def test_basic(self): img = np.random.randint(255, size=(200, 200)) pulses = lulu.decompose(img) img_, areas, area_count = lulu.reconstruct(pulses, img.shape) # Write assert this way so that we can see how many # pixels mismatch as a percent of the total nr of pixels assert_array_equal(img_, img) assert_equal(np.sum(img_ != img) / float( * 100, 0, "Percentage mismatch =")
def test_basic(self): img = np.random.randint(255, size=(200, 200)) pulses = lulu.decompose(img) img_, areas, area_count = lulu.reconstruct(pulses, img.shape) # Write assert this way so that we can see how many # pixels mismatch as a percent of the total nr of pixels assert_array_equal(img_, img) assert_equal( np.sum(img_ != img) / float( * 100, 0, "Percentage mismatch =")
def lulu_filter(noisy,sf): prev_smoothed = noisy pulses = lulu.decompose(img=noisy,quiet=False,operator='LU') smoothness_inc = 0.01 pulse_len = len(pulses.keys()) pulses i=2 while 1-smoothness_inc > sf and i < pulse_len: lulu_smoothed, areas, area_count = lulu.reconstruct(dict((k, pulses[k]) for k in pulses.keys()[0:i]), noisy.shape) lulu_smoothed = noisy - lulu_smoothed smoothness_inc = np.var(lulu_smoothed)/np.var(prev_smoothed) prev_smoothed = lulu_smoothed i = i + 1 return lulu_smoothed
import lulu import lulu.connected_region_handler as crh img = load_image() print "Decomposing a %s matrix." % str(img.shape) tic = time.time() regions = lulu.decompose(img.copy()) toc = time.time() print "Execution time: %.2fs" % (toc - tic) print "-" * 78 print "Reconstructing image...", out, areas, area_count = lulu.reconstruct(regions, img.shape) print "done." print "Reconstructed from %d pulses." % sum(area_count) print "-" * 78 plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', plt.title('Original') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow(out, interpolation='nearest', plt.title('Reconstruction (%d pulses)' % sum(area_count)) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) s = np.cumsum(area_count) midpt = (s[-1] + s[0]) / 2. ind = np.argmin(np.abs(s - midpt))
import lulu import lulu.connected_region_handler as crh img = load_image() print "Decomposing a %s matrix." % str(img.shape) tic = time.time() regions = lulu.decompose(img.copy()) toc = time.time() print "Execution time: %.2fs" % (toc - tic) print "-"*78 print "Reconstructing image...", out, areas, area_count = lulu.reconstruct(regions, img.shape) print "done." print "Reconstructed from %d pulses." % sum(area_count) print "-"*78 plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', plt.title('Original') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow(out, interpolation='nearest', plt.title('Reconstruction (%d pulses)' % sum(area_count)) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) s = np.cumsum(area_count) midpt = (s[-1] + s[0])/2. ind = np.argmin(np.abs(s - midpt))