def download_picture(self, picture_url: str, album_folder: str) -> None: """ Download picture. :param picture_url: picture url :param album_folder: folder path """ try: if picture_url.startswith('//'): picture_url = picture_url.replace('//', '', 1) picture_name = picture_url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] picture_path = os.path.join(album_folder, picture_name) if not os.path.exists(picture_path):'Start downloading: {picture_url}') retry = 1 response = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True, timeout=self.timeout) while response.status_code != 200 and retry <= self.retries: logger.warning(f'{retry}º Retry: {picture_name}') response = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True, timeout=self.timeout) retry += 1 if len(response.content) > 0: with open(picture_path, 'wb') as image: image.write(response.content) logger.log(5, f'Completed download of: {picture_name}') else: raise Exception('Zero content') else: logger.warning(f'Picture already exists: {picture_name} ') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to download picture: {picture_url}\n{e}')
def fetch_info(self) -> bool: """ Fetch album information. :return: bool - true if there are no error otherwise false """ logger.log(5, 'Fetching album information...') response = '', json=album_info_query(str(self.id_))).json() data = response['data']['album']['get'] if 'errors' in data: logger.error( f'Something wrong with album: {self.id_}\nErrors: {data["errors"]}' ) logger.warning('Skipping...') return False self.title = data['title'] = data['created_by']['display_name'] self.number_of_pictures = data['number_of_pictures'] self.number_of_animated_pictures = data['number_of_animated_pictures']{ 'slug': data.get('slug', self.title), 'language': data.get('language', {}).get('title', ''), 'tags': [tag.get('text', '') for tag in data.get('tags', {})], 'genres': [genre.get('title', '') for genre in data.get('genres', {})], 'audiences': [ audience.get('title', '') for audience in data.get('audiences', {}) ], }) return True
def download_picture(self, picture_url: str, album_folder: Path) -> None: """ Download picture. :param picture_url: picture url :param album_folder: album folder path """ try: picture_url = normalize_url(picture_url) picture_name = picture_url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] picture_path = Path.joinpath(album_folder, picture_name) if not Path.exists(picture_path):'Start downloading: {picture_url}') retry = 1 response = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True, timeout=self.timeout) while response.status_code != 200 and retry <= self.retries: logger.warning(f'{retry}º Retry: {picture_name}') response = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True, timeout=self.timeout) retry += 1 if retry > self.retries: raise Exception('Reached maximum number of retries') if len(response.content) > 0: with'wb') as image: image.write(response.content) logger.log(5, f'Completed download of: {picture_name}') else: raise Exception('Zero content') else: logger.warning(f'Picture already exists: {picture_name} ') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to download picture: {picture_url}\n{e}')
def create_folder(directory): try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)'Album folder created: {directory}') else: logger.warn(f'Album folder {directory} already exist.') except OSError: logger.error(f'Creating directory: {directory}\n{e}')
def create_folder(directory: Path) -> None: """ Creates folder in the specified path. :param directory: folder path """ try: if not Path.exists(directory): Path.mkdir(directory, parents=True, exist_ok=True)'Album folder created in: {directory}') else: logger.warn(f'Album folder already exist in: {directory}') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Create folder: {e}')
def create_folder(directory: str) -> None: """ Creates folder in the specified path. :param directory: folder path """ try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)'Album folder created in: {directory}') else: logger.warn(f'Album folder already exist in: {directory}') except OSError: logger.error(f'Creating directory in: {directory}')
def generate_pdf(output_dir: Path, formmatted_name: str, album_folder: Path, rm_origin_dir=False) -> None: """ Create pdf file containing album pictures [jpg,jpeg]. :param output_dir: output folder path :param formmatted_name: formmatted album name :param album_folder: album folder path :param rm_origin_dir: indicates whether the source folder will be deleted """ try: from PIL import Image'Generating album pdf file...') pictures_path_list = [] for file_name in album_folder.iterdir(): if file_name.suffix.lower() not in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']: continue picture_path = Path.joinpath(album_folder, file_name) if picture_path.is_dir(): continue pictures_path_list.append(picture_path) pictures = [] if len(pictures_path_list) > 0: for picture_path in pictures_path_list: img = if picture_path.suffix.lower() == '.png' or img.mode == 'RGBA': img = img.convert('RGB') pictures.append(img) if len(pictures) == 0: raise Exception('Pictures list is empty, probably has no valid images [jpg, jpeg, png]') pdf_filename = f'{formmatted_name}.pdf' pdf_path = Path.joinpath(output_dir, pdf_filename)'Adding {len(pictures)} pictures to pdf...') pictures[0].save(pdf_path, save_all=True, append_images=pictures[1:]) logger.log(5, f'Album PDF saved to: {output_dir}') for img in pictures: img.close() if rm_origin_dir: shutil.rmtree(album_folder, ignore_errors=True) logger.log(5, f'Album {formmatted_name} folder deleted.') except ImportError: logger.error('Please install Pillow package by using pip.') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to generate album pdf: {e}')
def fetch_info(self) -> bool: """ Fetch user information. :return: bool - true if there are no error otherwise false """ logger.log(5, 'Fetching user information...') response = '', json=user_info_query(str(self.id_))).json() data = response['data']['userprofile']['get'] if "errors" in data: logger.error( f'Something wrong with user: {self.id_}\nErrors: {data["errors"]}' ) logger.warning('Skipping...') return False = data['user']['name'] self.number_of_albums = data['number_of_albums'] self.number_of_favorites = data['number_of_favorite_albums'] return True
def fetch_info(self) -> bool: """ Fetch album information. :return: bool - true if there are no error otherwise false """ logger.log(5, 'Fetching album information...') response = '', json=album_info_query(str(self.id_))).json() data = response['data']['album']['get'] if 'errors' in data: logger.error( f'Something wrong with album: {self.id_}\nErrors: {data["errors"]}' ) logger.warning('Skipping...') return False self.title = data['title'] = data['created_by']['display_name'] self.number_of_pictures = data['number_of_pictures'] self.number_of_animated_pictures = data['number_of_animated_pictures'] return True
def download_picture(picture_url, directory, album_name): try: picture_name = picture_url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] picture_path = f'{directory}{album_name}/{picture_name}' if not (os.path.exists(picture_path)):'Start downloading: {picture_url}') retries = 1 res = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True) while res.status_code != 200 and retries <= 5: logger.warning(f'{retries}º Retry: {picture_name}') res = requests.get(picture_url, stream=True) if len(res.content) > 0: with open(picture_path, 'wb') as image: image.write(res.content) logger.log(5, f'Completed download of: {picture_name}') else: raise Exception('Zero content') else: logger.warning(f'Picture: {picture_name} already exist.') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to download picture: {picture_url}\n{e}')