def __init__(self, model_dir): """ A LuminosoModel is constructed from `dir`, a path to a directory. This directory will contain saved versions of various matrices, as well as a SQLite database of terms and documents. """ if not isinstance(model_dir, unicode): # Ensure that paths are unicode. model_dir = model_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if not os.access(model_dir, os.R_OK): raise IOError("Cannot read the study directory %s. " "Use LuminosoModel.make() to make a new one." % model_dir) self.dir = model_dir self._load_config() self._load_assoc() self.database = TermDatabase( self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.DB_FILENAME) ) self.connections_cache = {} self.idf_cache = {}
class LuminosoModel(object): """ A LuminosoModel is a semantic space. You supply it with as many documents as possible from the domain of documents you intend to analyze, or possibly other forms of domain-specific knowledge. The LuminosoModel represents the semantic similarities between things as a Divisi2 reconstructed association matrix. This matrix can be updated incrementally to take new data into account, which is how Luminoso learns new domain-specific knowledge. """ CONFIG_FILENAME = 'luminoso.cfg' ASSOC_FILENAME = 'associations.rmat' DB_FILENAME = 'terms.sqlite' def __init__(self, model_dir): """ A LuminosoModel is constructed from `dir`, a path to a directory. This directory will contain saved versions of various matrices, as well as a SQLite database of terms and documents. """ if not isinstance(model_dir, unicode): # Ensure that paths are unicode. model_dir = model_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) if not os.access(model_dir, os.R_OK): raise IOError("Cannot read the study directory %s. " "Use LuminosoModel.make() to make a new one." % model_dir) self.dir = model_dir self._load_config() self._load_assoc() self.database = TermDatabase( self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.DB_FILENAME) ) self.connections_cache = {} self.idf_cache = {} def filename_in_dir(self, filename): """ Given a filename relative to this LuminosoModel's directory, get its complete path. """ return self.dir + os.sep + filename def file_exists_in_dir(self, filename): """ Determine whether a file exists in this LuminosoModel's directory. """ return os.access(self.filename_in_dir(filename), os.F_OK) def _load_config(self): "Load the configuration file." if self.file_exists_in_dir(LuminosoModel.CONFIG_FILENAME): self.config = Config( open(self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.CONFIG_FILENAME)) ) else: raise IOError("This model is missing a config file.") def save_config(self): "Save the current configuration to the configuration file." save_config_file( self.config, self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.CONFIG_FILENAME) ) def save_canonical_stats(self, study='all'): """ Given a study named 'foo', this saves its statistics to 'foo.stats.json'. """ stats = self.canonical_stats(study) out ='.stats.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(stats, out, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) out.close() def _load_assoc(self): "Load the association matrix and priority queue from a file." if self.file_exists_in_dir(LuminosoModel.ASSOC_FILENAME): self.assoc = load_pickle( self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.ASSOC_FILENAME) ) assert isinstance(self.assoc, ReconstructedMatrix) else: raise IOError("This LuminosoModel does not have an " "'associations.rmat' file. Use LuminosoModel.make() " "to make a valid LuminosoModel.") self.assoc.make_symmetric() assert isinstance(self.assoc.row_labels, PrioritySet) self.priority = self.assoc.row_labels self.priority.listen_for_drops(self.on_drop) def save_assoc(self): "Save the association matrix to a file." save_pickle(self.assoc, self.filename_in_dir(LuminosoModel.ASSOC_FILENAME)) def on_drop(self, index, key): """ Handle when a key falls out of the PrioritySet. """ self.assoc.left[index, :] = 0 def add_document(self, doc, reader_name=None): """ Take in a document, pass it through the reader, and store its terms in the term database. The document should be expressed as a dictionary, containing at least these keys: - name: the unique identifier for the document - text: the plain text of the document, possibly including text-encoded tags - url: a unique identifier for the document, preferably one that actually locates it relative to the study Optionally, it may contain: - tags: (key, value) tuples representing tags """"Reading document: %r" % doc['url']) if reader_name is None: reader_name = self.config['reader'] reader = get_reader(reader_name) text = doc['text'] tags = doc.get('tags', []) doc_terms = [] connections = list(reader.extract_connections(text)) self.connections_cache[doc['url']] = connections for weight, term1, term2 in connections: if term1 == DOCUMENT: if isinstance(term2, tuple) and term2[0] == TAG: tags.append(term2[1:]) else: doc_terms.append((term2, weight)) relevance = self.database.term_relevance(term2) self.index_term(term2, relevance) doc['reader'] = reader_name doc['terms'] = doc_terms doc['tags'] = tags self.database.add_document(doc) self.idf_cache = {} # invalidate the cache of term IDFs return doc['url'] def get_document_connections(self, docid): """ Given a previously added document, get the list of connections produced from it. """ if docid in self.connections_cache: connections = self.connections_cache[docid] else: doc = self.database.get_document(docid) reader = get_reader(doc.reader) connections = list(reader.extract_connections(doc.text)) return connections def get_document_terms(self, docid): """ Given a previously added document, get the list of weighted terms that appear in it, as (term, weight) tuples. """ return [(term2, weight) for (weight, term1, term2) in self.get_document_connections(docid) if term1 == DOCUMENT] def get_document_tags(self, docid): """ Get the list of tags on a document from the database. """ return self.database.get_document_tags(docid) def document_assoc_updates(self, docid): """ Given a previously added document, yield triples to use to update the association matrix. """"Collecting connections from: %r" % docid) connections = self.get_document_connections(docid) for weight, term1, term2 in connections: if weight > 0 and term1 != DOCUMENT: norm_factor = ((self.database.count_term(term1) + 1) * (self.database.count_term(term2) + 1)) ** .5 yield weight/norm_factor, term1, term2 def index_term(self, term, priority=None): """ Ensure that a term is in both the database and the PrioritySet. If `priority` is specified, this will update its priority value. Returns the index of the term in the set. """ index = self.priority.add(term) if priority: self.priority.update(term, priority) return index def get_term_idf(self, term): if term in self.idf_cache: return self.idf_cache[term] else: idf = self.database.term_idf(term) self.idf_cache[term] = idf return idf def learn_assoc(self, weight, term1, term2): """ Learn the strength of the association between term1 and term2, both of which should exist in self.priority for efficiency's sake. For the purpose of testing, however, we can still add the terms. """ try: row = self.priority.index(term1) except KeyError: row = self.priority.add(term1) try: col = self.priority.index(term2) except KeyError: col = self.priority.add(term2) mse = self.assoc.hebbian_increment(row, col, weight) return mse def learn_from(self, url, study=None, iterations=1): """ Given a URL or file path that points to a collection of documents, learn from all of those documents. They may also be added to a study at the same time. Default to 1 iteration, because on a reasonable amount of data that will be all you need. """ self.add_from_url(url, study, learn_iterations=iterations) self.save_assoc() self.save_config() # compatibility with previous docs learn_from_url = learn_from def add_from(self, url, study=None, learn_iterations=0, batch_size=1000): """ Given a URL or file path that points to a collection of documents, add all the documents to the database. If `learn_iterations` is 0, the concept model will not change. When greater than 0, this implements `learn_from_url`. This is the main loop that one should use to train a model with a batch of documents. """ stream = handle_url(url, sample_frac=self.config.get('sample_frac', 1.0)) batch = [] while True: if len(batch) == batch_size: self.add_batch(lambda: iter(batch), study, learn_iterations) batch[:] = [] try: batch.append(next(stream)) except StopIteration: self.add_batch(lambda: iter(batch), study, learn_iterations) batch[:] = [] break add_from_url = add_from def add_batch(self, stream_func, study=None, learn_iterations=0): """ Add a batch of documents from some source, a `stream_func` that when called returns an iterator over the documents. """ fulltext_cache = {} self.connections_cache = {} # First pass: add documents to the term database, and meanwhile # collect full texts and tags. for doc in stream_func(): docid = self.add_document(doc) reader = get_reader(doc['reader']) for term, fulltext in reader.extract_term_texts(doc['text']): fulltext_cache[term] = fulltext if study is not None: self.database.set_tag_on_document(docid, 'study', study)"Committing documents to the database") self.database.commit()"Collecting relevant terms") self.database.update_relevance() if learn_iterations: # Second pass (optional): find how much we should update the # ReconstructedMatrix entries based on the word associations # we discover. learn_accumulator = defaultdict(float) for doc in stream_func(): for weight, term1, term2\ in self.document_assoc_updates(doc['url']): if term1 in self.priority and term2 in self.priority: learn_accumulator[(term1, term2)] += weight # Now actually apply those total updates. Multiple times, if asked. total = len(learn_accumulator) for iter in xrange(learn_iterations):"Updating association matrix: pass %d" % (iter+1)) i = 0 avg_err = 1.0 for term1, term2 in learn_accumulator: i += 1 if (i % 100) == 0:"Learned %d/%d; err=%4.4f" % (i, total, avg_err)) weight = learn_accumulator[(term1, term2)] err = self.learn_assoc(weight, term1, term2) avg_err = (.999 * avg_err) + (.001 * err) # Finally, update the full texts of the terms we saw."Updating full texts") for term, fulltext in fulltext_cache.items(): self.database.set_term_text(term, fulltext) self.database.commit() # If this was a study, make a document matrix for it. if study is not None:"Making document matrix for %r" % study) self.update_doc_matrix(study)"Updating tag matrix") self.update_tag_matrix() def docs_in_study(self, study_name='all'): """ Get a list of all documents in the given study. """ return list(self.database.documents_with_tag_value(u'study', study_name)) def update_doc_matrix(self, study_name='all'): """ Collect the documents in a particular study, and make a dense matrix from them representing their positions in this semantic space. FIXME: this filename may conflict with other things like 'tags'. """ docs = self.docs_in_study(study_name) npmat = np.zeros((len(docs), self.config['num_axes'])) dmat = divisi2.DenseMatrix(npmat, row_labels=docs) for docid in docs: row = dmat.row_index(docid) dmat[row] = self.vector_from_document(docid), self.filename_in_dir(study_name+'.dmat')) def get_doc_matrix(self, study_name='all'): """ Get the matrix of all documents in a particular study. """ return divisi2.load(self.filename_in_dir(study_name+'.dmat')) def add_default_study(self, study_name='all'): """ Ensure that every known document is in a study with the given name (default 'all'). Many methods for working with documents require a study name. This will help with experimenting with those methods on documents that weren't added as part of a study. """ for doc in self.database.all_documents(): self.database.set_tag_on_document(doc, 'study', study_name) def update_tag_matrix(self): """ Collect the tags in a particular study, and make a dense matrix from them representing their average positions in this semantic space. """ all_tags = self.database.all_tags() npmat = np.zeros((len(all_tags), self.config['num_axes'])) dmat = divisi2.DenseMatrix(npmat, row_labels=all_tags) for key, value in all_tags: row = dmat.row_index((key, value)) ndocs = 0 for docid in self.database.documents_with_tag_value(key, value): dmat[row] += self.vector_from_document(docid) ndocs += 1 if ndocs > 0: dmat[row] /= ndocs, self.filename_in_dir('tags.dmat')) self._tag_matrix = dmat return dmat def get_tag_matrix(self): """ Get the matrix of all tags in a particular study. """ if hasattr(self, '_tag_matrix'): return self._tag_matrix else: return divisi2.load(self.filename_in_dir('tags.dmat')) def export_svdview(self, study_name='all', num=10000): from divisi2.export_svdview import write_packed def denormalize(concept_text): doc = self.database.get_document(concept_text) if doc: return else: return concept_text #return self.database.get_term_text(concept_text) top_terms = [term.term for term in self.database.top_terms(num)] num = len(top_terms) term_mat = divisi2.DenseMatrix( np.zeros((num, self.config['num_axes'])), row_labels=top_terms ) for i in xrange(num): term = top_terms[i] term_mat[i, :] = self.assoc.left[self.priority.index(term)] mat = term_mat.concatenate(self.get_doc_matrix(study_name)) write_packed(mat, self.filename_in_dir(study_name), denormalize) def vector_from_terms(self, terms): """ Get a category vector representing the given set of weighted terms, expressed as (term, weight) tuples. This will apply TF-IDF weighting. """ total_weight = 0.0 for _, weight in terms: total_weight += abs(weight) vec = divisi2.DenseVector( np.zeros((len(self.priority),)), labels=self.priority ) for term, weight in terms: if term in self.priority: index = self.priority.index(term) tfidf_weight = weight * self.get_term_idf(term) * self.database.normalized_relevance(term) vec[index] = tfidf_weight / total_weight category =, self.assoc.left) return category def vector_from_text(self, text, reader_name=None): """ Get a category vector in this model representing the given text, with TF-IDF applied. """ if reader_name is None: reader_name = self.config['reader'] reader = get_reader(reader_name) terms = [] for weight, term1, term2 in reader.extract_connections(text): if term1 == DOCUMENT: terms.append((term2, weight)) return self.vector_from_terms(terms) def vector_from_input(self): """ Get a category vector representing the given line of input from standard in (which is a good way to enter Unicode that iPython can't deal with). """ text = raw_input('> ') return self.vector_from_text(text.decode('utf-8')) def vector_from_document(self, doc_id): """ Get a category vector for the given known document, with TF-IDF applied. """ terms = self.get_document_terms(doc_id) return self.vector_from_terms(terms) def terms_similar_to_vector(self, vec): """ Take in a category vector, and returns a weighted vector of associated terms. You can run the `top_items()` method of this vector to get the most associated terms. """ return, vec) def domain_terms_similar_to_vector(self, vec): """ Take in a category vector, and returns a weighted vector of associated terms, but leave out ones that only appear in common sense background knowledge. You can run the `top_items()` method of this vector to get the most associated terms. """ # FIXME: this way of finding domain concepts is such a hack. mask = np.zeros((len(self.priority),), 'b') for i, item in enumerate(self.priority.items): if (self.priority.priority.has_key(i) and self.priority.priority[i] < 1e6): mask[i] = True return divisi2.multiply(, vec), mask) def docs_similar_to_vector(self, vec, study='all'): """ Take in a category vector, and returns a weighted vector of associated documents in the study. You can run the `top_items()` method of this vector to get the most associated documents. """ return, vec) def tags_similar_to_vector(self, vec): """ Take in a category vector, and returns a weighted vector of associated tags in the study. You can run the `top_items()` method of this vector to get the most associated tags. """ return, vec) def show_sim(self, similarities, n=10): """ Display similar terms or documents in a human-readable form at the command line. """ for name, value in similarities.top_items(n): doc = self.database.get_document(name) if doc: printable_name = else: printable_name = self.database.get_term_text(name) print "%40s %+4.4f" % (printable_name[:40].encode('utf-8'), value) def canonical_stats(self, study='all', canonicals='Canonical'): """ Get the correlation/centrality stats from a study, as compared to the documents in another study designated 'canonical'. That study is probably not a real study, it's just a set of documents like it's always been, but it's represented the same way. The default canonical study is in fact the one named 'Canonical'. TODO: average the documents as the study is being learned, allowing streaming and very large studies. """ stats = {'correlation': {}, 'centrality': {}} # calculate the rms concept-concept similarity, as a scale factor mean_concept = np.mean(self.assoc.left_view, axis=0) concept_concept =, mean_concept) baseline = np.sqrt(np.mean(concept_concept ** 2)) # np.asarray it so that we can apply numpy functions to it safely. study_matrix = np.asarray(self.get_doc_matrix(study)) canonical_matrix = self.get_doc_matrix(canonicals) # First, find the (presumed) normal distribution for how much the # documents in this study are like each other. That distribution # (and particularly its mean) is called "consistency". mean_document = np.mean(np.asarray(study_matrix), axis=0) mean_doc_projections =, mean_document) stats['consistency'] = _mean_var_stats(mean_doc_projections, baseline) # Next, find a similar distribution for how much the documents in # this study are like each canonical document. for c_row in xrange(canonical_matrix.shape[0]): canonical_id = canonical_matrix.row_label(c_row) canonical_vec = np.asarray(canonical_matrix[c_row, :]) canonical_projections =, canonical_vec) correlation_stats = _mean_var_stats(canonical_projections, baseline) stats['correlation'][canonical_id] = correlation_stats centrality = ((correlation_stats['mean'] - stats['consistency']['mean']) / correlation_stats['stderr']) stats['centrality'][canonical_id] = centrality return stats def __repr__(self): return "<LuminosoModel: %r>" % self.dir @staticmethod def make(model_dir, orig_dmat, config): """ Make a new LuminosoModel in the (nonexistent) directory `dir`, with initial half-association matrix `orig_dmat`. (A half-association matrix is a matrix that gives an association matrix when it is multiplied by its transpose.) """ # Adjust the size of the matrix to match the config, if necessary. if os.access(model_dir, os.F_OK): raise StudyExists("The model directory %r already exists." % model_dir) rows = config['num_concepts'] cols = config['num_axes'] if orig_dmat.shape != (rows, cols): dmat = divisi2.DenseMatrix((rows, cols)) rows_to_copy = orig_dmat.shape[0] if rows < rows_to_copy: raise ValueError("num_concepts is too small to fit the " "existing concepts.") cols_to_copy = min(cols, orig_dmat.shape[1]) dmat[:rows_to_copy, :cols_to_copy] = \ orig_dmat[:rows_to_copy, :cols_to_copy] dmat.row_labels = orig_dmat.row_labels else: dmat = orig_dmat # Make sure that the matrix has a PrioritySet for its row labels. _prioritize_labels(dmat, rows) rmat = divisi2.reconstruct_symmetric(dmat) # Make the model directory and populate its initial files. os.mkdir(model_dir) rmat_file = model_dir + os.sep + LuminosoModel.ASSOC_FILENAME config_file = model_dir + os.sep + LuminosoModel.CONFIG_FILENAME save_pickle(rmat, rmat_file) save_config_file(config, config_file) # Now load the model from that directory and return it. model = LuminosoModel(model_dir) return model @staticmethod def make_empty(model_dir, config=None): """ Make a LuminosoModel that starts from an empty matrix. """ if config is None: config = _default_config() mat = divisi2.DenseMatrix((config['num_concepts'], config['num_axes'])) model = LuminosoModel.make(model_dir, mat, config) return model @staticmethod def make_english(model_dir, config=None): """ Make a LuminosoModel whose initial matrix contains common sense in English. """ return LuminosoModel.make_common_sense(model_dir, 'en', config) @staticmethod def make_japanese(model_dir, config=None): """ Make a LuminosoModel whose initial matrix contains common sense in Japanese. """ return LuminosoModel.make_common_sense(model_dir, 'ja', config) @staticmethod def make_common_sense(model_dir, lang='en', config=None): """ Make a LuminosoModel whose initial matrix contains common sense for some language. """ if config is None: config = _default_config() config['reader'] = 'simplenlp.'+lang if os.access(model_dir, os.F_OK): raise StudyExists("The model directory %r already exists." % model_dir)"Making common sense matrix") assoc = (mat_U, diag_S, _) = assoc.normalize_all().svd(k=100) rmat = divisi2.reconstruct_activation( mat_U, diag_S, post_normalize=True ) model = LuminosoModel.make(model_dir, rmat.left, config) model.config['iteration'] = 1000 return model