コード例 #1
    def keygen(self, tmpdir=os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh")):
        """Generates SSH key pair on tmpdir
		Returns a tuple containint public and private keys paths 
		and output of keygen command
		@param	self			A KeyGen instance
		@param	tmpdir		A dirpath string
		@return				(privkeypath, pubkeypath, output)
        privkeyfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "~id_rsa_" + passwdGen(4))
        pubkeyfile = privkeyfile + ".pub"

        if os.path.isfile(privkeyfile):
        if os.path.isfile(pubkeyfile):

        p = subprocess.Popen(
            "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f '{0}'".format(privkeyfile),

        r = p.wait()
        if r:
            raise (Exception, "An error ocurred on ssh-keygen")

        return (privkeyfile, pubkeyfile, p.stdout.read().decode().strip())
コード例 #2
    def setUserSync(self, user, passwd, uid, init_group, groups, home, shell):
        """Set sync options for user

		@param	self		A LTCConfigParser instance
		@param	user		A valid existing username
		@param	passwd		Plaintext password, will be encrypted
		@param	uid			Int value for UID. If already in use, skip user sync
		@param	init_group	Initial group. It'll be created if doesn't exist
		@param	groups		String list. Other groups. Skip non-existing ones
		@param	home		Home directory
		@param	shell		Shell
        if not user in self.getUsersList():
            raise IndexError('"{0}" not in users list'.format(user))

        U = self._users.find("user[@name='{0}']".format(user))
        U.set("sync", "true")

        p = U.find("shadow_pw")
        if not p:
            p = ET.SubElement(U, "shadow_pw")
        hash = crypt(passwd, "$1$" + passwdGen(8))
        p.text = hash

        u = U.find("uid")
        if not u:
            u = ET.SubElement(U, "uid")
        u.text = str(uid)

        i = U.find("init_group")
        if not i:
            i = ET.SubElement(U, "init_group")
        i.text = init_group

        g = U.find("groups")
        if not g:
            g = ET.SubElement(U, "groups")
        g.text = ",".join(groups)

        h = U.find("home")
        if not h:
            h = ET.SubElement(U, "home")
        h.text = home

        s = U.find("shell")
        if not s:
            s = ET.SubElement(U, "shell")
        s.text = shell
