コード例 #1
 def testSetCoeff(self):
     # Test setting coefficients directly from chebyFits outputs.
     chebyValues = ChebyValues()
     for k in self.coeffKeys:
         self.assertTrue(k in chebyValues.coeffs)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(chebyValues.coeffs[k], np.ndarray))
     self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(chebyValues.coeffs['objId'])), len(self.orbits))
     # This will only be true for carefully selected length/orbit type, where subdivision did not occur.
     # For the test MBAs, a len=1day will work. For the test NEOs, a len=0.25 day will work (with 2.5mas skyTol).
     #self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['tStart']), (self.interval / self.setLength) * len(self.orbits))
     self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['ra'][0]), self.nCoeffs)
     self.assertTrue('meanRA' in chebyValues.coeffs)
     self.assertTrue('meanDec' in chebyValues.coeffs)
コード例 #2
 def testReadCoeffs(self):
     # Test reading the coefficients from disk.
     chebyValues = ChebyValues()
     chebyValues2 = ChebyValues()
     for k in chebyValues.coeffs:
         if k == 'objId':
             # Can't test strings with np.test.assert_almost_equal.
             np.testing.assert_equal(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k])
             # All of these will only be accurate to 2 less decimal places than they are
             # print out with in chebyFits. Since vmag, delta and elongation only use 7
             # decimal places, this means we can test to 5 decimal places for those.
             np.testing.assert_allclose(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
コード例 #3
 def testReadCoeffs(self):
     # Test reading the coefficients from disk.
     chebyValues = ChebyValues()
     chebyValues2 = ChebyValues()
     for k in chebyValues.coeffs:
         if k == 'objId':
             # Can't test strings with np.test.assert_almost_equal.
             np.testing.assert_equal(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k])
             # All of these will only be accurate to 2 less decimal places than they are
             # print out with in chebyFits. Since vmag, delta and elongation only use 7
             # decimal places, this means we can test to 5 decimal places for those.
             np.testing.assert_allclose(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
コード例 #4
 def testSetCoeff(self):
     # Test setting coefficients directly from chebyFits outputs.
     chebyValues = ChebyValues()
     for k in self.coeffKeys:
         self.assertTrue(k in chebyValues.coeffs)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(chebyValues.coeffs[k], np.ndarray))
     self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(chebyValues.coeffs['objId'])), len(self.orbits))
     # This will only be true for carefully selected length/orbit type, where subdivision did not occur.
     # For the test MBAs, a len=1day will work.
     # For the test NEOs, a len=0.25 day will work (with 2.5mas skyTol).
     # self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['tStart']),
     #                  (self.interval / self.setLength) * len(self.orbits))
     self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['ra'][0]), self.nCoeffs)
     self.assertTrue('meanRA' in chebyValues.coeffs)
     self.assertTrue('meanDec' in chebyValues.coeffs)