コード例 #1
def update_content_info(resource_path, new_info, state=None):
    Update game info based on changes

    - create patch changes using JSON patch (RFC 6902)
    - store patch in an history array within the JSON file
    - replace original info content with updated content

    original_info = read_content(resource_path)

    # get current user
    user = None
    if current_user.is_authenticated :
        user = current_user.email

    # create patch
    if state:
        event = make_update_state_event(original_info, state, user=user)
    else :
        event = make_update_event(new_info, original_info, user=user)

    if event is None :
        return original_info

    new_info_with_history = add_event_to_history(original_info, event)

    # write updated game to file
    write_info_json(new_info_with_history, resource_path)
    return new_info_with_history
コード例 #2
def create_content(info, attachments, data_dir):
    Write a JSON file description of a game according to the provided data and
    attachment files in a dedicated directory named after the game.

    info -- a dictionnary storing all the information about the content. It
            exactly mimic the structure of the disired JSON file. The
            data["title"] must exist, no other verification is made to
            check it contains coherent structure or data.
    attachments -- list of files attached to the content (images, PDF...). All files will be stored in a '/files' folder
    data_dir -- directory where all the game directories are stored i.e. where
                a directory named after the content will be created to store the
                JSON file. It must exist.

    Returns the path to the directory created after the name of the slugified title of the content.

    # get slug and add name
    slugified_name = get_resource_slug(info)
    info["slug"] = slugified_name

    # if info about files, remove it
    info.pop('files', None)

    # validate game data

    # add default state
    info["state"] = "needs_review"

    # check attachments
    if attachments:

    # Create a directory after the cleaned name of the content
    content_path = os.path.join(data_dir, slugified_name)

    # get current user
    user = None
    if current_user.is_authenticated :
        user = current_user.email

    # create event and add to history record
    event = make_create_event(info, user=user)
    info_with_updated_history = add_event_to_history(info, event)

    # create the JSON file
    write_info_json(info_with_updated_history, content_path)

    # Write the attached files
    if attachments:
        write_attachments(attachments, content_path)

    return content_path
コード例 #3
    def test_read_info_json(self):
        path = "/tmp/my-game"

        info = {"title": "some game", "description": "some stuff"}

        write_info_json(info, self.path)
        json_path = os.path.join(self.path, "info.json")

        data = read_info_json(self.path)
        self.assertDictEqual(data, info)
コード例 #4
    def test_write_info_json(self):
        path = "/tmp/my-game"

        info = {"title": "some game", "description": "some stuff"}

        write_info_json(info, self.path)
        json_path = os.path.join(self.path, "info.json")

        # make sure data is written properly
        with open(json_path, 'r') as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
        self.assertDictEqual(data, info)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_content.py プロジェクト: ludobox/ludobox
    def test_read_content_validation(self):
        """Wrong game should raises validation error"""

        wrong_content = self.borgia_info_content.copy()
        wrong_content["title"] = 345

        # create a bad record if needed
        wrong_game_path = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "wrong-game")
        write_info_json(wrong_content, wrong_game_path)

        with_errors = read_content(wrong_game_path)
        self.assertIs(type(with_errors["errors"]), list)
        self.assertIs(len(with_errors["errors"]), 1)
        self.assertIs(type(with_errors["errors"][0]), dict)
        self.assertIn("title", with_errors["errors"][0]["path"])
        self.assertIn("345", with_errors["errors"][0]["message"])
コード例 #6
ファイル: reset_history.py プロジェクト: ludobox/ludobox
    if confirm_choice():

        # update the actual data
        for game_path in needs_update:
            print game_path
            info = read_content(game_path)

            print "-" * 10
            print "%s..." % info["title"]

            # remove history
            info.pop('history', None)

            # make a 'create'
            event = make_create_event(info.copy())

            # add it to history
            info["history"] = [event]

            # reset state
            info["state"] = "needs_review"

            # validate_content(info)

            write_info_json(info, game_path)
            print "updated."

    print "OK ! done."