コード例 #1
def make_source_catalog_from_astropy_table(out_table, debug=False):
    """Return an AFW SourceCatalog from an Astropy Table

    Written with extensive reference to
    filters = ('J', 'H', 'K')
    schema = makeMinimalSchema(filters=filters, debug=debug)
    out_cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

    for row in out_table:
        record = out_cat.addNew()
        record.setRa(float(row['coord_ra']) * lsst.afw.geom.degrees)
        record.setDec(float(row['coord_dec']) * lsst.afw.geom.degrees)
        for filt in filters:
            filtMag = '%s_mag' % filt
            filtMagSigma = '%s_mag_sigma' % filt
            filtFlux = '%s_flux' % filt
            filtFluxSigma = '%s_fluxSigma' % filt
            abMag = vegaToABMag(row[filtMag], filt)  # error remains unchanged
            record.set(filtFlux, fluxFromABMag(abMag))
            record.set(filtFluxSigma, fluxErrFromABMagErr(row[filtMagSigma], abMag))

    return out_cat
コード例 #2
    def _getFluxes(self, inputData):
        """Compute the flux fields that will go into the output catalog.

        inputData : `numpy.ndarray`
            The input data to compute fluxes for.

        fluxes : `dict` [`str`, `numpy.ndarray`]
            The values that will go into the flux and fluxErr fields in the
            output catalog.
        result = {}
        for item in self.config.mag_column_list:
            result[item + '_flux'] = (inputData[item] * u.ABmag).to_value(
        if len(self.config.mag_err_column_map) > 0:
            for err_key in self.config.mag_err_column_map.keys():
                error_col_name = self.config.mag_err_column_map[err_key]
                # TODO: multiply by 1e9 here until we have a replacement (see DM-16903)
                # NOTE: copy the arrays because the numpy strides may not be useable by C++.
                fluxErr = fluxErrFromABMagErr(inputData[error_col_name].copy(),
                                              inputData[err_key].copy()) * 1e9
                result[err_key + '_fluxErr'] = fluxErr
        return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: jointcal.py プロジェクト: lsst/jointcal
    def _load_reference_catalog(self, refObjLoader, referenceSelector, center, radius, filterName,
        """Load the necessary reference catalog sources, convert fluxes to
        correct units, and apply color term corrections if requested.

        refObjLoader : `lsst.meas.algorithms.LoadReferenceObjectsTask`
            The reference catalog loader to use to get the data.
        referenceSelector : `lsst.meas.algorithms.ReferenceSourceSelectorTask`
            Source selector to apply to loaded reference catalog.
        center : `lsst.geom.SpherePoint`
            The center around which to load sources.
        radius : `lsst.geom.Angle`
            The radius around ``center`` to load sources in.
        filterName : `str`
            The name of the camera filter to load fluxes for.
        applyColorterms : `bool`
            Apply colorterm corrections to the refcat for ``filterName``?

        refCat : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog`
            The loaded reference catalog.
        fluxField : `str`
            The name of the reference catalog flux field appropriate for ``filterName``.
        skyCircle = refObjLoader.loadSkyCircle(center,
                                               afwGeom.Angle(radius, afwGeom.radians),

        selected = referenceSelector.run(skyCircle.refCat)
        # Need memory contiguity to get reference filters as a vector.
        if not selected.sourceCat.isContiguous():
            refCat = selected.sourceCat.copy(deep=True)
            refCat = selected.sourceCat

        if applyColorterms:
                refCatName = refObjLoader.ref_dataset_name
            except AttributeError:
                # NOTE: we need this try:except: block in place until we've completely removed a.net support.
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot perform colorterm corrections with a.net refcats.")
            self.log.info("Applying color terms for filterName=%r reference catalog=%s",
                          filterName, refCatName)
            colorterm = self.config.colorterms.getColorterm(
                filterName=filterName, photoCatName=refCatName, doRaise=True)

            refMag, refMagErr = colorterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(refCat, filterName)
            refCat[skyCircle.fluxField] = u.Magnitude(refMag, u.ABmag).to_value(u.nJy)
            # TODO: I didn't want to use this, but I'll deal with it in DM-16903
            refCat[skyCircle.fluxField+'Err'] = fluxErrFromABMagErr(refMagErr, refMag) * 1e9

        return refCat, skyCircle.fluxField
コード例 #4
 def _set_mags(self, record, row, key_map):
     """!Set the flux records from the input magnitudes
     @param[in,out] record  SourceCatalog record to modify
     @param[in] row  dict like object containing magnitude values
     @param[in] key_map  Map of catalog keys to use in filling the record
     for item in self.config.mag_column_list:
         record.set(key_map[item + "_flux"], fluxFromABMag(row[item]))
     if len(self.config.mag_err_column_map) > 0:
         for err_key in self.config.mag_err_column_map.keys():
             error_col_name = self.config.mag_err_column_map[err_key]
             record.set(key_map[err_key + "_fluxSigma"], fluxErrFromABMagErr(row[error_col_name], row[err_key]))
コード例 #5
ファイル: testFluxFromABMag.py プロジェクト: rnikutta/afw
    def testBasics(self):
        for flux in (1, 210, 3210, 43210, 543210):
            abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
            fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip)

            for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
                fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
                abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(abMagErr, refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
                fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fluxErr, fluxErrRoundTrip)
コード例 #6
 def _set_mags(self, record, row, key_map):
     """!Set the flux records from the input magnitudes
     @param[in,out] record  SourceCatalog record to modify
     @param[in] row  dict like object containing magnitude values
     @param[in] key_map  Map of catalog keys to use in filling the record
     for item in self.config.mag_column_list:
         record.set(key_map[item + '_flux'], fluxFromABMag(row[item]))
     if len(self.config.mag_err_column_map) > 0:
         for err_key in self.config.mag_err_column_map.keys():
             error_col_name = self.config.mag_err_column_map[err_key]
                 key_map[err_key + '_fluxSigma'],
                 fluxErrFromABMagErr(row[error_col_name], row[err_key]))
コード例 #7
    def testVector(self):
        flux = np.array([1.0, 210.0, 3210.0, 43210.0, 543210.0])
        flux.flags.writeable = False  # Put the 'const' into ndarray::Array<double const, 1, 0>
        abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
        fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)

        for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
            fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
            abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
            self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMagErr, refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
            fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
            self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(fluxErr, fluxErrRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)
コード例 #8
    def testVector(self):
        flux = np.array([1.0, 210.0, 3210.0, 43210.0, 543210.0])
        flux.flags.writeable = False  # Put the 'const' into ndarray::Array<double const, 1, 0>
        abMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(flux)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(abMag, refABMagFromFlux(flux))
        fluxRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(abMag)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(flux, fluxRoundTrip, rtol=1.0e-15)

        for fluxErrFrac in (0.001, 0.01, 0.1):
            fluxErr = flux * fluxErrFrac
            abMagErr = afwImage.abMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux)
                                         refABMagErrFromFluxErr(fluxErr, flux))
            fluxErrRoundTrip = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(abMagErr, abMag)
コード例 #9
    def _formatCatalog(self, fgcmStarCat, offsets):
        Turn an FGCM-formatted star catalog, applying zeropoint offsets.

        fgcmStarCat: `afwTable.SimpleCatalog`
           SimpleCatalog as output by fgcmcal
        offsets: `list` with len(self.bands) entries
           Zeropoint offsets to apply

        formattedCat: `afwTable.SimpleCatalog`
           SimpleCatalog suitable for using as a reference catalog

        sourceMapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(fgcmStarCat.schema)
        minSchema = LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask.makeMinimalSchema(
            self.bands, addCentroid=False, addIsResolved=True, coordErrDim=0)
        for band in self.bands:
            sourceMapper.editOutputSchema().addField('%s_nGood' % (band),

        formattedCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(sourceMapper.getOutputSchema())
        formattedCat.extend(fgcmStarCat, mapper=sourceMapper)

        # Note that we don't have to set `resolved` because the default is False

        for b, band in enumerate(self.bands):
            mag = fgcmStarCat['mag_std_noabs'][:, b] + offsets[b]
            # We want fluxes in Jy from calibrated AB magnitudes
            # (after applying offset)
            # TODO: Full implementation of RFC-549 will have all reference
            # catalogs in nJy instead of Jy.
            flux = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(mag)
            fluxErr = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(
                fgcmStarCat['magErr_std'][:, b], mag)
            formattedCat['%s_flux' % (band)][:] = flux
            formattedCat['%s_fluxErr' % (band)][:] = fluxErr
            formattedCat['%s_nGood' % (band)][:] = fgcmStarCat['ngood'][:, b]

        return formattedCat
コード例 #10
    def _setFlux(self, record, row, key_map):
        """Set flux fields in a record of an indexed catalog.

        record : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleRecord`
            Row from indexed catalog to modify.
        row : structured `numpy.array`
            Row from catalog being ingested.
        key_map : `dict` mapping `str` to `lsst.afw.table.Key`
            Map of catalog keys.
        for item in self.config.mag_column_list:
            record.set(key_map[item + '_flux'], fluxFromABMag(row[item]))
        if len(self.config.mag_err_column_map) > 0:
            for err_key in self.config.mag_err_column_map.keys():
                error_col_name = self.config.mag_err_column_map[err_key]
                    key_map[err_key + '_fluxErr'],
                    fluxErrFromABMagErr(row[error_col_name], row[err_key]))
コード例 #11
    def _formatCatalog(self, fgcmStarCat, offsets):
        Turn an FGCM-formatted star catalog, applying zp offsets.

        fgcmStarCat: SimpleCatalog
           SimpleCatalog as output by fgcmcal
        offsets: list with len(self.bands) entries
           Zeropoint offsets to apply

        formattedCat: SimpleCatalog
           SimpleCatalog suitable for ref_cat

        sourceMapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(fgcmStarCat.schema)
        for band in self.bands:
            sourceMapper.editOutputSchema().addField('%s_flux' % (band),
            sourceMapper.editOutputSchema().addField('%s_fluxErr' % (band),
            sourceMapper.editOutputSchema().addField('%s_nGood' % (band),

        formattedCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(sourceMapper.getOutputSchema())
        formattedCat.extend(fgcmStarCat, mapper=sourceMapper)

        for b, band in enumerate(self.bands):
            mag = fgcmStarCat['mag_std_noabs'][:, b] + offsets[b]
            flux = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(mag)
            fluxErr = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(
                fgcmStarCat['magerr_std'][:, b], mag)
            formattedCat['%s_flux' % (band)][:] = flux
            formattedCat['%s_fluxErr' % (band)][:] = fluxErr
            formattedCat['%s_nGood' % (band)][:] = fgcmStarCat['ngood'][:, b]

        return formattedCat
コード例 #12
    def _setFlux(self, record, row, key_map):
        """Set flux fields in a record of an indexed catalog.

        record : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleRecord`
            Row from indexed catalog to modify.
        row : structured `numpy.array`
            Row from catalog being ingested.
        key_map : `dict` mapping `str` to `lsst.afw.table.Key`
            Map of catalog keys.
        for item in self.config.mag_column_list:
            record.set(key_map[item+'_flux'], (row[item]*u.ABmag).to_value(u.nJy))
        if len(self.config.mag_err_column_map) > 0:
            for err_key in self.config.mag_err_column_map.keys():
                error_col_name = self.config.mag_err_column_map[err_key]
                # TODO: multiply by 1e9 here until we have a replacement (see DM-16903)
                fluxErr = fluxErrFromABMagErr(row[error_col_name], row[err_key])
                if fluxErr is not None:
                    fluxErr *= 1e9
                record.set(key_map[err_key+'_fluxErr'], fluxErr)
コード例 #13
    def readSrc(self, dataRef):
        """Read source catalog etc for input dataRef

        The following are returned:
        Source catalog, matched list, and wcs will be read from 'src', 'srcMatch', and 'calexp_md',

        NOTE: If the detector has nQuarter%4 != 0 (i.e. it is rotated w.r.t the focal plane
              coordinate system), the (x, y) pixel values of the centroid slot for the source
              catalogs are rotated such that pixel (0, 0) is the LLC (i.e. the coordinate system
              expected by meas_mosaic).

        If color transformation information is given, it will be applied to the reference flux
        of the matched list.  The source catalog and matched list will be converted to measMosaic's
        Source and SourceMatch and returned.

        The number of 'Source's in each cell defined by config.cellSize will be limited to brightest

        self.log = Log.getDefaultLogger()

        dataId = dataRef.dataId

            if not dataRef.datasetExists("src"):
                raise RuntimeError("no data for src %s" % (dataId))
            if not dataRef.datasetExists("calexp_md"):
                raise RuntimeError("no data for calexp_md %s" % (dataId))

            calexp_md = dataRef.get("calexp_md", immediate=True)
            detector = dataRef.get("camera")[dataRef.dataId["ccd"]]  # OK for HSC; maybe not for other cameras
            wcs = afwGeom.makeSkyWcs(calexp_md)
            nQuarter = detector.getOrientation().getNQuarter()
            sources = dataRef.get("src", immediate=True, flags=afwTable.SOURCE_IO_NO_FOOTPRINTS)

            # Check if we are looking at HSC stack outputs: if so, no pixel rotation of sources is
            # required, but alias mapping must be set to associate HSC's schema with that of LSST.
            hscRun = mosaicUtils.checkHscStack(calexp_md)
            if hscRun is None:
                if nQuarter%4 != 0:
                    dims = afwImage.bboxFromMetadata(calexp_md).getDimensions()
                    sources = mosaicUtils.rotatePixelCoords(sources, dims.getX(), dims.getY(),

            # Set some alias maps for the source catalog where needed for
            # backwards compatibility
            if self.config.srcSchemaMap and hscRun:
                aliasMap = sources.schema.getAliasMap()
                for lsstName, otherName in self.config.srcSchemaMap.items():
                    aliasMap.set(lsstName, otherName)
            if self.config.flagsToAlias and "calib_psfUsed" in sources.schema:
                aliasMap = sources.schema.getAliasMap()
                for lsstName, otherName in self.config.flagsToAlias.items():
                    aliasMap.set(lsstName, otherName)

            refObjLoader = self.config.loadAstrom.apply(butler=dataRef.getButler())
            srcMatch = dataRef.get("srcMatch", immediate=True)
            if hscRun is not None:
                # The reference object loader grows the bbox by the config parameter pixelMargin.  This
                # is set to 50 by default but is not reflected by the radius parameter set in the
                # metadata, so some matches may reside outside the circle searched within this radius
                # Thus, increase the radius set in the metadata fed into joinMatchListWithCatalog() to
                # accommodate.
                matchmeta = srcMatch.table.getMetadata()
                rad = matchmeta.getDouble("RADIUS")
                matchmeta.setDouble("RADIUS", rad*1.05, "field radius in degrees, approximate, padded")
            matches = refObjLoader.joinMatchListWithCatalog(srcMatch, sources)

            # Set the aliap map for the matched sources (i.e. the [1] attribute schema for each match)
            if self.config.srcSchemaMap is not None and hscRun is not None:
                for mm in matches:
                    aliasMap = mm[1].schema.getAliasMap()
                    for lsstName, otherName in self.config.srcSchemaMap.items():
                        aliasMap.set(lsstName, otherName)

            if hscRun is not None:
                for slot in ("PsfFlux", "ModelFlux", "ApFlux", "GaussianFlux", "Centroid", "Shape"):
                    getattr(matches[0][1].getTable(), "define" + slot)(
                        getattr(sources, "get" + slot + "Definition")())
                    # For some reason, the CalibFlux slot in sources is coming up as centroid_sdss, so
                    # set it to flux_naive explicitly
                    for slot in ("CalibFlux", ):
                        getattr(matches[0][1].getTable(), "define" + slot)("flux_naive")
            matches = [m for m in matches if m[0] is not None]
            refSchema = matches[0][0].schema if matches else None

            if self.cterm is not None and len(matches) != 0:
                # Add a "flux" field to the input schema of the first element
                # of the match and populate it with a colorterm correct flux.
                mapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(refSchema)
                for key, field in refSchema:
                fluxKey = mapper.editOutputSchema().addField("flux", type=float, doc="Reference flux")
                fluxErrKey = mapper.editOutputSchema().addField("fluxErr", type=float,
                                                                  doc="Reference flux uncertainty")
                table = afwTable.SimpleTable.make(mapper.getOutputSchema())
                for match in matches:
                    newMatch = table.makeRecord()
                    newMatch.assign(match[0], mapper)
                    match[0] = newMatch

                # extract the matched refCat as a Catalog for the colorterm code
                refCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(matches[0].first.schema)
                for x in matches:
                    record = refCat.addNew()

                refMag, refMagErr = self.cterm.getCorrectedMagnitudes(refCat,
                # NOTE: mosaic assumes fluxes are in Jy
                refFlux = (refMag*astropy.units.ABmag).to_value(astropy.units.Jy)
                refFluxErr = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(refMagErr, refMag)
                matches = [self.setCatFlux(m, flux, fluxKey, fluxErr, fluxErrKey) for
                           m, flux, fluxErr in zip(matches, refFlux, refFluxErr) if flux == flux]
                filterName = afwImage.Filter(calexp_md).getName()
                refFluxField = measAlg.getRefFluxField(refSchema, filterName)
                refSchema.getAliasMap().set("flux", refFluxField)

            # LSST reads in a_net catalogs with flux in "janskys", so must convert back to DN.
            matches = mosaicUtils.matchJanskyToDn(matches)

            selSources = self.selectStars(sources, self.config.includeSaturated)
            selMatches = self.selectStars(matches, self.config.includeSaturated)

            retSrc = list()
            retMatch = list()

            if len(selMatches) > self.config.minNumMatch:
                naxis1, naxis2 = afwImage.bboxFromMetadata(calexp_md).getDimensions()
                if hscRun is None:
                    if nQuarter%2 != 0:
                        naxis1, naxis2 = naxis2, naxis1
                bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(naxis1, naxis2))
                cellSet = afwMath.SpatialCellSet(bbox, self.config.cellSize, self.config.cellSize)
                for s in selSources:
                    if numpy.isfinite(s.getRa().asDegrees()): # get rid of NaN
                        src = measMosaic.Source(s)
                            tmp = measMosaic.SpatialCellSource(src)
                            self.log.info("FAILED TO INSERT CANDIDATE: visit=%d ccd=%d x=%f y=%f" %
                                          (dataRef.dataId["visit"], dataRef.dataId["ccd"],
                                           src.getX(), src.getY()) + " bbox=" + str(bbox))
                for cell in cellSet.getCellList():
                    for i, cand in enumerate(cell):
                        src = cand.getSource()
                        if i == self.config.nStarPerCell - 1:
                for m in selMatches:
                    if m[0] is not None and m[1] is not None:
                        match = (measMosaic.Source(m[0], wcs), measMosaic.Source(m[1]))
                self.log.info("%8d %3d : %d/%d matches  Suspicious to wrong match. Ignore this CCD" %
                              (dataRef.dataId["visit"], dataRef.dataId["ccd"], len(selMatches), len(matches)))

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.warn("Failed to read %s: %s" % (dataId, e))
            return dataId, [None, None, None]

        return dataId, [retSrc, retMatch, wcs]
コード例 #14
    def _computeReferenceOffsets(self, butler):
        Compute offsets relative to a reference catalog.

        butler: lsst.daf.persistence.Butler

        offsets: np.array of floats
           Per band zeropoint offsets

        # Load the stars
        stars = butler.get('fgcmStandardStars', fgcmcycle=self.useCycle)

        # Only use stars that are observed in all the bands
        minObs = stars['ngood'].min(axis=1)

        # Depending on how things work, this might need to be configurable
        # However, I think that best results will occur when we use the same
        # pixels to do the calibration for all the bands, so I think this
        # is the right choice.

        goodStars = (minObs >= 1)
        stars = stars[goodStars]

            "Found %d stars with at least 1 good observation in each band" %

        # We have to make a table for each pixel with flux/fluxErr
        sourceMapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(stars.schema)
                                                 doc="flux error")
        badStarKey = sourceMapper.editOutputSchema().addField('flag_badStar',
                                                              doc="bad flag")

        # The exposure is used to record the filter name
        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF()

        # Split up the stars (units are radians)
        theta = np.pi / 2. - stars['coord_dec']
        phi = stars['coord_ra']

        ipring = hp.ang2pix(self.config.referencePixelizationNside, theta, phi)
        h, rev = esutil.stat.histogram(ipring, rev=True)

        gdpix, = np.where(h >= self.config.referencePixelizationMinStars)

            "Found %d pixels (nside=%d) with at least %d good stars" %
            (gdpix.size, self.config.referencePixelizationNside,

        if gdpix.size < self.config.referencePixelizationNPixels:
                "Found fewer good pixels (%d) than preferred in configuration (%d)"
                % (gdpix.size, self.config.referencePixelizationNPixels))
            # Sample out the pixels we want to use
            gdpix = np.random.choice(

        results = np.zeros(gdpix.size,
                           dtype=[('hpix', 'i4'),
                                  ('nstar', 'i4', len(self.bands)),
                                  ('nmatch', 'i4', len(self.bands)),
                                  ('zp', 'f4', len(self.bands)),
                                  ('zpErr', 'f4', len(self.bands))])
        results['hpix'] = ipring[rev[rev[gdpix]]]

        # We need a boolean index to deal with catalogs...
        selected = np.zeros(len(stars), dtype=np.bool)

        refFluxFields = [None] * len(self.bands)

        for p, pix in enumerate(gdpix):
            i1a = rev[rev[pix]:rev[pix + 1]]

            # Need to convert to a boolean array
            selected[:] = False
            selected[i1a] = True

            for b, band in enumerate(self.bands):

                sourceCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(
                sourceCat.extend(stars[selected], mapper=sourceMapper)
                sourceCat['flux'] = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(
                    stars['mag_std_noabs'][selected, b])
                sourceCat['fluxErr'] = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(
                    stars['magerr_std'][selected, b],
                    stars['mag_std_noabs'][selected, b])

                # Make sure we only use stars that have valid measurements
                # (This is perhaps redundant with requirements above that the
                # stars be observed in all bands, but it can't hurt)
                badStar = (stars['mag_std_noabs'][selected, b] > 90.0)
                for rec in sourceCat[badStar]:
                    rec.set(badStarKey, True)


                if refFluxFields[b] is None:
                    # Need to find the flux field in the reference catalog
                    # to work around limitations of DirectMatch in PhotoCal
                    ctr = stars[0].getCoord()
                    rad = 0.05 * lsst.geom.degrees
                    refDataTest = self.refObjLoader.loadSkyCircle(
                        ctr, rad, band)
                    refFluxFields[b] = refDataTest.fluxField

                # Make a copy of the config so that we can modify it
                calConfig = copy.copy(self.config.photoCal.value)
                calConfig.match.referenceSelection.signalToNoise.fluxField = refFluxFields[
                calConfig.match.referenceSelection.signalToNoise.errField = refFluxFields[
                    b] + 'Err'
                calTask = self.config.photoCal.target(

                struct = calTask.run(exposure, sourceCat)

                results['nstar'][p, b] = len(i1a)
                results['nmatch'][p, b] = len(struct.arrays.refMag)
                results['zp'][p, b] = struct.zp
                results['zpErr'][p, b] = struct.sigma

        # And compute the summary statistics
        offsets = np.zeros(len(self.bands))

        for b, band in enumerate(self.bands):
            # make configurable
            ok, = np.where(
                results['nmatch'][:, b] >= self.config.referenceMinMatch)
            offsets[b] = np.median(results['zp'][ok, b])
            madSigma = 1.4826 * np.median(
                np.abs(results['zp'][ok, b] - offsets[b]))
                "Reference catalog offset for %s band: %.6f +/- %.6f" %
                (band, offsets[b], madSigma))

        return offsets
コード例 #15
ファイル: fgcmcalTestBase.py プロジェクト: parejkoj/fgcmcal
    def _runFgcmOutputProducts(self, visitDataRefName, ccdDataRefName,
                               filterMapping, zpOffsets, testVisit, testCcd,
                               testFilter, testBandIndex):

        if self.logLevel is not None:
            self.otherArgs.extend(['--loglevel', 'fgcmcal=%s' % self.logLevel])

        args = [self.inputDir, '--output', self.testDir, '--doraise']

        result = fgcmcal.FgcmOutputProductsTask.parseAndRun(
            args=args, config=self.config, doReturnResults=True)

        # Extract the offsets from the results
        offsets = result.resultList[0].results.offsets

        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(offsets[0], zpOffsets[0], rtol=1e-6)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(offsets[1], zpOffsets[1], rtol=1e-6)

        butler = dafPersistence.butler.Butler(self.testDir)

        # Test the reference catalog stars

        # Read in the raw stars...
        rawStars = butler.get('fgcmStandardStars', fgcmcycle=0)

        # Read in the new reference catalog...
        config = LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsConfig()
        config.ref_dataset_name = 'fgcm_stars'
        task = LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask(butler, config=config)
        # Read in a giant radius to get them all
        refStruct = task.loadSkyCircle(rawStars[0].getCoord(),
                                       5.0 * lsst.geom.degrees,

        # Make sure all the stars are there
        self.assertEqual(len(rawStars), len(refStruct.refCat))

        # And make sure the numbers are consistent
        test, = np.where(rawStars['id'][0] == refStruct.refCat['id'])

        mag = rawStars['mag_std_noabs'][0, 0] + offsets[0]
        flux = afwImage.fluxFromABMag(mag)
        fluxErr = afwImage.fluxErrFromABMagErr(rawStars['magerr_std'][0, 0],

        # Test the joincal_photoCalib output

        zptCat = butler.get('fgcmZeropoints', fgcmcycle=0)
        selected = (zptCat['fgcmflag'] < 16)

        # Read in all the calibrations, these should all be there
        for rec in zptCat[selected]:
            testCal = butler.get('jointcal_photoCalib',
                                     visitDataRefName: int(rec['visit']),
                                     ccdDataRefName: int(rec['ccd']),
                                     'tract': 0

        # Our round-trip tests will be on this final one which is still loaded
        testCal = butler.get('jointcal_photoCalib',
                                 visitDataRefName: int(testVisit),
                                 ccdDataRefName: int(testCcd),
                                 'filter': filterMapping[testFilter],
                                 'tract': 0

        src = butler.get('src',
                             visitDataRefName: int(testVisit),
                             ccdDataRefName: int(testCcd)

        # Only test sources with positive flux
        gdSrc = (src['slot_CalibFlux_flux'] > 0.0)

        # We need to apply the calibration offset to the fgcmzpt (which is internal
        # and doesn't know about that yet)
        testZpInd, = np.where((zptCat['visit'] == testVisit)
                              & (zptCat['ccd'] == testCcd))
        fgcmZpt = zptCat['fgcmzpt'][testZpInd] + offsets[testBandIndex]

        # This is the magnitude through the mean calibration
        photoCalMeanCalMags = np.zeros(gdSrc.sum())
        # This is the magnitude through the full focal-plane variable mags
        photoCalMags = np.zeros_like(photoCalMeanCalMags)
        # This is the magnitude with the FGCM (central-ccd) zeropoint
        zptMeanCalMags = np.zeros_like(photoCalMeanCalMags)

        for i, rec in enumerate(src[gdSrc]):
            photoCalMeanCalMags[i] = testCal.instFluxToMagnitude(
            photoCalMags[i] = testCal.instFluxToMagnitude(
                rec['slot_CalibFlux_flux'], rec.getCentroid())
            zptMeanCalMags[i] = fgcmZpt - 2.5 * np.log10(

        # These should be very close but some tiny differences because the fgcm value
        # is defined at the center of the bbox, and the photoCal is the mean over the box
        # These should be roughly equal, but not precisely because of the focal-plane
        # variation.  However, this is a useful sanity check for something going totally
        # wrong.

        # Test the transmission output

        visitCatalog = butler.get('fgcmVisitCatalog')
        lutCat = butler.get('fgcmLookUpTable')

        testTrans = butler.get(
            dataId={visitDataRefName: visitCatalog[0]['visit']})
        testResp = testTrans.sampleAt(position=afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0),

        # The fit to be roughly consistent with the standard, although the
        # airmass is taken into account even with the "frozen" atmosphere.
        # This is also a rough comparison, because the interpolation does
        # not work well with such a coarse look-up table used for the test.

        # The second should be close to the first, but there is the airmass
        # difference so they aren't identical
        testTrans2 = butler.get(
            dataId={visitDataRefName: visitCatalog[1]['visit']})
        testResp2 = testTrans2.sampleAt(position=afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0),
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(testResp, testResp2, atol=1e-4)