reversal and doubly-linked lists
        if not args.no_preds_dll:
            if FolSorts.FunctionType.parse(u'V×V→') in t.sorts.ary('p*', 2):
                if args.domain is None or "R" in args.domain:
                    extra += generate_rev_properties(
                        binary_too=(args.domain is None
                                    or "-" not in args.domain))
        extra = AbstractionProperties()
        extra.axioms += axioms

    # --- Now send everything to PDR + Z3

    z3g = Z3Gate()
    z3g.z3_decls = decls = z3g.define_symbols(t)
    z3g.expansion = syn.first_pass

    preds = [decls[x] for x in vocab.preds]

    extra_props = [z3g.formula(FolFormula.promote(p)) for p in extra.props]
    extra_axioms = [fol_formula_to_z3(phi, decls) for phi in extra.axioms]
    extra_axioms0 = [fol_formula_to_z3(phi, decls) for phi in extra.axioms0]

    init = z3g.formula("init")
    rho = And(z3g.formula(cond0), z3g.formula(trans),
              *(extra_axioms + extra_axioms0))

    bad = z3g.formula("bad")
    background = And(generate_gamma(syn, vocab.preds_flat, decls),

    globals = [decls[x] for x in vocab.globals
               if t.sorts.ary(x, 0)]  # @ReservedAssignment
    locals = [(decls[x0], decls[x])
              for x0, x in vocab.locals]  # @ReservedAssignment

    if args.u:
        print "*** Using universal invariant inference"
        from mini_pdr import PDR
        if args.p:
            print "*** Use partial models (experimental)"
        if args.gen_enums:
            print "*** Generalize enum values"
        args.o = False  # universals currently not supported in opt version
    if args.o:
        from mini_pdr_opt import PDR  # @Reimport
    elif args.a:
        print "*** Using alpha from below"
        from mini_pdr_opt import PDR  # @Reimport
        from mini_pdr import PDR  # @Reimport

    print "* GLOBALS"
    print globals

    print "* LOCALS"
    print locals
   if args.u:
        pdr = PDR(init, rho, bad, background, globals, locals, preds,
                  universal=args.u, partial=args.p, gen_enums=args.gen_enums,
        pdr = PDR(init, rho, bad, background, globals, locals, [n])
    return init, rho, bad, background, globals, locals, [n], args.n
コード例 #14
 def formula(self, fol_formula):
     if isinstance(fol_formula, (str, unicode)):
         fol_formula = FolFormula.conjunction(self.expansion([fol_formula]))
     f_aux = AuxTransformers.renumber_bound_vars(fol_formula)
     return fol_formula_to_z3(f_aux, self.z3_decls)
コード例 #15
def create_f_with_implies(b,h):
    f = FolFormula( FolFormula.IMPLIES )
    f.subtrees = []
    f.subtrees.append( b )
    f.subtrees.append( h )
    return f
コード例 #16
def conjunct_formulas( fs ):
    return FolFormula.conjunction( fs )
コード例 #17
 def join(self, connective=FolFormula.AND, default_value=None):
     return FolFormula.join(connective, self, default_value)
コード例 #18
 def __call__(self, program):
     wps = WeakestPreSynthesis()    
     wps.syn.libs += [self.VC] #TODO - change        
     formulas , decls  =  wps_formula_get(wps,program)
     I_args = inv_args_get(wps, "I")
     formula = FolFormula.conjunction(formulas)
     prefix           =  wp_forall_prefix_get(formula)| set([Identifier('null', 'const')])
     bounded_prefix   =  AuxTransformers.get_all_bound_vars(formula)
     pprint( formulas )
     print  prefix
     z3_formulas_with_blasting = []    
     from shape2horn import hoist_forall
     from shape2horn import blast_horn
     from shape2horn import hoist_horn
     formulas_with_implies = []
     ackm_bools            = {}
     ackm_bools_to_vars    = {}
     #sanity = FormulaSanity()
     watch = Stopwatch()
     with watch:
         for f in formulas:
             if f.root == 'true':                    
             head    = f.subtrees[1]        
             body    = f.subtrees[0]
             head_ls = FolFormula.split(head) #splits conjunctions in head
             for i in head_ls:
                 #creates new formulas of form: body -> i
                 f_with_implies = create_f_with_implies(body,i)            
                 formulas_with_implies.append( f_with_implies )
         for s in formulas_with_implies:
             print '--------   Input Clause   ----------------'
             print s      
             s_with_gamma = gamma_add( s )
             #renumber_bound_vars() renames bounded vars to unique numbers
             s_with_gamma = AuxTransformers.renumber_bound_vars( s_with_gamma )        
             print s_with_gamma                             
             z3_f = transform_formula_to_z3(prefix, s_with_gamma, decls)
             for f in hoist_horn(z3_f[0]):
                z3_f_hoisted = hoist_forall(f)
                print '--------  Hoisted Formula  ------------------'
                print z3_f_hoisted
                blasted_f  =  blast_horn(z3_f_hoisted)
                print '--------  Blasted Formula  ---------------------'             
                #print blasted_f
                if 0:                        
                   blasted_f_with_replaced_n = replace_nstar_with_bools( blasted_f, \
                                                  decls, ackm_bools, ackm_bools_to_vars )            
                   f_with_ackm_reduction = ackerman_reduction_get( \
                                         blasted_f_with_replaced_n , ackm_bools_to_vars )
                #print ackm_bools_to_vars            
                z3_formulas_with_blasting.append( blasted_f )
         #benchmark_print_to_file(h, z3_formulas_with_blasting)            
         formulas_solver ( self, z3_formulas_with_blasting, decls["I"], I_args )
     print 'Total sovling time: ',watch.total_time,'sec'
コード例 #19
def generate_gamma(syn, preds, decls):
    dtca = Identifier('dtca', '?')
    starred = [z for z in preds if '*' in z.literal]
    gamma = FolFormula.conjunction(
        [FolFormula(dtca, [FolFormula(z)]) for z in starred])
    return generate_z3_condition(gamma, syn, decls)
コード例 #20
def conjunct_formulas( fs ):
    return FolFormula.conjunction( fs )
コード例 #21
 def singl(self, t):   return FolFormula(Identifier((t.subtrees[0] if t.subtrees else t).root.token.value, '?'))
 def qua(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[0].root.token.value], [self.singl(t.subtrees[1]), t.subtrees[3]])
コード例 #22
def generate_z3_condition(folformula, syn, decls):
    c = list(syn.first_pass([folformula]))
    f = FolFormula.conjunction(c)
    f_aux = AuxTransformers.renumber_bound_vars(f)
    f_z3 = fol_formula_to_z3(f_aux, decls)
    return hoist_forall(f_z3)
コード例 #23
 def cal(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.singl(t).root, self.split(t.subtrees[2], ('term*', 'term+', ',')))
 def bin(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[1].root.token.value], [t.subtrees[0], t.subtrees[2]])
コード例 #24
 def _to_formula(self, tree):
     _ = self._spread_quantifiers
     return _(
                    [self._to_formula(s) for s in tree.subtrees]))
コード例 #25
                        binary_too=(args.domain is None
                                    or "-" not in args.domain))
        extra = AbstractionProperties()
        extra.axioms += axioms

    # --- Now send everything to PDR + Z3

    z3g = Z3Gate()
    z3g.z3_decls = decls = z3g.define_symbols(t)
    z3g.expansion = syn.first_pass

    preds = [decls[x] for x in vocab.preds]

    extra_props = [z3g.formula(FolFormula.promote(p)) for p in extra.props]
    extra_axioms = [fol_formula_to_z3(phi, decls) for phi in extra.axioms]
    extra_axioms0 = [fol_formula_to_z3(phi, decls) for phi in extra.axioms0]

    init = z3g.formula("init")
    rho = And(z3g.formula(cond0), z3g.formula(trans),
              *(extra_axioms + extra_axioms0))

    bad = z3g.formula("bad")
    background = And(generate_gamma(syn, vocab.preds_flat, decls),

    globals = [decls[x] for x in vocab.globals
               if t.sorts.ary(x, 0)]  #   @ReservedAssignment
    locals = [(decls[x0], decls[x])
              for x0, x in vocab.locals]  # @ReservedAssignment
コード例 #26
    def __init__(self, context, inner):
        self.context = context
        self.inner = inner
        if isinstance(inner, self.__class__):
            self.__class__ = inner.__class__

            class NestedException(self.__class__, inner.__class__):
                __str__ = __repr__ = self.__class__.__str__

            self.__class__ = NestedException

    def __str__(self):
        return "In: %r\n%r" % (self.context, self.inner)

# Snippet
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logic.fol import Identifier
    i = Identifier('i', 'function')
    sigma = FolSignature([(i, 1)], [])
    m = FolStructure([1, 2, 3], {i: lambda x: x % 3 + 1})
    p = FolDomainProjection(sigma, lambda t: t * 2)
    n = p(m)
    print n.domain
    print n.interpretation['i']
    print[n.interpretation['i'](x) for x in n.domain]
    print FolResample().structure(n, sigma)

    print m.evaluate(FolFormula(i, [FolFormula(2)]))
コード例 #27
    #print unicode(FOL_GRAMMAR)
    for rule in FOL_GRAMMAR.rules:
        if rule.head == 'fml': print rule
    #raise SystemExit
    class TX(ParserXforms):
        PRIM = {'forall': FolFormula.FORALL, '|': FolFormula.OR, '&': FolFormula.AND, '~': FolFormula.NOT, '->': FolFormula.IMPLIES, '<->': FolFormula.IFF}
        for v in PRIM.values(): PRIM[v.literal] = v
        def singl(self, t):   return FolFormula(Identifier((t.subtrees[0] if t.subtrees else t).root.token.value, '?'))
        def qua(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[0].root.token.value], [self.singl(t.subtrees[1]), t.subtrees[3]])
        def cal(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.singl(t).root, self.split(t.subtrees[2], ('term*', 'term+', ',')))
        def bin(self, t):     return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[1].root.token.value], [t.subtrees[0], t.subtrees[2]])
        def un(self, t):      return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[0].root.token.value], [t.subtrees[1]])
        def sam(self, t):     return t.subtrees[0]
        def sam1(self, t):    return t.subtrees[1]
    lG = set((Tagged(tok).with_(annotation='sam'), tok) for tok in tokens)

    ast = Earley(FOL_GRAMMAR.rules, lG, tokens, lexer=lambda x: x)
    assert len(ast) == 1
    ast = FolFormula.reconstruct(ast[0])
    print ast
    phi = TreeTransform([TX()], dir=TreeTransform.BOTTOM_UP)(ast)

    print phi
コード例 #28
class Z3FormulaToFolFormula(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.map_ops = {
            Z3_OP_AND: FolFormula.conjunction,
            Z3_OP_OR: FolFormula.disjunction,
            Z3_OP_NOT: FolFormula.NOT,
            Z3_OP_IMPLIES: FolFormula.IMPLIES,
            Z3_OP_IFF: FolFormula.IFF,
            Z3_OP_EQ: FolWithEquality.eq,
            Z3_OP_DISTINCT: FolWithEquality.neq,
            Z3_OP_ADD: FolIntegerArithmetic.add,
            Z3_OP_MUL: FolIntegerArithmetic.mul,
            Z3_OP_LE: FolIntegerArithmetic.le,
            Z3_OP_GE: FolIntegerArithmetic.ge,
            Z3_OP_SELECT: self._array_select

    class ConversionProcess(InnerClasses.Owned):

        Var = namedtuple("Var", 'identifier sort')

        def __init__(self, o):
            super(Z3FormulaToFolFormula.ConversionProcess, self).__init__(o)
            self.vars = {}

        def with_some_vars(self, vars0):
            """ vars0 is a list of Var instances """
            import copy
            c = copy.copy(self)
            nz = len(vars0)
            c.vars = {k + nz: v for k, v in c.vars.iteritems()}  #c.vars.copy()
            for i, v in enumerate(vars0):
                c.vars[i] = v
            return c

        def __call__(self, t):
            if is_var(t):
                return FolFormula(self._get_free_var(t))
            elif is_true(t) or is_false(t):
                return FolFormula(is_true(t))
            elif is_const(t):
                kind = 'predicate' if is_bool(t) else 'function'
                return FolFormula(Identifier(unicode(t), kind))
            elif is_quantifier(t) and t.is_forall():
                return self._quantify_forall(t)
            elif is_app(t):
                r = t.decl()
                for k, v in self.o.map_ops.iteritems():
                    if is_app_of(t, k):
                        r = v
                    r = Identifier(unicode(r), '?')
                if callable(r):
                    return r([self(x) for x in t.children()])
                    return FolFormula(r, [self(x) for x in t.children()])
                raise NotImplementedError

        def _get_free_var(self, var):
            i = get_var_index(var)
            if i in self.vars:
                return self.vars[i].identifier
                self.vars[i] = v = self.Var(Identifier("$%d" % i, 'variable'),
                return v.identifier

        def _quantify_forall(self, t):
            vars0 = [
                self.Var(Identifier(t.var_name(i), 'variable'), None)
                for i in reversed(xrange(t.num_vars()))
            body = self.with_some_vars(vars0)(t.body())
            phi = body
            for v in vars0:
                phi = FolFormula(FolFormula.FORALL,
                                 [FolFormula(v.identifier), phi])
            return phi

    def __call__(self, t):
        phi = self.scheme(t)
        if not phi.placeholders:
            return phi.formula
            return phi

    def scheme(self, t):
        cp = self.ConversionProcess(self)
        phi = cp(t)
        return FolScheme(phi, [v.identifier for v in cp.vars.itervalues()])

    def _array_select(self, (arr, subscript)):
        return FolFormula(arr.root, arr.subtrees + [subscript])
コード例 #29
 class Signature:
     a = FolFormula.Identifier(u'α', 'predicate')
     v = FolFormula.Identifier('v', 'variable')
     u = FolFormula.Identifier('u', 'variable')
コード例 #30
ファイル: trf.py プロジェクト: tomerwei/while-interpreter
 #for foo in adt_brute_force():
 #    print foo
 pr = cProfile.Profile()
 for formula in adt_brute_force():
     first_st[INV] = formula        
     s_loop = chk_inv_on_general_stmt( first_st )
     if s_loop:
         last_st[INV] = formula
         e_loop = chk_inv_on_general_stmt( last_st )            
         if not e_loop:
             holds_counter += 1
             print 'Does inv hold?: ', FolFormula.reconstruct(formula), str(e_loop), total_counter, holds_counter            
         if total_counter > 50000:
 #f = open('x.prof', 'a')
 sortby = 'time'
 pstats.Stats(pr ).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sortby).print_stats()
 #w = WhileFrontend.WhileASTDeserialize()
 #print w(unicode(astf))
 #print astf.root
 #print astf.subtrees
コード例 #31
 def un(self, t):      return FolFormula(self.PRIM[t.subtrees[0].root.token.value], [t.subtrees[1]])
 def sam(self, t):     return t.subtrees[0]