def main(): t = 0.0 A = 10.0 # Sine wave amplitude [-] F = 1.3 # Sine wave frequency [Hz] A2 = 1.2 F2 = 100 B = 5.0 # Sine wave offset client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() dt = 0.0001 # 10 kHz n_samples = 2000 while True: samples = [] samples2 = [] t0 = t # Generate samples: for _ in range(n_samples): omega = 2 * math.pi * F omega2 = 2 * math.pi * F2 sample = A * math.sin(omega * t) + B + A2 * math.cos(omega2 * t) sample2 = A * math.sin(omega * t) + B + A2 * math.cos(omega2 * t) + 9 samples.append(sample) samples2.append(sample2) # Increment time: t += dt print(f"Sending {len(samples)} samples") client.send_samples("Trace1", t0, dt, samples) client.send_samples("Trace2", t0, dt, samples2) time.sleep(n_samples * dt)
class Monitor: def __init__(self): self._rate_detectors = defaultdict(RateDetector) def connect(self): self._client = LognplotTcpClient() self._client.connect() def update(self): for process_folder in os.listdir('/proc'): if re.match(r'\d+', process_folder): # print("Ow yeah!") timestamp = time.time() stat_filename = f'/proc/{process_folder}/stat' with open(stat_filename, 'r') as f: line = # print(line) self.analyze_line(timestamp, line) # self.measure(timestamp, pid, filename, user_jiffies, kernel_jiffies) def analyze_line(self, timestamp, line): parts = line.split(' ') pid = int(parts[0]) filename = parts[1] user_jiffies = int(parts[13]) kernel_jiffies = int(parts[14]) # print(pid, filename) self.measure(f'{filename}_{pid}_user', (timestamp, user_jiffies)) self.measure(f'{filename}_{pid}_kernel', (timestamp, kernel_jiffies)) def measure(self, signal_name, measurement): rate = self._rate_detectors[signal_name].update(measurement) # print(signal_name, rate) self._client.send_sample(signal_name, float(measurement[0]), float(rate))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--ams-net-id", help="ams net id", default="", type=str) parser.add_argument("--ams-net-port", help="ams net port", default=851, type=int) parser.add_argument( "--regex", help="Regular expression pattern used for filtering", default=".*", type=str, ) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-hostname", default="localhost", type=str) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-port", default="12345", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() lnp_client = LognplotTcpClient(hostname=args.lognplot_hostname, port=args.lognplot_port) lnp_client.connect() ads_client = AdsClient(args.ams_net_id, args.ams_net_port, lnp_client) ads_client.subscribe(args.regex)
def main(): t = 0.0 A = 10.0 # Sine wave amplitude [-] F = 1.3 # Sine wave frequency [Hz] A2 = 1.2 F2 = 100 B = 5.0 # Sine wave offset sigma_delta_step = 0.3 sigma_delta_value = 0 client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() dt = 0.0001 # 10 kHz n_samples = 2000 while True: samples = [] samples2 = [] samples3 = [] samples4 = [] t0 = t # Generate samples: for _ in range(n_samples): omega = 2 * math.pi * F omega2 = 2 * math.pi * F2 sample = A * math.sin(omega * t) + B + A2 * math.cos(omega2 * t) sample2 = A * math.sin(omega * t) + B + A2 * math.cos( omega2 * t) + 9 # Track sample with binary output: if sigma_delta_value < sample: sample3 = 1.0 sigma_delta_value += sigma_delta_step else: sample3 = 0.0 sigma_delta_value -= sigma_delta_step samples.append(sample) samples2.append(sample2) samples3.append(sample3) samples4.append(float(random.randint(0, 1))) # Increment time: t += dt gen = random_bits() samples5 = [float(next(gen)) for _ in range(n_samples)] print(f"Sending {len(samples)} samples") client.send_samples("Trace1", t0, dt, samples) client.send_samples("Trace2", t0, dt, samples2) client.send_samples("SIGMA-DELTA", t0, dt, samples3) client.send_samples("RANDOM", t0, dt, samples4) client.send_samples("TEXT_BITS", t0, dt, samples5) client.send_text("Log", t0, f"Log at {t0:.3}") client.send_text("Log2", t0, f"Another log at {t0:.3}") client.send_text("Other TXT", t0, f"Yet {t0:.3} blah") time.sleep(n_samples * dt)
def main(): t = 0.0 dt = 2.0 client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() while True: print(f'Sending at t={t}') for x in range(20): client.send_sample(f"Trace_{x}", t, (t + x) % 36) time.sleep(dt) t += dt
def init_lognplot(hostname, port): client = None try: client = LognplotTcpClient(hostname=hostname, port=port) print("Connecting to lognplot...") client.connect() except ConnectionError as err: print("Error while connecting to lognplot: ", err) except TimeoutError as err: print("Error while connecting to lognplot: ", err) return client
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("mqtt_hostname", help="Hostname of the mqtt server", type=str) parser.add_argument("--mqtt-port", help="Port of the mqtt server", default=1883, type=int) parser.add_argument("--topic", help="Topic to subscribe to", default="#", type=str) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-hostname", default="", type=str) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-port", default="12345", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() lognplot_client = LognplotTcpClient(hostname=args.lognplot_hostname, port=args.lognplot_port) lognplot_client.connect() # The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server. def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. client.subscribe(args.topic) # The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server. def on_message(client, userdata, msg): try: value = float(msg.payload) except ValueError: pass else: timestamp = time.time() topic_name = "/mqtt{}".format(msg.topic) lognplot_client.send_sample(topic_name, timestamp, value) mqtt_client = mqtt.Client() mqtt_client.on_connect = on_connect mqtt_client.on_message = on_message mqtt_client.connect(args.mqtt_hostname, args.mqtt_port, 60) # Blocking call that processes network traffic, dispatches callbacks and # handles reconnecting. mqtt_client.loop_forever()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("csv_file") parser.add_argument("--delimiter", default=",", help="The value delimiter to use") parser.add_argument( "--skip-rows", default=0, type=int, help="Amount of rows to skip at the beginning of the file", ) parser.add_argument( "--time-column", type=int, help= "The CSV column to use as time column. If not provided, the CSV row will be used as time.", ) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-hostname", default="localhost", type=str) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-port", default="12345", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() print(args) lognplot_client = LognplotTcpClient(hostname=args.lognplot_hostname, port=args.lognplot_port) lognplot_client.connect() if hasattr(args, "time_column") and args.time_column is not None: time_column = int(args.time_column) else: time_column = None with open(args.csv_file, "r") as csv_file: reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=args.delimiter) for row_index, row in enumerate(reader): if row_index >= args.skip_rows: # print(row) timestamp = (float(row[time_column]) if time_column is not None else row_index) for column_index, column in enumerate(row): name = f"csv_column_{column_index}" lognplot_client.send_sample(name, timestamp, float(column))
def main(): client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() N_batches = 1_000 batch_size = 10_000 timestamp = 0.0 value = 0.0 for _ in range(N_batches): samples = [] for _ in range(batch_size): samples.append((timestamp, value)) # Create next value: timestamp += 0.7 + random.random() * 10.0 value += -0.5 + random.random() client.send_sample_batch("TEN_MEG", samples)
class RosToLogNPlot: def __init__(self, lognplot_host, lognplot_port): self._subscriptions = {} self._lognplot_host = lognplot_host self._lognplot_port = lognplot_port def connect(self): try: self._client = LognplotTcpClient(hostname=self._lognplot_host, port=self._lognplot_port) self._client.connect() except ConnectionRefusedError: print("Error connecting to lognplot GUI!") self._client = None def is_connected(self): return bool(self._client) def run(self): self.node = rclpy.create_node("ros_to_lognplot") self.timer = self.node.create_timer(2.0, self._check_topics) self.node.create_subscription(Log, "/rosout", self.on_ros_out_msg, 0) rclpy.spin(self.node) rclpy.shutdown() def on_ros_out_msg(self, msg): signal_name = f'/rosout/{}' timestamp = time.time() text = msg.msg self.send_text(signal_name, timestamp, text) def _check_topics(self): """ Check which topics are present in the system, and subscribe to them all! """ topics = self.node.get_topic_names_and_types() for topic_name, topic_type_name in topics: if not self.is_subscribed(topic_name): print("-", topic_name, "---", topic_type_name) topic_type = load_type(topic_type_name[0]) self._subscribe_on_topic(topic_name, topic_type) def is_subscribed(self, topic_name): return topic_name in self._subscriptions def _subscribe_on_topic(self, topic_name, topic_type): assert topic_name not in self._subscriptions def handler(msg): timestamp = time.time() self.process_message(topic_name, topic_type, timestamp, msg) subscription = self.node.create_subscription(topic_type, topic_name, handler, qos_profile_sensor_data) self._subscriptions[topic_name] = subscription def process_message(self, topic_name, topic_type, timestamp, msg): """ Process an incoming ROS message. """ self.process_value(topic_name, topic_type, timestamp, msg) def process_value(self, full_name, value_type, timestamp, value): if hasattr(value, "get_fields_and_field_types"): for field_name, field_type in value.get_fields_and_field_types( ).items(): field_value = getattr(value, field_name) full_field_name = f"{full_name}.{field_name}" self.process_value(full_field_name, field_type, timestamp, field_value) else: if isinstance(value, (float, np.float32, int)): self.send_sample(full_name, timestamp, float(value)) elif isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): for element_index, element_value in enumerate(value): element_name = f"{full_name}[{element_index}]" element_type = None self.process_value(element_name, element_type, timestamp, element_value) else: # Great panic! What now? # Ignore for now.. pass def send_sample(self, signal_name: str, timestamp, value): """ Emit a single sample to the lognplot GUI. """ if self._client: self._client.send_sample(signal_name, timestamp, value) def send_text(self, signal_name: str, timestamp, text): """ Emit a single text to the lognplot GUI. """ if self._client: self._client.send_text(signal_name, timestamp, text)
import binascii import struct import time import bitstruct import scipy.fftpack import fport_tx import random from lognplot.client import LognplotTcpClient #baud = 115200 # 2000000 baud = 2000000 client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() use_file = len(sys.argv) > 1 if use_file: inputFile = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") else: ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=baud, stopbits=1) ser.flushInput() size = 1024 pause_time = 0.1 msgGyro = struct.Struct('< i i i') msgRx = struct.Struct('< H H H H H B B')
def main(): client = LognplotTcpClient() client.connect() topic = 'test' value = 1337.0 client.send_sample(topic, 10.0, value)
polledObjects.setSourceModel(model) polledObjects.setSortRole(model.NameRole) polledObjects.setFilterRole(model.PollingRole) polledObjects.setFilterRegularExpression('true') polledObjects.setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) polledObjects.sort(0) engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("objects", filteredObjects) engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("polledObjects", polledObjects) if args.lognplot != None: print( f'Connecting to lognplot at {args.lognplot}:{args.lognplotport}...' ) lognplot = LognplotTcpClient(args.lognplot, args.lognplotport) lognplot.connect() for o in client.objects: if o.isFixed(): o.valueUpdated.connect(lambda o=o: lognplot_send(lognplot, o)) engine.load( QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "gui_client.qml"))) if not engine.rootObjects(): sys.exit(-1) client.restoreState() res = app.exec_()
""" import argparse import struct import sys from lognplot.client import LognplotTcpClient # Assume 44100 Hz and fs = 44100 ts = 1 / fs fmt = "S16_LE" fmt = "<h" # 16 bit signed little endian t = 0.0 buf_size = 2048 # Number of samples to read at once. sample_size = struct.calcsize(fmt) lpc = LognplotTcpClient() lpc.connect() while True: data = * sample_size) print(len(data)) samples = [] for i in range(buf_size): (v, ) = struct.unpack( fmt, data[i * sample_size:i * sample_size + sample_size]) samples.append(float(v)) lpc.send_samples("AUDIO", t, ts, samples) t += buf_size * ts
required=True, ) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-hostname", default="", type=str) parser.add_argument("--lognplot-port", default="12345", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() # Connect to hawktracer: hawktracer_client = HawkTracerClient() hawktracer_client.start(args.source) # Connect to lognplot: lognplot_client = LognplotTcpClient( hostname=args.lognplot_hostname, port=args.lognplot_port ) lognplot_client.connect() # Harvest data: was_eos = False while True: event = hawktracer_client.poll_event() if event: event_type, data = event if event_type == "HT_CallstackStringEvent": # Convert timestamp to second-ish units: timestamp = float(data["timestamp"]) / 1e9 value = float(data["duration"]) label = "hawk_tracer_{}".format(data["label"])