コード例 #1
    def processSingle(self, sensorRef):
        """Process a single CCD

        Besides the regular ISR, also masks cosmic-rays.
        if not self.config.rerunISR:
                exposure = sensorRef.get('postISRCCD')
                self.log.debug("Obtained postISRCCD from butler for %s" % sensorRef.dataId)
                return exposure
            except NoResults:
                pass  # ah well.  We'll have to run the ISR

        exposure = super().processSingle(sensorRef)

        if self.config.doRepair:
            psf = DoubleGaussianPsf(self.config.psfSize, self.config.psfSize,
            self.repair.run(exposure, keepCRs=False)
            if self.config.crGrow > 0:
                mask = exposure.getMaskedImage().getMask().clone()
                mask &= mask.getPlaneBitMask("CR")
                fpSet = FootprintSet(mask, Threshold(0.5))
                fpSet = FootprintSet(fpSet, self.config.crGrow, True)
                fpSet.setMask(exposure.getMaskedImage().getMask(), "CR")

        if self.debugInfo.display and self.debugInfo.inputsFrame >= 0:
            display = Display(frame=self.debugInfo.inputsFrame)
            display.mtv(exposure, "raw %(visit)d" % sensorRef.dataId)

        return exposure
コード例 #2
def extractCrosstalkRatios(exposure,
                           badPixels=["SAT", "BAD", "INTRP"]):
    """Extract crosstalk ratios between different amplifiers

    For pixels above ``threshold``, we calculate the ratio between each
    target amp and source amp. We return a list of ratios for each pixel
    for each target/source combination, as a matrix of lists.

    exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
        Exposure for which to measure crosstalk.
    threshold : `float`
        Lower limit on pixels for which we measure crosstalk.
    badPixels : `list` of `str`
        Mask planes indicating a pixel is bad.

    ratios : `list` of `list` of `numpy.ndarray`
        A matrix of pixel arrays. ``ratios[i][j]`` is an array of
        the fraction of the ``j``-th amp present on the ``i``-th amp.
        The value is `None` for the diagonal elements.
    mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()
    FootprintSet(mi, Threshold(threshold), "DETECTED")
    detected = mi.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED")
    bad = mi.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(badPixels)
    bg = calculateBackground(mi, badPixels + ["DETECTED"])

    ccd = exposure.getDetector()

    ratios = [[None for iAmp in ccd] for jAmp in ccd]

    for ii, iAmp in enumerate(ccd):
        iImage = mi[iAmp.getBBox()]
        iMask = iImage.mask.array
        select = (iMask & detected > 0) & (iMask & bad == 0) & np.isfinite(
        for jj, jAmp in enumerate(ccd):
            if ii == jj:
            jImage = extractAmp(mi.image,
            ratios[jj][ii] = (jImage.array[select] -
                              bg) / iImage.image.array[select]

    return ratios
コード例 #3
ファイル: crosstalk.py プロジェクト: youtsumi/mixcoatl
def find_bright_columns(imarr, threshold):
    """Find bright columns in an image array.
    imarr : `numpy.ndarrawy`, (Nx, Ny)
        An array representing an image to analyze.
    threshold : `float`
        Pixel value threshold defining a bright column.

    bright_cols : `list`
        List of column indices corresponding to bright columns.
    image = afwImage.ImageF(imarr)

    fp_set = FootprintSet(image, Threshold(threshold))
    columns = dict([(x, []) for x in range(0, image.getWidth())])
    for footprint in fp_set.getFootprints():
        for span in footprint.getSpans():
            y = span.getY()
            for x in range(span.getX0(), span.getX1() + 1):

    bright_cols = []
    x0 = image.getX0()
    y0 = image.getY0()
    for x in columns:
        if bad_column(columns[x], 20):
            bright_cols.append(x - x0)
    # Sort the output.

    return bright_cols
コード例 #4
ファイル: measureCrosstalk.py プロジェクト: gcmshadow/cp_pipe
    def run(self, inputExp, sourceExps=[]):
        """Measure pixel ratios between amplifiers in inputExp.

        Extract crosstalk ratios between different amplifiers.

        For pixels above ``config.threshold``, we calculate the ratio
        between each background-subtracted target amp and the source
        amp. We return a list of ratios for each pixel for each
        target/source combination, as nested dictionary containing the

        inputExp : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Input exposure to measure pixel ratios on.
        sourceExp : `list` [`lsst.afw.image.Exposure`], optional
            List of chips to use as sources to measure inter-chip

        results : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
            The results struct containing:

            ``outputRatios`` : `dict` [`dict` [`dict` [`dict` [`list`]]]]
                 A catalog of ratio lists.  The dictionaries are
                 indexed such that:
                 contains the ratio list for that combination.
            ``outputFluxes`` : `dict` [`dict` [`list`]]
                 A catalog of flux lists.  The dictionaries are
                 indexed such that:
                 contains the flux list used in the outputRatios.

        The lsstDebug.Info() method can be rewritten for __name__ =
        `lsst.cp.pipe.measureCrosstalk`, and supports the parameters:

        debug.display['extract'] : `bool`
            Display the exposure under consideration, with the pixels used
            for crosstalk measurement indicated by the DETECTED mask plane.
        debug.display['pixels'] : `bool`
            Display a plot of the ratio calculated for each pixel used in this
            exposure, split by amplifier pairs.  The median value is listed
            for reference.
        outputRatios = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
        outputFluxes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))

        threshold = self.config.threshold
        badPixels = list(self.config.badMask)

        targetDetector = inputExp.getDetector()
        targetChip = targetDetector.getName()

        # Always look at the target chip first, then go to any other supplied exposures.
        sourceExtractExps = [inputExp]

        self.log.info("Measuring full detector background for target: %s", targetChip)
        targetIm = inputExp.getMaskedImage()
        FootprintSet(targetIm, Threshold(threshold), "DETECTED")
        detected = targetIm.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED")
        bg = CrosstalkCalib.calculateBackground(targetIm, badPixels + ["DETECTED"])

        self.debugView('extract', inputExp)

        for sourceExp in sourceExtractExps:
            sourceDetector = sourceExp.getDetector()
            sourceChip = sourceDetector.getName()
            sourceIm = sourceExp.getMaskedImage()
            bad = sourceIm.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(badPixels)
            self.log.info("Measuring crosstalk from source: %s", sourceChip)

            if sourceExp != inputExp:
                FootprintSet(sourceIm, Threshold(threshold), "DETECTED")
                detected = sourceIm.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED")

            # The dictionary of amp-to-amp ratios for this pair of source->target detectors.
            ratioDict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
            extractedCount = 0

            for sourceAmp in sourceDetector:
                sourceAmpName = sourceAmp.getName()
                sourceAmpImage = sourceIm[sourceAmp.getBBox()]
                sourceMask = sourceAmpImage.mask.array
                select = ((sourceMask & detected > 0) &
                          (sourceMask & bad == 0) &
                count = np.sum(select)
                self.log.debug("  Source amplifier: %s", sourceAmpName)

                outputFluxes[sourceChip][sourceAmpName] = sourceAmpImage.image.array[select].tolist()

                for targetAmp in targetDetector:
                    # iterate over targetExposure
                    targetAmpName = targetAmp.getName()
                    if sourceAmpName == targetAmpName and sourceChip == targetChip:
                        ratioDict[sourceAmpName][targetAmpName] = []
                    self.log.debug("    Target amplifier: %s", targetAmpName)

                    targetAmpImage = CrosstalkCalib.extractAmp(targetIm.image,
                                                               targetAmp, sourceAmp,
                    ratios = (targetAmpImage.array[select] - bg)/sourceAmpImage.image.array[select]
                    ratioDict[targetAmpName][sourceAmpName] = ratios.tolist()
                    extractedCount += count

                                     targetAmpImage.array[select] - bg,
                                     sourceAmpName, targetAmpName)

            self.log.info("Extracted %d pixels from %s -> %s (targetBG: %f)",
                          extractedCount, sourceChip, targetChip, bg)
            outputRatios[targetChip][sourceChip] = ratioDict

        return pipeBase.Struct(
コード例 #5
    def extractCrosstalkRatios(self, exposure, threshold=None, badPixels=None):
        """Extract crosstalk ratios between different amplifiers.

        For pixels above ``threshold``, we calculate the ratio between
        each background-subtracted target amp and the source amp. We
        return a list of ratios for each pixel for each target/source
        combination, as a matrix of lists.

        exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Exposure for which to measure crosstalk.
        threshold : `float`, optional
            Lower limit on pixels for which we measure crosstalk.
        badPixels : `list` of `str`, optional
            Mask planes indicating a pixel is bad.

        ratios : `list` of `list` of `numpy.ndarray`
           A matrix of pixel arrays. ``ratios[i][j]`` is an array of
           the fraction of the ``j``-th amp present on the ``i``-th amp.
           The value is `None` for the diagonal elements.

        This has been moved into MeasureCrosstalkTask to allow for easier

        The lsstDebug.Info() method can be rewritten for __name__ =
        `lsst.ip.isr.measureCrosstalk`, and supports the parameters:

        debug.display['extract'] : `bool`
            Display the exposure under consideration, with the pixels used
            for crosstalk measurement indicated by the DETECTED mask plane.
        debug.display['pixels'] : `bool`
            Display a plot of the ratio calculated for each pixel used in this
            exposure, split by amplifier pairs.  The median value is listed
            for reference.
        if threshold is None:
            threshold = self.config.threshold
        if badPixels is None:
            badPixels = list(self.config.badMask)

        mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()
        FootprintSet(mi, Threshold(threshold), "DETECTED")
        detected = mi.getMask().getPlaneBitMask("DETECTED")
        bad = mi.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(badPixels)
        bg = calculateBackground(mi, badPixels + ["DETECTED"])

        self.debugView('extract', exposure)

        ccd = exposure.getDetector()
        ratios = [[None for iAmp in ccd] for jAmp in ccd]

        for ii, iAmp in enumerate(ccd):
            iImage = mi[iAmp.getBBox()]
            iMask = iImage.mask.array
            select = (iMask & detected > 0) & (iMask & bad == 0) & np.isfinite(
            for jj, jAmp in enumerate(ccd):
                if ii == jj:
                jImage = extractAmp(mi.image,
                ratios[jj][ii] = (jImage.array[select] -
                                  bg) / iImage.image.array[select]
                self.debugPixels('pixels', iImage.image.array[select],
                                 jImage.array[select] - bg, ii, jj)
        return ratios
コード例 #6
    def calculateThreshold(self, exposure, seed, sigma=None):
        """Calculate new threshold

        This is the main functional addition to the vanilla

        We identify sky objects and perform forced PSF photometry on
        them. Using those PSF flux measurements and estimated errors,
        we set the threshold so that the stdev of the measurements
        matches the median estimated error.

        exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Exposure on which we're detecting sources.
        seed : `int`
            RNG seed to use for finding sky objects.
        sigma : `float`, optional
            Gaussian sigma of smoothing kernel; if not provided,
            will be deduced from the exposure's PSF.

        result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
            Result struct with components:

            - ``multiplicative``: multiplicative factor to be applied to the
                configured detection threshold (`float`).
            - ``additive``: additive factor to be applied to the background
                level (`float`).
        # Make a catalog of sky objects
        fp = self.skyObjects.run(exposure.maskedImage.mask, seed)
        skyFootprints = FootprintSet(exposure.getBBox())
        table = SourceTable.make(self.skyMeasurement.schema)
        catalog = SourceCatalog(table)
        key = catalog.getCentroidKey()
        for source in catalog:
            peaks = source.getFootprint().getPeaks()
            assert len(peaks) == 1
            source.set(key, peaks[0].getF())

        # Forced photometry on sky objects
        self.skyMeasurement.run(catalog, exposure, catalog, exposure.getWcs())

        # Calculate new threshold
        fluxes = catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFlux"]
        area = catalog["base_PsfFlux_area"]
        bg = catalog["base_LocalBackground_instFlux"]

        good = (~catalog["base_PsfFlux_flag"] & ~catalog["base_LocalBackground_flag"] &
                np.isfinite(fluxes) & np.isfinite(area) & np.isfinite(bg))

        if good.sum() < self.config.minNumSources:
            self.log.warn("Insufficient good flux measurements (%d < %d) for dynamic threshold calculation",
                          good.sum(), self.config.minNumSources)
            return Struct(multiplicative=1.0, additive=0.0)

        bgMedian = np.median((fluxes/area)[good])

        lq, uq = np.percentile((fluxes - bg*area)[good], [25.0, 75.0])
        stdevMeas = 0.741*(uq - lq)
        medianError = np.median(catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr"][good])
        return Struct(multiplicative=medianError/stdevMeas, additive=bgMedian)
コード例 #7
    def calculateThreshold(self, exposure, seed, sigma=None):
        """Calculate new threshold

        This is the main functional addition to the vanilla

        We identify sky objects and perform forced PSF photometry on
        them. Using those PSF flux measurements and estimated errors,
        we set the threshold so that the stdev of the measurements
        matches the median estimated error.

        exposure : `lsst.afw.image.Exposure`
            Exposure on which we're detecting sources.
        seed : `int`
            RNG seed to use for finding sky objects.
        sigma : `float`, optional
            Gaussian sigma of smoothing kernel; if not provided,
            will be deduced from the exposure's PSF.

        result : `lsst.pipe.base.Struct`
            Result struct with components:

            - ``multiplicative``: multiplicative factor to be applied to the
                configured detection threshold (`float`).
            - ``additive``: additive factor to be applied to the background
                level (`float`).
        # Make a catalog of sky objects
        fp = self.skyObjects.run(exposure.maskedImage.mask, seed)
        skyFootprints = FootprintSet(exposure.getBBox())
        table = SourceTable.make(self.skyMeasurement.schema)
        catalog = SourceCatalog(table)
        key = catalog.getCentroidKey()
        for source in catalog:
            peaks = source.getFootprint().getPeaks()
            assert len(peaks) == 1
            source.set(key, peaks[0].getF())

        # Forced photometry on sky objects
        self.skyMeasurement.run(catalog, exposure, catalog, exposure.getWcs())

        # Calculate new threshold
        fluxes = catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFlux"]
        area = catalog["base_PsfFlux_area"]
        bg = catalog["base_LocalBackground_instFlux"]

        good = (~catalog["base_PsfFlux_flag"] & ~catalog["base_LocalBackground_flag"] &
                np.isfinite(fluxes) & np.isfinite(area) & np.isfinite(bg))

        if good.sum() < self.config.minNumSources:
            self.log.warn("Insufficient good flux measurements (%d < %d) for dynamic threshold calculation",
                          good.sum(), self.config.minNumSources)
            return Struct(multiplicative=1.0, additive=0.0)

        bgMedian = np.median((fluxes/area)[good])

        lq, uq = np.percentile((fluxes - bg*area)[good], [25.0, 75.0])
        stdevMeas = 0.741*(uq - lq)
        medianError = np.median(catalog["base_PsfFlux_instFluxErr"][good])
        return Struct(multiplicative=medianError/stdevMeas, additive=bgMedian)