def list_identifiers(self,h, body ,params, verb = 'GET'): data = self.get_base_response(verb,body) if params.has_key('from'): data['request']['from'] = params['from'] if params.has_key('until'): data['request']['until'] = params['until'] from_date, until_date = self._test_time_params(params) data['listidentifiers'] = [] base_response = json.dumps(data).split('[') self._getServiceDocment(False) resumption_token = None if self.enable_flow_control and params.has_key('resumption_token'): resumption_token = rt.parse_token(self.service_id,params['resumption_token']) yield base_response[0] +'[' first = True; count = 0 lastID = None lastKey = None for d in h.list_identifiers(from_date,until_date,resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit): count += 1 lastID = d['id'] lastKey = d['key'] if not first: yield ',\n' first = False return_value = {"header":{'identifier':d['id'], 'datestamp':helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat( ,'status':'active'}} yield json.dumps(return_value) if self.enable_flow_control and self.limit <= count: token = rt.get_token(serviceid=self.service_id,startkey=lastKey,endkey=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date),startkey_docid=lastID,from_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(from_date),until_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date)) resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] +(',"resumption_token":"%s"' %token) +resp[-1:] else: yield base_response[1]
def format_data(self, full_docs, data, currentResumptionToken, keys=[]): yield '{"documents":[' num_sent = 0 currentID = None byIDResponseChunks = None count = 0 lastStartKey = None lastId = None if data is not None: firstID = True for doc in data: if hasattr(doc, 'id'): lastStartKey = doc.key lastId = count += 1 if full_docs: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] + ',\n' byIDResponseChunks = json.dumps({ 'doc_ID': doc.key, 'document': [] }).split(']') yield byIDResponseChunks[0] + json.dumps(doc.doc) firstID = False else: yield ',\n' + json.dumps(doc.doc) else: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ',\n' firstID = False yield json.dumps({'doc_ID': doc.key}) if full_docs and byIDResponseChunks is not None: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] if not self.enable_flow_control: yield "]}" elif count < self.limit: yield '], "resumption_token":%s}' % 'null' else: token_params = { "startkey": lastStartKey, "endkey": None, "startkey_docid": lastId } if len(keys) > 0: token_params["keys"] = keys elif currentResumptionToken and "keys" in currentResumptionToken and len( currentResumptionToken["keys"]) > 0: token_params["keys"] = currentResumptionToken["keys"] token = h.fixUtf8(rt.get_token(self.service_id, **token_params)) yield '], "resumption_token":"%s"}' % token
def listGeneral(self, h , body , params, includeDocs,verb = 'GET'): data = self.get_base_response(verb,body) try: from_date, until_date = self._test_time_params(params) except Exception as ex: log.error(ex) data['OK'] = False data['error'] = 'badArgument' yield json.dumps(data) return data['request']['from'] = from_date data['request']['until'] = until_date if from_date > until_date: data['OK'] = False data['error'] = 'badArgument' yield json.dumps(data) else: self._getServiceDocment(includeDocs) resumption_token = None count = 0 lastID = None lastKey = None if self.enable_flow_control and params.has_key('resumption_token'): resumption_token = rt.parse_token(self.service_id,params['resumption_token']) if includeDocs: data['listrecords'] = [] viewResults = h.list_records(from_date,until_date,resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit) debug_map = lambda doc: {'record':{"header":{'identifier':doc['id'], 'datestamp':doc['key']+"Z",'status':'active'},'resource_data':doc['doc']}} else: data['listidentifiers'] = [] viewResults = h.list_identifiers(from_date,until_date,resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit) debug_map = lambda doc:{"header":{'identifier':doc['id'], 'datestamp':doc['key']+"Z",'status':'active'}} base_response = json.dumps(data).split('[') yield base_response[0] +'[' first = True for data in viewResults: lastID = data['id'] lastKey = data['key'] count += 1 if not first: yield ',\n' first = False yield json.dumps(debug_map(data)) if self.enable_flow_control and self.limit <= count: token = rt.get_token(serviceid=self.service_id,startkey=lastKey,endkey=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date),startkey_docid=lastID,from_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(from_date),until_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date)) resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] +(',"resumption_token":"%s"' %token) +resp[-1:] elif self.limit > count: resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] +(',"resumption_token":"%s"' %'null') +resp[-1:] else: yield base_response[1]
def format_data(self, full_docs, data, currentResumptionToken, keys=[]): yield '{"documents":[' num_sent = 0 currentID = None byIDResponseChunks = None count = 0 lastStartKey = None lastId = None if data is not None: firstID = True for doc in data: if hasattr(doc,'id'): lastStartKey = doc.key lastId = count += 1 if full_docs: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] + ',\n' byIDResponseChunks = json.dumps({'doc_ID':doc.key,'document':[]}).split(']') yield byIDResponseChunks[0] + json.dumps(doc.doc) firstID = False else: yield ',\n' + json.dumps(doc.doc) else: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ',\n' firstID = False yield json.dumps({'doc_ID': doc.key}) if full_docs and byIDResponseChunks is not None: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] if not self.enable_flow_control: yield "]}" elif count < self.limit: yield '], "resumption_token":%s}' % 'null' else: token_params = { "startkey" : lastStartKey, "endkey" : None, "startkey_docid" : lastId } if len(keys) > 0: token_params["keys"] = keys elif currentResumptionToken and "keys" in currentResumptionToken and len(currentResumptionToken["keys"]) > 0: token_params["keys"] = currentResumptionToken["keys"] token = h.fixUtf8(rt.get_token(self.service_id,**token_params)) yield '], "resumption_token":"%s"}' % token
def format_data(self, full_docs, data, currentResumptionToken): yield '{"documents":[' num_sent = 0 currentID = None byIDResponseChunks = None count = 0 lastStartKey = None lastId = None if data is not None: firstID = True for doc in data: lastStartKey = doc.key lastId = count += 1 if full_docs: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] + ',\n' byIDResponseChunks = json.dumps({ 'doc_ID': doc.key, 'document': [] }).split(']') yield byIDResponseChunks[0] + json.dumps(doc.doc) firstID = False else: yield ',\n' + json.dumps(doc.doc) else: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ',\n' firstID = False yield json.dumps({'doc_ID': doc.key}) if full_docs and byIDResponseChunks is not None: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] if not self.enable_flow_control: yield "]}" elif count < self.limit: yield '], "resumption_token":%s}' % 'null' else: token = rt.get_token(self.service_id, startkey=lastStartKey, endkey=None, startkey_docid=lastId) yield '], "resumption_token":"%s"}' % token
def format_data(self, full_docs, data, currentResumptionToken): yield '{"documents":[' num_sent = 0 currentID = "" byIDResponseChunks = None count = 0 lastStartKey = None lastId = None if data is not None: firstID = True for doc in data: lastStartKey = doc.key lastId = count += 1 if full_docs: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] + ',\n' byIDResponseChunks = json.dumps({'doc_ID':doc.key,'document':[]}).split(']') yield byIDResponseChunks[0] + json.dumps(doc.doc) firstID = False else: yield ',\n' + json.dumps(doc.doc) else: if doc.key != currentID: currentID = doc.key if not firstID: yield ',\n' firstID = False yield json.dumps({'doc_ID': doc.key}) if full_docs and byIDResponseChunks is not None: yield ']' + byIDResponseChunks[1] if count < self.limit or not self.enable_flow_control: yield "]}" elif count < self.limit: yield '], "resumption_token":%s}' % 'null' else: token = rt.get_token(self.service_id,startkey=lastStartKey,endkey=None,startkey_docid=lastId) yield '], "resumption_token":"%s"}' % token
def list_records(self, h , body , params, verb = 'GET' ): data = self.get_base_response(verb,body) if params.has_key('from'): data['request']['from'] = params['from'] if params.has_key('until'): data['request']['until'] = params['until'] from_date, until_date = self._test_time_params(params) data['listrecords'] = [] self._getServiceDocment(False) resumption_token = None count = 0 lastID = None lastKey = None if self.enable_flow_control and params.has_key('resumption_token'): resumption_token = rt.parse_token(self.service_id,params['resumption_token']) base_response = json.dumps(data).split('[') yield base_response[0] +'[' def debug_map(doc): data ={'record':{"header":{'identifier':doc['_id'], 'datestamp':helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(,'status':'active'},'resource_data':doc}} return data if from_date > until_date: data['OK'] = False data['error'] = 'badArgument' else: first = True for data in h.list_records(from_date,until_date,resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit): lastID = data['id'] lastKey = data['key'] doc = data['doc'] count += 1 if not first: yield ',\n' first = False yield json.dumps(debug_map(doc)) if self.enable_flow_control and self.limit <= count: token = rt.get_token(serviceid=self.service_id,startkey=lastKey,endkey=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date),startkey_docid=lastID,from_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(from_date),until_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date)) resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] +(',"resumption_token":"%s"' %token) +resp[-1:] else: yield base_response[1]
def ListGeneric(params, showDocs=False, record_limit=None): if not showDocs: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ListIdentifiers as must_ListID mustache = must_ListID() else: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ListRecords as must_ListRec mustache = must_ListRec() try: doc_index = 0 err_count = 0 metadataPrefix = params["metadataPrefix"] from_date = params["from"] until_date = params["until"] doc_err = None rendered_init = False resumptionToken = None if "resumptionToken" not in params else params[ 'resumptionToken'] records = o.list_identifiers_or_records(metadataPrefix, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, rt=resumptionToken, fc_limit=record_limit, include_docs=showDocs) for ident in records: doc_index += 1 doc_err = False if OAIPMHDocumentResolver.PAYLOAD_ERROR in ident: err_count += 1 doc_err = True log.debug( "Payload Error detected, doc_index: {0}, err_count: {1}" .format(doc_index, err_count)) if doc_index - err_count == 1: rendered_init = True part = mustache.prefix( **self._initMustache(args=params, req=t_req)) yield h.fixUtf8(self._returnResponse(part, res=t_res)) if doc_err is False and (record_limit is None or doc_index <= record_limit): part = mustache.doc(ident) yield h.fixUtf8(part) elif enable_flow_control: from lr.lib import resumption_token if doc_index - err_count > 0 and doc_index > record_limit: opts = o.list_opts( metadataPrefix, h.convertToISO8601UTC(ident["node_timestamp"]), until_date) opts["startkey_docid"] = ident["doc_ID"] token = resumption_token.get_token( serviceid=service_id, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, **opts) part = mustache.resumptionToken(token) yield h.fixUtf8(part) break elif doc_index - err_count == 0 and doc_index > record_limit: opts = o.list_opts( metadataPrefix, h.convertToISO8601UTC(ident["node_timestamp"]), until_date) opts["startkey_docid"] = ident["doc_ID"] payload = resumption_token.get_payload( from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, **opts) records = o.list_identifiers_or_records( metadataPrefix, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, rt=payload, fc_limit=record_limit, include_docs=showDocs) doc_index = 0 err_count = 0 if doc_index == 0 and err_count == 0: raise NoRecordsMatchError(params['verb'], req=t_req) elif (doc_index - err_count) == 0: raise CannotDisseminateFormatError(params['verb'], req=t_req) else: if enable_flow_control and doc_index <= record_limit: yield h.fixUtf8(mustache.resumptionToken()) yield h.fixUtf8(mustache.suffix()) except oaipmherrors.Error as e: if not rendered_init: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import Error as err_stache err = err_stache() yield h.fixUtf8(self._returnResponse(err.xml(e), res=t_res)) else: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ErrorOnly as err_stache err = err_stache() yield h.fixUtf8( self._returnResponse(err.xml(e) + mustache.suffix(), res=t_res)) except: log.exception("Unknown Error Occurred")
def ListGeneric(params, showDocs=False, record_limit=None): if not showDocs: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ListIdentifiers as must_ListID mustache = must_ListID() else: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ListRecords as must_ListRec mustache = must_ListRec() try: doc_index = 0 err_count = 0 metadataPrefix=params["metadataPrefix"] from_date=params["from"] until_date=params["until"] doc_err = None rendered_init = False resumptionToken = None if "resumptionToken" not in params else params['resumptionToken'] records = o.list_identifiers_or_records(metadataPrefix, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, rt=resumptionToken, fc_limit=record_limit, include_docs=showDocs ) for ident in records: doc_index += 1 doc_err = False if OAIPMHDocumentResolver.PAYLOAD_ERROR in ident: err_count += 1 doc_err = True log.debug("Payload Error detected, doc_index: {0}, err_count: {1}".format(doc_index, err_count)) if doc_index - err_count == 1: rendered_init = True part = mustache.prefix(**self._initMustache(args=params, req=t_req)) yield h.fixUtf8(self._returnResponse(part, res=t_res)) if doc_err is False and (record_limit is None or doc_index <= record_limit): part = mustache.doc(ident) yield h.fixUtf8(part) elif enable_flow_control: from lr.lib import resumption_token if doc_index - err_count > 0 and doc_index > record_limit: opts = o.list_opts(metadataPrefix, h.convertToISO8601UTC(ident["node_timestamp"]), until_date) opts["startkey_docid"] = ident["doc_ID"] token = resumption_token.get_token(serviceid=service_id, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, **opts) part = mustache.resumptionToken(token) yield h.fixUtf8(part) break elif doc_index - err_count == 0 and doc_index > record_limit: opts = o.list_opts(metadataPrefix, h.convertToISO8601UTC(ident["node_timestamp"]), until_date) opts["startkey_docid"] = ident["doc_ID"] payload = resumption_token.get_payload(from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, **opts) records = o.list_identifiers_or_records(metadataPrefix, from_date=from_date, until_date=until_date, rt=payload, fc_limit=record_limit, include_docs=showDocs ) doc_index = 0 err_count = 0 if doc_index == 0 and err_count == 0: raise NoRecordsMatchError(params['verb'], req=t_req) elif (doc_index - err_count) == 0: raise CannotDisseminateFormatError(params['verb'], req=t_req) else: if enable_flow_control and doc_index <= record_limit: yield h.fixUtf8(mustache.resumptionToken()) yield h.fixUtf8(mustache.suffix()) except oaipmherrors.Error as e: if not rendered_init: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import Error as err_stache err = err_stache() yield h.fixUtf8(self._returnResponse(err.xml(e), res=t_res)) else: from lr.mustache.oaipmh import ErrorOnly as err_stache err = err_stache() yield h.fixUtf8(self._returnResponse(err.xml(e)+mustache.suffix(), res=t_res)) except: log.exception("Unknown Error Occurred")
def listGeneral(self, h, body, params, includeDocs, verb='GET'): data = self.get_base_response(verb, body) try: from_date, until_date = self._test_time_params(params) except: data['OK'] = False data['error'] = 'badArgument' yield json.dumps(data) return data['request']['from'] = from_date data['request']['until'] = until_date if from_date > until_date: data['OK'] = False data['error'] = 'badArgument' yield json.dumps(data) else: self._getServiceDocment(includeDocs) resumption_token = None count = 0 lastID = None lastKey = None if self.enable_flow_control and params.has_key('resumption_token'): resumption_token = rt.parse_token(self.service_id, params['resumption_token']) if includeDocs: data['listrecords'] = [] viewResults = h.list_records(from_date, until_date, resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit) debug_map = lambda doc: { 'record': { "header": { 'identifier': doc['id'], 'datestamp': doc['key'] + "Z", 'status': 'active' }, 'resource_data': doc['doc'] } } else: data['listidentifiers'] = [] viewResults = h.list_identifiers( from_date, until_date, resumption_token=resumption_token, limit=self.limit) debug_map = lambda doc: { "header": { 'identifier': doc['id'], 'datestamp': doc['key'] + "Z", 'status': 'active' } } base_response = json.dumps(data).split('[') yield base_response[0] + '[' first = True for data in viewResults: lastID = data['id'] lastKey = data['key'] count += 1 if not first: yield ',\n' first = False yield json.dumps(debug_map(data)) if self.enable_flow_control and self.limit <= count: token = rt.get_token( serviceid=self.service_id, startkey=lastKey, endkey=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date), startkey_docid=lastID, from_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(from_date), until_date=helpers.convertToISO8601Zformat(until_date)) resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] + (',"resumption_token":"%s"' % token) + resp[-1:] elif self.limit > count: resp = base_response[1] yield resp[:-1] + (',"resumption_token":"%s"' % 'null') + resp[-1:] else: yield base_response[1]