コード例 #1
ファイル: test_cmd.py プロジェクト: Dudesons/loktar
def test_exec_with_retry_force_return_code(mocker, fake_fabric, remote, force_return_code):
    fabric_object = fake_fabric(force_return_code)
    mocker.patch("loktar.cmd.local", return_value=fabric_object)
    mocker.patch("loktar.cmd.run", return_value=fabric_object)

    assert exec_command_with_retry("ls -la", remote, 2, force_return_code=force_return_code) is force_return_code
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_cmd.py プロジェクト: Dudesons/loktar
def test_exec_with_retry(mocker, remote):
    mocker.patch("loktar.cmd.local", return_value=FakeFabricSuccess())
    mocker.patch("loktar.cmd.run", return_value=FakeFabricSuccess())

    assert exec_command_with_retry("ls -la", remote, 2) is True
コード例 #3
ファイル: worker.py プロジェクト: Dudesons/loktar
def worker(logger=os.environ.get("LOGGER", None), rebuild=os.environ.get("REBUILD", False)):
    db = Job()
    job_id = os.environ.get("JOB_ID", None)
    detect_pr_collision = os.environ.get("JOB_ID", False)

    if job_id is None:
        raise JobIdUnknown

    job = db.get_job(job_id)
    commit_id = job["commit_id"]
    committer = job["committer"]

    job["lastAccess"] = time.time()
    job["status"] = 10

    db.set_job(job_id, job)

    if logger is not None:
        logger_info = logger.info
        logger_error = logger.error
        log = Log()
        logger_info = log.info
        logger_error = log.error


    with hide('output', 'running', 'warnings'):
        # TODO(Re-implement the line workspace = prepare_test_env(job["git_branch"]) && os.remove("{0}.tar".format(workspace)))
        # workspace = prepare_test_env(job["git_branch"])
        # TODO(Implement the file transfer to the CI server)
        # transfer_file("PUT", remote_path="/tmp", local_path="{0}.tar".format(workspace))
        # os.remove("{0}.tar".format(workspace))
        logger_info('Preparing the test environment')
        unique_name_dir = str(uuid4())
        workspace = '/mnt/ci/{0}'.format(unique_name_dir)
            if not exec_command_with_retry('git clone [email protected]:{0}/{1}.git {2}'
                                           .format(GITHUB_INFO["organization"], GITHUB_INFO["repository"], workspace),
                                           0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                raise PrepareEnvFail
        except PrepareEnvFail:
            local('rm -rf {0}*'.format(workspace))

    id_pr = None
    scm = Github(GITHUB_INFO['login']['user'], GITHUB_INFO['login']['password'])

    # For backwards compatibility
    if job["git_branch"] == 'master':
        with lcd(os.path.join(workspace, 'ci')):
            config = json.loads(fetch_github_file('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{0}/{1}/{2}/config.json'
            map_pkg = config['packages']
            git_diff = local('git diff HEAD~ HEAD --name-only', capture=True)
            git_diff = filter(None, list(set(git_diff.split('\n'))))
            dict_message_files = {}
            packages = {pkg['pkg_name']: pkg for pkg in map_pkg}
            modified_packages = {package_from_path(path, packages) for path in git_diff} - {None}
            exclude_dep = get_excluded_deps(packages, dict_message_files, modified_packages)
            logger_info('The following packages\' dependencies will be ignored if unmodified: {0}'

            dep_graph = dependency_graph_from_modified_packages(workspace,
                                           "", # Put an url
                                           context='Master Task - Task Launcher',
                                           description='Checking other Pull Requests for conflicts')
        id_pr = scm.search_pull_request_id(job["git_branch"])
        # Get relevant information from the pull request
        config, dep_graph, modified_packages = pull_request_information(id_pr, workspace)

        pull_requests = scm.get_pull_requests()
        pull_requests = filter(lambda prequest: prequest.mergeable, pull_requests)
        id_prs = {prequest.number: prequest for prequest in pull_requests}

        if detect_pr_collision:
            logger_info('Testing for inconsistencies in PR #{0}'.format(set(id_prs.keys()) - {id_pr}))
            original_pr = scm.get_pull_request(id_pr)

            for id_pr_other in set(id_prs.keys()) - {id_pr}:
                # If the other PR is more recent, do not check for inconsistency
                if id_prs[id_pr_other].created_at > original_pr.created_at:
                    logger_info('PR #{0} is more recent than #{1}'
                                .format(id_pr_other, id_pr))
                try:  # We do not care for errors on other PRs
                    _, dep_graph_other, _ = pull_request_information(id_pr_other, workspace)
                except Exception as exc:
                    logger_info('Got an exception on PR #{0}: {1}'.format(id_pr_other, exc))
                nodes_intersect = set(dep_graph_other.nodes()) & set(dep_graph.nodes())

                if nodes_intersect:
                    logger_info('Intersecting packages: {0}'.format(nodes_intersect))
                    logger_info('Dependencies levels for tested PR #{0}: {1}'
                                .format(id_pr, gen_dependencies_level(dep_graph)))

                                                       context='Master Task - Task Launcher',
                                                       description=('Intersecting packages with PR #{0}: {1}'
                                                                    .format(id_pr_other, ', '.join(nodes_intersect))))
                    raise PullRequestCollision('PR #{0} has intersecting packages with PR #{1}: {2}'
                                               .format(id_pr_other, id_pr, nodes_intersect))

        map_pkg = config["packages"]
        packages = {pkg["pkg_name"]: pkg for pkg in map_pkg}

        do_not_touch_packages = get_do_not_touch_packages(id_pr, packages, scm, dep_graph, rebuild)

        # We can safely delete the nodes from the graph
        cleaned_dep_graph = copy.deepcopy(dep_graph)

        # Replace dep_lvl if we use another dep_graph
        _, dep_lvl_to_use, _ = gen_dependencies_level(cleaned_dep_graph)
        # Setting a green build for packages that should not be touched and are not in the build to keep traceability
        # Those packages are packages that were not affected by their loktar.dependency.
        for package in do_not_touch_packages:
            context = build_params_to_context(package, 'Not rebuilt')
            define_job_status_on_github_commit(commit_id, 'success', 'http://github.com', context,
                                               'Bro, this package seems damn fine.')

    no_problem, dep_lvl, name_graph_img = gen_dependencies_level(dep_graph, draw=True)

    if id_pr is not None:
                                        comment=u'Hey noobs, here go your dependency levels:\n\n```\n' +
                                                yaml.safe_dump(dep_lvl) +
                                                u'\n```\n' +
                                                .format(GITHUB_INFO["organization"], name_graph_img),

    # Replace dep_lvl if we calculated another dep_lvl to use
    dep_lvl = dep_lvl if dep_lvl_to_use is None else dep_lvl_to_use

    logger_info('=' * 20)
    logger_info('Dependency levels used for this build')
    logger_info('=' * 20)
    logger_info('=' * 20)

    params = {
        'commit_id': commit_id,
        'committer': committer,
        'dep_lvl': serialize(dep_lvl),
        'job["git_branch"]': job["git_branch"],
        'modified_packages': serialize(modified_packages)

    if no_problem:
                                           '', # TODO put an url
                                           context='Master Task - Task Launcher',
                                           description='Task Manager succeeded!')

        # TODO (write information in the share memory)

        return {
            "commit_id": commit_id,
            "committer": committer,
            "test_env_path": workspace,
            "git_branch": job["git_branch"],
            "dep_lvl": dep_lvl

        logger_error('dependency level problem encountered')
                                           "", # put an url
                                           context='Master Task - Task Launcher',
                                           description='Dependency level problem encountered')
コード例 #4
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: Dudesons/loktar
def prepare_test_env(branch, **kwargs):
    """Prepare the test environment

        branch (str): Name of the branch the repository should be checkout to.

    Keyword Args:
        github_organization (str): this is the github organization for get back the repository, default value None.
                                   Also can be set by environment variable LOKTAR_GITHUB_INFO_ORGANIZATION
        github_repository (str): this is the target repository to download, default value None
                                 Also can be set by environment variable LOKTAR_GITHUB_INFO_REPOSITORY
        skip_git_clone (bool): Skip the git clone if is another process who cloned the repository, default to false
        unique_name_dir (str): If the unique name dir for the location where the repository is cloned is generated by another process

        PrepareEnvFail: Failed to prepare the environment.
    logger = Log()
    temporary_root = "/tmp/ci"
    unique_name_dir = kwargs.get("unique_name_dir", str(uuid4()))
    unique_path_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(temporary_root, unique_name_dir)
    archive = "{0}.tar.gz".format(unique_name_dir)
    logger.info("Preparing the test environment")

    github_organization = kwargs.get("github_organization", GITHUB_INFO["organization"])
    github_repository = kwargs.get("github_repository", GITHUB_INFO["repository"])

    if not os.path.exists(unique_path_dir):
        if not kwargs.get("skip_git_clone", False):
            if not exec_command_with_retry("git clone -b {0} --single-branch [email protected]:{1}/{2}.git {3}"
                                           .format(branch, github_organization, github_repository, unique_path_dir),
                raise PrepareEnvFail(
                    "The git clone can't the repository: {}/{}, check if you have the correct crendentials"
                    .format(github_organization, github_repository))

        with lcd(unique_path_dir):
            if not exec_command_with_retry("git fetch origin master", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                raise PrepareEnvFail("Can't fetch the master branch from origin")

            if branch != "master":
                if not exec_command_with_retry("git config --global user.email '*****@*****.**'", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail("Git config error on user.email")

                if not exec_command_with_retry("git config --global user.name 'Your Name'", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail("Git config error on user.name")

                if not exec_command_with_retry("git merge --no-ff --no-edit FETCH_HEAD", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail("Can't merge the FETCH_HEAD (master branch)")

                local("rm -rf {0}/.git".format(unique_path_dir))

        with lcd(temporary_root):
            if not exec_command_with_retry("tar -czf {0} {1}".format(archive, unique_name_dir), 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                raise PrepareEnvFail("Can't create the archive")

        logger.info("The test env is ready!")

    except NetworkError as exc:
    except PrepareEnvFail:
        local("rm -rf {0}*".format(unique_path_dir))

    return "{0}/{1}".format(temporary_root, archive)
コード例 #5
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: tinyclues/loktar
def prepare_test_env(branch, **kwargs):
    """Prepare the test environment

        branch (str): Name of the branch the repository should be checkout to.

    Keyword Args:
        github_organization (str): this is the github organization for get back the repository, default value None.
                                   Also can be set by environment variable LOKTAR_GITHUB_INFO_ORGANIZATION
        github_repository (str): this is the target repository to download, default value None
                                 Also can be set by environment variable LOKTAR_GITHUB_INFO_REPOSITORY

        PrepareEnvFail: Failed to prepare the environment.
    logger = Log()
    unique_name_dir = str(uuid4())
    unique_path_dir = "/tmp/{0}".format(unique_name_dir)
    archive = "{0}.tar.gz".format(unique_name_dir)
    logger.info("Preparing the test environment")

    github_organization = kwargs.get("github_organization", GITHUB_INFO["organization"])
    github_repository = kwargs.get("github_repository", GITHUB_INFO["repository"])

        if not exec_command_with_retry(
            "git clone -b {0} --single-branch [email protected]:{1}/{2}.git {3}".format(
                branch, github_organization, github_repository, unique_path_dir
            raise PrepareEnvFail(
                "The git clone can't the repository: {}/{}, check if you have the correct crendentials".format(
                    github_organization, github_repository

        with lcd(unique_path_dir):
            if not exec_command_with_retry("git fetch origin master", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                raise PrepareEnvFail

            if branch != "master":
                if not exec_command_with_retry("git config --global user.email '*****@*****.**'", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail

                if not exec_command_with_retry("git config --global user.name 'Your Name'", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail

                if not exec_command_with_retry("git merge --no-ff --no-edit FETCH_HEAD", 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                    raise PrepareEnvFail

                local("rm -rf {0}/.git".format(unique_path_dir))

        with lcd("/tmp"):
            if not exec_command_with_retry("tar -czf {0} {1}".format(archive, unique_name_dir), 0, MAX_RETRY_GITHUB):
                raise PrepareEnvFail

        logger.info("The test env is ready!")

    except NetworkError as exc:
    except PrepareEnvFail:
        local("rm -rf {0}*".format(unique_path_dir))

    return "/tmp/{0}".format(archive)