コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, user_loc_string, debug=False):
        analyzer = StopAnalyzer()
        fields = ['name', 'alternate_names', 'state']
        directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory("index")

        self.DEBUG = debug
        self.searcher = IndexSearcher(directory)
        self.parser = MultiFieldQueryParser(fields, analyzer)
        self.user_location = self.doSearch(user_loc_string)
コード例 #2
def search_lucene_index(search_params, index_dir, index_metadata,
    Uses the query term provided to search the disease ontology lucene index
    results = []

    index_dir = SimpleFSDirectory(File(index_dir))
    analyzer = build_perfield_analyzer(index_metadata)
    searcher = IndexSearcher(index_dir)
    index_fields = index_metadata.keys()

    # Since we are paging results we want to grab what page we are on
    page = (int(search_params.get('page', 1))) - 1

    # Doing something pretty hacky here since we are trying to move from 0-based to 1
    # based indexing to match our pagingation display
    offset = int(page) * records_per_page

    # If we are executing an advanced search we will be building a BooleanQuery
    # in parts as opposed to the one MultiFieldQueryParser when doing a basic
    # serach
    query = None

    if search_params.get('adv_search') == "True":
        query = build_advanced_search_query(search_params,
        parser = MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, index_fields,
        query = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(
            parser, process_query_param((search_params.get('q'))))

    # Parse through our hits
    hits = searcher.search(query, 10000)
    total_hits = hits.totalHits
    count = min(hits.totalHits - offset, records_per_page)

    for i in xrange(0, count):
        score_doc = hits.scoreDocs[offset + i]
        doc = searcher.doc(score_doc.doc)
        term_id = doc.get('term id')
        name = doc.get('name')
        explain = searcher.explain(query, score_doc.doc)
        match_fields = get_field_matches(explain.toString(), index_fields)

        results.append((term_id, name, list(match_fields)))

    return (results, total_hits)