コード例 #1
ファイル: camjabz.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def run(data,
    Run the Jz,az,bz based color appearance model in forward or backward modes.
            | ndarray with relative sample xyz values (forward mode) or J'a'b' coordinates (inverse mode)
            | ndarray with relative white point tristimulus values
            | None defaults to D65
            | _CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating :xyzw: if this is None.
            | None, optional
            | Dictionary with viewing condition parameters for:
            |       La, Yb, D and surround.
            |  surround can contain:
            |      - str (options: 'avg','dim','dark') or 
            |      - dict with keys c, Nc, F.
            | None results in:
            |   {'La':100, 'Yb':20, 'D':1, 'surround':'avg'}
            | True, optional
            | If True: run in CAM in forward mode, else: inverse mode.
            | 'J,aM,bM', optional
            | String with requested output (e.g. "J,aM,bM,M,h") [Forward mode]
            | String with inputs in data. 
            | Input must have data.shape[-1]==3 and last dim of data must have 
            | the following structure: 
            |  * data[...,0] = J or Q,
            |  * data[...,1:] = (aM,bM) or (aC,bC) or (aS,bS)
            | 'cat16', optional
            | Specifies CAT sensor space.
            | - options:
            |    - None defaults to 'cat16'
            |    - str: see see luxpy.cat._MCATS.keys() for options 
            |         (details on type, ?luxpy.cat)
            |    - ndarray: matrix with sensor primaries
            | ndarray with color appearance correlates (forward mode) 
            |  or 
            | XYZ tristimulus values (inverse mode)
        1. `Safdar, M., Cui, G., Kim,Y. J., and  Luo, M. R.(2017).
        Perceptually uniform color space for image signals including high dynamic range and wide gamut.
        Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 13, pp. 15131–15151, Jun. 2017. 
        2. `Safdar, M., Hardeberg, J., Cui, G., Kim, Y. J., and Luo, M. R.(2018).
        A Colour Appearance Model based on Jzazbz Colour Space, 
        26th Color and Imaging Conference (2018), Vancouver, Canada, November 12-16, 2018, pp96-101.
    outin = outin.split(',') if isinstance(outin, str) else outin

    # Get condition parameters:
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = _DEFAULT_CONDITIONS

    D, Dtype, La, Yb, surround = (conditions[x]
                                  for x in sorted(conditions.keys()))

    surround_parameters = _SURROUND_PARAMETERS
    if isinstance(surround, str):
        surround = surround_parameters[conditions['surround']]
    F, FLL, Nc, c = [surround[x] for x in sorted(surround.keys())]

    # Define cone/chromatic adaptation sensor space:
    if (mcat is None) | (mcat == 'cat16'):
        mcat = cat._MCATS['cat16']
    elif isinstance(mcat, str):
        mcat = cat._MCATS[mcat]
    invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)

    # Get white point of D65 fro chromatic adaptation transform (CAT)
    xyzw_d65 = np.array([[
        9.5047e+01, 1.0000e+02, 1.0888e+02
    ]]) if cieobs == '1931_2' else spd_to_xyz(_CIE_D65, cieobs=cieobs)

    # Get default white point:
    if xyzw is None:
        xyzw = xyzw_d65.copy()

    # calculate condition dependent parameters:
    Yw = xyzw[..., 1].T
    k = 1.0 / (5.0 * La + 1.0)
    FL = 0.2 * (k**4.0) * (5.0 * La) + 0.1 * ((1.0 - k**4.0)**2.0) * (
        (5.0 * La)**(1.0 / 3.0))  # luminance adaptation factor
    n = Yb / Yw
    Nbb = 0.725 * (1 / n)**0.2
    z = 1.48 + FLL * n**0.5

    # Calculate degree of chromatic adaptation:
    if D is None:
        D = F * (1.0 - (1.0 / 3.6) * np.exp((-La - 42.0) / 92.0))

    # WHITE POINT transformations (common to forward and inverse modes):

    # Apply CAT to white point:
    xyzwc = cat.apply_vonkries1(xyzw,

    # Get Iz,az,bz coordinates:
    iabzw = xyz_to_jabz(xyzwc, ztype='iabz')

    # STIMULUS transformations:

    # massage shape of data for broadcasting:
    original_ndim = data.ndim
    if data.ndim == 2: data = data[:, None]

    if forward:
        # Apply CAT to D65:
        xyzc = cat.apply_vonkries1(data,

        # Get Iz,az,bz coordinates:
        iabz = xyz_to_jabz(xyzc, ztype='iabz')

        # calculate hue h and eccentricity factor, et:
        h = hue_angle(iabz[..., 1], iabz[..., 2], htype='deg')
        et = 1.01 + np.cos(h * np.pi / 180 + 1.55)

        # calculate Hue quadrature (if requested in 'out'):
        if 'H' in outin:
            H = hue_quadrature(h, unique_hue_data=_UNIQUE_HUE_DATA)
            H = None

        # calculate lightness, J:
        if ('J' in outin) | ('Q' in outin) | ('C' in outin) | (
                'M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin) | (
                    'aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            J = 100.0 * (iabz[..., 0] / iabzw[..., 0])**(c * z)

        # calculate brightness, Q:
        if ('Q' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            Q = 192.5 * (J / c) * (FL**0.64)

        # calculate chroma, C:
        if ('C' in outin) | ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | (
                'aS' in outin) | ('aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            C = ((1 / n)**0.074) * (
                (iabz[..., 1]**2.0 + iabz[..., 2]**2.0)**0.37) * (et**0.067)

        # calculate colorfulness, M:
        if ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aM' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            M = 1.42 * C * FL**0.25

        # calculate saturation, s:
        if ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            s = 100.0 * (M / Q)**0.5

        # calculate cartesian coordinates:
        if ('aS' in outin):
            aS = s * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bS = s * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aC' in outin):
            aC = C * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bC = C * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aM' in outin):
            aM = M * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bM = M * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if outin != ['J', 'aM', 'bM']:
            camout = eval('ajoin((' + ','.join(outin) + '))')
            camout = ajoin((J, aM, bM))

        if (camout.shape[1] == 1) & (original_ndim < 3):
            camout = camout[:, 0, :]

        return camout

    elif forward == False:
        # Get Lightness J from data:
        if ('J' in outin[0]):
            J = data[..., 0].copy()
        elif ('Q' in outin[0]):
            Q = data[..., 0].copy()
            J = c * (Q / (192.25 * FL**0.64))
            raise Exception(
                'No lightness or brightness values in data[...,0]. Inverse CAM-transform not possible!'

        if 'a' in outin[1]:
            # calculate hue h:
            h = hue_angle(data[..., 1], data[..., 2], htype='deg')

            # calculate Colorfulness M or Chroma C or Saturation s from a,b:
            MCs = (data[..., 1]**2.0 + data[..., 2]**2.0)**0.5
            h = data[..., 2]
            MCs = data[..., 1]

        if ('aS' in outin):
            Q = 192.5 * (J / c) * (FL**0.64)
            M = Q * (MCs / 100.0)**2.0
            C = M / (1.42 * FL**0.25)

        if ('aM' in outin):  # convert M to C:
            C = MCs / (1.42 * FL**0.25)

        if ('aC' in outin):
            C = MCs

        # calculate achromatic signal, Iz:
        Iz = iabzw[..., 0] * (J / 100.0)**(1.0 / (c * z))

        # calculate eccentricity factor, et:
        et = 1.01 + np.cos(h * np.pi / 180 + 1.55)

        # calculate t (=a**2+b**2) from C:
        t = (n**0.074 * C * (1 / et)**0.067)**(1 / 0.37)

        # Calculate az, bz:
        az = (t / (1 + np.tan(h * np.pi / 180)**2))**0.5
        bz = az * np.tan(h * np.pi / 180)

        # join values and convert to xyz:
        xyzc = jabz_to_xyz(ajoin((Iz, az, bz)), ztype='iabz')

        # Apply CAT from D65:
        xyz = cat.apply_vonkries1(xyzc,

        return xyz
コード例 #2
def run(data, xyzw, out = 'J,aM,bM', conditions = None, forward = True):
    Run CIECAM02 color appearance model in forward or backward modes.
            | ndarray with relative sample xyz values (forward mode) or J'a'b' coordinates (inverse mode)
            | ndarray with relative white point tristimulus values  
            | None, optional
            | Dictionary with viewing conditions.
            | None results in:
            |   {'La':100, 'Yb':20, 'D':1, 'surround':'avg'}
            | For more info see luxpy.cam.ciecam02()?
            | True, optional
            | If True: run in CAM in forward mode, else: inverse mode.
            | 'J,aM,bM', optional
            | String with requested output (e.g. "J,aM,bM,M,h") [Forward mode]
            | String with inputs in data. 
            | Input must have data.shape[-1]==3 and last dim of data must have 
            | the following structure: 
            |  * data[...,0] = J or Q,
            |  * data[...,1:] = (aM,bM) or (aC,bC) or (aS,bS)
            | ndarray with Jab coordinates or whatever correlates requested in out.
        * This is a simplified, less flexible, but faster version than the main ciecam02().
        1. `N. Moroney, M. D. Fairchild, R. W. G. Hunt, C. Li, M. R. Luo, and T. Newman, (2002), 
        "The CIECAM02 color appearance model,” 
        IS&T/SID Tenth Color Imaging Conference. p. 23, 2002.
    outin = out.split(',') if isinstance(out,str) else out
    # Get/ set conditions parameters:
    if conditions is not None:
        surround_parameters =  {'surrounds': ['avg', 'dim', 'dark'], 
                                'avg' : {'c':0.69, 'Nc':1.0, 'F':1.0,'FLL': 1.0}, 
                                'dim' : {'c':0.59, 'Nc':0.9, 'F':0.9,'FLL':1.0} ,
                                'dark' : {'c':0.525, 'Nc':0.8, 'F':0.8,'FLL':1.0}}
        La = conditions['La']
        Yb = conditions['Yb']
        D = conditions['D']
        surround = conditions['surround']
        if isinstance(surround, str):
            surround = surround_parameters[conditions['surround']]
        F, FLL, Nc, c = [surround[x] for x in sorted(surround.keys())]
        # set defaults:
        La, Yb, D, F, FLL, Nc, c = 100, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.69
    # Define sensor space and cat matrices:        
    mhpe = np.array([[0.38971,0.68898,-0.07868],
                     [0.0,0.0,1.0]]) # Hunt-Pointer-Estevez sensors (cone fundamentals)
    mcat = np.array([[0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624],
                       [ -0.7036, 1.6975,  0.0061],
                       [ 0.0030, 0.0136,  0.9834]]) # CAT02 sensor space
    # pre-calculate some matrices:
    invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)
    mhpe_x_invmcat = np.dot(mhpe,invmcat)
    if not forward: mcat_x_invmhpe = np.dot(mcat,np.linalg.inv(mhpe))
    # calculate condition dependent parameters:
    Yw = xyzw[...,1:2].T
    k = 1.0 / (5.0*La + 1.0)
    FL = 0.2*(k**4.0)*(5.0*La) + 0.1*((1.0 - k**4.0)**2.0)*((5.0*La)**(1.0/3.0)) # luminance adaptation factor
    n = Yb/Yw 
    Nbb = 0.725*(1/n)**0.2   
    Ncb = Nbb
    z = 1.48 + FLL*n**0.5
    if D is None:
        D = F*(1.0-(1.0/3.6)*np.exp((-La-42.0)/92.0))
    # WHITE POINT transformations (common to forward and inverse modes):
    # transform from xyzw to cat sensor space:
    rgbw = mcat @ xyzw.T
    # apply von Kries cat:
    rgbwc = ((D*Yw/rgbw) + (1 - D))*rgbw # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in cam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)

    # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
    rgbwp = (mhpe_x_invmcat @ rgbwc).T
    # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression to white:
    NK = lambda x, forward: naka_rushton(x, scaling = 400, n = 0.42, sig = 27.13**(1/0.42), noise = 0.1, forward = forward)
    rgbwpa = NK(FL*rgbwp/100.0, True)
    pw = np.where(rgbwp<0)
    rgbwpa[pw] = 0.1 - (NK(FL*np.abs(rgbwp[pw])/100.0, True) - 0.1)
    # Calculate achromatic signal of white:
    Aw =  (2.0*rgbwpa[...,0] + rgbwpa[...,1] + (1.0/20.0)*rgbwpa[...,2] - 0.305)*Nbb
    # massage shape of data for broadcasting:
    if data.ndim == 2: data = data[:,None]

    # STIMULUS transformations 
    if forward:
        # transform from xyz to cat sensor space:
        rgb = math.dot23(mcat, data.T)
        # apply von Kries cat:
        rgbc = ((D*Yw/rgbw)[...,None] + (1 - D))*rgb # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in cam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)
        # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
        rgbp = math.dot23(mhpe_x_invmcat,rgbc).T
        # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression:        
        rgbpa = NK(FL*rgbp/100.0, forward)
        p = np.where(rgbp<0)
        rgbpa[p] = 0.1 - (NK(FL*np.abs(rgbp[p])/100.0, forward) - 0.1)
        # Calculate achromatic signal:
        A  =  (2.0*rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] + (1.0/20.0)*rgbpa[...,2] - 0.305)*Nbb
        # calculate initial opponent channels:
        a = rgbpa[...,0] - 12.0*rgbpa[...,1]/11.0 + rgbpa[...,2]/11.0
        b = (1.0/9.0)*(rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] - 2.0*rgbpa[...,2])

        # calculate hue h and eccentricity factor, et:
        h = hue_angle(a,b, htype = 'deg')
        et = (1.0/4.0)*(np.cos(h*np.pi/180 + 2.0) + 3.8)
        # calculate Hue quadrature (if requested in 'out'):
        if 'H' in outin:    
            H = hue_quadrature(h, unique_hue_data = 'ciecam02')
            H = None
        # calculate lightness, J:
        if ('J' in outin) | ('Q' in outin) | ('C' in outin) | ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin) | ('aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            J = 100.0* (A / Aw)**(c*z)
        # calculate brightness, Q:
        if ('Q' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            Q = (4.0/c)* ((J/100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)
        # calculate chroma, C:
        if ('C' in outin) | ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin) | ('aC' in outin) | ('aM' in outin):
            t = ((50000.0/13.0)*Nc*Ncb*et*((a**2.0 + b**2.0)**0.5)) / (rgbpa[...,0] + rgbpa[...,1] + (21.0/20.0*rgbpa[...,2]))
            C = (t**0.9)*((J/100.0)**0.5) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73
        # calculate colorfulness, M:
        if ('M' in outin) | ('s' in outin) | ('aM' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            M = C*FL**0.25
        # calculate saturation, s:
        if ('s' in outin) | ('aS' in outin):
            s = 100.0* (M/Q)**0.5
        # calculate cartesian coordinates:
        if ('aS' in outin):
             aS = s*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bS = s*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if ('aC' in outin):
             aC = C*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bC = C*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if ('aM' in outin):
             aM = M*np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
             bM = M*np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
        if outin != ['J','aM','bM']:
            camout = eval('ajoin(('+','.join(outin)+'))')
            camout = ajoin((J,aM,bM))
        if camout.shape[1] == 1:
            camout = camout[:,0,:]

        return camout
    elif forward == False:

            # Get Lightness J from data:
            if ('J' in outin):
                J = data[...,0].copy()
            elif ('Q' in outin):
                Q = data[...,0].copy()
                J = 100.0*(Q / ((Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)*(4.0/c)))**2.0
                raise Exception('No lightness or brightness values in data. Inverse CAM-transform not possible!')
            # calculate hue h:
            h = hue_angle(data[...,1],data[...,2], htype = 'deg')
            # calculate Colorfulness M or Chroma C or Saturation s from a,b:
            MCs = (data[...,1]**2.0 + data[...,2]**2.0)**0.5    
            if ('aS' in outin):
                Q = (4.0/c)* ((J/100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0)*(FL**0.25)
                M = Q*(MCs/100.0)**2.0 
                C = M/(FL**0.25)
            if ('aM' in outin): # convert M to C:
                C = MCs/(FL**0.25)
            if ('aC' in outin):
                C = MCs
            # calculate t from J, C:
            t = (C / ((J/100.0)**(1.0/2.0) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73))**(1.0/0.9)

            # calculate eccentricity factor, et:
            et = (np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0 + 2.0) + 3.8) / 4.0
            # calculate achromatic signal, A:
            A = Aw*(J/100.0)**(1.0/(c*z))

            # calculate temporary cart. co. at, bt and p1,p2,p3,p4,p5:
            at = np.cos(h*np.pi/180.0)
            bt = np.sin(h*np.pi/180.0)
            p1 = (50000.0/13.0)*Nc*Ncb*et/t
            p2 = A/Nbb + 0.305
            p3 = 21.0/20.0
            p4 = p1/bt
            p5 = p1/at

            #q = np.where(np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))[0]
            q = (np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))

            b = p2*(2.0 + p3) * (460.0/1403.0) / (p4 + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0/1403.0) * (at/bt) - (27.0/1403.0) + p3*(6300.0/1403.0))
            a = b * (at/bt)
            a[q] = p2[q]*(2.0 + p3) * (460.0/1403.0) / (p5[q] + (2.0 + p3) * (220.0/1403.0) - ((27.0/1403.0) - p3*(6300.0/1403.0)) * (bt[q]/at[q]))
            b[q] = a[q] * (bt[q]/at[q])
            # calculate post-adaptation values
            rpa = (460.0*p2 + 451.0*a + 288.0*b) / 1403.0
            gpa = (460.0*p2 - 891.0*a - 261.0*b) / 1403.0
            bpa = (460.0*p2 - 220.0*a - 6300.0*b) / 1403.0
            # join values:
            rgbpa = ajoin((rpa,gpa,bpa))

            # decompress signals:
            rgbp = (100.0/FL)*NK(rgbpa, forward)

            # convert from to cone sensors (hpe) cat02 sensor space:
            rgbc = math.dot23(mcat_x_invmhpe,rgbp.T)
            # apply inverse von Kries cat:
            rgb = rgbc / ((D*Yw/rgbw)[...,None] + (1.0 - D))
            # transform from cat sensor space to xyz:
            xyz = math.dot23(invmcat,rgb).T
            return xyz
コード例 #3
def run(data,
    Run CIECAM02 color appearance model in forward or backward modes.
            | ndarray with relative sample xyz values (forward mode) or J'a'b' coordinates (inverse mode)
            | ndarray with relative white point tristimulus values 
            | None, optional
            | Luminance factor of white point.
            | If None: xyz (in data) and xyzw are entered as relative tristimulus values 
            |          (normalized to Yw = 100). 
            | If not None: input tristimulus are absolute and Yw is used to
            |              rescale the absolute values to relative ones 
            |              (relative to a reference perfect white diffuser 
            |               with Ywr = 100). 
            | Yw can be < 100 for e.g. paper as white point. If Yw is None, it 
            | is assumed that the relative Y-tristimulus value in xyzw 
            | represents the luminance factor Yw.
            | None, optional
            | Dictionary with viewing condition parameters for:
            |       La, Yb, D and surround.
            |  surround can contain:
            |      - str (options: 'avg','dim','dark') or 
            |      - dict with keys c, Nc, F.
            | None results in:
            |   {'La':100, 'Yb':20, 'D':1, 'surround':'avg'}
            | True, optional
            | If True: run in CAM in forward mode, else: inverse mode.
            | 'J,aM,bM', optional
            | String with requested output (e.g. "J,aM,bM,M,h") [Forward mode]
            | - attributes: 'J': lightness,'Q': brightness,
            |               'M': colorfulness,'C': chroma, 's': saturation,
            |               'h': hue angle, 'H': hue quadrature/composition,
            | String with inputs in data [inverse mode]. 
            | Input must have data.shape[-1]==3 and last dim of data must have 
            | the following structure for inverse mode: 
            |  * data[...,0] = J or Q,
            |  * data[...,1:] = (aM,bM) or (aC,bC) or (aS,bS) or (M,h) or (C, h), ...
            | False, optional
            | If False: don't correct for yellow-blue and purple problems in ciecam02. 
            | If 'brill-suss': 
            |       for yellow-blue problem, see: 
            |          - Brill [Color Res Appl, 2006; 31, 142-145] and 
            |          - Brill and Süsstrunk [Color Res Appl, 2008; 33, 424-426] 
            | If 'jiang-luo': 
            |       for yellow-blue problem + purple line problem, see:
            |          - Jiang, Jun et al. [Color Res Appl 2015: 40(5), 491-503] 
            | 'cat02', optional
            | Specifies CAT sensor space.
            | - options:
            |    - None defaults to 'cat02' 
            |         (others e.g. 'cat02-bs', 'cat02-jiang',
            |         all trying to correct gamut problems of original cat02 matrix)
            |    - str: see see luxpy.cat._MCATS.keys() for options 
            |         (details on type, ?luxpy.cat)
            |    - ndarray: matrix with sensor primaries
            | ndarray with color appearance correlates (forward mode) 
            |  or 
            | XYZ tristimulus values (inverse mode)
        1. `N. Moroney, M. D. Fairchild, R. W. G. Hunt, C. Li, M. R. Luo, and T. Newman, (2002), 
        "The CIECAM02 color appearance model,” 
        IS&T/SID Tenth Color Imaging Conference. p. 23, 2002.
    outin = outin.split(',') if isinstance(outin, str) else outin

    # Get condition parameters:
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = _DEFAULT_CONDITIONS
    D, Dtype, La, Yb, surround = (conditions[x]
                                  for x in sorted(conditions.keys()))

    surround_parameters = _SURROUND_PARAMETERS
    if isinstance(surround, str):
        surround = surround_parameters[conditions['surround']]
    F, FLL, Nc, c = [surround[x] for x in sorted(surround.keys())]

    # Define sensor space and cat matrices:
    # Hunt-Pointer-Estevez sensors (cone fundamentals)
    mhpe = cat._MCATS['hpe']

    # chromatic adaptation sensors:
    if (mcat is None) | (mcat == 'cat02'):
        mcat = cat._MCATS['cat02']
        if yellowbluepurplecorrect == 'brill-suss':
            mcat = cat._MCATS[
                'cat02-bs']  # for yellow-blue problem, Brill [Color Res Appl 2006;31:142-145] and Brill and Süsstrunk [Color Res Appl 2008;33:424-426]
        elif yellowbluepurplecorrect == 'jiang-luo':
            mcat = cat._MCATS[
                'cat02-jiang-luo']  # for yellow-blue problem + purple line problem
    elif isinstance(mcat, str):
        mcat = cat._MCATS[mcat]

    # pre-calculate some matrices:
    invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)
    mhpe_x_invmcat = np.dot(mhpe, invmcat)
    if not forward: mcat_x_invmhpe = np.dot(mcat, np.linalg.inv(mhpe))

    # Set Yw:
    if Yw is not None:
        Yw = (Yw * np.ones_like(xyzw2[..., 1:2]).T)
        Yw = xyzw[..., 1:2].T

    # calculate condition dependent parameters:
    k = 1.0 / (5.0 * La + 1.0)
    FL = 0.2 * (k**4.0) * (5.0 * La) + 0.1 * ((1.0 - k**4.0)**2.0) * (
        (5.0 * La)**(1.0 / 3.0))  # luminance adaptation factor
    n = Yb / Yw
    Nbb = 0.725 * (1 / n)**0.2
    Ncb = Nbb
    z = 1.48 + FLL * n**0.5
    yw = xyzw[..., 1:2].T  # original Y in xyzw (pre-transposed)

    # Calculate degree of chromatic adaptation:
    if D is None:
        D = F * (1.0 - (1.0 / 3.6) * np.exp((-La - 42.0) / 92.0))

    # WHITE POINT transformations (common to forward and inverse modes):

    # Normalize white point (keep transpose for next step):
    xyzw = Yw * xyzw.T / yw

    # transform from xyzw to cat sensor space:
    rgbw = math.dot23(mcat, xyzw)

    # apply von Kries cat:
    rgbwc = (
        (D * Yw / rgbw) + (1 - D)
    ) * rgbw  # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in ciecam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)

    # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
    rgbwp = math.dot23(mhpe_x_invmcat, rgbwc).T

    # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression to white:
    NK = lambda x, forward: naka_rushton(x,
                                         sig=27.13**(1 / 0.42),

    pw = np.where(rgbwp < 0)

    # if requested apply yellow-blue correction:
    if (yellowbluepurplecorrect == 'brill-suss'
        ):  # Brill & Susstrunck approach, for purple line problem
        rgbwp[pw] = 0.0
    rgbwpa = NK(FL * rgbwp / 100.0, True)
    rgbwpa[pw] = 0.1 - (NK(FL * np.abs(rgbwp[pw]) / 100.0, True) - 0.1)

    # Calculate achromatic signal of white:
    Aw = (2.0 * rgbwpa[..., 0] + rgbwpa[..., 1] +
          (1.0 / 20.0) * rgbwpa[..., 2] - 0.305) * Nbb

    # massage shape of data for broadcasting:
    original_ndim = data.ndim
    if data.ndim == 2: data = data[:, None]

    # STIMULUS transformations
    if forward:

        # Normalize xyz (keep transpose for matrix multiplication in next step):
        xyz = (Yw / yw)[..., None] * data.T

        # transform from xyz to cat sensor space:
        rgb = math.dot23(mcat, xyz)

        # apply von Kries cat:
        rgbc = (
            (D * Yw / rgbw)[..., None] + (1 - D)
        ) * rgb  # factor 100 from ciecam02 is replaced with Yw[i] in ciecam16, but see 'note' in Fairchild's "Color Appearance Models" (p291 ni 3ed.)

        # convert from cat02 sensor space to cone sensors (hpe):
        rgbp = math.dot23(mhpe_x_invmcat, rgbc).T

        # apply Naka_rushton repsonse compression:
        p = np.where(rgbp < 0)
        if (yellowbluepurplecorrect == 'brill-suss'
            ):  # Brill & Susstrunck approach, for purple line problem
            rgbp[p] = 0.0
        rgbpa = NK(FL * rgbp / 100.0, forward)
        rgbpa[p] = 0.1 - (NK(FL * np.abs(rgbp[p]) / 100.0, forward) - 0.1)

        # Calculate achromatic signal:
        A = (2.0 * rgbpa[..., 0] + rgbpa[..., 1] +
             (1.0 / 20.0) * rgbpa[..., 2] - 0.305) * Nbb

        # calculate initial opponent channels:
        a = rgbpa[..., 0] - 12.0 * rgbpa[..., 1] / 11.0 + rgbpa[..., 2] / 11.0
        b = (1.0 / 9.0) * (rgbpa[..., 0] + rgbpa[..., 1] - 2.0 * rgbpa[..., 2])

        # calculate hue h and eccentricity factor, et:
        h = hue_angle(a, b, htype='deg')
        et = (1.0 / 4.0) * (np.cos(h * np.pi / 180 + 2.0) + 3.8)

        # calculate Hue quadrature (if requested in 'out'):
        if 'H' in outin:
            H = hue_quadrature(h, unique_hue_data=_UNIQUE_HUE_DATA)
            H = None

        # calculate lightness, J:
        J = 100.0 * (A / Aw)**(c * z)

        # calculate brightness, Q:
        Q = (4.0 / c) * ((J / 100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0) * (FL**0.25)

        # calculate chroma, C:
        t = ((50000.0 / 13.0) * Nc * Ncb * et *
             ((a**2.0 + b**2.0)**0.5)) / (rgbpa[..., 0] + rgbpa[..., 1] +
                                          (21.0 / 20.0 * rgbpa[..., 2]))
        C = (t**0.9) * ((J / 100.0)**0.5) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73

        # calculate colorfulness, M:
        M = C * FL**0.25

        # calculate saturation, s:
        s = 100.0 * (M / Q)**0.5
        S = s  # make extra variable, jsut in case 'S' is called

        # calculate cartesian coordinates:
        if ('aS' in outin):
            aS = s * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bS = s * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aC' in outin):
            aC = C * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bC = C * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aM' in outin):
            aM = M * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bM = M * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if outin != ['J', 'aM', 'bM']:
            camout = eval('ajoin((' + ','.join(outin) + '))')
            camout = ajoin((J, aM, bM))

        if (camout.shape[1] == 1) & (original_ndim < 3):
            camout = camout[:, 0, :]

        return camout

    elif forward == False:

        # Get Lightness J from data:
        if ('J' in outin[0]):
            J = data[..., 0].copy()
        elif ('Q' in outin[0]):
            Q = data[..., 0].copy()
            J = 100.0 * (Q / ((Aw + 4.0) * (FL**0.25) * (4.0 / c)))**2.0
            raise Exception(
                'No lightness or brightness values in data. Inverse CAM-transform not possible!'

        if 'a' in outin[1]:
            # calculate hue h:
            h = hue_angle(data[..., 1], data[..., 2], htype='deg')

            # calculate Colorfulness M or Chroma C or Saturation s from a,b:
            MCs = (data[..., 1]**2.0 + data[..., 2]**2.0)**0.5
            h = data[..., 2]
            MCs = data[..., 1]

        if ('S' in outin[1]):
            Q = (4.0 / c) * ((J / 100.0)**0.5) * (Aw + 4.0) * (FL**0.25)
            M = Q * (MCs / 100.0)**2.0
            C = M / (FL**0.25)

        if ('M' in outin[1]):  # convert M to C:
            C = MCs / (FL**0.25)

        if ('C' in outin[1]):
            C = MCs

        # calculate t from J, C:
        t = (C / ((J / 100.0)**(1.0 / 2.0) * (1.64 - 0.29**n)**0.73))**(1.0 /

        # calculate eccentricity factor, et:
        et = (np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0 + 2.0) + 3.8) / 4.0

        # calculate achromatic signal, A:
        A = Aw * (J / 100.0)**(1.0 / (c * z))

        # calculate temporary cart. co. at, bt and p1,p2,p3,p4,p5:
        at = np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
        bt = np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)
        p1 = (50000.0 / 13.0) * Nc * Ncb * et / t
        p2 = A / Nbb + 0.305
        p3 = 21.0 / 20.0
        p4 = p1 / bt
        p5 = p1 / at

        #q = np.where(np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))[0]
        q = (np.abs(bt) < np.abs(at))

        b = p2 * (2.0 + p3) * (460.0 / 1403.0) / (p4 + (2.0 + p3) *
                                                  (220.0 / 1403.0) *
                                                  (at / bt) -
                                                  (27.0 / 1403.0) + p3 *
                                                  (6300.0 / 1403.0))
        a = b * (at / bt)

        a[q] = p2[q] * (2.0 + p3) * (460.0 / 1403.0) / (p5[q] + (2.0 + p3) *
                                                        (220.0 / 1403.0) -
                                                        ((27.0 / 1403.0) - p3 *
                                                         (6300.0 / 1403.0)) *
                                                        (bt[q] / at[q]))
        b[q] = a[q] * (bt[q] / at[q])

        # calculate post-adaptation values
        rpa = (460.0 * p2 + 451.0 * a + 288.0 * b) / 1403.0
        gpa = (460.0 * p2 - 891.0 * a - 261.0 * b) / 1403.0
        bpa = (460.0 * p2 - 220.0 * a - 6300.0 * b) / 1403.0

        # join values:
        rgbpa = ajoin((rpa, gpa, bpa))

        # decompress signals:
        rgbp = (100.0 / FL) * NK(rgbpa, forward)

        # apply yellow-blue correction:
        if (yellowbluepurplecorrect == 'brill-suss'
            ):  # Brill & Susstrunck approach, for purple line problem
            p = np.where(rgbp < 0.0)
            rgbp[p] = 0.0

        # convert from to cone sensors (hpe) cat02 sensor space:
        rgbc = math.dot23(mcat_x_invmhpe, rgbp.T)

        # apply inverse von Kries cat:
        rgb = rgbc / ((D * Yw / rgbw)[..., None] + (1.0 - D))

        # transform from cat sensor space to xyz:
        xyz = math.dot23(invmcat, rgb)

        # unnormalize xyz:
        xyz = ((yw / Yw)[..., None] * xyz).T

        return xyz
コード例 #4
def run(data,
    Run the Jz,az,bz based color appearance model in forward or backward modes.
            | ndarray with relative sample xyz values (forward mode) or J'a'b' coordinates (inverse mode)
            | ndarray with relative white point tristimulus values
            | None defaults to D65
            | _CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating :xyzw: if this is None.
            | None, optional
            | Dictionary with viewing condition parameters for:
            |       La, Yb, D and surround.
            |  surround can contain:
            |      - str (options: 'avg','dim','dark') or 
            |      - dict with keys c, Nc, F.
            | None results in:
            |   {'La':100, 'Yb':20, 'D':1, 'surround':'avg'}
            | True, optional
            | If True: run in CAM in forward mode, else: inverse mode.
            | 'J,aM,bM', optional
            | String with requested output (e.g. "J,aM,bM,M,h") [Forward mode]
            | - attributes: 'J': lightness,'Q': brightness,
            |               'M': colorfulness,'C': chroma, 's': saturation,
            |               'h': hue angle, 'H': hue quadrature/composition,
            |               'Wz': whiteness, 'Kz':blackness, 'Sz': saturation, 'V': vividness
            | String with inputs in data [inverse mode]. 
            | Input must have data.shape[-1]==3 and last dim of data must have 
            | the following structure for inverse mode: 
            |  * data[...,0] = J or Q,
            |  * data[...,1:] = (aM,bM) or (aC,bC) or (aS,bS) or (M,h) or (C, h), ...
            | 'cat02', optional
            | Specifies CAT sensor space.
            | - options:
            |    - None defaults to 'cat02'
            |    - str: see see luxpy.cat._MCATS.keys() for options 
            |         (details on type, ?luxpy.cat)
            |    - ndarray: matrix with sensor primaries
            | ndarray with color appearance correlates (forward mode) 
            |  or 
            | XYZ tristimulus values (inverse mode)
        1. `Safdar, M., Cui, G., Kim,Y. J., and  Luo, M. R.(2017).
        Perceptually uniform color space for image signals including high dynamic range and wide gamut.
        Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 13, pp. 15131–15151, Jun. 2017. 
        2. `Safdar, M., Hardeberg, J., Cui, G., Kim, Y. J., and Luo, M. R.(2018).
        A Colour Appearance Model based on Jzazbz Colour Space, 
        26th Color and Imaging Conference (2018), Vancouver, Canada, November 12-16, 2018, pp96-101.
        3. Safdar, M., Hardeberg, J.Y., Luo, M.R. (2021) 
        "ZCAM, a psychophysical model for colour appearance prediction", 
        Optics Express.
        "WARNING: Z-CAM is as yet unpublished and under development, so parameter values might change! (07 Oct, 2020"
    outin = outin.split(',') if isinstance(outin, str) else outin

    # Get condition parameters:
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = _DEFAULT_CONDITIONS

    D, Dtype, La, Yb, surround = (conditions[x]
                                  for x in sorted(conditions.keys()))

    surround_parameters = _SURROUND_PARAMETERS
    if isinstance(surround, str):
        surround = surround_parameters[conditions['surround']]
    F, FLL, Nc, c = [surround[x] for x in sorted(surround.keys())]

    # Define cone/chromatic adaptation sensor space:
    if (mcat is None):
        mcat = cat._MCATS['cat02']
    elif isinstance(mcat, str):
        mcat = cat._MCATS[mcat]
    invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)

    # Get white point of D65 fro chromatic adaptation transform (CAT)
    xyzw_d65 = np.array([[
        9.5047e+01, 1.0000e+02, 1.08883e+02
    ]]) if cieobs == '1931_2' else spd_to_xyz(_CIE_D65, cieobs=cieobs)

    # Get default white point:
    if xyzw is None:
        xyzw = xyzw_d65.copy()

    # calculate condition dependent parameters:
    Yw = xyzw[..., 1].T
    FL = 0.171 * La**(1 / 3) * (1 - np.exp(-48 / 9 * La)
                                )  # luminance adaptation factor
    n = Yb / Yw
    Fb = 1.045 + 1.46 * n**0.5  # background factor
    Fs = c  # surround factor

    # Calculate degree of chromatic adaptation:
    if D is None:
        D = F * (1.0 - (1.0 / 3.6) * np.exp((-La - 42.0) / 92.0))

    # WHITE POINT transformations (common to forward and inverse modes):

    # Apply CAT to white point:
    xyzwc = cat.apply_vonkries2(xyzw,

    # Get Iz,az,bz coordinates:
    iabzw = xyz_to_jabz(xyzwc, ztype='iabz', use_zcam_parameters=True)

    # Get brightness of white point:
    Qw = 925 * iabzw[..., 0]**1.17 * (FL / Fs)**0.5

    # STIMULUS transformations:

    # massage shape of data for broadcasting:
    original_ndim = data.ndim
    if data.ndim == 2: data = data[:, None]

    if forward:
        # Apply CAT to D65:
        xyzc = cat.apply_vonkries2(data,

        # Get Iz,az,bz coordinates:
        iabz = xyz_to_jabz(xyzc, ztype='iabz', use_zcam_parameters=True)

        # calculate hue h and eccentricity factor, et:
        h = hue_angle(iabz[..., 1], iabz[..., 2], htype='deg')
        ez = 1.014 + np.cos((h + 89.038) * np.pi / 180)
        # ez = 1.014 + np.cos((h*np.pi/180) + 89.038)

        # calculate Hue quadrature (if requested in 'out'):
        if 'H' in outin:
            H = hue_quadrature(h, unique_hue_data=_UNIQUE_HUE_DATA)
            H = None

        # calculate brightness, Q:
        Q = 925 * iabz[..., 0]**1.17 * (FL / Fs)**0.5

        # calculate lightness, J:
        J = 100.0 * (Q / Qw)**(Fs * Fb)

        # calculate colorfulness, M:
        M = 50 * ((iabz[..., 1]**2.0 + iabz[..., 2]**2.0)**
                  0.368) * (ez**0.068) * (FL**0.2) / ((iabzw[..., 0]**2.52) *

        # calculate chroma, C:
        C = 100 * M / Qw

        # calculate saturation, s:
        s = 100.0 * (M / Q)
        S = s  # make extra variable, jsut in case 'S' is called

        # calculate whiteness, W:
        if ('Wz' in outin) | ('aWz' in outin):
            Wz = 100 - 0.68 * ((100 - J)**2 + C**2)**0.5

        # calculate blackness, K:
        if ('Kz' in outin) | ('aKz' in outin):
            Kz = 100 - 0.82 * (J**2 + C**2)**0.5

        # calculate saturation, S:
        if ('Sz' in outin) | ('aSz' in outin):
            Sz = 8 + 0.5 * ((J - 55)**2 + C**2)**0.5

        # calculate vividness, V:
        if ('Vz' in outin) | ('aVz' in outin):
            Sz = 8 + 0.4 * ((J - 70)**2 + C**2)**0.5

        # calculate cartesian coordinates:
        if ('aS' in outin):
            aS = s * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bS = s * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aC' in outin):
            aC = C * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bC = C * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if ('aM' in outin):
            aM = M * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180.0)
            bM = M * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180.0)

        if outin != ['J', 'aM', 'bM']:
            camout = eval('ajoin((' + ','.join(outin) + '))')
            camout = ajoin((J, aM, bM))

        if (camout.shape[1] == 1) & (original_ndim < 3):
            camout = camout[:, 0, :]

        return camout

    elif forward == False:
        # Get Lightness J and brightness Q from data:
        if ('J' in outin[0]):
            J = data[..., 0].copy()
            Q = Qw * (J / 100)**(1 / (Fs * Fb))
        elif ('Q' in outin[0]):
            Q = data[..., 0].copy()
            J = 100.0 * (Q / Qw)**(Fs * Fb)
            raise Exception(
                'No lightness or brightness values in data[...,0]. Inverse CAM-transform not possible!'

        # calculate achromatic signal, Iz:
        Iz = (Qw / 925 * ((J / 100)**(1 / (Fs * Fb))) * (Fs / FL)**0.5)**(1 /

        if 'a' in outin[1]:
            # calculate hue h:
            h = hue_angle(data[..., 1], data[..., 2], htype='deg')

            # calculate Colorfulness M or Chroma C or Saturation s from a,b:
            MCs = (data[..., 1]**2.0 + data[..., 2]**2.0)**0.5
            h = data[..., 2]
            MCs = data[..., 1]

        if ('aS' in outin) | ('S' in outin):
            Q = Qw * (J / 100)**(1 / (Fs * Fb))
            M = Q * (MCs / 100.0)
            C = 100 * M / Qw

        if ('aM' in outin) | ('M' in outin):
            C = 100 * MCs / Qw

        if ('aC' in outin) | ('C' in outin):  # convert C to M:
            C = MCs

        if ('Wz' in outin) | ('aWz' in outin):  #whiteness
            C = ((100 / 68 * (100 - MCs))**2 - (J - 100)**2)**0.5

        if ('Kz' in outin) | ('aKz' in outin):  # blackness
            C = ((100 / 82 * (100 - MCs))**2 - (J)**2)**0.5

        if ('Sz' in outin) | ('aSz' in outin):  # saturation
            C = ((10 / 5 * (MCs - 8))**2 - (J - 55)**2)**0.5

        if ('Vz' in outin) | ('aVz' in outin):  # vividness
            C = ((10 / 4 * (MCs - 8))**2 - (J - 70)**2)**0.5

        # Calculate colorfulness, M:
        M = Qw * C / 100

        # calculate eccentricity factor, et:
        # ez = 1.014 + np.cos(h*np.pi/180 + 89.038)
        ez = 1.014 + np.cos((h + 89.038) * np.pi / 180)

        # calculate t (=sqrt(a**2+b**2)) from M:
        t = (((M / 50) * (iabzw[..., 0]**2.52) * (Fb**0.3)) /
             ((ez**0.068) * (FL**0.2)))**(1 / 0.368 / 2)

        # Calculate az, bz:
        az = t * np.cos(h * np.pi / 180)
        bz = t * np.sin(h * np.pi / 180)

        # join values and convert to xyz:
        xyzc = jabz_to_xyz(ajoin((Iz, az, bz)),

        # Apply CAT from D65:
        xyz = cat.apply_vonkries2(xyzc,

        return xyz