コード例 #1
ファイル: isr.py プロジェクト: PaulPrice/obs_ukirt
    def run(self, ccdExposure):
        """Mask negative pixels"""
        ccd = ccdExposure.getDetector()
        ccdExposure = self.convertIntToFloat(ccdExposure)

        self.updateVariance(ccdExposure, ccd[0])  # Treating as having only a single amplifier

        image = ccdExposure.getMaskedImage().getImage()
        mask = ccdExposure.getMaskedImage().getMask()
        bad = mask.getPlaneBitMask("BAD")
        if False:
            mask.getArray()[:] = numpy.where(image <= 0, bad, 0)  # XXX this causes bad things to happen

        #from lsst.afw.image.utils import clipImage

        """ transfer wcs system to TAN """
        matches = ReferenceMatchVector()
        md  = ccdExposure.getMetadata()
        wcs = ccdExposure.getWcs()

        refSchema = SimpleTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        Point2DKey.addFields(refSchema, "centroid", "centroid position", "pixel")
        refCatalog = SimpleCatalog(refSchema)
        schema = SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        centroidKey = Point2DKey.addFields(schema, "centroid", "centroid position", "pixel")
        imgCatalog = SourceCatalog(schema)

#        for i in numpy.linspace(10, md.get("ZNAXIS1")-10, 20):
#            for j in numpy.linspace(10, md.get("ZNAXIS2")-10, 20):
        for i in numpy.linspace(10, 4000, 10):
            for j in numpy.linspace(10, 4000, 10):
                imgcrd = Point2D(i,j)  
                skycrd = wcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(i, j))
                # Create the reference catalog (with coordinates on the sky)
                refSrc = refCatalog.addNew()
                # Create the position catalog (with positions on the image)
                imgSrc = imgCatalog.addNew()
                imgSrc.set(centroidKey, imgcrd)
                # matches
                matches.push_back(ReferenceMatch(refSrc, imgSrc, float("NaN")))

        # make initial wcs
        refPix = afwGeom.Point2D(0.5*ccdExposure.getWidth(), 0.5*ccdExposure.getHeight())
        refSky = wcs.pixelToSky(refPix)
        xPixelScale = yPixelScale = (0.2*afwGeom.arcseconds).asDegrees()
        initanWcs = afwImage.makeWcs(refSky, refPix, xPixelScale, 0.0, 0.0, yPixelScale)
        # obtain modified wcs with matched catalogs
        fitter = FitTanSipWcsTask()
        fitRes = fitter.fitWcs(
            matches = matches,
            initWcs = initanWcs,
            refCat = refCatalog,
            sourceCat = imgCatalog,

        """ Set zero point, ZP error, exptime """
    	zp = md.get("MAGZPT")

        return lsst.pipe.base.Struct(exposure=ccdExposure)