コード例 #1
 def test_AddNewUser_270(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # This is information for add user edit fields
     username = "******"
     password = "******"
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     # To select User role type "0"
     # To select Admin role type "1"
     role = "0"
     # This function returns the row number for the desired username
     # on /users page.
     # Returns row number if the us username is found and 0 otherwise.
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         # This function delete user
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
     # This function add user
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     # This function log out
     loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
     print "Logging in as user: "******"ViewAdmin"]) == True:
         print "Log in as User failed"
         print "Logged as User"
コード例 #2
    def test_case(self):
        sel = self.selenium
        print "Loging in..."
        loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, testvars.MCTestVariables["AdminLogin"], testvars.MCTestVariables["AdminPassword"])
        WaitUntilElementOnTheScreen(sel, gViewAdmin, gTimeOut)
        print "Cliking 'View Admin' link..."
        print "Going on 'Bulk Edit' page..."
#        sel.click(gBulkEditOnAdminPage)

        print "Sorting Videos by one of the attributes..."

        print "Checking if the first page is sorted..."        
        self.checkIfPageIsSorted(self.cGetElementMethod, self.cCompareMethod)
        self.cFirstPage = False
        i = 2
        while sel.is_element_present(self.getPageLink_(i)):
            print "Checking if the page #", i, " is sorted..."
            self.checkIfPageIsSorted(self.cGetElementMethod, self.cCompareMethod)
            i = i + 1

        print "Set start values to variables..."

        print "Checking if there is a first page..."
        if sel.is_element_present(self.getPageLink_(1)):
            print "Going back to the first page..."

        print "Sorting Videos by one of the attributes..."


        print "Checking if the first page is sorted..."        
        self.checkIfPageIsSorted(self.cGetElementMethod, self.cCompareMethod)
        self.cFirstPage = False
        i = 2
        while sel.is_element_present(self.getPageLink_(i)):
            print "Checking if the page #", i, " is sorted..."
            self.checkIfPageIsSorted(self.cGetElementMethod, self.cCompareMethod)
            i = i + 1

        print "Algorithm, that is used to check if page is sorted, is based on checking if previous pair of elements has the same results as current pair,\n\
コード例 #3
 def test_EditUserProfile_539(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # Check that user newTestUser exists. If not, create a new user
     username = "******"
     password = "******"
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) == 0:
         users.AddUser(self, sel, username, "", "0", password)
     # New settings for the user profile
     name = "NewUser"
     newusername = ""
     password = "******"
     location = "North America"
     website = "http://www.google.ca/"
     description = "Miro Community QA"
     photo = "photo5.jpg"
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     print "Log in as " + username
     loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, username, password)
     print "Editing the profile for " + username
         self, sel, name, newusername, email, location, website,
                      photo), description)
     users.ViewUserCheck(self, sel, username, name, location, website,
                         description, photo)
コード例 #4
 def test_AddNewAdmin_271(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # This is information for add user edit fields
     username = "******"
     password = "******"
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     role = "1"  # "1"-Admin, "0"-User
     # This function returns the row number for the desired username
     # on /users page.
     # Returns row number if the us username is found and 0 otherwise.
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         # This function delete user
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
     # This function add user
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     # This function log out
     loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
     print "Logging in as user: "******"ViewAdmin"]
     ) == True or sel.is_element_present(
             testvars.MCTestVariables["ViewAdminBlueTheme"]) == True:
         print "Logged as Admin"
             self, sel,
             "User " + username + " does not have Administrator privileges")
コード例 #5
 def test_CreateNewUserUsernameAndPassword_280(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # This is information for add user edit fields
     username = "******"
     password = "******"
     email = ""
     # To select User role type "0"
     # To select Admin role type "1"
     role = ""
     # This function returns the row number for the desired username
     # on /users page.
     # Returns row number if the us username is found and 0 otherwise.
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         # This function delete user
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
         print "User deleted: " + username
     # This function add user
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     # This function log out
     loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
     print "Logging in as user: " + username
     # This function login as just created user
     loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, username, password)
コード例 #6
    def LoginAsAdminSetThemeGoToViewAdmin(self):
        sel = self.selenium
        loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, testvars.MCTestVariables["AdminLogin"], testvars.MCTestVariables["AdminPassword"])
#        sel.click(gVideosSectionOnAdminPage)
コード例 #7
 def test_SignUpAndLogin(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     #       Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     print "Starting tests..."
     for theme in range(1, 2):
         print ""
         print "============================================"
         print ""
         print "Running Sign Up and Login test with theme: " + str(theme)
         print "Changing theme..."
         sitesettings.ChangeTheme(self, sel, theme)
         loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
         newUsername = "******" + time.strftime(
             "%d_%m_%Y__%H_%M", time.localtime()) + "_theme" + str(theme)
         newPassword = "******"
         print "Signing up as user " + newUsername
         loginlogout.SignUp(self, sel, newUsername, newPassword,
             self, sel, testvars.MCTestVariables["TestEmail"],
         loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, newUsername, newPassword)
         # Navigating to user profile to check the user's account parameters
         print "Checking the user's profile..."
         linkYourProfile = "link=Your Profile"
         if sel.is_element_present(linkYourProfile) == False:
                 self, sel, "'Your profile' link on Home page not found")
             sel.click("link=Your Profile")
             if sel.get_value(
                     "id_email") != testvars.MCTestVariables["TestEmail"]:
                     self, sel,
                     "Unexpected user email encountered in User Profile")
                 print "Expected email: " + testvars.MCTestVariables[
                 print "- Actual email: " + sel.get_value("id_email")
                 print "Checking user's name on Profile page..."
             if sel.is_element_present("id_username") == False:
                     self, sel, "User Name field on Profile page not found")
                 if sel.get_value("id_username") != newUsername:
                     mclib.AppendErrorMessage(self, sel,
                                              "Unexpected user name found")
                     print "Expected user name: " + newUsername
                     print "- Actual user name: " + sel.get_value(
                     print "OK"
コード例 #8
 def test_EditUser_291(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # This is information for add user edit fields
     username = "******"
     newusername = "******"
     password = "******"
     name = "John Doe"
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     # To select User role type "0"
     # To select Admin role type "1"
     role = "1"
     location = "Greenland"
     website = "www.google.ca"
     logo = "photo3.jpg"
     description = "Hello"
     # Check if user appeared
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Found user " + username + ". Deleting it..."
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
     if newusername != "":
         if users.UserRow(self, sel, newusername) != 0:
             print "Found user " + newusername + ". Deleting it..."
             users.DeleteUser(self, sel, newusername, 0)
     # Add user <username>
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     # Now modify this user account
     users.EditUser(self, sel, username, newusername, name, email, role,
                    location, website, description, logo, password)
     # Attempt to login to the system with the modified account
     if newusername != "":
         userlogin = newusername
         userlogin = username
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, userlogin) != 0:
         print "User " + username + " successfully edited"
         # Log out
         loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
         print "Logging in as user: "******"..."
         # Log in as just created user
         loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, userlogin, password)
コード例 #9
def LogIn(sel, username, password):
    loginlogout.LogInBasic(self, sel, username, password)
    return True
コード例 #10
 def test_NewUserUsernameMaxMax2MinChars_281(self):
     sel = self.selenium
     # Log in as Admin
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     # This is information for add user edit fields
     username = "******"
     password = "******"
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     # To select User role type "0"
     # To select Admin role type "1"
     role = "0"
     # This function returns the row number for the desired username
     # on /users page.
     # Returns row number if the us username is found and 0 otherwise.
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         # This function delete user
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
         print "User deleted: " + username
     # This function add user
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     # This function check and log out
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
         users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging in as user: "******"link=Logout " + username)
     ##### Creating user with 15 chars in the 'Username' field #####
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     username = "******"
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
         print "User deleted: " + username
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
         users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging in as user: "******"link=Logout " + username)
     ##### Creating user with 1 chars in the 'Username' field #####
     loginlogout.LogInAsAdmin(self, sel)
     username = "******"
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         print "Duplicate user found. Deleting it..."
         users.DeleteUser(self, sel, username, 0)
         print "User deleted: " + username
     users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging out..."
     if users.UserRow(self, sel, username) != 0:
         loginlogout.LogOut(self, sel)
         users.AddUser(self, sel, username, email, role, password)
     print "Logging in as user: "******"link=Logout " + username)