def download(filename, lk1, btnDld): lk1.acquire() #acquire the lock before status can try: if mainq.empty(): return 0 url = mainq.get(1, 1) #block=True, timeout=None # filename = url.split('/')[-1] utils.printlog("Start download: {0}".format(url)) with get(url, stream=True, timeout=3) as r: filesize = r.headers['Content-length'].encode("utf8") utils.printlog("Download size: {0} kilobytes".format(filesize)) with open(filename + ".tmp", 'wb') as fh: fh.write(filesize) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: lk1.release() copyfileobj(r.raw, f) return filename, filesize except exceptions.ConnectionError as e: utils.printlog("Error during connect to URL: {0}".format(e)) # messagebox.showerror("Error", "Connection to {0} timeout. Please check your internet connection.".format(url)) return 0, 0 except exceptions.MissingSchema as e: utils.printlog("Invalid URL: {0}".format(e)) except Exception as e: raise (e) finally: utils.printlog("Finalizing with qsize: {0}".format(mainq.qsize())) if lk1.locked(): lk1.release() cmdq.put((tonggle_button, (btnDld, ), {})) #toggle the button
def start_download(btnDld, ent, progress, lblSave): try: # cmdq.put((messagebox.showinfo, ('title', 'message'), {})) cmdq.put((tonggle_button, (btnDld, ), {})) # get some inputs url = ent.get() filename = lblSave['text'] if url and url != "": mainq.put_nowait(url) utils.printlog("Queue size: {0}".format(mainq.qsize())) lk1 = Lock() # start DOWNLOAD thread dld = Thread(name="DOWNLOAD", target=download, daemon=True, args=(filename, lk1, btnDld)) dld.start() # start STATUS thread stt = Thread(name="STATUS", target=status, daemon=True, args=(filename, lk1, progress)) stt.start() # Additional # JOINING - Blocking # dld.join() # stt.join() # mainq.join() ## block until all tasks are done -> q.task_done() except Exception as e: raise (e) finally: pass
def controller(l, q, ev, br): printlog("controller started") l.acquire() [q.put(i) for i in range(10) if not q.full()] l.release() # time.sleep(10) # ev.set() #set the flag using event i = br.wait() #set the flag using barrier printlog("controller stopped")
def getdiskspace(self, cmd="df -h\n"): if self.chan is not None: self.getfeedback() printlog("Begin get disk space ...") self.chan.send(cmd) r1 = self.getfeedback() self.chan.send("exit\n") # printlog(r1) return r1 else: printlog("Unable to accomply because channel is NULL") return "Unable to accomply because channel is NULL"
def worker(i, l, q): printlog("worker {0} started".format(i)) data = None while not EXITFLAG and not GRACEFULEXITFLAG: l.acquire() if not q.empty(): data = q.get() l.release() printwait("{0}".format(data), 10) else: l.release() time.sleep(10)
def connect(self, ip, uname, pw, debug=False): """connect to server with ip, username, password""" try: self.client.connect(ip, username=uname, password=pw) self.chan = self.client.invoke_shell() if debug == True: printlog("Successfull connected to %s" % ip) self.chan.settimeout(5.0) self.error = 'No error founds while connecting' return True except Exception as e: self.error = e self.chan = None printlog(e) return False
def runcmd(self, cmd, regcode=']#', debug=False): try: if self.chan is not None: self.getfeedback() printlog("Begin runcmd: {0}".format(cmd)) self.chan.send(cmd) r1 = self.getfeedback() self.chan.send("exit\n") # printlog(r1) return r1 except Exception as e: printlog("[runcmd] {0}".format(e)) # if any other return False
def connectWithKey(self, ip, uname, privatekeypath, debug=False): try: # create RSAKey from private key file mykey.pem mykey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeypath) # Connect with pkey self.client.connect(hostname=ip, username=uname, pkey=mykey) self.chan = self.client.invoke_shell() if debug == True: printlog("Successfull connected to %s" % ip) self.chan.settimeout(5.0) self.error = 'No error founds while connecting' return True except Exception as e: self.error = e self.chan = None printlog(e) return False
def download(url, filename): try: lk.acquire() filename = url.split('/')[-1] with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: filesize = r.headers['Content-length'].encode("utf8") printlog("Start download {0} kilobytes".format(filesize)) with open(filename + ".tmp", 'wb') as fh: fh.write(filesize) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: lk.release() shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) return filename, filesize except Exception as e: print(e) return False, 0 finally: if lk.locked(): lk.release()
def status(filename, lk1, progress): lk1.acquire() try: with open(filename + ".tmp", "rb") as fh: filesize = filesize = int(filesize) utils.printlog("Got filesize = {0}".format(filesize)) os.remove(filename + ".tmp") while 1: #Return true if the lock is acquired thesize = os.stat(filename).st_size if thesize == filesize: utils.printlog("Download finished") if lk1.locked(): lk1.release() cmdq.put((setProgress, (progress, 100), {})) #set progress break else: percent = (thesize * 100 / filesize) utils.printwait( "{0}/{1} - Percentage: {2:.2f}% complete".format( thesize, filesize, percent), 1) cmdq.put((setProgress, (progress, percent), {})) #set progress except FileNotFoundError as e: utils.printlog("File not found") return 0 except Exception as e: raise (e) finally: if lk1.locked(): lk1.release()
def percentage(filename): try: lk.acquire() with open(filename + ".tmp", "rb") as fh: filesize = filesize = int(filesize) printlog("Got filesize = {0}".format(filesize)) os.remove(filename + ".tmp") while 1: thesize = os.stat(filename).st_size if thesize == filesize: printlog("Download finished") lk.release() break else: printwait( "{0}/{1} - Percentage: {2:.2f}%".format( thesize, filesize, (thesize * 100 / filesize)), 1) except Exception as e: print(e) if lk.locked(): lk.release() return False
def checkProcess(self, cmd="systemctl status sshd | grep Active\n", evid="active (running)", debug=False): """Check process running.""" if self.chan is not None: self.getfeedback(debug=debug) if debug: printlog("Begin check process with command: {0}".format(cmd)) self.chan.send(cmd) r1 = self.getfeedback(debug=debug) self.chan.send("exit\n") if debug: printlog(r1) if (evid in r1): printlog("[checkProcess] The process is ALIVE") return True else: printlog("[checkProcess] The process is DIED") return False else: printlog( "[checkProcess] Unable to accomply because channel is NULL") return False
def getDiskSpaceHtml(self, cmd="df -h /\n", isDebug=False): #Remember not add r"" as we need to translate to Enter button pressed" if self.chan is not None: self.getfeedbackASCII(debug=isDebug) printlog("Begin get disk space with command: {0}...".format(cmd)) self.chan.send(cmd) r1 = self.getfeedbackASCII(debug=isDebug) self.chan.send("exit\n") if isDebug: printlog("r1: {0}".format(r1)) ss = r1.split(r"\r\n")[1].split() if isDebug: printlog("ss: {0}".format(ss)) xs = r1.split(r"\r\n")[2].split() # printlog(xs) if len(xs) == 1: ys = r1.split(r"\r\n")[3].split() percentt = float(ys[3].split("%")[0]) percentt = '<strong style="color: green;">{0}%</strong>'.format( percentt ) if percentt < 50 else '<strong style="color: red;">{0}%</strong>'.format( percentt) ret = """<table border="1" style="width:100%" align="center"><tbody> <tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td><td>{5}</td></tr> <tr><td>{6}</td><td>{7}</td><td>{8}</td><td>{9}</td><td>{10}</td><td>{11}</td></tr> </tbody></table>""".format(ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ss[4], ss[5], xs[0], ys[0], ys[1], ys[2], percentt, ys[4]) else: percentt = float(xs[4].split("%")[0]) percentt = '<strong style="color: green;">{0}</strong>'.format( xs[4] ) if percentt < 50 else '<strong style="color: red;">{0}</strong>'.format( xs[4]) ret = """<table border="1" style="width:100%" align="center"><tbody> <tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td>{4}</td><td>{5}</td></tr> <tr><td>{6}</td><td>{7}</td><td>{8}</td><td>{9}</td><td>{10}</td><td>{11}</td></tr> </tbody></table>""".format(ss[0], ss[1], ss[2], ss[3], ss[4], ss[5], xs[0], xs[1], xs[2], xs[3], percentt, xs[5]) return ret else: printlog("Unable to accomply because channel is NULL") return "Unable to accomply because channel is NULL"
def getfeedbackASCII(self, regcode=']#', debug=False): """getfeedback from server command line.""" try: if debug: printlog("[getfeedback] Waiting for reply until timeout...") buff = '' while buff.find(regcode) == -1: resp = self.chan.recv(9999999) buff = "{0}{1}".format(buff, resp) # printlog(buff) return buff #return UNICODE String except socket.timeout: printlog( "[getfeedback] Time out while waiting for response from server. Program will exits." ) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: printlog("[getfeedbackASCII] {0}".format(e)) return False
printlog("controller started") l.acquire() [q.put(i) for i in range(10) if not q.full()] l.release() # time.sleep(10) # ev.set() #set the flag using event i = br.wait() #set the flag using barrier printlog("controller stopped") ts = [ threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i, l, q), daemon=True) for i in range(2) ] printlog("Fill the queue") ctl = threading.Thread(target=controller, args=(l, q, ev, br), daemon=True) ctl.start() # block = ev.wait(10) #wait in 10 sec using event # if block: try: i = br.wait( 5 ) #main thread will wait for controller because main finished its job sooner than controller. Wait 5s or raise threading.BrokenBarrierError exception for t in ts: t.start() printlog("Wait for queue to be executed") while not q.empty(): percent = 100 - q.qsize() * 100 / 10
def func(d, l): printlog(d) printlog(l)
''' Created Date: Saturday August 22nd 2020 Author: Leo Tran ( ----- Last Modified: Saturday August 22nd 2020 11:16:21 pm Modified By: Leo Tran ( ----- HISTORY: Date By Comments ---------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------- 22-08-2020 loitd Initialize the file ''' from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue, Pipe, Lock, Value, Array, Manager import os from lutils.utils import printlog def func(d, l): printlog(d) printlog(l) if __name__ == "__main__": # Functionality within this package requires that the __main__ module be importable by the children with Manager() as man: d = man.dict() l = man.list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) with Pool(processes=3) as pool: res = [pool.apply_async(os.getpid, ()) for i in l] printlog([i.get(timeout=100) for i in res]) print("No more pool")
def tonggle_button(btn): utils.printlog("Current BTN state is: {0}".format(btn['state'])) if btn['state'] != 'disabled': btn['state'] = 'disabled' else: btn['state'] = 'normal'