コード例 #1
ファイル: dltisys.py プロジェクト: 87/scipy
def dlsim(system, u, t=None, x0=None):
    Simulate output of a discrete-time linear system.

    system : class instance or tuple
        An instance of the LTI class, or a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:

          - 3: (num, den, dt)
          - 4: (zeros, poles, gain, dt)
          - 5: (A, B, C, D, dt)

    u : array_like
        An input array describing the input at each time `t` (interpolation is
        assumed between given times).  If there are multiple inputs, then each
        column of the rank-2 array represents an input.
    t : array_like, optional
        The time steps at which the input is defined.  If `t` is given, the
        final value in `t` determines the number of steps returned in the
    x0 : arry_like, optional
        The initial conditions on the state vector (zero by default).

    tout : ndarray
        Time values for the output, as a 1-D array.
    yout : ndarray
        System response, as a 1-D array.
    xout : ndarray, optional
        Time-evolution of the state-vector.  Only generated if the input is a
        state-space systems.

    See Also
    lsim, dstep, dimpulse, cont2discrete

    A simple integrator transfer function with a discrete time step of 1.0
    could be implemented as:

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> tf = ([1.0,], [1.0, -1.0], 1.0)
    >>> t_in = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
    >>> u = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    >>> t_out, y = signal.dlsim(tf, u, t=t_in)
    >>> y
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.])

    if len(system) == 3:
        a, b, c, d = tf2ss(system[0], system[1])
        dt = system[2]
    elif len(system) == 4:
        a, b, c, d = zpk2ss(system[0], system[1], system[2])
        dt = system[3]
    elif len(system) == 5:
        a, b, c, d, dt = system
        raise ValueError("System argument should be a discrete transfer " +
                         "function, zeros-poles-gain specification, or " +
                         "state-space system")

    if t is None:
        out_samples = max(u.shape)
        stoptime = (out_samples - 1) * dt
        stoptime = t[-1]
        out_samples = int(np.floor(stoptime / dt)) + 1

    # Pre-build output arrays
    xout = np.zeros((out_samples, a.shape[0]))
    yout = np.zeros((out_samples, c.shape[0]))
    tout = np.linspace(0.0, stoptime, num=out_samples)

    # Check initial condition
    if x0 is None:
        xout[0,:] = np.zeros((a.shape[1],))
        xout[0,:] = np.asarray(x0)

    # Pre-interpolate inputs into the desired time steps
    if t is None:
        u_dt = u
        if len(u.shape) == 1:
            u = u[:, np.newaxis]

        u_dt_interp = interp1d(t, u.transpose(), copy=False, bounds_error=True)
        u_dt = u_dt_interp(tout).transpose()

    # Simulate the system
    for i in range(0, out_samples - 1):
        xout[i+1,:] = np.dot(a, xout[i,:]) + np.dot(b, u_dt[i,:])
        yout[i,:] = np.dot(c, xout[i,:]) + np.dot(d, u_dt[i,:])

    # Last point
    yout[out_samples-1,:] = np.dot(c, xout[out_samples-1,:]) + \
                            np.dot(d, u_dt[out_samples-1,:])

    if len(system) == 5:
        return tout, yout, xout
        return tout, yout
コード例 #2
ファイル: cont2discrete.py プロジェクト: ArmstrongJ/scipy
def cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="zoh", alpha=None):
    """Transform a continuous to a discrete state-space system.

    sys : a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:
        * 2: (num, den)
        * 3: (zeros, poles, gain)
        * 4: (A, B, C, D)

    dt : float
        The discretization time step.
    method : {"gbt", "bilinear", "euler", "backward_diff", "zoh"}
        Which method to use:
            * gbt: generalized bilinear transformation
            * bilinear: Tustin's approximation ("gbt" with alpha=0.5)
            * euler: Euler (or forward differencing) method ("gbt" with
            * backward_diff: Backwards differencing ("gbt" with alpha=1.0)
            * zoh: zero-order hold (default).
    alpha : float within [0, 1]
        The generalized bilinear transformation weighting parameter, which
        should only be specified with method="gbt", and is ignored otherwise

    sysd : tuple containing the discrete system
        Based on the input type, the output will be of the form

        (num, den, dt)   for transfer function input
        (zeros, poles, gain, dt)   for zeros-poles-gain input
        (A, B, C, D, dt) for state-space system input

    By default, the routine uses a Zero-Order Hold (zoh) method to perform
    the transformation.  Alternatively, a generalized bilinear transformation
    may be used, which includes the common Tustin's bilinear approximation,
    an Euler's method technique, or a backwards differencing technique.

    The Zero-Order Hold (zoh) method is based on:

    Generalize bilinear approximation is based on:
    G. Zhang, X. Chen, and T. Chen, Digital redesign via the generalized bilinear
    transformation, Int. J. Control, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 741-754, 2009.

    if len(sys) == 2:
        sysd = cont2discrete(tf2ss(sys[0], sys[1]), dt, method=method,
        return ss2tf(sysd[0], sysd[1], sysd[2], sysd[3]) + (dt,)
    elif len(sys) == 3:
        sysd = cont2discrete(zpk2ss(sys[0], sys[1], sys[2]), dt, method=method,
        return ss2zpk(sysd[0], sysd[1], sysd[2], sysd[3]) + (dt,)
    elif len(sys) == 4:
        a, b, c, d = sys
        raise ValueError("First argument must either be a tuple of 2 (tf), "
                         "3 (zpk), or 4 (ss) arrays.")

    if method == 'gbt':
        if alpha is None:
            raise ValueError("Alpha parameter must be specified for the "
                             "generalized bilinear transform (gbt) method")
        elif alpha < 0 or alpha > 1:
            raise ValueError("Alpha parameter must be within the interval "
                             "[0,1] for the gbt method")

    if method == 'gbt':
        # This parameter is used repeatedly - compute once here
        ima = np.eye(a.shape[0]) - alpha*dt*a
        ad = linalg.solve(ima, np.eye(a.shape[0]) + (1.0-alpha)*dt*a)
        bd = linalg.solve(ima, dt*b)

        # Similarly solve for the output equation matrices
        cd = linalg.solve(ima.transpose(), c.transpose())
        cd = cd.transpose()
        dd = d + alpha*np.dot(c, bd)

    elif method == 'bilinear' or method == 'tustin':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=0.5)

    elif method == 'euler' or method == 'forward_diff':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=0.0)

    elif method == 'backward_diff':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=1.0)

    elif method == 'zoh':
        # Build an exponential matrix
        em_upper = np.hstack((a, b))

        # Need to stack zeros under the a and b matrices
        em_lower = np.hstack((np.zeros((b.shape[1], a.shape[0])),
                              np.zeros((b.shape[1], b.shape[1])) ))

        em = np.vstack((em_upper, em_lower))
        ms = linalg.expm(dt * em)

        # Dispose of the lower rows
        ms = ms[:a.shape[0], :]

        ad = ms[:, 0:a.shape[1]]
        bd = ms[:, a.shape[1]:]

        cd = c
        dd = d

        raise ValueError("Unknown transformation method '%s'" % method)

    return ad, bd, cd, dd, dt
コード例 #3
ファイル: dltisys.py プロジェクト: wqren/scipy
def dlsim(system, u, t=None, x0=None):
    Simulate output of a discrete-time linear system.

    system : class instance or tuple
        An instance of the LTI class, or a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:

          - 3: (num, den, dt)
          - 4: (zeros, poles, gain, dt)
          - 5: (A, B, C, D, dt)

    u : array_like
        An input array describing the input at each time `t` (interpolation is
        assumed between given times).  If there are multiple inputs, then each
        column of the rank-2 array represents an input.
    t : array_like, optional
        The time steps at which the input is defined.  If `t` is given, the
        final value in `t` determines the number of steps returned in the
    x0 : arry_like, optional
        The initial conditions on the state vector (zero by default).

    tout : ndarray
        Time values for the output, as a 1-D array.
    yout : ndarray
        System response, as a 1-D array.
    xout : ndarray, optional
        Time-evolution of the state-vector.  Only generated if the input is a
        state-space systems.

    See Also
    lsim, dstep, dimpulse, cont2discrete

    A simple integrator transfer function with a discrete time step of 1.0
    could be implemented as:

    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> tf = ([1.0,], [1.0, -1.0], 1.0)
    >>> t_in = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
    >>> u = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    >>> t_out, y = signal.dlsim(tf, u, t=t_in)
    >>> y
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.])

    if len(system) == 3:
        a, b, c, d = tf2ss(system[0], system[1])
        dt = system[2]
    elif len(system) == 4:
        a, b, c, d = zpk2ss(system[0], system[1], system[2])
        dt = system[3]
    elif len(system) == 5:
        a, b, c, d, dt = system
        raise ValueError("System argument should be a discrete transfer " +
                         "function, zeros-poles-gain specification, or " +
                         "state-space system")

    if t is None:
        out_samples = max(u.shape)
        stoptime = (out_samples - 1) * dt
        stoptime = t[-1]
        out_samples = int(np.floor(stoptime / dt)) + 1

    # Pre-build output arrays
    xout = np.zeros((out_samples, a.shape[0]))
    yout = np.zeros((out_samples, c.shape[0]))
    tout = np.linspace(0.0, stoptime, num=out_samples)

    # Check initial condition
    if x0 is None:
        xout[0, :] = np.zeros((a.shape[1], ))
        xout[0, :] = np.asarray(x0)

    # Pre-interpolate inputs into the desired time steps
    if t is None:
        u_dt = u
        if len(u.shape) == 1:
            u = u[:, np.newaxis]

        u_dt_interp = interp1d(t, u.transpose(), copy=False, bounds_error=True)
        u_dt = u_dt_interp(tout).transpose()

    # Simulate the system
    for i in range(0, out_samples - 1):
        xout[i + 1, :] = np.dot(a, xout[i, :]) + np.dot(b, u_dt[i, :])
        yout[i, :] = np.dot(c, xout[i, :]) + np.dot(d, u_dt[i, :])

    # Last point
    yout[out_samples-1,:] = np.dot(c, xout[out_samples-1,:]) + \
                            np.dot(d, u_dt[out_samples-1,:])

    if len(system) == 5:
        return tout, yout, xout
        return tout, yout
コード例 #4
def cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="zoh", alpha=None):
    """Transform a continuous to a discrete state-space system.

    sys : a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:

            * 2: (num, den)
            * 3: (zeros, poles, gain)
            * 4: (A, B, C, D)

    dt : float
        The discretization time step.
    method : {"gbt", "bilinear", "euler", "backward_diff", "zoh"}
        Which method to use:

            * gbt: generalized bilinear transformation
            * bilinear: Tustin's approximation ("gbt" with alpha=0.5)
            * euler: Euler (or forward differencing) method ("gbt" with
            * backward_diff: Backwards differencing ("gbt" with alpha=1.0)
            * zoh: zero-order hold (default).

    alpha : float within [0, 1]
        The generalized bilinear transformation weighting parameter, which
        should only be specified with method="gbt", and is ignored otherwise

    sysd : tuple containing the discrete system
        Based on the input type, the output will be of the form

        (num, den, dt)   for transfer function input
        (zeros, poles, gain, dt)   for zeros-poles-gain input
        (A, B, C, D, dt) for state-space system input

    By default, the routine uses a Zero-Order Hold (zoh) method to perform
    the transformation.  Alternatively, a generalized bilinear transformation
    may be used, which includes the common Tustin's bilinear approximation,
    an Euler's method technique, or a backwards differencing technique.

    The Zero-Order Hold (zoh) method is based on [1]_, the generalized bilinear
    approximation is based on [2]_ and [3].

    .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretization#Discretization_of_linear_state_space_models

    .. [2] http://techteach.no/publications/discretetime_signals_systems/discrete.pdf

    .. [3] G. Zhang, X. Chen, and T. Chen, Digital redesign via the generalized
        bilinear transformation, Int. J. Control, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 741-754,
        2009.  (http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~gfzhang/research/ZCC07_preprint.pdf)

    if len(sys) == 2:
        sysd = cont2discrete(tf2ss(sys[0], sys[1]),
        return ss2tf(sysd[0], sysd[1], sysd[2], sysd[3]) + (dt, )
    elif len(sys) == 3:
        sysd = cont2discrete(zpk2ss(sys[0], sys[1], sys[2]),
        return ss2zpk(sysd[0], sysd[1], sysd[2], sysd[3]) + (dt, )
    elif len(sys) == 4:
        a, b, c, d = sys
        raise ValueError("First argument must either be a tuple of 2 (tf), "
                         "3 (zpk), or 4 (ss) arrays.")

    if method == 'gbt':
        if alpha is None:
            raise ValueError("Alpha parameter must be specified for the "
                             "generalized bilinear transform (gbt) method")
        elif alpha < 0 or alpha > 1:
            raise ValueError("Alpha parameter must be within the interval "
                             "[0,1] for the gbt method")

    if method == 'gbt':
        # This parameter is used repeatedly - compute once here
        ima = np.eye(a.shape[0]) - alpha * dt * a
        ad = linalg.solve(ima, np.eye(a.shape[0]) + (1.0 - alpha) * dt * a)
        bd = linalg.solve(ima, dt * b)

        # Similarly solve for the output equation matrices
        cd = linalg.solve(ima.transpose(), c.transpose())
        cd = cd.transpose()
        dd = d + alpha * np.dot(c, bd)

    elif method == 'bilinear' or method == 'tustin':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=0.5)

    elif method == 'euler' or method == 'forward_diff':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=0.0)

    elif method == 'backward_diff':
        return cont2discrete(sys, dt, method="gbt", alpha=1.0)

    elif method == 'zoh':
        # Build an exponential matrix
        em_upper = np.hstack((a, b))

        # Need to stack zeros under the a and b matrices
        em_lower = np.hstack((np.zeros(
            (b.shape[1], a.shape[0])), np.zeros((b.shape[1], b.shape[1]))))

        em = np.vstack((em_upper, em_lower))
        ms = linalg.expm(dt * em)

        # Dispose of the lower rows
        ms = ms[:a.shape[0], :]

        ad = ms[:, 0:a.shape[1]]
        bd = ms[:, a.shape[1]:]

        cd = c
        dd = d

        raise ValueError("Unknown transformation method '%s'" % method)

    return ad, bd, cd, dd, dt