def __init__(self, hyperopt_sampler, output_feature: str, metric: str, split: str, cpu_resources_per_trial: int = None, gpu_resources_per_trial: int = None, kubernetes_namespace: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: if ray is None: raise ImportError('ray module is not installed. To ' 'install it,try running pip install ray') if not isinstance(hyperopt_sampler, RayTuneSampler): raise ValueError( 'Sampler {} is not compatible with RayTuneExecutor, ' 'please use the RayTuneSampler'.format(hyperopt_sampler)) HyperoptExecutor.__init__(self, hyperopt_sampler, output_feature, metric, split) try: ray.init('auto', ignore_reinit_error=True) except ConnectionError:'Initializing new Ray cluster...') ray.init() self.search_space = hyperopt_sampler.search_space self.num_samples = hyperopt_sampler.num_samples self.goal = hyperopt_sampler.goal self.search_alg_dict = hyperopt_sampler.search_alg_dict self.output_feature = output_feature self.metric = metric self.split = split self.trial_id = 0 self.cpu_resources_per_trial = cpu_resources_per_trial self.gpu_resources_per_trial = gpu_resources_per_trial self.kubernetes_namespace = kubernetes_namespace
def get_metric_score(self, train_stats, eval_stats) -> float: if self._has_metric(train_stats, TEST): "Returning metric score from training (test) statistics") return self.get_metric_score_from_train_stats(train_stats, TEST) elif self._has_eval_metric(eval_stats):"Returning metric score from eval statistics. " "If skip_save_model is True, eval statistics " "are calculated using the model at the last epoch " "rather than the model at the epoch with " "best validation performance") return self.get_metric_score_from_eval_stats(eval_stats) elif self._has_metric(train_stats, VALIDATION): "Returning metric score from training (validation) statistics") return self.get_metric_score_from_train_stats( train_stats, VALIDATION) elif self._has_metric(train_stats, TRAINING): "Returning metric score from training split statistics, " "as no test / validation / eval sets were given") return self.get_metric_score_from_train_stats( train_stats, TRAINING) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to obtain metric score from missing training / eval statistics" )
def get_metric_score(self, train_stats, eval_stats) -> float: if (train_stats is not None and self.split in train_stats and VALIDATION in train_stats and # needed otherwise can-t figure # out the best epoch self.output_feature in train_stats[self.split] and self.metric in train_stats[self.split][self.output_feature]):"Returning metric score from training statistics") return self.get_metric_score_from_train_stats(train_stats) else:"Returning metric score from eval statistics. " "If skip_save_model is True, eval statistics " "are calculated using the model at the last epoch " "rather than the model at the epoch with " "best validation performance") return self.get_metric_score_from_eval_stats(eval_stats)
def __init__( self, hyperopt_sampler, output_feature: str, metric: str, split: str, cpu_resources_per_trial: int = None, gpu_resources_per_trial: int = None, kubernetes_namespace: str = None, time_budget_s: Union[int, float, datetime.timedelta] = None, max_concurrent_trials: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: if ray is None: raise ImportError("ray module is not installed. To " "install it,try running pip install ray") if not isinstance(hyperopt_sampler, RayTuneSampler): raise ValueError( "Sampler {} is not compatible with RayTuneExecutor, " "please use the RayTuneSampler".format(hyperopt_sampler)) HyperoptExecutor.__init__(self, hyperopt_sampler, output_feature, metric, split) if not ray.is_initialized(): try: ray.init("auto", ignore_reinit_error=True) except ConnectionError:"Initializing new Ray cluster...") ray.init(ignore_reinit_error=True) self.search_space = hyperopt_sampler.search_space self.num_samples = hyperopt_sampler.num_samples self.goal = hyperopt_sampler.goal self.search_alg_dict = hyperopt_sampler.search_alg_dict self.scheduler = hyperopt_sampler.scheduler self.decode_ctx = hyperopt_sampler.decode_ctx self.output_feature = output_feature self.metric = metric self.split = split self.trial_id = 0 self.cpu_resources_per_trial = cpu_resources_per_trial self.gpu_resources_per_trial = gpu_resources_per_trial self.kubernetes_namespace = kubernetes_namespace self.time_budget_s = time_budget_s self.max_concurrent_trials = max_concurrent_trials self.sync_config = None