コード例 #1
def Correct_Raterized_GLIM_map(tifname):
    # And now for a hack that converts to
    print("The raster name is: "+tifname)

    [xsize,ysize,geotransform,geoproj,Z] = readFile(tifname)

    print("Before data check")

    print("Data type is: "+ str(Z.dtype))
    X = Z.astype(int)
    # Set large negative values to -9999
    X[X<=0] = -9999
    #Z[np.isnan(Z)]= -9999


    #get path and filename seperately
    filepath = LSDPT.GetPath(tifname)
    #filename = LSDPT.GetFileNameNoPath(tifname)
    fileshortname = LSDPT.GetFilePrefix(tifname)

    outraster2 = filepath+fileshortname + '2.tif'
コード例 #2
def geologic_maps_modify_shapefile(shapefile_name, geol_field = "xx"):

    # The shapefile to be rasterized:
    print('Rasterize ' + shapefile_name)
    #get path and filename seperately
    shapefilefilepath = LSDPT.GetPath(shapefile_name)
    #shapefilename = LSDPT.GetFileNameNoPath(shapefile_name)
    shapefileshortname = LSDPT.GetFilePrefix(shapefile_name)

    # get the new shapefile name
    new_shapefile_name = shapefilefilepath+os.sep+shapefileshortname+"_new.shp"

    # copy the shapefile into the new shapefile--we don't wwant to mess up the original data
    print("The New Shapefile name is: "+new_shapefile_name)

    # New shapefile is opened for writing.
    dataSource = ogr.Open(new_shapefile_name,1)
    daLayer = dataSource.GetLayer(0)

    # add a new field
    new_field = ogr.FieldDefn("GEOL_CODE", ogr.OFTInteger)

    # lets see what the layers are
    print("Let me tell you what the names of the fields are after I added one!")
    layerDefinition = daLayer.GetLayerDefn()
    for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):

    # Make a key for the bedrock
    geol_dict = dict()
    geol_iterator = 0
    geol_field = geol_field #
    for feature in daLayer:
        GEOL = feature.GetField(geol_field)

        if GEOL not in geol_dict:
            geol_iterator = geol_iterator+1
            print("I found a new rock type, GEOL: "+ str(GEOL)+ " and rock type: " + str(geol_iterator))
            geol_dict[GEOL] = geol_iterator

        # now get the geol code
        this_geol_code = geol_dict[GEOL]
        # set the feature
        feature.SetField("GEOL_CODE", this_geol_code)

        # need to update the layer

    print("The rocks are: ")

    print("All done")

    return new_shapefile_name, geol_dict
コード例 #3
def Copy_Shapefile(shapefile_name,new_shapefile_name):
    Sweet Jesus why is this so difficult?

    if exists(shapefile_name) is False:
        raise Exception('[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'' + shapefile_name + '\'')

    # get the short name of the new shapefile
    shapefileshortname = LSDPT.GetFilePrefix(new_shapefile_name)
    print("The shortname is: "+shapefileshortname)

    # read in the data
    src = ogr.Open(shapefile_name)
    daLayer = src.GetLayer(0)

    # lets see what the layers are
    print("Let me tell you what the names of the fields are!")
    layerDefinition = daLayer.GetLayerDefn()
    for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):

    geom_type = layerDefinition.GetGeomType()

    # get rid of previous copies
    if exists(new_shapefile_name):

    # get the driver and create a new data source
    cliffbaggu = "ESRI shapefile"
    # cliffbaggu = cliffbaggu
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(cliffbaggu)

    # Now write to the the outfile
    out_ds = driver.CreateDataSource(new_shapefile_name)
    # create the output layer
    #out_lyr = out_ds.CreateLayer("yo",srs = daLayer.GetSpatialRef(),geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
    out_lyr = out_ds.CreateLayer("yo",srs = daLayer.GetSpatialRef(),geom_type=geom_type)

    # Add input Layer Fields to the output Layer if it is the one we want
    for i in range(0, layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):
        fieldDefn = layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(i)
        #fieldName = fieldDefn.GetName()

    # Get the output Layer's Feature Definition
    outLayerDefn = out_lyr.GetLayerDefn()

    # Add features to the ouput Layer
    for inFeature in daLayer:
        # Create output Feature
        outFeature = ogr.Feature(outLayerDefn)

        # add in geometries
        geom = inFeature.GetGeometryRef()
        # Add new feature to output Layer

        # Add field values from input Layer
        for i in range(0, outLayerDefn.GetFieldCount()):
            fieldDefn = outLayerDefn.GetFieldDefn(i)
            #fieldName = fieldDefn.GetName()

コード例 #4
def Rasterize_geologic_maps_pythonic(shapefile_name, raster_resolution = 400, geol_field = "xx"):

    # The shapefile to be rasterized:
    print('Rasterize ' + shapefile_name)
    #get path and filename seperately
    shapefilefilepath = LSDPT.GetPath(shapefile_name)
    shapefilename = LSDPT.GetFileNameNoPath(shapefile_name)
    shapefileshortname = LSDPT.GetFilePrefix(shapefile_name)

    print("Shapefile name is: "+shapefilename)

    # now get the the fields from the shapefile
    daShapefile = shapefile_name

    dataSource = ogr.Open(daShapefile)
    daLayer = dataSource.GetLayer(0)

    # lets see what the layers are
    print("Let me tell you what the names of the fields are!")
    layerDefinition = daLayer.GetLayerDefn()
    for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):

    # The raster file to be created and receive the rasterized shapefile
    outrastername = shapefileshortname + '.tif'
    outraster = str(shapefilefilepath+os.sep+ outrastername)
    outcsv = shapefilefilepath+os.sep+shapefileshortname+'_lithokey.csv'
    print("Full name of out raster is: "+outraster)

    # Create the destination data source
    xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = daLayer.GetExtent()

    xRes = int((xMax - xMin) / inGridSize)
    yRes = int((yMax - yMin) / inGridSize)
    rasterDS =  gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff").Create(outraster, xRes, yRes, 1,  gdal.GDT_Byte)

    # Define spatial reference
    NoDataVal = -9999
    rasterDS.SetGeoTransform((xMin, inGridSize, 0, yMax, 0, -inGridSize))
    rBand = rasterDS.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Rasterize
    gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterDS, [1], daLayer, options = ["ATTRIBUTE=GEOL_CODE"])

    # Make a key for the bedrock
    geol_dict = dict()
    geol_field = geol_field
    for feature in daLayer:
        ID = feature.GetField(geol_field)
        GEOL = feature.GetField("GEOL_CODE")

        if ID not in geol_dict:
            print("I found a new rock type, ID: "+ str(ID)+ " and rock type: " + str(GEOL))
            geol_dict[ID] = GEOL

    print("The rocks are: ")

    with open(outcsv, 'w') as f:
        for key in geol_dict:
            f.write(str(key)+','+ str(geol_dict[key])+'\n')

    print("Done rasterizing!")
    return outraster
コード例 #5
def Rasterize_BGS_geologic_maps(shapefile_name):

    # The shapefile to be rasterized:
    print('Rasterize ' + shapefile_name)
    #get path and filename seperately
    shapefilefilepath = LSDPT.GetPath(shapefile_name)
    shapefilename = LSDPT.GetFileNameNoPath(shapefile_name)
    shapefileshortname = LSDPT.GetFilePrefix(shapefile_name)

    print("Shapefile name is: "+shapefilename)

    # now get the the fields from the shapefile
    daShapefile = shapefile_name

    dataSource = ogr.Open(daShapefile)
    daLayer = dataSource.GetLayer(0)

    # lets see what the layers are
    print("Let me tell you what the names of the fields are!")
    layerDefinition = daLayer.GetLayerDefn()
    for i in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):

    # The raster file to be created and receive the rasterized shapefile
    outrastername = shapefileshortname + '.tif'
    outraster = shapefilefilepath+os.sep+ outrastername
    outcsv = shapefilefilepath+os.sep+shapefileshortname+'_lithokey.csv'
    print("Full name of out raster is: "+outraster)

    # Rasterize!!
    system_call = 'gdal_rasterize -a BGSREF -l ' + shapefileshortname +' -tr 90 -90 -a_nodata -9999 ' +  shapefile_name + ' ' + outraster
    print("System call is: ")

    # now convert the raster to UTM, as well as delete the stupid TIF
    # The raster file to be created and receive the rasterized shapefile
    outrastername_bil = shapefileshortname + '.bil'
    outraster_bil = shapefilefilepath+os.sep+ outrastername_bil
    print("Full name of out raster is: "+outraster_bil)

    # This assumes UTM zone 30, because why would we do any work in East Anglia?
    system_call2 = 'gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:32630 -of ENVI -dstnodata -9999 ' +  outraster + ' ' + outraster_bil

    # Now get rid of the tif
    system_call3 = 'rm '+ outraster

    # Make a key for the bedrock
    geol_dict = dict()
    for feature in daLayer:
        ID = feature.GetField("BGSREF")
        GEOL = feature.GetField("RCS_D")

        if ID not in geol_dict:
            print("I found a new rock type, ID: "+ str(ID)+ " and rock type: " + str(GEOL))
            geol_dict[ID] = GEOL

    print("The rocks are: ")

    with open(outcsv, 'wb') as f:
        for key in geol_dict:
            f.write(str(key)+','+ str(geol_dict[key])+'\n')

    print("All done")