コード例 #1
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
def discover_unreplicated(cur):
    """Inspect the database for tables and sequences in the public schema
    that are not in a replication set.

    :returns: (unreplicated_tables_set, unreplicated_sequences_set)
    all_tables = all_tables_in_schema(cur, 'public')
    all_sequences = all_sequences_in_schema(cur, 'public')

    # Ignore any tables and sequences starting with temp_. These are
    # transient and not to be replicated per Bug #778338.
    all_tables = set(table for table in all_tables
                     if not table.startswith('public.temp_'))
    all_sequences = set(sequence for sequence in all_sequences
                        if not sequence.startswith('public.temp_'))

        SELECT tab_nspname, tab_relname FROM %s
        WHERE tab_nspname = 'public'
        """ % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_table"))
    replicated_tables = set(fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall())

        SELECT seq_nspname, seq_relname FROM %s
        WHERE seq_nspname = 'public'
        """ % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_sequence"))
    replicated_sequences = set(fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall())

    return (all_tables - replicated_tables - IGNORED_TABLES,
            all_sequences - replicated_sequences - IGNORED_SEQUENCES)
コード例 #2
def discover_unreplicated(cur):
    """Inspect the database for tables and sequences in the public schema
    that are not in a replication set.

    :returns: (unreplicated_tables_set, unreplicated_sequences_set)
    all_tables = all_tables_in_schema(cur, 'public')
    all_sequences = all_sequences_in_schema(cur, 'public')

    # Ignore any tables and sequences starting with temp_. These are
    # transient and not to be replicated per Bug #778338.
    all_tables = set(
        table for table in all_tables
            if not table.startswith('public.temp_'))
    all_sequences = set(
        sequence for sequence in all_sequences
            if not sequence.startswith('public.temp_'))

        SELECT tab_nspname, tab_relname FROM %s
        WHERE tab_nspname = 'public'
        """ % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_table"))
    replicated_tables = set(fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall())

        SELECT seq_nspname, seq_relname FROM %s
        WHERE seq_nspname = 'public'
        """ % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_sequence"))
    replicated_sequences = set(fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall())

    return (
        all_tables - replicated_tables - IGNORED_TABLES,
        all_sequences - replicated_sequences - IGNORED_SEQUENCES)
コード例 #3
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
 def __init__(self, con, namespace, table_name):
     cur = con.cursor()
         SELECT tab_id, tab_set, set_origin
         FROM %s.sl_table, %s.sl_set
         WHERE tab_set = set_id
             AND tab_nspname = %s
             AND tab_relname = %s
                sqlvalues(namespace, table_name)))
     row = cur.fetchone()
     if row is None:
         raise LookupError(fqn(namespace, table_name))
     self.table_id, self.replication_set_id, self.master_node_id = row
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, con, namespace, table_name):
     cur = con.cursor()
         SELECT tab_id, tab_set, set_origin
         FROM %s.sl_table, %s.sl_set
         WHERE tab_set = set_id
             AND tab_nspname = %s
             AND tab_relname = %s
         """ % (
             + sqlvalues(namespace, table_name)))
     row = cur.fetchone()
     if row is None:
         raise LookupError(fqn(namespace, table_name))
     self.table_id, self.replication_set_id, self.master_node_id = row
コード例 #5
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: pombreda/UnnaturalCodeFork
def calculate_replication_set(cur, seeds):
    """Return the minimal set of tables and sequences needed in a
    replication set containing the seed table.

    A replication set must contain all tables linked by foreign key
    reference to the given table, and sequences used to generate keys.
    Tables and sequences can be added to the IGNORED_TABLES and
    IGNORED_SEQUENCES lists for cases where we known can safely ignore
    this restriction.

    :param seeds: [(namespace, tablename), ...]

    :returns: (tables, sequences)
    # Results
    tables = set()
    sequences = set()

    # Our pending set to check
    pending_tables = set(seeds)

    # Generate the set of tables that reference the seed directly
    # or indirectly via foreign key constraints, including the seed itself.
    while pending_tables:
        namespace, tablename = pending_tables.pop()

        # Skip if the table doesn't exist - we might have seeds listed that
        # have been removed or are yet to be created.
            SELECT TRUE
            FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
            WHERE pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
                AND pg_namespace.nspname = %s
                AND pg_class.relname = %s
            """ % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename))
        if cur.fetchone() is None:
            log.debug("Table %s.%s doesn't exist" % (namespace, tablename))

        tables.add((namespace, tablename))

        # Find all tables that reference the current (seed) table
        # and all tables that the seed table references.
            SELECT ref_namespace.nspname, ref_class.relname
                -- One of the seed tables
                pg_class AS seed_class,
                pg_namespace AS seed_namespace,

                -- A table referencing the seed, or being referenced by
                -- the seed.
                pg_class AS ref_class,
                pg_namespace AS ref_namespace,

                seed_class.relnamespace = seed_namespace.oid
                AND ref_class.relnamespace = ref_namespace.oid

                AND seed_namespace.nspname = %s
                AND seed_class.relname = %s

                -- Foreign key constraints are all we care about.
                AND pg_constraint.contype = 'f'

                -- We want tables referenced by, or referred to, the
                -- seed table.
                AND ((pg_constraint.conrelid = ref_class.oid
                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = seed_class.oid)
                    OR (pg_constraint.conrelid = seed_class.oid
                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = ref_class.oid)
            """ % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename))
        for namespace, tablename in cur.fetchall():
            key = (namespace, tablename)
            if (key not in tables and key not in pending_tables and '%s.%s' %
                (namespace, tablename) not in IGNORED_TABLES):

    # Generate the set of sequences that are linked to any of our set of
    # tables. We assume these are all sequences created by creation of
    # serial or bigserial columns, or other sequences OWNED BY a particular
    # column.
    for namespace, tablename in tables:
            SELECT seq
            FROM (
                SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(%s, attname) AS seq
                FROM pg_namespace, pg_class, pg_attribute
                WHERE pg_namespace.nspname = %s
                    AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
                    AND pg_class.relname = %s
                    AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
                    AND pg_attribute.attisdropped IS FALSE
                ) AS whatever
            WHERE seq IS NOT NULL;
            """ % sqlvalues(fqn(namespace, tablename), namespace, tablename))
        for sequence, in cur.fetchall():
            if sequence not in IGNORED_SEQUENCES:

    # We can't easily convert the sequence name to (namespace, name) tuples,
    # so we might as well convert the tables to dot notation for consistancy.
    tables = set(fqn(namespace, tablename) for namespace, tablename in tables)

    return tables, sequences
コード例 #6
def calculate_replication_set(cur, seeds):
    """Return the minimal set of tables and sequences needed in a
    replication set containing the seed table.

    A replication set must contain all tables linked by foreign key
    reference to the given table, and sequences used to generate keys.
    Tables and sequences can be added to the IGNORED_TABLES and
    IGNORED_SEQUENCES lists for cases where we known can safely ignore
    this restriction.

    :param seeds: [(namespace, tablename), ...]

    :returns: (tables, sequences)
    # Results
    tables = set()
    sequences = set()

    # Our pending set to check
    pending_tables = set(seeds)

    # Generate the set of tables that reference the seed directly
    # or indirectly via foreign key constraints, including the seed itself.
    while pending_tables:
        namespace, tablename = pending_tables.pop()

        # Skip if the table doesn't exist - we might have seeds listed that
        # have been removed or are yet to be created.
            SELECT TRUE
            FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
            WHERE pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
                AND pg_namespace.nspname = %s
                AND pg_class.relname = %s
            """ % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename))
        if cur.fetchone() is None:
            log.debug("Table %s.%s doesn't exist" % (namespace, tablename))

        tables.add((namespace, tablename))

        # Find all tables that reference the current (seed) table
        # and all tables that the seed table references.
            SELECT ref_namespace.nspname, ref_class.relname
                -- One of the seed tables
                pg_class AS seed_class,
                pg_namespace AS seed_namespace,

                -- A table referencing the seed, or being referenced by
                -- the seed.
                pg_class AS ref_class,
                pg_namespace AS ref_namespace,

                seed_class.relnamespace = seed_namespace.oid
                AND ref_class.relnamespace = ref_namespace.oid

                AND seed_namespace.nspname = %s
                AND seed_class.relname = %s

                -- Foreign key constraints are all we care about.
                AND pg_constraint.contype = 'f'

                -- We want tables referenced by, or referred to, the
                -- seed table.
                AND ((pg_constraint.conrelid = ref_class.oid
                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = seed_class.oid)
                    OR (pg_constraint.conrelid = seed_class.oid
                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = ref_class.oid)
            """ % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename))
        for namespace, tablename in cur.fetchall():
            key = (namespace, tablename)
            if (key not in tables and key not in pending_tables
                and '%s.%s' % (namespace, tablename) not in IGNORED_TABLES):

    # Generate the set of sequences that are linked to any of our set of
    # tables. We assume these are all sequences created by creation of
    # serial or bigserial columns, or other sequences OWNED BY a particular
    # column.
    for namespace, tablename in tables:
            SELECT seq
            FROM (
                SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(%s, attname) AS seq
                FROM pg_namespace, pg_class, pg_attribute
                WHERE pg_namespace.nspname = %s
                    AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
                    AND pg_class.relname = %s
                    AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
                    AND pg_attribute.attisdropped IS FALSE
                ) AS whatever
            WHERE seq IS NOT NULL;
            """ % sqlvalues(fqn(namespace, tablename), namespace, tablename))
        for sequence, in cur.fetchall():
            if sequence not in IGNORED_SEQUENCES:

    # We can't easily convert the sequence name to (namespace, name) tuples,
    # so we might as well convert the tables to dot notation for consistancy.
    tables = set(fqn(namespace, tablename) for namespace, tablename in tables)

    return tables, sequences