コード例 #1
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: rabbit721/Pacman
def nxtState(act):
    #return the next position
    model = findModel(act)
    for st in model:
        if model[st] and logic.parseExpr(st)[0] == 'P':
            return (logic.parseExpr(st)[1])
    return None
コード例 #2
def extractActionSequence(model, actions):
    Convert a model in to an ordered list of actions.
    model: Propositional logic model stored as a dictionary with keys being
    the symbol strings and values being Boolean: True or False
    >>> model = {"North[2]":True, "P[3,4,0]":True, "P[3,3,0]":False, "West[0]":True, "GhostScary":True, "West[2]":False, "South[1]":True, "East[0]":False}
    >>> actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    >>> plan = extractActionSequence(model, actions)
    >>> print(plan)
    ['West', 'South', 'North']
    plan = [None for _ in range(len(model))]
    for sym, val in model.items():
        parsed = parseExpr(sym)
        if type(parsed) == tuple and parsed[0] in actions and val:
            action, time = parsed
            plan[int(time)] = action
    #return list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, plan))
    return [x for x in plan if x is not None]
コード例 #3
ファイル: logicPlan.py プロジェクト: rabbit721/Pacman
def extractActionSequence(model, actions):
    Convert a model in to an ordered list of actions.
    model: Propositional logic model stored as a dictionary with keys being
    the symbol strings and values being Boolean: True or False
    >>> model = {"North[2]":True, "P[3,4,0]":True, "P[3,3,0]":False, "West[0]":True, "GhostScary":True, "West[2]":False, "South[1]":True, "East[0]":False}
    >>> actions = ['North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
    >>> plan = extractActionSequence(model, actions)
    >>> print(plan)
    ['West', 'South', 'North']
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    final = dict()
    for k in model:
        str, idx = logic.parseExpr(k)
        if model[k] and str in actions:
            final.update({idx: str})
    res = []
    for key in sorted(final.keys()):
    return res