def testCreationOfPhoSimCatalog(self): """ Make sure that we can create PhoSim input catalogs using the returned ObservationMetaData. This test will just make sure that all of the expected header entries are there. """ scratch_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests', 'scratchSpace') dbName = os.path.join(scratch_dir, 'obsMetaDataGeneratorTest.db') catName = os.path.join(scratch_dir, 'testPhoSimFromObsMetaDataGenerator.txt') if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName) makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName) bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=dbName) gen = self.gen results = gen.getObservationMetaData(fieldRA=np.degrees(1.370916), telescopeFilter='i') testCat = PhoSimCatalogSersic2D(bulgeDB, obs_metadata=results[0]) testCat.phoSimHeaderMap = {} testCat.write_catalog(catName) if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def testCreationOfPhoSimCatalog_3(self): """ Make sure that we can create PhoSim input catalogs using the returned ObservationMetaData. Test that an error is actually raised if we try to build a PhoSim catalog with a v3 header map using a v4 ObservationMetaData """ dbName = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='obsMetaDataGeneratorTest-', suffix='.db') makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName) bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=dbName) opsim_db = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_data'), 'OpSimData', 'astro-lsst-01_2014.db') assert os.path.isfile(opsim_db) gen = ObservationMetaDataGenerator(opsim_db, driver='sqlite') results = gen.getObservationMetaData(fieldRA=(70.0, 85.0), telescopeFilter='i') self.assertGreater(len(results), 0) testCat = PhoSimCatalogSersic2D(bulgeDB, obs_metadata=results[0]) testCat.phoSimHeaderMap = DefaultPhoSimHeaderMap with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName: with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): testCat.write_catalog(catName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def testCompoundFitsFiles_one_empty(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts the right number of counts on images containing different types of objects in the case where one of the input catalogs is empty (really, this is testing that we can successfully copy the GalSimInterpreter and all of the supporting properties from an empty GalSimCatalog to another GalSimCatalog) """ driver = 'sqlite' dbName1 = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestCompound1DB_one_empty.db') if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) deltaRA = np.array([72.0/3600.0, 55.0/3600.0, 75.0/3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0, 15.0/3600.0, -15.0/3600.0]) obs_metadata1 = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName1, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) dbName2 = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestCompound2DB_one_empty.db') if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) deltaRA = np.array([55.0/3600.0, 60.0/3600.0, 62.0/3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([-3.0/3600.0, 10.0/3600.0, 10.0/3600.0]) obs_metadata2 = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName2, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) gals = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName1) # shift the obs_metadata so that the catalog will not contain # any objects ra0 = obs_metadata1.pointingRA dec0 = obs_metadata1.pointingDec obs_metadata1.pointingRA = ra0 + 20.0 cat1 = testGalaxyCatalog(gals, obs_metadata=obs_metadata1) cat1.camera_wrapper = GalSimCameraWrapper( catName = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'compoundCatalog_one_empty.sav') cat1.write_catalog(catName) with open(catName, "r") as input_file: input_lines = input_file.readlines() self.assertEqual(len(input_lines), 1) # just the header self.assertFalse(hasattr(cat1, 'bandpassDict')) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName2) cat2 = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata2) cat2.copyGalSimInterpreter(cat1) cat2.write_catalog(catName, write_header=False, write_mode='a') self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat2, nameRoot='compound_one_empty') if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName)
def testCreationOfPhoSimCatalog_2(self): """ Make sure that we can create PhoSim input catalogs using the returned ObservationMetaData. Use the actual DefaultPhoSimHeader map; make sure that opsim_version does not make it into the header. """ dbName = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='obsMetaDataGeneratorTest-', suffix='.db') makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName) bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=dbName) gen = self.gen results = gen.getObservationMetaData(fieldRA=np.degrees(1.370916), telescopeFilter='i') testCat = PhoSimCatalogSersic2D(bulgeDB, obs_metadata=results[0]) testCat.phoSimHeaderMap = DefaultPhoSimHeaderMap with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName: testCat.write_catalog(catName) ct_lines = 0 with open(catName, 'r') as in_file: for line in in_file: ct_lines += 1 self.assertNotIn('opsim_version', line) self.assertGreater(ct_lines, 10) # check that some lines did get written if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def testCompoundFitsFiles(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts the right number of counts on images containing different types of objects """ driver = "sqlite" dbName1 = "galSimTestCompound1DB.db" if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0, 55.0 / 3600.0, 75.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0, 15.0 / 3600.0, -15.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata1 = makePhoSimTestDB( filename=dbName1, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing, ) dbName2 = "galSimTestCompound2DB.db" if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) deltaRA = np.array([55.0 / 3600.0, 60.0 / 3600.0, 62.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([-3.0 / 3600.0, 10.0 / 3600.0, 10.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata2 = makePhoSimTestDB( filename=dbName2, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing, ) gals = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName1) cat1 = testGalaxyCatalog(gals, obs_metadata=obs_metadata1) catName = "compoundCatalog.sav" cat1.write_catalog(catName) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName2) cat2 = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata2) cat2.copyGalSimInterpreter(cat1) cat2.write_catalog(catName, write_header=False, write_mode="a") self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat2, nameRoot="compound") if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName)
def testCompoundFitsFiles(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts the right number of counts on images containing different types of objects """ driver = 'sqlite' dbName1 = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestCompound1DB.db') if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0, 55.0 / 3600.0, 75.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0, 15.0 / 3600.0, -15.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata1 = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName1, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) dbName2 = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestCompound2DB.db') if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) deltaRA = np.array([55.0 / 3600.0, 60.0 / 3600.0, 62.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([-3.0 / 3600.0, 10.0 / 3600.0, 10.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata2 = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName2, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) gals = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName1) cat1 = testGalaxyCatalog(gals, obs_metadata=obs_metadata1) cat1.camera_wrapper = GalSimCameraWrapper( catName = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'compoundCatalog.sav') cat1.write_catalog(catName) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName2) cat2 = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata2) cat2.copyGalSimInterpreter(cat1) cat2.write_catalog(catName, write_header=False, write_mode='a') self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat2, nameRoot='compound') if os.path.exists(dbName1): os.unlink(dbName1) if os.path.exists(dbName2): os.unlink(dbName2) if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName)
def setUp(self): self.tempDB = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'PhoSimTestDatabase.db') self.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(size=10, filename=self.tempDB) self.bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.diskDB = testGalaxyDiskDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.agnDB = testGalaxyAgnDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.starDB = testStarsDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) filter_translation = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5} alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, self.obs_metadata, includeRefraction=False) self.control_header = [ 'moondec %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moondec']), 'rottelpos %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['rottelpos']), 'declination %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, 'moonalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonalt']), 'rotskypos %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.rotSkyPos, 'moonra %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonra']), 'sunalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['sunalt']), 'mjd %.17f\n' % (self.obs_metadata.mjd.TAI + 16.5 / 86400.0), 'azimuth %.17f\n' % az, 'rightascension %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, 'dist2moon %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['dist2moon']), 'filter %d\n' % filter_translation[self.obs_metadata.bandpass], 'altitude %.17f\n' % alt ]
def setUpClass(cls): cls.scratch_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests', 'scratchSpace') cls.db_name = os.path.join(cls.scratch_dir, 'PhoSimAstDB.db') if os.path.exists(cls.db_name): os.unlink(cls.db_name) cls.obs = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.db_name, size=1000)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.dbName = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='PhoSimVariabilityDatabase-', suffix='.db') cls.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(size=10, filename=cls.dbName) cls.obs_metadata.mjd = ModifiedJulianDate(TAI=60000.0) cls.bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=cls.dbName) cls.diskDB = testGalaxyDiskDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=cls.dbName) cls.agnDB = testGalaxyAgnDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=cls.dbName) cls.starDB = testStarsDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=cls.dbName)
def testCreationOfPhoSimCatalog(self): """ Make sure that we can create PhoSim input catalogs using the returned ObservationMetaData. This test will just make sure that all of the expected header entries are there. """ dbName = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='obsMetaDataGeneratorTest-', suffix='.db') makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName) bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=dbName) gen = self.gen results = gen.getObservationMetaData(fieldRA=np.degrees(1.370916), telescopeFilter='i') testCat = PhoSimCatalogSersic2D(bulgeDB, obs_metadata=results[0]) testCat.phoSimHeaderMap = {} with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName: testCat.write_catalog(catName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def testMultipleImages(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts the right number of counts on images of multiple objects """ dbName = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestMultipleDB.db') driver = 'sqlite' if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0, 55.0 / 3600.0, 75.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0, 15.0 / 3600.0, -15.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) gals = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) cat = testGalaxyCatalog(gals, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) cat.camera_wrapper = GalSimCameraWrapper( catName = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'multipleCatalog.sav') cat.write_catalog(catName) self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat, nameRoot='multiple') if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) cat = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) cat.camera_wrapper = GalSimCameraWrapper( catName = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'multipleStarCatalog.sav') cat.write_catalog(catName) self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat, nameRoot='multipleStars') if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def setUpClass(cls): = camTestUtils.CameraWrapper().camera cls.scratch_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='GalSimInterfaceTest-') cls.dbName = os.path.join(cls.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestDB.db') deltaRA = np.array([72.0/3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0]) defaults = LSSTdefaults() cls.bandpassNameList = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] cls.m5 = [16.0+ix for ix in range(len(cls.bandpassNameList))] cls.seeing = [defaults._FWHMeff[bb] for bb in cls.bandpassNameList] cls.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.dbName, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=cls.bandpassNameList, m5=cls.m5, seeing=cls.seeing, seedVal=65) cls.driver = 'sqlite'
def testMultipleImages(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts the right number of counts on images of multiple objects """ dbName = "galSimTestMultipleDB.db" driver = "sqlite" if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0, 55.0 / 3600.0, 75.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0, 15.0 / 3600.0, -15.0 / 3600.0]) obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB( filename=dbName, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing, ) gals = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) cat = testGalaxyCatalog(gals, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) catName = "multipleCatalog.sav" cat.write_catalog(catName) self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat, nameRoot="multiple") if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) cat = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) catName = "multipleStarCatalog.sav" cat.write_catalog(catName) self.catalogTester(catName=catName, catalog=cat, nameRoot="multipleStars") if os.path.exists(catName): os.unlink(catName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.dbName = "galSimTestDB.db" if os.path.exists(cls.dbName): os.unlink(cls.dbName) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0]) defaults = LSSTdefaults() cls.bandpassNameList = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"] cls.m5 = defaults._m5.values() cls.seeing = defaults._FWHMeff.values() cls.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB( filename=cls.dbName, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=cls.bandpassNameList, m5=cls.m5, seeing=cls.seeing, ) cls.driver = "sqlite"
def setUp(self): self.tempDB = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'PhoSimTestDatabase.db') self.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(size=10, filename=self.tempDB) self.bulgeDB = testGalaxyBulgeDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.diskDB = testGalaxyDiskDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.agnDB = testGalaxyAgnDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) self.starDB = testStarsDBObj(driver='sqlite', database=self.tempDB) filter_translation = {'u': 0, 'g': 1, 'r': 2, 'i': 3, 'z': 4, 'y': 5} alt, az, pa = altAzPaFromRaDec(self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, self.obs_metadata, includeRefraction=False) self.control_header = ['moondec %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moondec']), 'rottelpos %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['rottelpos']), 'declination %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingDec, 'moonalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonalt']), 'rotskypos %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.rotSkyPos, 'moonra %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['moonra']), 'sunalt %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['sunalt']), 'mjd %.17f\n' % (self.obs_metadata.mjd.TAI+16.5/86400.0), 'azimuth %.17f\n' % az, 'rightascension %.17f\n' % self.obs_metadata.pointingRA, 'dist2moon %.7f\n' % np.degrees(self.obs_metadata.OpsimMetaData['dist2moon']), 'filter %d\n' % filter_translation[self.obs_metadata.bandpass], 'altitude %.17f\n' % alt]
def setUpClass(cls): cls.scratch_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_GalSimInterface'), 'tests', 'scratchSpace') cls.dbName = os.path.join(cls.scratch_dir, 'galSimTestDB.db') if os.path.exists(cls.dbName): os.unlink(cls.dbName) deltaRA = np.array([72.0 / 3600.0]) deltaDec = np.array([0.0]) defaults = LSSTdefaults() cls.bandpassNameList = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] cls.m5 = [16.0 + ix for ix in range(len(cls.bandpassNameList))] cls.seeing = [defaults._FWHMeff[bb] for bb in cls.bandpassNameList] cls.obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.dbName, size=1, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=cls.bandpassNameList, m5=cls.m5, seeing=cls.seeing, seedVal=65) cls.driver = 'sqlite'
def setUpClass(cls): lsstDefaults = LSSTdefaults() cls.dbName = 'uncertaintyTestDB.db' if os.path.exists(cls.dbName): os.unlink(cls.dbName) default_obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.dbName, size=10, radius=5.0) bandpass = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] m5 = list(lsstDefaults._m5.values()) cls.obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData( pointingRA=default_obs_metadata.pointingRA, pointingDec=default_obs_metadata.pointingDec, rotSkyPos=default_obs_metadata.rotSkyPos, bandpassName=bandpass, m5=m5) cls.obs_metadata.setBandpassM5andSeeing(bandpassName=bandpass, m5=m5) cls.driver = 'sqlite' = '' cls.skySeds = [] cls.hardwareBandpasses = [] cls.totalBandpasses = [] cls.bandpasses = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] components = [ 'detector.dat', 'm1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat', 'lens1.dat', 'lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat' ] for b in cls.bandpasses: bandpassDummy = Bandpass() bandpassDummy.readThroughput( os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'total_%s.dat' % b)) cls.totalBandpasses.append(bandpassDummy) for b in cls.bandpasses: finalComponents = [] for c in components: finalComponents.append( os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', c)) finalComponents.append( os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'filter_%s.dat' % b)) bandpassDummy = Bandpass() bandpassDummy.readThroughputList(finalComponents) cls.hardwareBandpasses.append(bandpassDummy) for i in range(len(cls.bandpasses)): sedDummy = Sed() sedDummy.readSED_flambda( os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'darksky.dat')) normalizedSedDummy = setM5(cls.obs_metadata.m5[cls.bandpasses[i]], sedDummy, cls.totalBandpasses[i], cls.hardwareBandpasses[i], FWHMeff=lsstDefaults.FWHMeff( cls.bandpasses[i]), photParams=PhotometricParameters()) cls.skySeds.append(normalizedSedDummy)
def testPlacement(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts objects on the right detectors. Do so by creating a catalog of 3 closely-packed stars. Draw test FITS images of them using the GalSim Catalog infrastructure. Draw control FITS images of the detectors in the camera, paranoidly including every star in every control image (GalSim contains code such that it will not actually add flux to an image in cases where we try to include a star that does not actually fall on a detector). Compare that a) the fluxes of the test and control images agree within some tolerance b) the fluxes of control images that have no corresponding test image (i.e. detectors on which no star actually fell) are effectively zero """ # generate the database np_rng = np.random.RandomState(32) gs_rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(112) catSize = 3 dbName = "galSimPlacementTestDB.db" driver = "sqlite" if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName) deltaRA = (-40.0 + np_rng.random_sample(catSize) * (120.0)) / 3600.0 deltaDec = (-20.0 + np_rng.random_sample(catSize) * (80.0)) / 3600.0 obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB( filename=dbName, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing, ) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) # create the catalog cat = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) results = cat.iter_catalog() firstLine = True # iterate over the catalog, giving every star a chance to # illumine every detector controlImages = {} for i, line in enumerate(results): xPupil = line[5] yPupil = line[6] if firstLine: sedList = list(cat._calculateGalSimSeds()) for detector in cat.galSimInterpreter.detectors: for bandpass in cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict: controlImages[ "placementControl_" + cat.galSimInterpreter._getFileName(detector=detector, bandpassName=bandpass) ] = cat.galSimInterpreter.blankImage(detector=detector) firstLine = False for bp in cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict: bandpass = cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict[bp] adu = sedList[i].calcADU(bandpass, cat.photParams) for detector in cat.galSimInterpreter.detectors: centeredObj = cat.galSimInterpreter.PSF.applyPSF(xPupil=xPupil, yPupil=yPupil) xPix, yPix = pixelCoordsFromPupilCoords( radiansFromArcsec(xPupil), radiansFromArcsec(yPupil),, camera=detector.afwCamera, ) dx = xPix - detector.xCenterPix dy = yPix - detector.yCenterPix obj = centeredObj.withFlux(adu * detector.photParams.gain) localImage = cat.galSimInterpreter.blankImage(detector=detector) localImage = obj.drawImage( wcs=detector.wcs, method="phot", gain=detector.photParams.gain, image=localImage, offset=galsim.PositionD(dx, dy), rng=gs_rng, ) controlImages[ "placementControl_" + cat.galSimInterpreter._getFileName(detector=detector, bandpassName=bp) ] += localImage self.assertGreater(len(controlImages), 0) for name in controlImages: controlImages[name].write(file_name=name) # write the test images using the catalog infrastructure testNames = cat.write_images(nameRoot="placementTest") # make sure that every test image has a corresponding control image for testName in testNames: controlName = testName.replace("Test", "Control") msg = "%s has no counterpart " % testName self.assertIn(controlName, controlImages, msg=msg) # make sure that the test and control images agree to some tolerance ignored = 0 zeroFlux = 0 valid = 0 for controlName in controlImages: controlImage = afwImage.ImageF(controlName) controlFlux = controlImage.getArray().sum() testName = controlName.replace("Control", "Test") if testName in testNames: testImage = afwImage.ImageF(testName) testFlux = testImage.getArray().sum() if controlFlux > 1000.0: countSigma = np.sqrt(controlFlux / cat.photParams.gain) msg = "%s: controlFlux = %e, testFlux = %e, sigma %e" % ( controlName, controlFlux, testFlux, countSigma, ) # the randomness of photon shooting means that faint images won't agree self.assertLess(np.abs(controlFlux - testFlux), 4.0 * countSigma, msg=msg) valid += 1 else: ignored += 1 else: # make sure that controlImages that have no corresponding test image really do # have zero flux (because no star fell on them) zeroFlux += 1 msg = "%s has flux %e but was not written by catalog" % (controlName, controlFlux) self.assertLess(controlFlux, 1.0, msg=msg) self.assertGreater(valid, 0) self.assertLess(ignored, len(testNames) / 2) self.assertGreater(zeroFlux, 0) for testName in testNames: if os.path.exists(testName): os.unlink(testName) for controlName in controlImages: if os.path.exists(controlName): os.unlink(controlName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)
def setUpClass(cls): = obs_lsst_phosim.PhosimMapper().camera cls.db_name = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='PhoSimAstDB', suffix='.db') cls.obs = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.db_name, size=1000)
def setUpClass(cls): cls.db_name = tempfile.mktemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='PhoSimAstDB', suffix='.db') cls.obs = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.db_name, size=1000)
def testPlacement(self): """ Test that GalSimInterpreter puts objects on the right detectors. Do so by creating a catalog of 3 closely-packed stars. Draw test FITS images of them using the GalSim Catalog infrastructure. Draw control FITS images of the detectors in the camera, paranoidly including every star in every control image (GalSim contains code such that it will not actually add flux to an image in cases where we try to include a star that does not actually fall on a detector). Compare that a) the fluxes of the test and control images agree within some tolerance b) the fluxes of control images that have no corresponding test image (i.e. detectors on which no star actually fell) are effectively zero """ # generate the database np_rng = np.random.RandomState(32) gs_rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(112) catSize = 3 dbName = 'galSimPlacementTestDB.db' driver = 'sqlite' if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName) deltaRA = (-40.0 + np_rng.random_sample(catSize) * (120.0)) / 3600.0 deltaDec = (-20.0 + np_rng.random_sample(catSize) * (80.0)) / 3600.0 obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=dbName, deltaRA=deltaRA, deltaDec=deltaDec, bandpass=self.bandpassNameList, m5=self.m5, seeing=self.seeing) stars = testStarsDBObj(driver=driver, database=dbName) # create the catalog cat = testStarCatalog(stars, obs_metadata=obs_metadata) results = cat.iter_catalog() firstLine = True # iterate over the catalog, giving every star a chance to # illumine every detector controlImages = {} for i, line in enumerate(results): xPupil = line[5] yPupil = line[6] if firstLine: sedList = list(cat._calculateGalSimSeds()) for detector in cat.galSimInterpreter.detectors: for bandpass in cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict: controlImages['placementControl_' + cat.galSimInterpreter._getFileName(detector=detector, bandpassName=bandpass)] = \ cat.galSimInterpreter.blankImage(detector=detector) firstLine = False for bp in cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict: bandpass = cat.galSimInterpreter.bandpassDict[bp] adu = sedList[i].calcADU(bandpass, cat.photParams) for detector in cat.galSimInterpreter.detectors: centeredObj = cat.galSimInterpreter.PSF.applyPSF( xPupil=xPupil, yPupil=yPupil) xPix, yPix = pixelCoordsFromPupilCoords( radiansFromArcsec(xPupil), radiansFromArcsec(yPupil),, camera=detector.afwCamera) dx = xPix - detector.xCenterPix dy = yPix - detector.yCenterPix obj = centeredObj.withFlux(adu * detector.photParams.gain) localImage = cat.galSimInterpreter.blankImage( detector=detector) localImage = obj.drawImage(wcs=detector.wcs, method='phot', gain=detector.photParams.gain, image=localImage, offset=galsim.PositionD(dx, dy), rng=gs_rng) controlImages[ 'placementControl_' + cat.galSimInterpreter._getFileName( detector=detector, bandpassName=bp)] += localImage self.assertGreater(len(controlImages), 0) for name in controlImages: controlImages[name].write(file_name=name) # write the test images using the catalog infrastructure testNames = cat.write_images(nameRoot='placementTest') # make sure that every test image has a corresponding control image for testName in testNames: controlName = testName.replace('Test', 'Control') msg = '%s has no counterpart ' % testName self.assertIn(controlName, controlImages, msg=msg) # make sure that the test and control images agree to some tolerance ignored = 0 zeroFlux = 0 valid = 0 for controlName in controlImages: controlImage = afwImage.ImageF(controlName) controlFlux = controlImage.getArray().sum() testName = controlName.replace('Control', 'Test') if testName in testNames: testImage = afwImage.ImageF(testName) testFlux = testImage.getArray().sum() if controlFlux > 1000.0: countSigma = np.sqrt(controlFlux / cat.photParams.gain) msg = '%s: controlFlux = %e, testFlux = %e, sigma %e' \ % (controlName, controlFlux, testFlux, countSigma) # the randomness of photon shooting means that faint images won't agree self.assertLess(np.abs(controlFlux - testFlux), 4.0 * countSigma, msg=msg) valid += 1 else: ignored += 1 else: # make sure that controlImages that have no corresponding test image really do # have zero flux (because no star fell on them) zeroFlux += 1 msg = '%s has flux %e but was not written by catalog' % ( controlName, controlFlux) self.assertLess(controlFlux, 1.0, msg=msg) self.assertGreater(valid, 0) self.assertLess(ignored, len(testNames) / 2) self.assertGreater(zeroFlux, 0) for testName in testNames: if os.path.exists(testName): os.unlink(testName) for controlName in controlImages: if os.path.exists(controlName): os.unlink(controlName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.unlink(dbName)