コード例 #1
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def twoDisjointLinesWithMSClustering():
  t = arange(-1,1,0.002)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
  line1 = array(zip(x,y,z))
  line = vstack((line1, line1 + 3))
  lpc = LPCImpl(start_points_generator = lpcMeanShift(ms_h = 1), h = 0.05, mult = None, it = 200, cross = False, scaled = False, convergence_at = 0.001)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  #Plot results
  fig = plt.figure()
  ax = Axes3D(fig)
  labels = lpc._startPointsGenerator._meanShift.labels_
  labels_unique = unique(labels)
  cluster_centers = lpc._startPointsGenerator._meanShift.cluster_centers_
  n_clusters = len(labels_unique)
  colors = cycle('bgrcmyk')
  for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters), colors):
    cluster_members = labels == k
    cluster_center = cluster_centers[k]
    ax.scatter(line[cluster_members, 0], line[cluster_members, 1], line[cluster_members, 2], c = col, alpha = 0.1)
    ax.scatter([cluster_center[0]], [cluster_center[1]], [cluster_center[2]], c = 'b', marker= '^')
    curve = lpc_curve[k]['save_xd']
    ax.plot(curve[:,0],curve[:,1],curve[:,2], c = col, linewidth = 3)
コード例 #2
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def plot2():
  fig5 = plt.figure()
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), arange(-1,1,0.001))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), arange(-1,1,0.001))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), arange(-1,1,0.001))
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.05, mult = 2, it = 200, cross = False, scaled = False, convergence_at = 0.001)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig5)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig5, '/tmp/testNoisyLine2.pdf')
  residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 0.05, k = 10)
  residual_diags = residuals_calc.getPathResidualDiags(lpc_curve[0])
  fig6 = plt.figure()
  #plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_num_NN'], drawstyle = 'step', linestyle = '--')
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_mean_NN'])
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_std_NN'])
  saveToPdf(fig6, '/tmp/testNoisyLine2PathResiduals.pdf')
  coverage_graph = residuals_calc.getCoverageGraph(lpc_curve[0], arange(0.001, .102, 0.005))
  fig7 = plt.figure()
  saveToPdf(fig7, '/tmp/testNoisyLine2Coverage.pdf')
  residual_graph = residuals_calc.getGlobalResiduals(lpc_curve[0])
  fig8 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(residual_graph[0], residual_graph[1])
  saveToPdf(fig8, '/tmp/testNoisyLine2Residuals.pdf')
  fig9 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(range(len(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])), lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])
  saveToPdf(fig9, '/tmp/testNoisyLine2PathLength.pdf')
コード例 #3
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixHeteroscedasticDiags():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig5 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.0005)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.001 + 0.001*sin(2*pi*x)**2), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.1, t0 = 0.1, mult = 1, it = 500, scaled = False, cross = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig5)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig5, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedastic.pdf')
  residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 0.2, k = 20)
  residual_diags = residuals_calc.getPathResidualDiags(lpc_curve[0])
  fig6 = plt.figure()
  #plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_num_NN'], drawstyle = 'step', linestyle = '--')
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_mean_NN'])
  plt.plot(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'][1:], residual_diags['line_seg_std_NN'])
  saveToPdf(fig6, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticPathResiduals.pdf')
  coverage_graph = residuals_calc.getCoverageGraph(lpc_curve[0], arange(0.01, .052, 0.01))
  fig7 = plt.figure()
  saveToPdf(fig7, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticCoverage.pdf')
  residual_graph = residuals_calc.getGlobalResiduals(lpc_curve[0])
  fig8 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(residual_graph[0], residual_graph[1])
  saveToPdf(fig8, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticResiduals.pdf')
  fig9 = plt.figure()
  plt.plot(range(len(lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])), lpc_curve[0]['lamb'])
  saveToPdf(fig9, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticPathLength.pdf')
コード例 #4
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixHeteroscedasticCrossingDemo():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig5 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.001)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01 + 0.05*sin(8*pi*x)), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.15, t0 = 0.1, mult = 2, it = 500, scaled = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig5)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig5, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticWithCrossing.pdf')
  lpc.set_in_dict('cross', False, '_lpcParameters')
  fig6 = plt.figure()
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig6)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
  saveToPdf(fig6, '/tmp/helixHeteroscedasticWithoutCrossing.pdf')
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestLPCImpl.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testNoisyLine2(self):
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.2, convergence_at = 0.001, mult = 2)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X = line) 
コード例 #6
ファイル: TestLPCImpl.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testNoisyLine1(self):
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.002), arange(-1,1,0.001))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.002), arange(-1,1,0.001))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02), arange(-1,1,0.001))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.2, mult = 2)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X = line)
コード例 #7
ファイル: TestLPCResiduals.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testCoverage(self):
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.05, convergence_at = 0.0001, it = 100, mult = 2)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
   residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 1)
コード例 #8
ファイル: TestLPCResiduals.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testNoisyLine1Residuals(self):
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.2, convergence_at = 0.0005, it = 500, mult = 2)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line) 
   residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 0.1)
   residual_diags = residuals_calc.getPathResidualDiags(lpc_curve[0])
コード例 #9
ファイル: RLPCMExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def gaia():
  gaia = array(readData('../resources/gaia.dat'))
  lpc = LPCImpl(start_points_generator = lpcMeanShift(), mult = 1, scaled = False)
  curve = lpc.lpc(X = gaia)
  fig = plt.figure()
  ax = Axes3D(fig)
  ax.scatter(gaia[:,0], gaia[:,1], gaia[:,2], alpha = 0.3)
  save_xd = curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.plot(save_xd[:,0], save_xd[:,1], save_xd[:,2])
コード例 #10
ファイル: TestLPCResiduals.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testNoisyLine2Residuals(self):
   #contains data that gets more scattered at each end of the line
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.005))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.05, convergence_at = 0.001, it = 100, mult = 2)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line) 
   residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 1)
   residual_diags = residuals_calc.getPathResidualDiags(lpc_curve[0])
コード例 #11
ファイル: RLPCMExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def calSpeedFlow():
  calspeedflow = array(readData('../resources/calspeedflow.dat'))
  print calspeedflow
  lpc = LPCImpl(start_points_generator = lpcMeanShift(ms_h = 0.1), mult = 1)
  lpc.lpc(X = calspeedflow)
  curve = lpc.getCurve(unscale = True)
  fig = plt.figure()
  plt.scatter(calspeedflow[:,0], calspeedflow[:,1], alpha = 0.3)
  save_xd = curve[0]['save_xd']
  plt.plot(save_xd[:,0], save_xd[:,1])
コード例 #12
ファイル: TestLPCResiduals.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testResidualsRunner(self):
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.05))
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.05))
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005 + 0.3*x*x), arange(-1,1,0.05))
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.2, convergence_at = 0.0001, it = 100, mult = 5)
   lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
   residuals_calc = LPCResiduals(line, tube_radius = 0.15)
   residuals_runner = LPCResidualsRunner(lpc.getCurve(), residuals_calc)
   residuals_runner.setTauRange([0.05, 0.07])
   residuals = residuals_runner.calculateResiduals()
コード例 #13
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def plot1():
  fig1 = plt.figure()
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), arange(-1,1,0.005))
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.05, mult = 2, scaled = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig1)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(curve[:,0],curve[:,1],curve[:,2],c = 'red')
  return fig1
コード例 #14
ファイル: LPCImplExamples.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
def helixRandom():
  #Parameterise a helix (no noise)
  fig4 = plt.figure()
  t = arange(-1,1,0.001)
  x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), (1 - t*t)*sin(4*pi*t))
  y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), (1 - t*t)*cos(4*pi*t))
  z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.01), t)
  line = array(zip(x,y,z))
  lpc = LPCImpl(h = 0.15, t0 = 0.2, mult = 2, it = 100, scaled = False)
  lpc_curve = lpc.lpc(X=line)
  ax = Axes3D(fig4)
  curve = lpc_curve[0]['save_xd']
  ax.scatter(x,y,z, c = 'red')
コード例 #15
ファイル: TestLPCImpl.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testFollowXTwo(self):
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = [0.6, 0.7, 0.6], it = 10, convergence_at = 0.005, way = 'two')
   lpc.lpc(X = array([[.1,.2,.3], [.11,.22,.33], [.07,.18,.29]]))
コード例 #16
ファイル: TestLPCImpl.py プロジェクト: drbenmorgan/lpcm
 def testLPCCalculation1(self):
   lpc = LPCImpl(h = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7], it = 10)
   lpc.lpc(X = array([[1.,2.,3.], [4.,5.,6.], [7.,8.,9.]]))