コード例 #1
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: h-friederich/lpm
def set_bom(partno, data):
    Updates the BOM data for the given part number
    bomdata = list()
    for item in data:
        p = item.get('partno')
        bomdata.append(dict(partno=p, quantity=int(item['quantity'])))
    result = current_app.mongo.db.stock.update_one(
            filter={'_id': partno},
            update={'$set': {'bom': bomdata}},
    if result.modified_count == 0 and result.upserted_id is None:
        raise RuntimeError('no BOM object modified nor created')
コード例 #2
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: h-friederich/lpm
def update_batch(partno, batchname, quantity):
    Updates the given stock batch item, creating it if necessary.
    Raises an exception if the part number is not valid or if there is a database problem
    if quantity < 0:
        raise ValueError('A batch cannot have negative quantities')
    if quantity == 0 or not batchname:
        return  # nothing to do
    result = current_app.mongo.db.stock_batches.update_one(
                'partno': partno,
                'name': batchname
            update={'$inc': {'quantity': quantity}},
    if result.modified_count == 0 and result.upserted_id is None:
        raise RuntimeError('no stock batch object modified nor created')
コード例 #3
ファイル: items.py プロジェクト: h-friederich/lpm
def _import_file(filepath):
    Processes the XLS data, ensures that the part numbers exist (incl. revision)
    and that all the required fields are set.
    If something is missing a warning is flashed but processing continues.
    Returns a tuple (success, headers, data)
    headers, data = read_xls(filepath)
    success = True
    if 'partno' not in headers:
        raise ValueError("'partno' column is missing")
    if 'serial' not in headers:
        raise ValueError("'serial' column is missing")
    if '_id' in headers:
        raise ValueError("reserved column name: '_id'")
    if 'comments' in headers:
        raise ValueError("reserved column name: 'comments'")
    if 'available' in headers:
        raise ValueError("reserved column name: 'available'")
    for idx, item in enumerate(data):
            pn = PartNumber(item.get('partno'))
            if pn.revision is None:
                raise ValueError('part number requires a revision')
            serial = item.get('serial')
            if not serial:
                raise ValueError('serial number is missing')
            # transform the serial to a string AFTER checking it exists. Otherwise the string would read 'None'
            serial = str(serial)
            if current_app.mongo.db.items.find_one(serial):
                raise ValueError("serial number '%s' exists already" % serial)

            reqs = get_requirements(pn)
            process_requirements(item, reqs)
        except Exception as e:
            flash('%s (row %d)' % (e, (idx+2)), 'error')
            success = False
    return success, headers, data
コード例 #4
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: h-friederich/lpm
def _check_bom(partno, tree=set()):
    Recursively checks that the BOM tree is valid.
    The tree parameter tracks the parents of the current node, use an empty set for the top-level component

    # obtain the BOM
    obj = current_app.mongo.db.stock.find_one(partno)
    if not obj:
    bom = obj.get('bom', list())
    if len(bom) == 0:

    # recursively check the BOM
    for entry in bom:
        pn = entry.get('partno')
        if pn in tree:
            raise RuntimeError('Infinite loop detected')
        _check_bom(pn, tree)
コード例 #5
ファイル: stock.py プロジェクト: h-friederich/lpm
def _import_file(filepath):
    headers, data = read_xls(filepath)
    success = True
    if 'quantity' not in headers:
        raise ValueError("'quantity' column is missing")
    if 'partno' not in headers:
        raise ValueError("'partno' column is missing")
    for idx, item in enumerate(data):
            # the part number must exist
            # quantity is optional, set as zero if missing
            qstr = item.get('quantity')
            if qstr:
                quantity = int(qstr)
                quantity = 0
            if quantity < 0:
                raise ValueError('quantity must be non-negative')
            item['quantity'] = quantity
        except Exception as e:
            flash('%s (row %d)' % (e, (idx+2)), 'error')
            success = False
    return success, headers, data