def main(): msg = "Neopixel WS2812 LED Matrix Demo" show_message(device, msg, y_offset=-1, fill="green", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) time.sleep(1) with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, -1), txt="A", fill="red", font=TINY_FONT) text(draw, (4, -1), txt="T", fill="green", font=TINY_FONT) time.sleep(1) with canvas(device) as draw: draw.line((0, 0, 0, device.height), fill="red") draw.line((1, 0, 1, device.height), fill="orange") draw.line((2, 0, 2, device.height), fill="yellow") draw.line((3, 0, 3, device.height), fill="green") draw.line((4, 0, 4, device.height), fill="blue") draw.line((5, 0, 5, device.height), fill="indigo") draw.line((6, 0, 6, device.height), fill="violet") draw.line((7, 0, 7, device.height), fill="white") time.sleep(4) for _ in range(5): for intensity in range(16): device.contrast(intensity * 16) time.sleep(0.1) device.contrast(0x80) time.sleep(1) gfx(device)
def main(): colors = [ "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet", "white" ] for color in colors: with canvas(device) as draw: draw.line(device.bounding_box, fill=color) time.sleep(2) device.contrast(0x30) for _ in range(80): with canvas(device) as draw: for x, color in enumerate(colors): draw.point((x, 0), fill=color) colors = rotate(colors) time.sleep(0.2) time.sleep(4) device.contrast(0x80) time.sleep(1) device.contrast(0x10) time.sleep(1)
def ShutdownAndHalt(): print "Received a Halt - shutting down" device.contrast(200) Ledallon() time.sleep(1) with canvas(device) as draw: #print "Handling 101-lamp_AUX_FUEL_LOW" draw.point((1, 7 ), 1) #print "Handling 102-lamp_XMSN_OIL_PRESS" draw.point((1, 6 ), 1) #print "Handling 103-lamp_XMSN_OIL_HOT" draw.point((1, 5 ), 1) #print "Handling 104-lamp_HYD_PRESSURE" draw.point((1, 4 ), 1) #print "Handling 105-lamp_ENGINE_INLET_AIR" draw.point((1, 3 ), 1) #print "Handling 106-lamp_INST_INVERTER" draw.point((1, 2 ), 1) #print "Handling 107-lamp_DC_GENERATOR" draw.point((1, 1 ), 1) #print "Handling 108-lamp_EXTERNAL_POWER" draw.point((1, 0 ), 1) #print "Handling 109-lamp_CHIP_DETECTOR" draw.point((3, 1 ), 1) #print "Handling 110-lamp_IFF" draw.point((3, 0 ), 1) time.sleep(1) GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on CTRL+C exit os.system("shutdown now -h") sys.exit(0)
def test_greyscale_display(): """ SSD1322_NHD OLED screen can draw and display a greyscale image. """ device = ssd1322_nhd(serial, mode="RGB") serial.reset_mock() recordings = [] def data(data): recordings.append({'data': data}) def command(*cmd): recordings.append({'command': list(cmd)}) serial.command.side_effect = command = data # Use the same drawing primitives as the demo with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) assert assert serial.command.called assert recordings == [ {'command': [21]}, {'data': [28, 91]}, {'command': [117]}, {'data': [0, 63]}, {'command': [92]}, {'data': get_json_data('demo_ssd1322_nhd_greyscale')} ]
def gfx(device): effects = [tunnel, rainbow_search, checker, swirl] step = 0 while True: for i in range(500): with canvas(device) as draw: for y in range(device.height): for x in range(device.width): r, g, b = effects[0](x, y, step) if i > 400: r2, g2, b2 = effects[-1](x, y, step) ratio = (500.00 - i) / 100.0 r = r * ratio + r2 * (1.0 - ratio) g = g * ratio + g2 * (1.0 - ratio) b = b * ratio + b2 * (1.0 - ratio) r = int(max(0, min(255, r))) g = int(max(0, min(255, g))) b = int(max(0, min(255, b))) draw.point((x, y), (r, g, b)) step += 1 time.sleep(0.01) effect = effects.pop() effects.insert(0, effect)
def test_settext_nocolor(): neoseg = neosegment(width=6, device=dummy(width=6, height=7)) neoseg.text = "888888" ref = dummy(width=6, height=7) with canvas(ref) as draw: draw.rectangle(ref.bounding_box, fill="white") assert_identical_image(ref.image, neoseg.device.image)
def test_display(): """ SH1106 OLED screen can draw and display an image. """ device = sh1106(serial) serial.reset_mock() recordings = [] def data(data): recordings.append({'data': data}) def command(*cmd): recordings.append({'command': list(cmd)}) serial.command = Mock(side_effect=command, unsafe=True) = Mock(side_effect=data, unsafe=True) # Use the same drawing primitives as the demo with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) serial.command.assert_called() assert recordings == get_json_data('demo_sh1106')
def test_contrast(): device = unicornhathd(serial) with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="white") serial.reset_mock() device.contrast(0x6B)[0x72] + [0x6B] * 256 * 3)
def main(): # Setup for Banggood version of 4 x 8x8 LED Matrix ( serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop()) device = max7219(serial, cascaded=4, block_orientation=-90, blocks_arranged_in_reverse_order=True) device.contrast(16) # The time ascends from the abyss... animation(device, 8, 1) toggle = False # Toggle the second indicator every second while True: toggle = not toggle sec = if sec == 59: # When we change minutes, animate the minute change minute_change(device) elif sec == 30: # Half-way through each minute, display the complete date/time, # animating the time display into and out of the abyss. full_msg = time.ctime() animation(device, 1, 8) show_message(device, full_msg, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) animation(device, 8, 1) else: # Do the following twice a second (so the seconds' indicator blips). # I'd optimize if I had to - but what's the point? # Even my Raspberry PI2 can do this at 4% of a single one of the 4 cores! hours ='%H') minutes ='%M') with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 1), hours, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) text(draw, (15, 1), ":" if toggle else " ", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) text(draw, (17, 1), minutes, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) time.sleep(0.5)
def test_display(): device = neopixel(ws, width=4, height=4) ws.reset_mock() with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="red") ws.ws2811_led_set.assert_has_calls([ call(chan, 0, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 1, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 2, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 3, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 4, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 5, 0x000000), call(chan, 6, 0x000000), call(chan, 7, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 8, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 9, 0x000000), call(chan, 10, 0x000000), call(chan, 11, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 12, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 13, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 14, 0xFF0000), call(chan, 15, 0xFF0000), ]) assert ws.ws2811_render.called
def LedMap(): print("Walking Led Array") for y in range(8): for x in range(8): with canvas(device) as draw: print x, ' ' , y draw.point((x, y ), 1) raw_input("Press Enter to continue:")
def draw_processing_count(self): if not self.display_anim: with canvas(self.device) as draw: for i in range(0,self.processing_count): if self.show_grec_bool: draw.point((7,7-i), fill="white") else: draw.point((0,i), fill="white")
def stats(oled): font = ImageFont.load_default() font2 = ImageFont.truetype('c-and-c.ttf', 12) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 00), myip('wlan0'), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0, 14), mem_usage(), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0, 26), disk_usage('/'), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0, 38), network('wlan0'), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0, 50), cpu_usage(), font=font2, fill=255)
def Ledallon(): print("Leds all on") for abc in range(1): with canvas(device) as draw: for y in range(8): for x in range(8): draw.point((x, y ), 1) print("Finished Leds all on")
def test_settext_replacechars(): neoseg = neosegment(width=6, device=dummy(width=6, height=7)) neoseg.text = "888888" neoseg.text[2:4] = " " ref = dummy(width=6, height=7) with canvas(ref) as draw: draw.rectangle(ref.bounding_box, fill="white") draw.rectangle([2, 0, 3, 6], fill="black") assert_identical_image(ref.image, neoseg.device.image)
def test_display_fail(): device = neopixel(ws, cascaded=7) ws.reset_mock() ws.ws2811_render = Mock(return_value=-1) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex: with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="red") assert "ws2811_render failed with code -1" in str(ex.value)
def main(): device = get_device() print("Testing basic canvas graphics...") for _ in range(2): with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) time.sleep(5) print("Testing contrast (dim/bright cycles)...") for _ in range(5): for level in range(255, -1, -10): device.contrast(level) time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(0.5) for level in range(0, 255, 10): device.contrast(level) time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(1) print("Testing display ON/OFF...") for _ in range(5): time.sleep(0.5) device.hide() time.sleep(0.5) print("Testing clear display...") time.sleep(2) device.clear() print("Testing screen updates...") time.sleep(2) for x in range(40): with canvas(device) as draw: now = draw.text((x, 4), str(, fill="white") draw.text((10, 16), str(now.time()), fill="white") time.sleep(0.1)
def test_unknown_char(): neoseg = neosegment(width=6, device=dummy(width=6, height=7)) neoseg.text = "888888" neoseg.text[2:4] = "&\x7f" neoseg.color[2:4] = ["orange", "orange"] ref = dummy(width=6, height=7) with canvas(ref) as draw: draw.rectangle(ref.bounding_box, fill="white") draw.rectangle([2, 0, 3, 6], fill="black") draw.rectangle([2, 1, 3, 1], fill="orange") assert_identical_image(ref.image, neoseg.device.image)
def Ledalloff(): print("Leds all off") for abc in range(1): with canvas(device) as draw: for y in range(8): for x in range(8): draw.point((x, y ), 0) time.sleep(0.1) print("Finished Leds all off")
def demo(w, h, block_orientation, rotate): # create matrix device serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop()) device = max7219(serial, width=w, height=h, rotate=rotate, block_orientation=block_orientation) print("Created device") with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white") text(draw, (2, 2), "Hello", fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) text(draw, (2, 10), "World", fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) time.sleep(300)
def emotion(self,data): emo_type = data.type if (emo_type==disp_emotion.POSITIVE): with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(1), fill="white") draw.point((3,4), fill="black") draw.point((4,4), fill="black") if (emo_type==disp_emotion.NEGATIVE): with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(1), fill="white") draw.point((2,4), fill="black") draw.point((5,4), fill="black") draw.point((3,5), fill="black") draw.point((4,5), fill="black") draw.point((2,5), fill="white") draw.point((5,5), fill="white") if (emo_type==disp_emotion.HAPPY): with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(1), fill="white") rospy.sleep(data.duration) self.disable_disp()
def animation(device, from_y, to_y): '''Animate the whole thing, moving it into/out of the abyss.''' hourstime ='%H') mintime ='%M') current_y = from_y while current_y != to_y: with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, current_y), hourstime, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) text(draw, (15, current_y), ":", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) text(draw, (17, current_y), mintime, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) time.sleep(0.1) current_y += 1 if to_y > from_y else -1
def LedRandom(): print "Starting Drawing Random" for abc in range(1): with canvas(device) as draw: for y in range(8): for x in range(8): draw.point((x, y ), randint(0,1)) time.sleep(0.1) print "Finished Drawing Random"
def action(self,data): action_type=data.type self.stop_disp(False) if (action_type==disp_action.MUSIC): with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(14), fill="white") if (action_type==disp_action.SPEAKING): self.display_anim=True while(self.display_anim): with canvas(self.device) as draw: val=self.sin_func(self.shift_counter,self.peak_counter) self.shift_counter+=1 if self.shift_counter%2 is 0: self.peak_counter=random.randint(1,3) for i in range(0,7): draw.point((i,int(val[i])), fill="white") rospy.sleep(0.1) self.disable_disp() if (action_type==disp_action.PROCESSING): self.display_anim=True while(self.display_anim): for image in [1,2,3,2]: with canvas(self.device) as draw: self.shift_counter+=1 for shift in range(1,image+1): for i in range(shift,8-shift): draw.point((i,shift-1), fill="white") draw.point((i,8-shift), fill="white") draw.point((shift-1,i), fill="white") draw.point((8-shift,i), fill="white") draw.point((shift,shift), fill="white") draw.point((7-shift,7-shift), fill="white") draw.point((shift,7-shift), fill="white") draw.point((7-shift,shift), fill="white") self.device.contrast(int(round(255*(math.sin(self.shift_counter%6/5.0*2*math.pi)+1))/2)) rospy.sleep(0.12*(math.sin(self.shift_counter%6/5.0*2*math.pi)+1)/2+0.10) self.disable_disp()
def test_display(): device = pcd8544(serial) serial.reset_mock() # Use the same drawing primitives as the demo with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) # Initial command to reset the display serial.command.assert_called_once_with(32, 128, 64) # Next 1024 bytes are data representing the drawn image'demo_pcd8544'))
def binary_clock(device): while True: now = fields = [now.year - YEAR_OFFSET, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second] points = [] for i, value in zip(COLUMNS, fields): for j in range(device.height): mask = 2 ** j if value & mask: points.append((i, device.height - 1 - j)) with canvas(device) as draw: draw.point(points, fill='white') time.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
def test_mapping(): num_pixels = 16 device = neopixel(ws, cascaded=num_pixels, mapping=reversed(list(range(num_pixels)))) ws.reset_mock() with canvas(device) as draw: for i in range(device.cascaded): draw.point((i, 0), (i, 0, 0)) expected = [call(chan, num_pixels - i - 1, i << 16) for i in range(num_pixels)] ws.ws2811_led_set.assert_has_calls(expected) assert ws.ws2811_render.called
def test_display(): """ SSD1309 OLED screen can draw and display an image. """ device = ssd1309(serial) serial.reset_mock() # Use the same drawing primitives as the demo with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) # Initial command to reset the display serial.command.assert_called_once_with(33, 0, 127, 34, 0, 7) # Next 1024 bytes are data representing the drawn image'demo_ssd1309'))
def test_monochrome_display(): """ SSD1327 OLED screen can draw and display a monochrome image. """ device = ssd1327(serial, mode="1") serial.reset_mock() # Use the same drawing primitives as the demo with canvas(device) as draw: primitives(device, draw) # Initial command to reset the display serial.command.assert_called_once_with(21, 0, 63, 117, 0, 127) # Next 4096 bytes are data representing the drawn image'demo_ssd1327_monochrome'))
def test_16bit_rgb_packing(bit, expected_16_bit_color): """ Checks that 8 bit red component is packed into first 5 bits Checks that 8 bit green component is packed into next 6 bits Checks that 8 bit blue component is packed into remaining 5 bits """ device = ssd1331(serial) serial.reset_mock() rgb_color = (2 ** bit,) * 3 expected = expected_16_bit_color * device.width * device.height with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline=rgb_color, fill=rgb_color)
def demo(n, block_orientation, rotate): # create matrix device serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop()) device = max7219(serial, cascaded=n or 1, block_orientation=block_orientation, rotate=rotate or 0) # start demo msg = "MAX7219 LED Matrix Demo" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) time.sleep(1) msg = "Fast scrolling: This is very fast and impossible to read" msg = re.sub(" +", " ", msg) print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT), scroll_delay=0) time.sleep(1) msg = "Slow Scrolling" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT), scroll_delay=0.1) time.sleep(1) print("Vertical Scrolling") words = [ "Victor", "Echo", "Romeo", "Tango", "India", "Charlie", "Alpha", "Lima", " ", "Sierra", "Charlie", "Romeo", "Oscar", "Lima", "Lima", "India", "November", "Golf", " " ] virtual = viewport(device, width=device.width, height=len(words) * 8) with canvas(virtual) as draw: for i, word in enumerate(words): text(draw, (0, i * 8), word, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT)) for i in range(virtual.height - device.height): virtual.set_position((0, i)) time.sleep(0.05) msg = "Brightness" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white") time.sleep(1) with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "A", fill="white") time.sleep(1) for _ in range(5): for intensity in range(16): device.contrast(intensity * 16) time.sleep(0.1) device.contrast(0x80) time.sleep(1) msg = "Alternative font!" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=SINCLAIR_FONT) time.sleep(1) msg = "Proportional font - characters are squeezed together!" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) # time.sleep(1) msg = "This is smallest possible font" msg = re.sub(" +", " ", msg) print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) time.sleep(1) #All the characters present are displayed msg = "CP437 Characters" print(msg) show_message(device, msg) time.sleep(1) for x in range(256): with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(x), fill="white") time.sleep(0.1) msg = "MAXPI" print(msg) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(CP437_FONT), scroll_delay=0.1) time.sleep(1)
def show(c="^ 3 ^", forceSingle=False, speed=25, timeout=10, vibe=None, overflow=True, font=SMALL_FONT, fontPadding=0, fill=1, quiet=False): v = loop(0), loop(0) c = str(c) d = int(device.size[0] / (font.size - 1 + fontPadding)) isTwoRows = not forceSingle and font.size - 1 <= device.size[ 1] / 2 and len(c) > d overflow = overflow and (font.getsize(c)[0] > device.size[0] if not isTwoRows else font.getsize(c[d:])[0] > device.size[0]) count = 0 if overflow: if vibe is None: vibe = [0, 0] if not isTwoRows: vibe[0] = font.getsize(c)[0] - device.size[0] else: vibe[1] = font.getsize(c[d:])[0] - device.size[0] v = loop( vibe_range(device.size[0], font.getsize(c[:d] if isTwoRows else c)[0], vibe[0] ) if not isTwoRows and overflow else int(above(device.size[0] - font.getsize(c)[0], 0) / 2)), loop( vibe_range(device.size[0], font.getsize(c[d:])[0], vibe[1])) else: if isTwoRows: if len(c) > d * 2: c = c[len(c) - d * (2 if isTwoRows else 1):] elif font.getsize(c)[0] > device.size[0]: v = loop(device.size[0] - font.getsize(c)[0]), loop(0) if not quiet: print("\r|" + c[:d] + "|", "|" + c[d:][:d] + "|" if isTwoRows and c[d:] else "", flush=True, end="") while True: with canvas(device) as draw: draw.text( (v[0].__next__(), -fontPadding + (0 if isTwoRows else int( (device.size[1] - font.size + 1) / 2))), c[:d] if isTwoRows else c, fill=fill, font=font) if isTwoRows and c[d:]: draw.text((v[1].__next__(), 4 - fontPadding), c[d:], fill=fill, font=font) count += 1 if (timeout and count * 1 / speed > timeout) or (v[0].isSingle and v[1].isSingle): break time.sleep(1 / speed) return "|" + c[:d] + "|", "|" + c[d:][:d] + "|" if isTwoRows and c[ d:] else ""
def draw_player(self): #while True: with canvas(self.device) as draw: #basic outline Box and text rendered in portrait mode #draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black") D.draw_rectangle(draw, self.device) self.Time() #date and time draw.line((0, 13, 128, 13), fill="white") draw.text((2, 1), self.today_date, fill="white") draw.text((78, 1), self.today_time, fill="white") #info = ctrl.get_music_info() #music name, artist and album(may be next music inline) if (CF.message): draw.text((25, 14), CF.message, font=self.font_basic_8, fill="white") else: try: draw.text( ((self.device.width / 4.3) - len(CF.music_info[0]), 14), CF.music_info[0], font=self.font_basic_8, fill="white") draw.text( ((self.device.width / 3) - len(CF.music_info[1]), 22), CF.music_info[1], font=self.font_basic_8, fill="white") draw.text(((self.device.width / 3) - len(CF.time), 32), CF.time, font=self.font_basic_8, fill="white") except: pass #text position for music info(can be better) TODO: a Better Scroll #c.get_music_info() #print(CF.music_info) volumetodisplay = str(CF.interval) + "%" #print(volumetodisplay) volume = CF.interval #volume controls status info draw.text((25, 50), volumetodisplay, font=self.font_basic_8, fill="white") if volume > 1 and volume <= 50: draw.text((5, 45),[2], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white") if volume > 51 and volume <= 80: draw.text((5, 45),[0], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white") if volume > 80: draw.text((5, 45),[3], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white") if volume <= 0: draw.text((5, 45),[1], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white") if CF.status == "play": draw.text((110, 45),[5], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white") if CF.status == "pause": draw.text((110, 45),[4], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.second_status == "next": draw.text((80, 45),[7], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.second_status == "prev": draw.text((80, 45),[6], font=self.font_awesome, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.random: draw.text((50, 45),[8], font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.playbackMode == 1: draw.text((50, 53),[9], font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.playbackMode == 2: draw.text((50, 53),[10], font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.playbackMode == 0: draw.text((50, 53), text="", font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.source == 3: draw.text((65, 53),[11], font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10) if CF.source == 0: draw.text((65, 53),[12], font=self.font_awesome_small, fill="white", contrast=10)
def dispListMenu(device,title,plist,alist,pos,apos=0,vpos=999): if vpos!=999: mlist=plist[vpos:vpos+5] else: mlist=plist #offsets xdist=5 #x offset yoffset=4 #menu width=100 #width of hilight #mlist=["list1", "list2","list3","list4","list5"] #will be parameter mlistc=["white"]*len(mlist) if pos != 0: #setup cursor mlistc[pos-1]="black" #action menu axdist=64 #alist=["action1", "action2","action3"] alistc=["white"]*len(alist) if apos != 0: alistc[apos-1]="black" with canvas(device) as draw: #draw title draw.rectangle((0,0,128,12), outline="white", fill="white") #draw.rectangle((1,10,126,11), outline="black", fill="black") draw.text((2,0),title,"black") # // STATUS BAR // if is_connected()==1: draw.rectangle((116,2,124,10), outline="black", fill="black") else: draw.rectangle((116,2,124,10), outline="black", fill="white") # if GPIO.event_detected(lowBat): # draw.rectangle((96,3,108,9), outline="black", fill="black") # else: # draw.rectangle((96,3,108,9), outline="black", fill="white") if pos != 0: draw.rectangle((xdist, pos*10+yoffset, xdist+width, (pos*10)+10+yoffset), outline="white", fill="white") for idx,line in enumerate(mlist): #print("idx: ",idx,"line: ",line,"fill: ",flist[idx]) draw.text((xdist,(idx+1)*10+yoffset),line,mlistc[idx]) if apos != 0: draw.rectangle((60,13,128,64), outline="black", fill="black") draw.rectangle((60,13,61,48), outline="white", fill="white") draw.rectangle((axdist, apos*10+yoffset, axdist+width, (apos*10)+10+yoffset), outline="white", fill="white") for idx,line in enumerate(alist): #print("idx: ",idx,"line: ",line,"fill: ",flist[idx]) draw.text((axdist,(idx+1)*10+yoffset),line,alistc[idx])
def staticText(device, msg): with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), msg, fill="white") time.sleep(2)
def backupTape(device): if is_connected(): forcedir(MOUNT_DIR) mountpath = getmountpath() print(" > OP-1 device path: %s" % mountpath) mountdevice(mountpath, MOUNT_DIR, 'ext4', 'rw') print(" > Device mounted at %s" % MOUNT_DIR) print is_connected() if os.path.exists(op1path)==1: # with canvas(device) as draw: # draw.text((0,0),"op1 connection success","white") # draw.text((0,10),"backup track?","white") # draw.text((0,20),"1-back","white") # draw.text((0,30),"2-yes","white") # time.sleep(1) drawText(device,["op1 connection success","backup tape?"," -yup"," -back"]) # # sh.copy(spath4,dpath) # draw.text((0,40),"Track 4 copied","white") print "op1 connection success" print "Backup Track?" print " 1-back" print " 2-continue" #response loop while True: if GPIO.event_detected(key['key2']): print "copying" #draw.text((0,10),"copying","white") #draw.text((0,20),"Backup tape?","white") #Copy Operation dpath='/home/pi/opc/op1-tapebackups/'+str(" "+cdate.strftime("%I:%M%p") spath1=op1path+'/tape/track_1.aif' spath2=op1path+'/tape/track_2.aif' spath3=op1path+'/tape/track_3.aif' spath4=op1path+'/tape/track_4.aif' if os.path.exists(dpath)==0: os.mkdir(dpath) # if os.path.exists(spath)==1: # term.println('file exists') # time.sleep(.5) # return can't check this now. assuming source directory is real drawProgress(device,"backing up tape...",0) sh.copy(spath1,dpath) print 'Track 1 Copied' drawProgress(device,"backing up tape...",.2) sh.copy(spath2,dpath) print 'Track 2 Copied' drawProgress(device,"backing up tape...",.4) sh.copy(spath3,dpath) print 'Track 3 Copied' drawProgress(device,"backing up tape...",.6) sh.copy(spath4,dpath) print 'Track 4 Copied' drawProgress(device,"backing up tape...",.8) print(" > Unmounting OP-1") unmountdevice(MOUNT_DIR) print(" > Done.") drawProgress(device,'backing up tape...',1) time.sleep(.5) return elif GPIO.event_detected(key['key1']): return else: print "no op1 detcted" print "Is your device connected and in disk mode?" print " 1-Return to Menu" with canvas(device) as draw: draw.text((0,10),"no op1 found","white") draw.text((0,20),"1-return to menu","white") #term.println(" 2-Menu") wait(keys,'key1') return
def drawProgress(device,title,progress): with canvas(device) as draw: progpix=progress*64 draw.text((16,8),title,"white") draw.rectangle((32,32,96,42), outline="white", fill="black") draw.rectangle((32,32,32+progpix,42), outline="white", fill="white")
def morningStageA(): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.line((0, 0, 152, device.height), fill=(0xf4, 0xa0, 0x29, 0x80))
def draw(): with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (10,1), str(states[0]), fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) text(draw, (2,1), str(states[1]), fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT))
def blackout(): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.line((0, 0, 152, device.height), fill=(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80))
def eveningStageA(): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.line((0, 0, 152, device.height), fill=(0xff, 0xfc, 0xaa, 0x80))
return({'state':state, 'artist':artist, 'title':title, 'eltime':eltime, 'volume':int(vol), 'audio_info':audio_info}) font = ImageFont.truetype('/root/neoplus2/oled/Verdana.ttf', 47) font2 = ImageFont.truetype('/root/neoplus2/oled/Verdana.ttf', 13) font3 = ImageFont.truetype('/root/neoplus2/oled/Verdana.ttf', 23) font4 = ImageFont.truetype('/root/neoplus2/oled/Arial-Bold.ttf', 20) os.system('echo "199" > /sys/class/gpio/export') os.system('echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio199/direction') os.system('echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio199/value') os.system('echo "198" > /sys/class/gpio/export') os.system('echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio198/direction') os.system('echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value') os.system('echo "0" > /sys/class/leds/nanopi:green:pwr/brightness') with canvas(device) as draw: device.contrast(0) img_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gdis3.png')) logo = draw.bitmap((25, 0), logo, fill="white") for level in range(0, 255, 3): device.contrast(level) time.sleep(0.1) with canvas(device) as draw: eth = os.popen('ip addr show eth0 | grep "\<inet\>" | awk \'{ print $2 }\' | awk -F "/" \'{ print $1 }\'').read().strip() wlan = os.popen('ip addr show wlan0 | grep "\<inet\>" | awk \'{ print $2 }\' | awk -F "/" \'{ print $1 }\'').read().strip() draw.text((5, 0), "Ethernet", font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((5, 15), str(eth), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((5, 35), "Wireless", font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((5, 50), str(wlan), font=font2, fill=255)
def led_matrix(self, msg): with canvas(self.ledMat) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), msg, fill="white") time.sleep(0.05)
def ascii_char(device, pic): with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), chr(pic), fill="white") time.sleep(2)
def drawSignage(device, width, height, data): global stationRenderCount, pauseCount device.clear() virtualViewport = viewport(device, width=width, height=height) status = "Exp 00:00" callingAt = "Calling at:" departures, firstDepartureDestinations, departureStation = data with canvas(device) as draw: w, h = draw.textsize(callingAt, font) callingWidth = w width = virtualViewport.width # First measure the text size with canvas(device) as draw: w, h = draw.textsize(status, font) pw, ph = draw.textsize("Plat 88D", font) rowOneA = snapshot(width - w - pw - 5, 10, renderDestination(departures[0], fontBold), interval=10) rowOneB = snapshot(w, 10, renderServiceStatus(departures[0]), interval=1) rowOneC = snapshot(pw, 10, renderPlatform(departures[0]), interval=10) rowTwoA = snapshot(callingWidth, 10, renderCallingAt, interval=100) rowTwoB = snapshot(width - callingWidth, 10, renderStations(", ".join(firstDepartureDestinations)), interval=0.1) if (len(departures) > 1): rowThreeA = snapshot(width - w - pw, 10, renderDestination(departures[1], font), interval=10) rowThreeB = snapshot(w, 10, renderServiceStatus(departures[1]), interval=1) rowThreeC = snapshot(pw, 10, renderPlatform(departures[1]), interval=10) if (len(departures) > 2): rowFourA = snapshot(width - w - pw, 10, renderDestination(departures[2], font), interval=10) rowFourB = snapshot(w, 10, renderServiceStatus(departures[2]), interval=1) rowFourC = snapshot(pw, 10, renderPlatform(departures[2]), interval=10) rowTime = snapshot(width, 14, renderTime, interval=0.1) if len(virtualViewport._hotspots) > 0: for hotspot, xy in virtualViewport._hotspots: virtualViewport.remove_hotspot(hotspot, xy) stationRenderCount = 0 pauseCount = 0 virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowOneA, (0, 0)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowOneB, (width - w, 0)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowOneC, (width - w - pw, 0)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowTwoA, (0, 12)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowTwoB, (callingWidth, 12)) if (len(departures) > 1): virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowThreeA, (0, 24)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowThreeB, (width - w, 24)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowThreeC, (width - w - pw, 24)) if (len(departures) > 2): virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowFourA, (0, 36)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowFourB, (width - w, 36)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowFourC, (width - w - pw, 36)) virtualViewport.add_hotspot(rowTime, (0, 50)) return virtualViewport
def print_text(message, seq, note_length, wait=1.0): with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), message, fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) time.sleep(wait) print_sequencer(seq, seq_length=len(seq[0]), note_length=note_length)
def run(self, oled): self.passing = True # open a serial terminal, make sure WFI is off so we have a consistent power measurement ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.port = "/dev/ttyS0" ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE ser.xonxoff = 0 try: except: print("couldn't open serial port") exit(1) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Key kill test...", fill="white") # ensure the correct config: powering off of battery, high current sense mode GPIO.output(GPIO_ISENSE, 1) time.sleep(0.25) GPIO.output(GPIO_BSIM, 1) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 1) time.sleep(9.0) ibus_nom = read_i_vbus() #print("pre-kill: {} {}".format(ibat_nom, read_i_vbus())) # switch to battery power GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 0) time.sleep(0.5) self.console = fdspawn(ser) self.try_cmd("test kill\r", "|TSTR|KILL") self.console.close() with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 1), "A red light should be turned on.", fill="white") time.sleep(2.0) destruct_current = read_i_bat(high_range=True) if destruct_current > 0.095: self.passing = False self.add_reason("SD shutdown current too high {:.4f}A".format( destruct_current)) if self.logfile: self.logfile.write( "Self destruct shutdown current: {:.4f}mA\n".format( destruct_current * 1000)) # print("post-kill: {} {}".format(read_i_bat(high_range=True), read_i_vbus())) GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 1) time.sleep(2.0) ibus_kill = read_i_vbus() if ibus_kill > ( ibus_nom - 0.055 ): # one working unit with exactly 0.060; 0.055 gives some margin self.passing = False self.add_reason("Self Destruct fail Q22F/Q21F") if self.logfile: self.logfile.write( "Self destruct vbus current: {:.4f}mA / baseline: {:.4f}\n". format(ibus_kill * 1000, ibus_nom * 1000)) # print("post-vbus: {} {}".format(read_i_bat(high_range=True), read_i_vbus())) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 1), "Key kill test complete", fill="white") # disconnect everything so the system can boot again GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 0) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(GPIO_BSIM, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_ISENSE, 1) time.sleep(2.0) self.has_run = True return self.passing
def print_sequencer(sequencer, seq_length=32, note_length=16): max = 64 if seq_length > max: print("ERROR - Can't show sequence lengths longer then '%s'." % max) elif seq_length <= 32: with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "Bar's:", fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) if note_length == 4: text(draw, (32, 0), "1 3 5 7", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) elif note_length == 8: text(draw, (32, 0), "1 2 3 4", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) elif note_length == 16: text(draw, (32, 0), "1 2 ", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) else: return # display sequencer values for y in range(len(sequencer) - 2): for x in range(len(sequencer[y])): if sequencer[y][x] != 0: point = x + 64, y draw.point(point, fill="white") elif seq_length <= 64: with canvas(device) as draw: if note_length == 4: text(draw, (0, 0), "1 3 5 7", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), "9 111315", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) elif note_length == 8: text(draw, (0, 0), "1 2 3 4", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), "5 6 7 8", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) elif note_length == 16: text(draw, (0, 0), "1 2 ", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), "3 4 ", fill="white", font=proportional(TINY_FONT)) else: return # display sequencer values for y in range(len(sequencer) - 2): for x in range(len(sequencer[y])): if sequencer[y][x] != 0: if x > 31: point = x + 64, y else: point = x + 32, y draw.point(point, fill="white")
def drawSplash(device): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.rectangle((18,12,108,52), outline="white", fill="black") draw.text((0,16),' OPC ',"white") draw.text((0,38),' tink3rtanker ',"white")
import time from luma.core.interface.serial import i2c from luma.core.render import canvas from luma.oled.device import ssd1306 from PIL import ImageFont serial = i2c(port=1, address=0x3C) device = ssd1306(serial, rotate=0) font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/wqy/wqy-zenhei.ttc", 17) Weekdays = ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期日'] while True: Time = time.localtime() Date = '{}年{:0>2d}月{:0>2d}日'.format(Time.tm_year, Time.tm_mon, Time.tm_mday) Clock = '{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}:{:0>2d}'.format(Time.tm_hour, Time.tm_min, Time.tm_sec) with canvas(device, dither=False) as draw: draw.text((-2, 2), Date, fill="white", font=font) draw.text((40, 23), Weekdays[Time.tm_wday], fill="white", font=font) draw.text((30, 44), Clock, fill="white", font=font) time.sleep(1)
def drawText(device,textlist): with canvas(device) as draw: for idx,text in enumerate(textlist): #print text, ", ", idx draw.text((0,idx*10),text,"white")
def scrollingChar(self): self.scrollPos -= 1 with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (self.scrollPos, 0), chr(self.scrollChar), fill='white') if self.scrollPos == -8: self.scrollPos = 16
def give_info(sequencer): with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "Sequ", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (32, 0), "encer", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), "leng", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (96, 0), "ths:", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) time.sleep(3) with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), str(sequencer.bars), fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (32, 0), "bars,", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), str(sequencer.note_length), fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (96, 0), "notes", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) time.sleep(3) with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "Chann", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (32, 0), "els:", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), str(sequencer.max_channels) + ",", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (96, 0), "order:", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) time.sleep(3) with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "Kick", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (32, 0), "Snare", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (64, 0), "HiHat", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (96, 0), "Bass", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) time.sleep(3) with canvas(virtual) as draw: text(draw, (0, 0), "Let's", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) text(draw, (32, 0), "go!", fill="white", font=proportional(SINCLAIR_FONT)) time.sleep(3) print_sequencer(sequencer.seq, seq_length=sequencer.sequence_length, note_length=sequencer.note_length)
def main(): client = MPDConnect() client.connect() while True: info = client.fetch() state = info['state'] vol = info['volume'] eltime = info['eltime'] artist = info['artist'] title = info['title'] audio = info['audio_info'] if '1' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value').read(): if '0' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio199/value').read(): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.text((15,15),"Optical 1", font=font3, fill=255) if '1' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value').read(): if '1' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio199/value').read(): with canvas(device) as draw: draw.text((15,15),"Optical 2", font=font3, fill=255) if '0' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio198/value').read(): if '0' in open('/sys/class/gpio/gpio199/value').read(): if (state == 'stop'): with canvas(device) as draw: if vol>0 and vol<100: draw.text((0,13),str(vol), font=font, fill=255) if vol==100: draw.text((0,13),"--", font=font, fill=255) if state == 'play': with canvas(device) as draw: if vol>0 and vol<100: draw.text((35,0), audio, font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0,13),str(vol), font=font, fill=255) draw.text((80,50),str(eltime), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((87,20),">>", font=font4, fill=255) if vol==100: draw.text((35,0), audio, font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0,13),"--", font=font, fill=255) draw.text((80,50),str(eltime), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((87,20),">>", font=font4, fill=255) if state == 'pause': with canvas(device) as draw: if vol>0 and vol<100: draw.text((35,0), audio, font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0,13),str(vol), font=font, fill=255) draw.text((80,50),str(eltime), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((87,20)," ||", font=font4, fill=255) if vol==100: draw.text((35,0), audio, font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((0,13),"--", font=font, fill=255) draw.text((80,50),str(eltime), font=font2, fill=255) draw.text((87,20)," ||", font=font4, fill=255)
def demo(photo_count, countdown_from): # create matrix device serial = spi(port=0, device=0, gpio=noop()) device = max7219(serial, cascaded=4, block_orientation=-90, rotate=0) print("Created device") # setup button on Raspberry Pi Pin 18 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) while True: print("PUSH THE BUTTON!") with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (1, 0), "Ready", fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) GPIO.wait_for_edge(18, GPIO.FALLING) print('Button Pressed') # Start by creating a folder for all the photos, with a folder inside called minis for gif-based time_now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.gmtime()) pi_folder = os.path.join('/home/pi/wedding_photos/', time_now) minis_folder = os.path.join(pi_folder, 'minis') os.makedirs(minis_folder) gif_folder = os.path.join('/home/pi/wedding_photos/gifs/') # os.makedirs(gif_folder) # Start looping and taking photos! for index in range(photo_count): msg = "" for i in range(countdown_from): msg += "%s... " % (countdown_from - i) show_message(device, msg, fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT), scroll_delay=0.05) with canvas(device) as draw: text(draw, (2, 0), "Smile!", fill="white", font=proportional(LCD_FONT)) # GPHOTO logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING) gp.check_result(gp.use_python_logging()) camera = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_new()) gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_init(camera)) print('Capturing image') file_path = gp.check_result( gp.gp_camera_capture(camera, gp.GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE)) print('Camera file path: {0}/{1}'.format(file_path.folder, # save image to pi target = os.path.join( pi_folder, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.gmtime()) + print('Copying image to', target) camera_file = gp.check_result( gp.gp_camera_file_get(camera, file_path.folder,, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL)) gp.check_result(gp.gp_file_save(camera_file, target)) #['xdg-open', target]) # Commented out as no need to open gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_exit(camera)) ## GPHOTO END device.clear() # OK, let's create a gif! First, let's create some smaller images for filename in os.listdir(pi_folder): if filename.endswith(".jpg"): img = Image(filename=os.path.join(pi_folder, filename)) img.sample(780, 540), filename)) else: continue # Create a gif from them smaller images with Image() as wand: for filename in os.listdir(minis_folder): if filename.endswith(".jpg"): with Image(filename=os.path.join(minis_folder, filename)) as photo: wand.sequence.append(photo) else: continue for cursor in range(len(wand.sequence)): with wand.sequence[cursor] as frame: frame.delay = 50 wand.type = 'optimize' filename=os.path.join(gif_folder, "{0}.gif".format(time_now)))
def run(self, oled): self.passing = True # open a serial terminal, make sure WFI is off so we have a consistent power measurement ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.port = "/dev/ttyS0" ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE ser.xonxoff = 0 try: except: print("couldn't open serial port") exit(1) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Post-test current...", fill="white") # ensure the correct config: powering off of battery, high current sense mode GPIO.output(GPIO_ISENSE, 1) time.sleep(0.25) GPIO.output(GPIO_BSIM, 1) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 1) time.sleep(0.5) GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 0) time.sleep(10.0) # total time required from boot to command acceptance self.console = fdspawn(ser) self.try_cmd("test wfioff\r", "|TSTR|WFIOFF") self.console.close() vbus = read_vbus() # demonstrate that vbus is at 0 if vbus > 1.0: self.passing = False self.add_reason("VBUS did not drop: {:.3f}V".format(vbus)) oled.clear() line = 0 ibat_max = 0.250 ibat_min = 0.180 ibat_avg = 0.0 for x in range(10, 0, -1): if x == 10 or x == 5 or x == 1: with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, FONT_HEIGHT * line), "Measuring current... {}".format(int(x / 5)), fill="white") time.sleep(0.2) # sample ibat_avg += read_i_bat(high_range=True) ibat_avg /= 10.0 if ibat_avg > ibat_max: self.passing = False self.add_reason("IBAT too high: {:.3f}mA".format(ibat_avg * 1000)) if ibat_avg < ibat_min: self.passing = False self.add_reason("IBAT too low: {:.3f}mA".format(ibat_avg * 1000)) with canvas(oled) as draw: line = 0 draw.text((0, FONT_HEIGHT * line), "Post-test current measurement:") line += 1 draw.text((0, FONT_HEIGHT * line), "VBUS: {:.3f}V".format(vbus)) line += 1 draw.text((0, FONT_HEIGHT * line), "IBAT: {:.3f}mA".format(ibat_avg * 1000)) if self.logfile: self.logfile.write("Post-test current measured at {}\n".format( str( self.logfile.write("VBUS: {:.3f}V\n".format(vbus)) self.logfile.write("IBAT: {:.3f}mA\n".format(ibat_avg * 1000)) time.sleep(1.0) GPIO.output(GPIO_BSIM, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 0) # should already be off, doesn't hurt to check self.has_run = True return self.passing
def setScrollChar(self, char): self.scrollPos = 16 self.scrollChar = char with canvas(self.device) as draw: text(draw, (self.scrollPos, 0), chr(char), fill='white')
def run(self, oled): self.passing = True self.has_run = True with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Audio / Battery on...", fill="white") GPIO.output(GPIO_BSIM, 1) time.sleep(0.5) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Audio / Power on...", fill="white") GPIO.output(GPIO_VBUS, 1) time.sleep(9) # give a little time for the device to boot # open a serial terminal ser = serial.Serial() ser.baudrate = 115200 ser.port="/dev/ttyS0" ser.stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE ser.xonxoff=0 try: except: print("couldn't open serial port") exit(1) self.console = fdspawn(ser) # setup for left feed GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPR, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPL, 1) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_SPK, 0) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Test left audio channel...", fill="white") self.try_cmd("test astart 261.63 left\r", "|TSTR|ASTART") time.sleep(3) self.try_cmd("test astop\r", "|TSTR|ASTOP") results = self.console.before.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') for line in results.split('\r'): if 'TSTR|' in line: if self.logfile: self.logfile.write(line.rstrip() + '\n') #print(line.rstrip()) test_output = line.split('|') if test_output[2] == 'ARESULT': if test_output[3] == 'FAIL': self.passing = False self.add_reason("Left audio fail") # setup for right feed GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPR, 1) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPL, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_SPK, 0) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Test right audio channel...", fill="white") self.try_cmd("test astart 329.63 right\r", "|TSTR|ASTART") time.sleep(3) self.try_cmd("test astop\r", "|TSTR|ASTOP") results = self.console.before.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') for line in results.split('\r'): if 'TSTR|' in line: if self.logfile: self.logfile.write(line.rstrip() + '\n') #print(line.rstrip()) test_output = line.split('|') if test_output[2] == 'ARESULT': if test_output[3] == 'FAIL': self.passing = False self.add_reason("Right audio fail") # setup for speaker feed GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPR, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPL, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_SPK, 1) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Test speaker...", fill="white") self.try_cmd("test astart 440 speaker\r", "|TSTR|ASTART") time.sleep(3) self.try_cmd("test astop\r", "|TSTR|ASTOP") results = self.console.before.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') for line in results.split('\r'): if 'TSTR|' in line: if self.logfile: self.logfile.write(line.rstrip() + '\n') #print(line.rstrip()) test_output = line.split('|') if test_output[2] == 'ARESULT': if test_output[3] == 'FAIL': self.passing = False self.add_reason("Speaker fail") # setup for right/left crosstalk GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPR, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPL, 1) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_SPK, 0) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Test crosstalk...", fill="white") self.try_cmd("test astart 523.25 right\r", "|TSTR|ASTART") time.sleep(3) self.try_cmd("test astop\r", "|TSTR|ASTOP") results = self.console.before.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') for line in results.split('\r'): if 'TSTR|' in line: if self.logfile: self.logfile.write(line.rstrip() + '\n') #print(line.rstrip()) test_output = line.split('|') if test_output[2] == 'ARESULT': if test_output[3] == 'PASS': # we expect this test to FAIL; should be silence in this config self.passing = False self.add_reason("L/R isolation fail") # isolate all GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPR, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_HPL, 0) GPIO.output(GPIO_AUD_SPK, 0) with canvas(oled) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), "Audio test complete!", fill="white") time.sleep(1) with canvas(oled) as draw: oled.clear() self.console.close() return self.passing
def update_display(display, msg): with canvas(display) as draw: draw.text((0, 0), msg, fill='white')
def draw_menu(self): #while CF.source == 1: self.Time() with canvas(self.device) as draw: #basic outline Box and text rendered in portrait mode #draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black") D.draw_rectangle(draw, self.device) #date and time draw.line((0, 13, 128, 13), fill="white") draw.text((2, 1), self.today_date, fill="white") draw.text((78, 1), self.today_time, fill="white") #updateMusic() #ler controle de volume! Depois, ler primeito configuração inicial! p = self.menu_position() #musicInfo() #MP3 if (p[0] == 1): draw.rectangle((4, 14, 122, 24), outline="white", fill="white") draw.text((4, 14), "1 - Internal MP3", font=self.font_menu, fill="black") else: draw.text((4, 14), "1 - Internal MP3", font=self.font_menu, fill="white") #Bluetooth if (p[1] == 1): draw.rectangle((4, 26, 122, 36), outline="white", fill="white") draw.text((4, 26), "2 - Bluetooth", font=self.font_menu, fill="black") else: draw.text((4, 26), "2 - Bluetooth", font=self.font_menu, fill="white") #USB if (p[2] == 1): draw.rectangle((4, 38, 122, 49), outline="white", fill="white") draw.text((4, 38), "3 - USB", font=self.font_menu, fill="black") else: draw.text((4, 38), "3 - USB", font=self.font_menu, fill="white") #settings if (p[3] == 1): draw.rectangle((4, 51, 122, 62), outline="white", fill="white") draw.text((4, 50), "4 - Settings", font=self.font_menu, fill="black") else: draw.text((4, 50), "4 - Settings", font=self.font_menu, fill="white")