コード例 #1
def _compute_s_W_S(sample_size, num_groups, tri_idxs, distances, group_sizes,
                   grouping, subjects, paired):
    """Compute PERMANOVA Within & Subjects Sum-of-Squares."""

    # Create a matrix where objects in the same group are marked with the group
    # index (e.g. 0, 1, 2, etc.). objects that are not in the same group are
    # marked with -1. If paired == True: Do similar for test subjects:
    grouping_matrix = -1 * np.ones((sample_size, sample_size), dtype=int)
    for group_idx in range(num_groups):
        within_indices = _index_combinations(
            np.where(grouping == group_idx)[0])
        grouping_matrix[within_indices] = group_idx

    # Extract upper triangle (in same order as distances were extracted
    # from full distance matrix).
    grouping_tri = grouping_matrix[tri_idxs]

    # Calculate s_WG for each group, accounting for different group sizes.
    s_WG = 0
    for i in range(num_groups):
        s_WG += (distances[grouping_tri == i]**2).sum() / group_sizes[i]

    # for pseudo-F2: Calculate s_WG_V for each group, accounting for different group sizes.
    s_WG_V = 0
    for i in range(num_groups):
        s_WG_V += (1 - group_sizes[i] / sample_size) * (
            (1 /
             (group_sizes[i] *
              (group_sizes[i] - 1))) * distances[grouping_tri == i]**2).sum()

    if paired == True:
        num_subjects = sample_size // num_groups
        subjects_matrix = -1 * np.ones((sample_size, sample_size), dtype=int)
        for subject_idx in range(num_subjects):
            subject_indices = _index_combinations(
                np.where(subjects == subject_idx)[0])
            subjects_matrix[subject_indices] = subject_idx

        # Extract upper triangle (in same order as distances were extracted
        # from full distance matrix).
        subjects_tri = subjects_matrix[tri_idxs]

        # Calculate s_WS for each subject, accounting for number of groups.
        s_WS = 0
        for i in range(num_subjects):
            s_WS += (distances[subjects_tri == i]**2).sum() / num_groups

        s_WS = 0

    return s_WG, s_WS, s_WG_V
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, *args, argtype='xyz', vtype='xyz', _TINY=1e-15):
        Initialize 3-dimensional vector.

                | x,y,z coordinates
                | 'xyz', optional
                | if 'xyz': cartesian coordinate input
                | if 'tpr': spherical coordinates input (t: theta, p: phi, r: radius)
                | Set smallest value considered still different from zero.
        self._TINY = _TINY
        self.vtype = vtype
        if len(args) == 0:
            args = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        args = [np.atleast_1d(args[i])
                for i in range(len(args))]  # make atleast_1d ndarray
        if vtype == 'xyz':
            self.x = args[0]
            self.y = args[1]
            self.z = args[2]
        elif vtype == 'tpr':
            if len(args) == 2:
        self.shape = self.x.shape
コード例 #3
def spd_to_power(data, ptype='ru', cieobs=_CIEOBS):
    Calculate power of spectral data in radiometric, photometric 
    or quantal energy units.
            | ndarray with spectral data
            | 'ru' or str, optional
            | str: - 'ru': in radiometric units 
            |      - 'pu': in photometric units 
            |      - 'pusa': in photometric units with Km corrected 
            |                to standard air (cfr. CIE TN003-2015)
            |      - 'qu': in quantal energy units
            | _CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Type of cmf set to use for photometric units.
            | ndarray with normalized spectral data (SI units)
    # get wavelength spacing:
    dl = getwld(data[0])

    if ptype == 'ru':  #normalize to radiometric units
        p = np2d(np.dot(data[1:], dl * np.ones(data.shape[1]))).T

    elif ptype == 'pusa':  # normalize in photometric units with correction of Km to standard air

        # Calculate correction factor for Km in standard air:
        na = _BB['na']  # n for standard air
        c = _BB['c']  # m/s light speed
        lambdad = c / (na * 54 * 1e13) / (1e-9
                                          )  # 555 nm lambda in standard air
        Km_correction_factor = 1 / (
            1 - (1 - 0.9998567) *
            (lambdad - 555))  # correction factor for Km in standard air

        # Get Vlambda and Km (for E):
        Vl, Km = vlbar(cieobs=cieobs, wl_new=data[0], out=2)
        Km *= Km_correction_factor
        p = Km * np2d(np.dot(data[1:], dl * Vl[1])).T

    elif ptype == 'pu':  # normalize in photometric units

        # Get Vlambda and Km (for E):
        Vl, Km = vlbar(cieobs=cieobs, wl_new=data[0], out=2)
        p = Km * np2d(np.dot(data[1:], dl * Vl[1])).T

    elif ptype == 'qu':  # normalize to quantual units

        # Get Quantal conversion factor:
        fQ = ((1e-9) / (_BB['h'] * _BB['c']))
        p = np2d(fQ * np.dot(data[1:], dl * data[0])).T

    return p
コード例 #4
ファイル: demo_opt.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def crowdingdistance(F):
    Computes the crowding distance of a nondominated front.
    | The crowding distance gives a measure of how close the individuals are
    | with regard to its neighbors. The higher this value, the greater the
    | spacing. This is used to promote better diversity in the population.

           | an m x mu ndarray with mu individuals and m objectives

           | a m-length column vector
    m, mu = F.shape #gets the size of F
    if mu == 2:
       cdist = np.vstack((np.inf, np.inf))
       return cdist

    #[Fs, Is] = sort(F,2); #sorts the objectives by individuals
    Is = F.argsort(axis = 1)
    Fs = np.sort(F,axis=1)
    # Creates the numerator
    C = Fs[:,2:] - Fs[:,:-2]
    C = np.hstack((np.inf*np.ones((m,1)), C, np.inf*np.ones((m,1)))) #complements with inf in the extremes
    # Indexing to permute the C matrix in the right ordering
    Aux = np.arange(m).repeat(mu).reshape(m,mu)   
    ind = np.ravel_multi_index((Aux.flatten(),Is.flatten()),(m, mu)) #converts to lin. indexes # ind = sub2ind([m, mu], Aux(:), Is(:));
    C2 = C.flatten().copy()
    C2[ind] = C2.flatten()
    C = C2.reshape((m, mu))

    # Constructs the denominator
    den = np.repeat((Fs[:,-1] - Fs[:,0])[:,None], mu, axis = 1)
    # Calculates the crowding distance
    cdist = (C/den).sum(axis=0)
    cdist = cdist.flatten() #assures a column vector
    return cdist
コード例 #5
def _hue_bin_data_to_ellipsefit(hue_bin_data):

    # use get chroma-normalized jabtn_hj:
    jabt = hue_bin_data['jabtn_hj']
    ecc = np.ones((1, jabt.shape[1])) * np.nan
    theta = np.ones((1, jabt.shape[1])) * np.nan
    v = np.ones((jabt.shape[1], 5)) * np.nan
    for i in range(jabt.shape[1]):
            v[i, :] = math.fit_ellipse(jabt[:, i, 1:])
            a, b = v[i, 0], v[i, 1]  # major and minor ellipse axes
            ecc[0, i] = a / b
            theta[0, i] = np.rad2deg(v[i, 4])  # orientation angle
            if theta[0, i] > 180: theta[0, i] = theta[0, i] - 180
            v[i, :] = np.nan * np.ones((1, 5))
            ecc[0, i] = np.nan
            theta[0, i] = np.nan  # orientation angle
    return {'v': v, 'a/b': ecc, 'thetad': theta}
コード例 #6
def get_discrimination_ellipse(Yxy = np.array([[100,1/3,1/3]]), etype = 'fmc2', nsteps = 10, k_neighbours = 3, average_cik = True, Y = None):
    Get discrimination ellipse(s) in v-format (R,r, xc, yc, theta) for Yxy using an interpolation of the MacAdam ellipses or using FMC-1 or FMC-2.
            | 2D ndarray with [Y,]x,y coordinate centers. 
            | If Yxy.shape[-1]==2: Y is added using the value from the Y-input argument.
            | 'fmc2', optional
            | Type color discrimination ellipse estimation to use.
            | options: 'macadam', 'fmc1', 'fmc2' 
            |  - 'macadam': interpolate covariance matrices of closest MacAdam ellipses (see: get_macadam_ellipse?).
            |  - 'fmc1': use FMC-1 from ref 2 (see get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse?).
            |  - 'fmc2': use FMC-1 from ref 3 (see get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse?).
            | 10, optional
            | Set multiplication factor for ellipses 
            | (nsteps=1 corresponds to approximately 1 MacAdam step, 
            | for FMC-2, Y also has to be 10.69, see note below).
            | 3, optional
            | Only for option 'macadam'.
            | Number of nearest ellipses to use to calculate ellipse at xy 
            | True, optional
            | Only for option 'macadam'.
            | If True: take distance weighted average of inverse 
            |   'covariance ellipse' elements cik. 
            | If False: average major & minor axis lengths and 
            |   ellipse orientation angles directly.
            | None, optional
            | Only for option 'fmc2'(see note below).
            | If not None: Y = 10.69 and overrides values in Yxy. 
        1. FMC-2 is almost identical to FMC-1 is Y = 10.69!; see [3]
       1. MacAdam DL. Visual Sensitivities to Color Differences in Daylight*. J Opt Soc Am. 1942;32(5):247-274.
       2. Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4):537-541
       3. Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1):118-122
    if Yxy.shape[-1] == 2:
        Yxy = np.hstack((100*np.ones((Yxy.shape[0],1)),Yxy))
    if Y is not None:
        Yxy[...,0] = Y
    if etype == 'macadam':
        return get_macadam_ellipse(xy = Yxy[...,1:], k_neighbours = k_neighbours, nsteps = nsteps, average_cik = average_cik)
        return get_fmc_discrimination_ellipse(Yxy = Yxy, etype = etype, nsteps = nsteps, Y = Y)
コード例 #7
def parse_x1x2_parameters(x,
                          default=[1.0, 1.0]):
   Parse input parameters x and make them the target_shape for easy calculation. 
   | Input in main function can now be a single value valid for all xyzw or 
     an array with a different value for each xyzw.
            | list[float, float] or ndarray
            | tuple with shape information
            | '1>0>2, optional
            |    -'1>0>2': Two-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2.
            |    -'1>0': One-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0.
            |    -'0>2': One-step CAT 
            |      from baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2. 
            | None, optional 
            | [will be removed in future, serves no purpose]
            | Expand :x: from 2 to 3 dimensions.
            | [1.0,1.0], optional
            | Default values for :x:
           | (ndarray, ndarray) for x10 and x20

    if x is None:
        x10 = np.ones(target_shape) * default[0]
        if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>2'):
            x20 = np.ones(target_shape) * default[1]
            x20 = np.zeros(target_shape)
        x = np2d(x)
        if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>2'):
            if x.shape[-1] == 2:
                x10 = np.ones(target_shape) * x[..., 0]
                x20 = np.ones(target_shape) * x[..., 1]
                x10 = np.ones(target_shape) * x
                x20 = x10.copy()
        elif catmode == '1>0':
            x10 = np.ones(target_shape) * x[..., 0]
            x20 = np.zeros(target_shape)
    return x10, x20
コード例 #8
ファイル: plotters.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def plot_rgb_color_patches(rgb,
                           patch_shape=(100, 100),
    Create (and plot) an image with patches with specified rgb values.
            | ndarray with rgb values for each of the patches
            | (100,100), optional
            | shape of each of the patches in the image
            | None, optional
            | If None: layout is calculated automatically to give a 'good' aspect ratio
            | None, optional
            | Axes to plot the image in. If None: a new axes is created.
            | True, optional
            | If True: plot image in axes and return axes handle; else: return ndarray with image.
        :ax: or :imagae: 
            | Axes is returned if show == True, else: ndarray with rgb image is returned.
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    if patch_layout is None:
        patch_layout = get_subplot_layout(rgb.shape[0])

    image = np.zeros(
        np.hstack((np.array(patch_shape) * np.array(patch_layout), 3)))
    for i in range(rgb.shape[0]):
        r, c = np.unravel_index(i, patch_layout)
        R = int(r * patch_shape[0])
        C = int(c * patch_shape[1])
        image[R:R + patch_shape[0],
              C:C + patch_shape[1], :] = np.ones(np.hstack(
                  (patch_shape, 3))) * rgb[i, None, :]

    if show == False:
        return image
        return ax
コード例 #9
ファイル: frieleellipses.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def get_gij_fmc(Yxy, etype = 'fmc2', ellipsoid = True, Y = None, cspace = 'Yxy'):
    Get gij matrices describing the discrimination ellipses/ellipsoids for Yxy or xyz using FMC-1 or FMC-2.
            | 2D ndarray with [Y,]x,y coordinate centers. 
            | If Yxy.shape[-1]==2: Y is added using the value from the Y-input argument.
            | 'fmc2', optional
            | Type of FMC color discrimination equations to use (see references below).
            | options: 'fmc1', fmc2'
            | None, optional
            | Only affects FMC-2 (see note below).
            | If not None: Y = 10.69 and overrides values in Yxy. 
            | True, optional
            | If True: return ellipsoids, else return ellipses (only if cspace == 'Yxy')!
            | 'Yxy', optional
            | Return coefficients for Yxy-ellipses/ellipsoids ('Yxy') or XYZ ellipsoids ('xyz')
        1. FMC-2 is almost identical to FMC-1 is Y = 10.69!; see [2]
        1. Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4), p.537-541
        2. Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1), p.118-122
    if Yxy.shape[-1] == 2:
        Yxy = np.hstack((100*np.ones((Yxy.shape[0],1)),Yxy))
    if Y is not None:
        Yxy[...,0] = Y
    xyz = Yxy_to_xyz(Yxy)
    if etype == 'fmc2':
        gij = _get_gij_fmc_2(xyz, cspace = cspace)
        gij = _get_gij_fmc_1(xyz, cspace = cspace)
    if ellipsoid == True:
        return gij
        if cspace.lower()=='xyz':
            return gij
            return gij[:,1:,1:]
コード例 #10
def stress_F_test(stressA, stressB, N, alpha = 0.05):
    Perform F-test on significance of difference between STRESS A and STRESS B.
        :stressA, stressB:
            | ndarray with stress(es) values for A and B
            | int or ndarray with number of samples used to determine stress values.
            | 0.05, optional
            | significance level
            | Dictionary with keys:
            | - 'p': p-values
            | - 'F':  F-values
            | - 'Fc': critcal values
            | - 'H': string reporting on significance of A compared to B.
    N = N*np.ones(stressA.shape[0])
    Fvs = np.nan*np.ones_like(stressA)
    ps = Fvs.copy()
    Fcs = Fvs.copy()
    H = []
    i = 0
    for stA, stB in zip(stressA,stressB):
        Ni = N[i]
        Fvs[i] = stA**2/stB**2
        ps[i] = stats.f.sf(Fvs[i], Ni-1, Ni-1)
        Fcs[i] = stats.f.ppf(q = alpha/2, dfn = Ni - 1, dfd = Ni-1)
        if Fvs[i] < Fcs[i]:
            H_ = "A significantly better than B"
        elif Fvs[i] > 1/Fcs[i]:
            H_ = "A significantly poorer than B"
        elif (Fcs[i] <= Fvs[i]) & (Fvs[i] < 1):
            H_ = "A insignificantly better than B"
        elif (1 < Fvs[i]) & (Fvs[i] <= 1/Fcs[i]):
            H_ = "A insignificanty poorer than B"
        elif (Fvs[i] == 1):
            H_ = "A equals B"
    Fstats = {'p': ps, 'F': Fvs, 'Fc': Fcs, 'H': H}
    return Fstats
コード例 #11
def getwld(wl):
    Get wavelength spacing. 
            | ndarray with wavelengths
            | - float:  for equal wavelength spacings
            | - ndarray (.shape = (n,)): for unequal wavelength spacings
    d = np.diff(wl)
    dl = (np.hstack((d[0], d[0:-1] / 2.0, d[-1])) + np.hstack(
        (0.0, d[1:] / 2.0, 0.0)))
    if np.array_equal(dl, dl.mean() * np.ones(dl.shape)): dl = dl[0]
    return dl
コード例 #12
def lab_to_xyz(lab, xyzw=None, cieobs=_CIEOBS, **kwargs):
    Convert CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) color coordinates to XYZ tristimulus values.

            | ndarray with CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) color coordinates
            | None or ndarray with tristimulus values of white point, optional
            | None defaults to xyz of CIE D65 using the :cieobs: observer.
            | luxpy._CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set to use when calculating xyzw.

            | ndarray with tristimulus values
    lab = np2d(lab)

    if xyzw is None:
        xyzw = spd_to_xyz(_CIE_ILLUMINANTS['D65'], cieobs=cieobs)

    # make xyzw same shape as data:
    xyzw = xyzw * np.ones(lab.shape)

    # get L*, a*, b* and Xw, Yw, Zw:
    fXYZ = np.empty(lab.shape)
    fXYZ[..., 1] = (lab[..., 0] + 16.0) / 116.0
    fXYZ[..., 0] = lab[..., 1] / 500.0 + fXYZ[..., 1]
    fXYZ[..., 2] = fXYZ[..., 1] - lab[..., 2] / 200.0

    # apply 3rd power:
    xyz = (fXYZ**3.0) * xyzw

    # Now calculate T where T/Tn is below the knee point:
    pqr = fXYZ <= (24 / 116)  #(24/116)**3**(1/3)
    xyz[pqr] = np.squeeze(xyzw[pqr] * ((fXYZ[pqr] - 16.0 / 116.0) /
                                       (841 / 108)))

    return xyz
コード例 #13
ファイル: demo_opt.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def dtlz_range_(fname, M):
    Returns the decision range of a DTLZ function
    | The range is simply [0,1] for all variables. What varies is the number 
    | of decision variables in each problem. The equation for that is
    | n = (M-1) + k
    | wherein k = 5 for DTLZ1, 10 for DTLZ2-6, and 20 for DTLZ7.
            | a string with the name of the function ('dtlz1', 'dtlz2' etc.)
            | a scalar with the number of objectives
              | a n x 2 matrix wherein the first column is the lower limit 
              |(0), and the second column, the upper limit of search (1)
     #Checks if the string has or not the prefix 'dtlz', or if the number later
     #is greater than 7:
    fname = fname.lower()
    if (len(fname) < 5) or (fname[:4] != 'dtlz') or (float(fname[4]) > 7) :
       raise Exception('Sorry, the function {:s} is not implemented.'.format(fname))

    # If the name is o.k., defines the value of k
    if fname ==  'dtlz1':
       k = 5
    elif fname == 'dtlz7':
       k = 20
    else: #any other function
       k = 10;

    n = (M-1) + k #number of decision variables
    lim = np.hstack((np.zeros((n,1)), np.ones((n,1))))
    return lim
コード例 #14
ファイル: plotters.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def plot_chromaticity_diagram_colors(diagram_samples = 256, diagram_opacity = 1.0, diagram_lightness = 0.25,\
                                      cieobs = _CIEOBS, cspace = 'Yxy', cspace_pars = {},\
                                      show = True, axh = None,\
                                      show_grid = False, label_fontname = 'Times New Roman', label_fontsize = 12,\
    Plot the chromaticity diagram colors.
            | 256, optional
            | Sampling resolution of color space.
            | 1.0, optional
            | Sets opacity of chromaticity diagram
            | 0.25, optional
            | Sets lightness of chromaticity diagram
            | None or axes handle, optional
            | Determines axes to plot data in.
            | None: make new figure.
            | True or False, optional
            | Invoke matplotlib.pyplot.show() right after plotting
            | luxpy._CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Determines CMF set to calculate spectrum locus or other.
            | luxpy._CSPACE or str, optional
            | Determines color space / chromaticity diagram to plot data in.
            | Note that data is expected to be in specified :cspace:
            | {} or dict, optional
            | Dict with parameters required by color space specified in :cspace: 
            | (for use with luxpy.colortf())
            | False, optional
            | Show grid (True) or not (False)
            | 'Times New Roman', optional
            | Sets font type of axis labels.
            | 12, optional
            | Sets font size of axis labels.
            | additional keyword arguments for use with matplotlib.pyplot.

    if isinstance(cieobs, str):
        SL = _CMF[cieobs]['bar'][1:4].T
        SL = cieobs[1:4].T
    SL = 100.0 * SL / (SL[:, 1, None] + _EPS)
    SL = SL[SL.sum(axis=1) >
            0, :]  # avoid div by zero in xyz-to-Yxy conversion
    SL = colortf(SL, tf=cspace, tfa0=cspace_pars)
    plambdamax = SL[:, 1].argmax()
    SL = np.vstack(
        (SL[:(plambdamax + 1), :], SL[0])
    )  # add lowest wavelength data and go to max of gamut in x (there is a reversal for some cmf set wavelengths >~700 nm!)
    Y, x, y = asplit(SL)
    SL = np.vstack((x, y)).T

    # create grid for conversion to srgb
    offset = _EPS
    min_x = min(offset, x.min())
    max_x = max(1, x.max())
    min_y = min(offset, y.min())
    max_y = max(1, y.max())
    ii, jj = np.meshgrid(
        np.linspace(min_x - offset, max_x + offset, int(diagram_samples)),
        np.linspace(max_y + offset, min_y - offset, int(diagram_samples)))
    ij = np.dstack((ii, jj))
    ij[ij == 0] = offset

    ij2D = ij.reshape((diagram_samples**2, 2))
    ij2D = np.hstack((diagram_lightness * 100 * np.ones(
        (ij2D.shape[0], 1)), ij2D))
    xyz = colortf(ij2D, tf=cspace + '>xyz', tfa0=cspace_pars)

    xyz[xyz < 0] = 0
    xyz[np.isinf(xyz.sum(axis=1)), :] = np.nan
    xyz[np.isnan(xyz.sum(axis=1)), :] = offset

    srgb = xyz_to_srgb(xyz)
    srgb = srgb / srgb.max()
    srgb = srgb.reshape((diagram_samples, diagram_samples, 3))

    if show == True:
        if axh is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            axh = fig.add_subplot(111)
        polygon = Polygon(SL, facecolor='none', edgecolor='none')
        image = axh.imshow(srgb,
                           extent=(min_x, max_x, min_y - 0.05, max_y),
        axh.plot(x, y, color='darkgray')
        if (cspace == 'Yxy') & (isinstance(cieobs, str)):
            axh.set_xlim([0, 1])
            axh.set_ylim([0, 1])
        elif (cspace == 'Yuv') & (isinstance(cieobs, str)):
            axh.set_xlim([0, 0.6])
            axh.set_ylim([0, 0.6])
        if (cspace is not None):
            xlabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace][1]
            ylabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace][2]
            if (label_fontname is not None) & (label_fontsize is not None):

        if show_grid == True:

        return axh
        return None
コード例 #15
ファイル: plotters.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def plotellipse(v, cspace_in = 'Yxy', cspace_out = None, nsamples = 100, \
                show = True, axh = None, \
                line_color = 'darkgray', line_style = ':', line_width = 1, line_marker = '', line_markersize = 4,\
                plot_center = False, center_marker = 'o', center_color = 'darkgray', center_markersize = 4,\
                show_grid = False, llabel = '', label_fontname = 'Times New Roman', label_fontsize = 12,\
                out = None):
    Plot ellipse(s) given in v-format [Rmax,Rmin,xc,yc,theta].
            | (Nx5) ndarray
            | ellipse parameters [Rmax,Rmin,xc,yc,theta]
            | 'Yxy', optional
            | Color space of v.
            | If None: no color space assumed. Axis labels assumed ('x','y').
            | None, optional
            | Color space to plot ellipse(s) in.
            | If None: plot in cspace_in.
            | 100 or int, optional
            | Number of points (samples) in ellipse boundary
            | True or boolean, optional
            | Plot ellipse(s) (True) or not (False)
            | None, optional
            | Ax-handle to plot ellipse(s) in.
            | If None: create new figure with axes.
            | 'darkgray', optional
            | Color to plot ellipse(s) in.
            | ':', optional
            | Linestyle of ellipse(s).
            | 1, optional
            | Width of ellipse boundary line.
            | 'none', optional
            | Marker for ellipse boundary.
            | 4, optional
            | Size of markers in ellipse boundary.
            | False, optional
            | Plot center of ellipse: yes (True) or no (False)
            | 'darkgray', optional
            | Color to plot ellipse center in.
            | 'o', optional
            | Marker for ellipse center.
            | 4, optional
            | Size of marker of ellipse center.
            | False, optional
            | Show grid (True) or not (False)
            | None,optional
            | Legend label for ellipse boundary.
            | 'Times New Roman', optional
            | Sets font type of axis labels.
            | 12, optional
            | Sets font size of axis labels.
            | None, optional
            | Output of function
            | If None: returns None. Can be used to output axh of newly created
            |      figure axes or to return Yxys an ndarray with coordinates of 
            |       ellipse boundaries in cspace_out (shape = (nsamples,3,N)) 
        :returns: None, or whatever set by :out:.
    Yxys = np.zeros((nsamples, 3, v.shape[0]))
    ellipse_vs = np.zeros((v.shape[0], 5))
    for i, vi in enumerate(v):

        # Set sample density of ellipse boundary:
        t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, int(nsamples))

        a = vi[0]  # major axis
        b = vi[1]  # minor axis
        xyc = vi[2:4, None]  # center
        theta = vi[-1]  # rotation angle

        # define rotation matrix:
        R = np.hstack((np.vstack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta))),
                       np.vstack((-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)))))

        # Calculate ellipses:
        Yxyc = np.vstack((1, xyc)).T
        Yxy = np.vstack(
            (np.ones((1, nsamples)),
             xyc + np.dot(R, np.vstack((a * np.cos(t), b * np.sin(t)))))).T
        Yxys[:, :, i] = Yxy

        # Convert to requested color space:
        if (cspace_out is not None) & (cspace_in is not None):
            Yxy = colortf(Yxy, cspace_in + '>' + cspace_out)
            Yxyc = colortf(Yxyc, cspace_in + '>' + cspace_out)
            Yxys[:, :, i] = Yxy

            # get ellipse parameters in requested color space:
            ellipse_vs[i, :] = math.fit_ellipse(Yxy[:, 1:])
            #de = np.sqrt((Yxy[:,1]-Yxyc[:,1])**2 + (Yxy[:,2]-Yxyc[:,2])**2)
            #ellipse_vs[i,:] = np.hstack((de.max(),de.min(),Yxyc[:,1],Yxyc[:,2],np.nan)) # nan because orientation is xy, but request is some other color space. Change later to actual angle when fitellipse() has been implemented

        # plot ellipses:
        if show == True:
            if (axh is None) & (i == 0):
                fig = plt.figure()
                axh = fig.add_subplot(111)

            if (cspace_in is None):
                xlabel = 'x'
                ylabel = 'y'
                xlabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace_in][1]
                ylabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace_in][2]

            if (cspace_out is not None):
                xlabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace_out][1]
                ylabel = _CSPACE_AXES[cspace_out][2]

            if plot_center == True:
                axh.plot(Yxyc[:, 1],
                         Yxyc[:, 2],
            if llabel is None:
                axh.plot(Yxy[:, 1],
                         Yxy[:, 2],
                axh.plot(Yxy[:, 1],
                         Yxy[:, 2],

            if show_grid == True:
    Yxys = np.transpose(Yxys, axes=(0, 2, 1))
    if out is not None:
        return eval(out)
        return None
コード例 #16
ファイル: plotters.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def plotDL(ccts = None, cieobs =_CIEOBS, cspace = _CSPACE, axh = None, \
           show = True, force_daylight_below4000K = False, cspace_pars = {}, \
           formatstr = 'k-',  **kwargs):
    Plot daylight locus.
            | None or list[float], optional
            | None defaults to [4000 K to 1e19 K] in 100 steps on a log10 scale.
            | False or True, optional
            | CIE daylight phases are not defined below 4000 K. 
            | If True plot anyway.
            | None or axes handle, optional
            | Determines axes to plot data in.
            | None: make new figure.
            | True or False, optional
            | Invoke matplotlib.pyplot.show() right after plotting
            | luxpy._CIEOBS or str, optional
            | Determines CMF set to calculate spectrum locus or other.
            | luxpy._CSPACE or str, optional
            | Determines color space / chromaticity diagram to plot data in.
            | Note that data is expected to be in specified :cspace:
            | 'k-' or str, optional
            | Format str for plotting (see ?matplotlib.pyplot.plot)
            | {} or dict, optional
            | Dict with parameters required by color space specified in :cspace: 
            | (for use with luxpy.colortf())
            | additional keyword arguments for use with matplotlib.pyplot.
            | None (:show: == True) 
            |  or 
            | handle to current axes (:show: == False)

    if ccts is None:
        ccts = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(4000.0), np.log10(10.0**19.0), 100)

    xD, yD = daylightlocus(ccts,
    Y = 100 * np.ones(xD.shape)
    DL = Yxy_to_xyz(np.vstack((Y, xD, yD)).T)
    DL = colortf(DL, tf=cspace, tfa0=cspace_pars)
    Y, x, y = asplit(DL)

    axh = plot_color_data(x,

    if show == False:
        return axh
コード例 #17
def apply(data, n_step = 2, catmode = None, cattype = 'vonkries', xyzw1 = None, xyzw2 = None, xyzw0 = None,\
          D = None, mcat = [_MCAT_DEFAULT], normxyz0 = None, outtype = 'xyz', La = None, F = None, Dtype = None):
    Calculate corresponding colors by applying a von Kries chromatic adaptation
    transform (CAT), i.e. independent rescaling of 'sensor sensitivity' to data
    to adapt from current adaptation conditions (1) to the new conditions (2).
            | ndarray of tristimulus values (can be NxMx3)
            | 2, optional
            | Number of step in CAT (1: 1-step, 2: 2-step)
            | None, optional
            |    - None: use :n_step: to set mode: 1 = '1>2', 2:'1>0>2'
            |    -'1>0>2': Two-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2.
            |    -'1>2': One-step CAT
            |      from illuminant 1 to illuminant 2.
            |    -'1>0': One-step CAT 
            |      from illuminant 1 to baseline illuminant 0.
            |    -'0>2': One-step CAT 
            |      from baseline illuminant 0 to illuminant 2. 
            | 'vonkries' (others: 'rlab', see Farchild 1990), optional
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, depending on :catmode: optional (can be Mx3)
            | None, optional
            | Degrees of adaptation. Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. 
            | None, optional
            | Adapting luminances. 
            | If None: xyz values are absolute or relative.
            | If not None: xyz are relative. 
            | None, optional
            | Surround parameter(s) for CAT02/CAT16 calculations 
            |  (:Dtype: == 'cat02' or 'cat16')
            | Defaults to [1.0, 1.0]. 
            | None, optional
            | Type of degree of adaptation function from literature
            | See luxpy.cat.get_degree_of_adaptation()
            | [_MCAT_DEFAULT], optional
            | List[str] or List[ndarray] of sensor space matrices for each 
            |  condition pair. If len(:mcat:) == 1, the same matrix is used.
            | None, optional
            | Set of xyz tristimulus values to normalize the sensor space matrix to.
            | 'xyz' or 'lms', optional
            |   - 'xyz': return corresponding tristimulus values 
            |   - 'lms': return corresponding sensor space excitation values 
            |            (e.g. for further calculations) 
              | ndarray with corresponding colors
        1. `Smet, K. A. G., & Ma, S. (2020). 
        Some concerns regarding the CAT16 chromatic adaptation transform. 
        Color Research & Application, 45(1), 172–177. 

    if (xyzw1 is None) & (xyzw2 is None):
        return data  # do nothing

        # Set catmode:
        if catmode is None:
            if n_step == 2:
                catmode = '1>0>2'
            elif n_step == 1:
                catmode = '1>2'
                raise Exception(
                    'cat.apply(n_step = {:1.0f}, catmode = None): Unknown requested n-step CAT mode !'

        # Make data 2d:
        data = np2d(data)
        data_original_shape = data.shape
        if data.ndim < 3:
            target_shape = np.hstack((1, data.shape))
            data = data * np.ones(target_shape)
            target_shape = data.shape

        target_shape = data.shape

        # initialize xyzw0:
        if (xyzw0 is None):  # set to iLL.E
            xyzw0 = np2d([100.0, 100.0, 100.0])
        xyzw0 = np.ones(target_shape) * xyzw0
        La0 = xyzw0[..., 1, None]

        # Determine cat-type (1-step or 2-step) + make input same shape as data for block calculations:
        expansion_axis = np.abs(1 * (len(data_original_shape) == 2) - 1)
        if ((xyzw1 is not None) & (xyzw2 is not None)):
            xyzw1 = xyzw1 * np.ones(target_shape)
            xyzw2 = xyzw2 * np.ones(target_shape)
            default_La12 = [xyzw1[..., 1, None], xyzw2[..., 1, None]]

        elif (xyzw2 is None) & (xyzw1
                                is not None):  # apply one-step CAT: 1-->0
            catmode = '1>0'  #override catmode input
            xyzw1 = xyzw1 * np.ones(target_shape)
            default_La12 = [xyzw1[..., 1, None], La0]

        elif (xyzw1 is None) & (xyzw2 is not None):
            raise Exception(
                "von_kries(): cat transformation '0>2' not supported, use '1>0' !"

        # Get or set La (La == None: xyz are absolute or relative, La != None: xyz are relative):
        target_shape_1 = tuple(np.hstack((target_shape[:-1], 1)))
        La1, La2 = parse_x1x2_parameters(La,

        # Set degrees of adaptation, D10, D20:  (note D20 is degree of adaptation for 2-->0!!)
        D10, D20 = parse_x1x2_parameters(D,

        # Set F surround in case of Dtype == 'cat02':
        F1, F2 = parse_x1x2_parameters(F,

        # Make xyz relative to go to relative xyz0:
        if La is None:
            data = 100 * data / La1
            xyzw1 = 100 * xyzw1 / La1
            xyzw0 = 100 * xyzw0 / La0
            if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>2'):
                xyzw2 = 100 * xyzw2 / La2

        # transform data (xyz) to sensor space (lms) and perform cat:
        xyzc = np.zeros(data.shape)
        mcat = np.array(mcat)
        if (mcat.shape[0] != data.shape[1]) & (mcat.shape[0] == 1):
            mcat = np.repeat(mcat, data.shape[1], axis=0)
        elif (mcat.shape[0] != data.shape[1]) & (mcat.shape[0] > 1):
            raise Exception(
                'von_kries(): mcat.shape[0] > 1 and does not match data.shape[0]!'

        for i in range(xyzc.shape[1]):
            # get cat sensor matrix:
            if mcat[i].dtype == np.float64:
                mcati = mcat[i]
                mcati = _MCATS[mcat[i]]

            # normalize sensor matrix:
            if normxyz0 is not None:
                mcati = math.normalize_3x3_matrix(mcati, xyz0=normxyz0)

            # convert from xyz to lms:
            lms = np.dot(mcati, data[:, i].T).T
            lmsw0 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw0[:, i].T).T
            if (catmode == '1>0>2') | (catmode == '1>0'):
                lmsw1 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw1[:, i].T).T
                Dpar1 = dict(D=D10[:, i],
                             F=F1[:, i],
                             La=La1[:, i],
                             La0=La0[:, i],
                D10[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar1)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype
                lmsw2 = None  # in case of '1>0'

            if (catmode == '1>0>2'):
                lmsw2 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw2[:, i].T).T
                Dpar2 = dict(D=D20[:, i],
                             F=F2[:, i],
                             La=La2[:, i],
                             La0=La0[:, i],

                D20[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar2)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype

            if (catmode == '1>2'):
                lmsw1 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw1[:, i].T).T
                lmsw2 = np.dot(mcati, xyzw2[:, i].T).T
                Dpar12 = dict(D=D10[:, i],
                              F=F1[:, i],
                              La=La1[:, i],
                              La2=La2[:, i],
                D10[:, i] = get_degree_of_adaptation(
                    **Dpar12)  #get degree of adaptation depending on Dtype

            # Determine transfer function Dt:
            Dt = get_transfer_function(cattype=cattype,
                                       D10=D10[:, i],
                                       D20=D20[:, i],
                                       La1=La1[:, i],
                                       La2=La2[:, i])

            # Perform cat:
            lms = np.dot(np.diagflat(Dt[0]), lms.T).T

            # Make xyz, lms 'absolute' again:
            if (catmode == '1>0>2'):
                lms = (La2[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms
            elif (catmode == '1>0'):
                lms = (La0[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms
            elif (catmode == '1>2'):
                lms = (La2[:, i] / La1[:, i]) * lms

            # transform back from sensor space to xyz (or not):
            if outtype == 'xyz':
                xyzci = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(mcati), lms.T).T
                xyzci[np.where(xyzci < 0)] = _EPS
                xyzc[:, i] = xyzci
                xyzc[:, i] = lms

        # return data to original shape:
        if len(data_original_shape) == 2:
            xyzc = xyzc[0]

        return xyzc
コード例 #18
def cie2006cmfsEx(age = 32,fieldsize = 10, wl = None,\
                  var_od_lens = 0, var_od_macula = 0, \
                  var_od_L = 0, var_od_M = 0, var_od_S = 0,\
                  var_shft_L = 0, var_shft_M = 0, var_shft_S = 0,\
                  out = 'LMS', allow_negative_values = False):
    Generate Individual Observer CMFs (cone fundamentals) 
    based on CIE2006 cone fundamentals and published literature 
    on observer variability in color matching and in physiological parameters.
            | 32 or float or int, optional
            | Observer age
            | 10, optional
            | Field size of stimulus in degrees (between 2° and 10°).
            | None, optional
            | Interpolation/extraplation of :LMS: output to specified wavelengths.
            | None: output original _WL = np.array([390,780,5])
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak optical density [%] of lens.
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak optical density [%] of macula.
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak optical density [%] of L-cone.
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak optical density [%] of M-cone.
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak optical density [%] of S-cone.
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak wavelength shift [nm] of L-cone. 
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak wavelength shift [nm] of M-cone.  
            | 0, optional
            | Std Dev. in peak wavelength shift [nm] of S-cone. 
            | 'LMS' or , optional
            | Determines output.
            | False, optional
            | Cone fundamentals or color matching functions 
              should not have negative values.
            |     If False: X[X<0] = 0.
            | - 'LMS' : ndarray with individual observer area-normalized 
            |           cone fundamentals. Wavelength have been added.
            | [- 'trans_lens': ndarray with lens transmission 
            |      (no wavelengths added, no interpolation)
            |  - 'trans_macula': ndarray with macula transmission 
            |      (no wavelengths added, no interpolation)
            |  - 'sens_photopig' : ndarray with photopigment sens. 
            |      (no wavelengths added, no interpolation)]
         1. `Asano Y, Fairchild MD, and Blondé L (2016). 
         Individual Colorimetric Observer Model. 
         PLoS One 11, 1–19. 
         2. `Asano Y, Fairchild MD, Blondé L, and Morvan P (2016). 
         Color matching experiment for highlighting interobserver variability. 
         Color Res. Appl. 41, 530–539. 
         3. `CIE, and CIE (2006). 
         Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes - Part I 
         (Vienna: CIE). 
         4. `Asano's Individual Colorimetric Observer Model 
    fs = fieldsize
    rmd = _INDVCMF_DATA['rmd'].copy()
    LMSa = _INDVCMF_DATA['LMSa'].copy()
    docul = _INDVCMF_DATA['docul'].copy()

    # field size corrected macular density:
    pkOd_Macula = 0.485 * np.exp(-fs / 6.132) * (
        1 + var_od_macula / 100)  # varied peak optical density of macula
    corrected_rmd = rmd * pkOd_Macula

    # age corrected lens/ocular media density:
    if (age <= 60):
        correct_lomd = docul[:1] * (1 + 0.02 * (age - 32)) + docul[1:2]
        correct_lomd = docul[:1] * (1.56 + 0.0667 * (age - 60)) + docul[1:2]
    correct_lomd = correct_lomd * (1 + var_od_lens / 100
                                   )  # varied overall optical density of lens

    # Peak Wavelength Shift:
    wl_shifted = np.empty(LMSa.shape)
    wl_shifted[0] = _WL + var_shft_L
    wl_shifted[1] = _WL + var_shft_M
    wl_shifted[2] = _WL + var_shft_S

    LMSa_shft = np.empty(LMSa.shape)
    kind = 'cubic'
    LMSa_shft[0] = sp.interpolate.interp1d(wl_shifted[0],
    LMSa_shft[1] = sp.interpolate.interp1d(wl_shifted[1],
    LMSa_shft[2] = sp.interpolate.interp1d(wl_shifted[2],
    #    LMSa[2,np.where(_WL >= _WL_CRIT)] = 0 #np.nan # Not defined above 620nm
    #    LMSa_shft[2,np.where(_WL >= _WL_CRIT)] = 0

    ssw = np.hstack(
        (0, np.sign(np.diff(LMSa_shft[2, :]))
         ))  #detect poor interpolation (sign switch due to instability)
    LMSa_shft[2, np.where((ssw >= 0) & (_WL > 560))] = np.nan

    # corrected LMS (no age correction):
    pkOd_L = (0.38 + 0.54 * np.exp(-fs / 1.333)) * (
        1 + var_od_L / 100)  # varied peak optical density of L-cone
    pkOd_M = (0.38 + 0.54 * np.exp(-fs / 1.333)) * (
        1 + var_od_M / 100)  # varied peak optical density of M-cone
    pkOd_S = (0.30 + 0.45 * np.exp(-fs / 1.333)) * (
        1 + var_od_S / 100)  # varied peak optical density of S-cone

    alpha_lms = 0. * LMSa_shft
    alpha_lms[0] = 1 - 10**(-pkOd_L * (10**LMSa_shft[0]))
    alpha_lms[1] = 1 - 10**(-pkOd_M * (10**LMSa_shft[1]))
    alpha_lms[2] = 1 - 10**(-pkOd_S * (10**LMSa_shft[2]))

    # this fix is required because the above math fails for alpha_lms[2,:]==0
    alpha_lms[2, np.where(_WL >= _WL_CRIT)] = 0

    # Corrected to Corneal Incidence:
    lms_barq = alpha_lms * (10**(-corrected_rmd - correct_lomd)) * np.ones(

    # Corrected to Energy Terms:
    lms_bar = lms_barq * _WL

    # Set NaN values to zero:
    lms_bar[np.isnan(lms_bar)] = 0

    # normalized:
    LMS = 100 * lms_bar / np.nansum(lms_bar, axis=1, keepdims=True)

    # Output extra:
    trans_lens = 10**(-correct_lomd)
    trans_macula = 10**(-corrected_rmd)
    sens_photopig = alpha_lms * _WL

    # Add wavelengths:
    LMS = np.vstack((_WL, LMS))

    if ('xyz' in out.lower().split(',')):
        LMS = lmsb_to_xyzb(LMS,
        out = out.replace('xyz', 'LMS').replace('XYZ', 'LMS')
    if ('lms' in out.lower().split(',')):
        out = out.replace('lms', 'LMS')

    # Interpolate/extrapolate:
    if wl is None:
        interpolation = None
        interpolation = 'cubic'
    LMS = spd(LMS, wl=wl, interpolation=interpolation, norm_type='area')

    if (out == 'LMS'):
        return LMS
    elif (out == 'LMS,trans_lens,trans_macula,sens_photopig'):
        return LMS, trans_lens, trans_macula, sens_photopig
    elif (out == 'LMS,trans_lens,trans_macula,sens_photopig,LMSa'):
        return LMS, trans_lens, trans_macula, sens_photopig, LMSa
        return eval(out)
コード例 #19
def _tm30_process_spd(spd, cri_type = 'ies-tm30',**kwargs):
    Calculate all required parameters for plotting from spd using cri.spd_to_cri()
            | ndarray or dict
            | If ndarray: single spectral power distribution.
            | If dict: dictionary with pre-computed parameters.
            |  required keys:
            |   'Rf','Rg','cct','duv','Sr','cri_type','xyzri','xyzrw',
            |   'hbinnrs','Rfi','Rfhi','Rcshi','Rhshi',
            |   'jabt_binned','jabr_binned',
            |   'nhbins','start_hue','normalize_gamut','normalized_chroma_ref'
            | see cri.spd_to_cri() for more info on parameters.
            | _CRI_TYPE_DEFAULT or str or dict, optional
            |   -'str: specifies dict with default cri model parameters 
            |     (for supported types, see luxpy.cri._CRI_DEFAULTS['cri_types'])
            |   - dict: user defined model parameters 
            |     (see e.g. luxpy.cri._CRI_DEFAULTS['cierf'] 
            |     for required structure)
            | Note that any non-None input arguments (in kwargs) 
            | to the function will override default values in cri_type dict.
            | Additional optional keyword arguments, 
            | the same as in cri.spd_to_cri()
            | dictionary with required parameters for plotting functions.      
    out = 'Rf,Rg,cct,duv,Sr,cri_type,xyzri,xyzrw,binnrs,Rfi,Rfhi,Rcshi,Rhshi,jabt_binned,jabr_binned,nhbins,start_hue,normalize_gamut,normalized_chroma_ref'
    if not isinstance(spd,dict):
        tpl = spd_to_cri(spd, cri_type = cri_type, out = out, **kwargs)
        data = {'spd':spd}
        for i,key in enumerate(out.split(',')):
            if key == 'normalized_chroma_ref': key = 'scalef' # rename
            if key == 'binnrs': key = 'hbinnrs' # rename
            data[key] = tpl[i]
        # Normalize chroma to scalef and fit ellipse to gamut:
        scalef = data['scalef']
        jabt = data['jabt_binned'].copy()
        jabr = data['jabr_binned'].copy()
        Cr = (jabr[...,1]**2 + jabr[...,2]**2)**0.5
        Ct = ((jabt[...,1]**2 + jabt[...,2]**2)**0.5)/Cr*scalef
        ht = math.positive_arctan(jabt[...,1],jabt[...,2], htype = 'rad')
        hr = math.positive_arctan(jabr[...,1],jabr[...,2], htype = 'rad')
        jabt[...,1] = Ct*np.cos(ht)
        jabt[...,2] = Ct*np.sin(ht)
        jabr[...,1] = scalef*np.cos(hr)
        jabr[...,2] = scalef*np.sin(hr) 
        ecc = np.ones((1,jabt.shape[1]))*np.nan
        theta = np.ones((1,jabt.shape[1]))*np.nan
        v = np.ones((jabt.shape[1],5))*np.nan
        data['hue_bin_data'] = {'jabt_hj_closed':data['jabt_binned'],'jabr_hj_closed':data['jabr_binned'],
        for i in range(jabt.shape[1]):
                v[i,:] = math.fit_ellipse(jabt[:,i,1:])
                a,b = v[i,0], v[i,1] # major and minor ellipse axes
                ecc[0,i] = a/b
                theta[0,i] = np.rad2deg(v[i,4]) # orientation angle
                if theta[0,i]>180: theta[0,i] -= 180
                v[i,:] = np.nan*np.ones((1,5))
                ecc[0,i] = np.nan
                theta[0,i] = np.nan # orientation angle
        data['gamut_ellipse_fit'] = {'v':v, 'a/b':ecc,'thetad': theta}
        data = spd
    return data
コード例 #20
ファイル: cmf.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
_CMF_M_1931_2_JUDDVOS1978_Vos78 = np.array([ # definition of 3x3 matrices to convert from Judd-Vos xyz to lms (from Vos 1978)
[-0.15514,0.45684, 0.0296946],
_CMF_N_1931_2_JUDDVOS1978 = _CMF_N_1931_2.copy() # not defined, so take the one for CIE 1931 2°

# 2015 CMFs based on 2006 cone fundamentals (2°):
_CMF_M_2006_2 = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1.94735469, -1.41445123, 0.36476327], # from CIE15:2018
                                        [0.68990272, 0.34832189, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 1.93485343]]))

_CMF_N_2006_2 = np.ones((3,3))*np.nan # N : definition of 3x3 matrices to convert from rgb to xyz (not defined, so NaNs)

# 2015 CMFs based on 2006 cone fundamentals (2°):
_CMF_M_2006_10 = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1.93986443, -1.34664359, 0.43044935], # from CIE15:2018
                                        [0.69283932, 0.34967567, 0],
                                        [0, 0, 2.14687945]]))

_CMF_N_2006_10 = np.array([ # N : definition of 3x3 matrices to convert from rgb to xyz (calculated from published xyz-to-lms and rgb-to-lms matrices, CIE TC1-36)

コード例 #21
def box_m(*X, ni = None, verbosity = 0, robust = False, robust_alpha = 0.01):
    Perform Box's M test (p>=2) to check equality of covariance matrices or Bartlett's test (p==1) for equality of variances.
            | A number  (k groups) or list of 2d-ndarrays (rows: samples, cols: variables) with data.
            | or a number of 2d-ndarrays with covariance matrices (supply ni!)
            | None, optional
            | If None: X contains data, else, X contains covariance matrices.
            | 0, optional
            | If 1: print results.
            | False, optional
            | If True: remove outliers beyond the confidence ellipsoid before calculating
            |          the covariances.
            | 0.01, optional
            | Significance level of confidence ellipsoid marking the boundary for outliers.
            | F or chi2 value (see len(dfs))
            | p-value
            | degrees of freedom.
            | if len(dfs) == 2: F-test was used.
            | if len(dfs) == 1: chi2 approx. was used.
        1. If p==1: Reduces to Bartlett's test for equal variances.
        2. If (ni>20).all() & (p<6) & (k<6): then a more appropriate chi2 test is used in a some cases.

    k = len(X) # groups
    p = np.atleast_2d(X[0]).shape[1] # variables
    if p == 1: # for p == 1: only variance!
        det = lambda x: np.array(x)
        det = lambda x: np.linalg.det(x)
    if ni is None: # samples in each group
        # remove outliers before calculation of box M:
        if robust == True:
            X = [remove_outliers(Xi, alpha = robust_alpha) for Xi in X]
        ni = np.array([Xi.shape[0] for Xi in X])
        Si = np.array([np.cov(Xi.T) for Xi in X])
        if p == 1:
            Si = np.atleast_2d(Si).T
        Si = np.array([Xi for Xi in X]) # input are already cov matrices!
        ni = np.array(ni)
        if ni.shape[0] == 1:
            ni = ni*np.ones((k,))
    N = ni.sum()
    S = np.array([(ni[i]-1)*Si[i] for i in range(len(ni))]).sum(axis=0)/(N - k)

    M = (N-k)*np.log(det(S)) - ((ni-1)*np.log(det(Si))).sum()
    if p == 1:
        M = M[0]
    A1 = (2*p**2 + 3*p -1)/(6*(p+1)*(k-1))*((1/(ni-1)) - 1/(N - k)).sum()
    v1 = p*(p+1)*(k-1)/2
    A2 = (p-1)*(p+2)/(6*(k-1))*((1/(ni-1)**2) - 1/(N - k)**2).sum()

    if (A2 - A1**2) > 0:
        v2 = (v1 + 2)/(A2 - A1**2)
        b = v1/(1 - A1 -(v1/v2))
        Fv1v2 = M/b
        statistic = Fv1v2
        pval = 1.0 - sp.stats.f.cdf(Fv1v2,v1,v2)
        dfs = [v1,v2]
        if verbosity == 1:
            print('M = {:1.4f}, F = {:1.4f}, df1 = {:1.1f}, df2 = {:1.1f}, p = {:1.4f}'.format(M,Fv1v2,v1,v2,pval))
        v2 = (v1 + 2)/(A1**2 - A2)
        b = v2/(1 - A1 + (2/v2))
        Fv1v2 = v2*M/(v1*(b - M))
        statistic = Fv1v2
        pval = 1.0 - sp.stats.f.cdf(Fv1v2,v1,v2)
        dfs = [v1,v2]

        if (ni>20).all() & (p<6) & (k<6): #use Chi2v1
            chi2v1 = M*(1-A1)
            statistic = chi2v1
            pval = 1.0 - sp.stats.chi2.cdf(chi2v1,v1)
            dfs = [v1]
            if verbosity == 1:
                print('M = {:1.4f}, chi2 = {:1.4f}, df1 = {:1.1f}, p = {:1.4f}'.format(M,chi2v1,v1,pval))

            if verbosity == 1:
                print('M = {:1.4f}, F = {:1.4f}, df1 = {:1.1f}, df2 = {:1.1f}, p = {:1.4f}'.format(M,Fv1v2,v1,v2,pval))

    return statistic, pval, dfs
コード例 #22
ファイル: mcri.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def spd_to_mcri(SPD, D = 0.9, E = None, Yb = 20.0, out = 'Rm', wl = None):
    Calculates the MCRI or Memory Color Rendition Index, Rm
            | ndarray with spectral data (can be multiple SPDs, 
            |  first axis are the wavelengths)
            | 0.9, optional
            | Degree of adaptation.
            | None, optional
            | Illuminance in lux 
            |  (used to calculate La = (Yb/100)*(E/pi) to then calculate D 
            |  following the 'cat02' model). 
            | If None: the degree is determined by :D:
            |  If (:E: is not None) & (:Yb: is None):  :E: is assumed to contain 
            |  the adapting field luminance La (cd/m²).
            | 20.0, optional
            | Luminance factor of background. (used when calculating La from E)
            | If None, E contains La (cd/m²).
            | 'Rm' or str, optional
            | Specifies requested output (e.g. 'Rm,Rmi,cct,duv') 
            | None, optional
            | Wavelengths (or [start, end, spacing]) to interpolate the SPDs to. 
            | None: default to no interpolation   
            | float or ndarray with MCRI Rm for :out: 'Rm'
            | Other output is also possible by changing the :out: str value.        
        1. `K.A.G. Smet, W.R. Ryckaert, M.R. Pointer, G. Deconinck, P. Hanselaer,(2012)
        “A memory colour quality metric for white light sources,” 
        Energy Build., vol. 49, no. C, pp. 216–225.
    SPD = np2d(SPD)
    if wl is not None: 
        SPD = spd(data = SPD, interpolation = _S_INTERP_TYPE, kind = 'np', wl = wl)
    # unpack metric default values:
    avg, catf, cieobs, cri_specific_pars, cspace, ref_type, rg_pars, sampleset, scale = [_MCRI_DEFAULTS[x] for x in sorted(_MCRI_DEFAULTS.keys())] 
    similarity_ai = cri_specific_pars['similarity_ai']
    Mxyz2lms = cspace['Mxyz2lms'] 
    scale_fcn = scale['fcn']
    scale_factor = scale['cfactor']
    sampleset = eval(sampleset)
    # A. calculate xyz:
    xyzti, xyztw = spd_to_xyz(SPD, cieobs = cieobs['xyz'],  rfl = sampleset, out = 2)
    if 'cct' in out.split(','):
        cct, duv = xyz_to_cct(xyztw, cieobs = cieobs['cct'], out = 'cct,duv',mode = 'lut')
    # B. perform chromatic adaptation to adopted whitepoint of ipt color space, i.e. D65:
    if catf is not None:
        Dtype_cat, F, Yb_cat, catmode_cat, cattype_cat, mcat_cat, xyzw_cat = [catf[x] for x in sorted(catf.keys())]
        # calculate degree of adaptationn D:
        if E is not None:
            if Yb is not None:
                La = (Yb/100.0)*(E/np.pi)
                La = E
            D = cat.get_degree_of_adaptation(Dtype = Dtype_cat, F = F, La = La)
            Dtype_cat = None # direct input of D

        if (E is None) and (D is None):
            D = 1.0 # set degree of adaptation to 1 !
        if D > 1.0: D = 1.0
        if D < 0.6: D = 0.6 # put a limit on the lowest D

        # apply cat:
        xyzti = cat.apply(xyzti, cattype = cattype_cat, catmode = catmode_cat, xyzw1 = xyztw,xyzw0 = None, xyzw2 = xyzw_cat, D = D, mcat = [mcat_cat], Dtype = Dtype_cat)
        xyztw = cat.apply(xyztw, cattype = cattype_cat, catmode = catmode_cat, xyzw1 = xyztw,xyzw0 = None, xyzw2 = xyzw_cat, D = D, mcat = [mcat_cat], Dtype = Dtype_cat)
    # C. convert xyz to ipt and split:
    ipt = xyz_to_ipt(xyzti, cieobs = cieobs['xyz'], M = Mxyz2lms) #input matrix as published in Smet et al. 2012, Energy and Buildings
    I,P,T = asplit(ipt)  

    # D. calculate specific (hue dependent) similarity indicators, Si:
    if len(xyzti.shape) == 3:
        ai = np.expand_dims(similarity_ai, axis = 1)
        ai = similarity_ai
    a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 = asplit(ai)
    mahalanobis_d2 = (a3*np.power((P - a1),2.0) + a4*np.power((T - a2),2.0) + 2.0*a5*(P-a1)*(T-a2))
    if (len(mahalanobis_d2.shape)==3) & (mahalanobis_d2.shape[-1]==1):
        mahalanobis_d2 = mahalanobis_d2[:,:,0].T
    Si = np.exp(-0.5*mahalanobis_d2)

    # E. calculate general similarity indicator, Sa:
    Sa = avg(Si, axis = 0,keepdims = True)

    # F. rescale similarity indicators (Si, Sa) with a 0-1 scale to memory color rendition indices (Rmi, Rm) with a 0 - 100 scale:
    Rmi = scale_fcn(np.log(Si),scale_factor = scale_factor)
    Rm = np2d(scale_fcn(np.log(Sa),scale_factor = scale_factor))

    # G. calculate Rg (polyarea of test / polyarea of memory colours):
    if 'Rg' in out.split(','):
        I = I[...,None] #broadcast_shape(I, target_shape = None,expand_2d_to_3d = 0)
        a1 = a1[:,None]*np.ones(I.shape)#broadcast_shape(a1, target_shape = None,expand_2d_to_3d = 0)
        a2 = a2[:,None]*np.ones(I.shape) #broadcast_shape(a2, target_shape = None,expand_2d_to_3d = 0)
        a12 = np.concatenate((a1,a2),axis=2) #broadcast_shape(np.hstack((a1,a2)), target_shape = ipt.shape,expand_2d_to_3d = 0)
        ipt_mc = np.concatenate((I,a12),axis=2)
        nhbins, normalize_gamut, normalized_chroma_ref, start_hue  = [rg_pars[x] for x in sorted(rg_pars.keys())]
        hue_bin_data = _get_hue_bin_data(ipt, ipt_mc, 
                                         start_hue = start_hue, nhbins = nhbins,
                                         normalized_chroma_ref = normalized_chroma_ref)
        Rg = _hue_bin_data_to_rg(hue_bin_data)

    if (out != 'Rm'):
        return  eval(out)
        return Rm
コード例 #23
def apply_vonkries2(xyz,
    Apply a 2-step von kries chromatic adaptation transform.
            | ndarray with sample tristimulus or cat-sensor values
            | ndarray with white point tristimulus or cat-sensor values of illuminant 1
            | ndarray with white point tristimulus or cat-sensor values of illuminant 2
            | None, optional
            | ndarray with white point tristimulus or cat-sensor values of baseline illuminant 0
            | None: defaults to EEW.
            | [1,1], optional
            | Degree of chromatic adaptations (Ill.1-->Ill.0, Ill.2.-->Ill.0)
            | None, optional
            | Specifies CAT sensor space.
            | - options:
            |    - None defaults to luxpy.cat._MCAT_DEFAULT
            |    - str: see see luxpy.cat._MCATS.keys() for options 
            |         (details on type, ?luxpy.cat)
            |    - ndarray: matrix with sensor primaries
            | None,optional
            | Pre-calculated inverse mcat.
            | If None: calculate inverse of mcat.
            | 'xyz', optional
            | Input type ('xyz', 'rgb') of data in xyz, xyzw1, xyzw2
            | 'xyz', optional
            | Output type ('xyz', 'rgb') of corresponding colors
            | False, optional
            | Use CAT version with Yw factors included (but this results in 
            | potential wrong predictions, see Smet & Ma (2020)).

            | ndarray with corresponding colors.
        1. `Smet, K. A. G., & Ma, S. (2020). 
        Some concerns regarding the CAT16 chromatic adaptation transform. 
        Color Research & Application, 45(1), 172–177. 
    # Define cone/chromatic adaptation sensor space:
    if (in_ == 'xyz') | (out_ == 'xyz'):
        if not isinstance(mcat, np.ndarray):
            if (mcat is None):
                mcat = _MCATS[_MCAT_DEFAULT]
            elif isinstance(mcat, str):
                mcat = _MCATS[mcat]
        if invmcat is None:
            invmcat = np.linalg.inv(mcat)

    D = D * np.ones((2, ))  # ensure there are two D's available!

    # Define default baseline illuminant:
    if xyzw0 is None:
        xyzw0 = np.array([[100., 100., 100.]])

    # transform from xyz to cat sensor space:
    if in_ == 'xyz':
        rgb = math.dot23(mcat, xyz.T)
        rgbw1 = math.dot23(mcat, xyzw1.T)
        rgbw2 = math.dot23(mcat, xyzw2.T)
        rgbw0 = math.dot23(mcat, xyzw0.T)
    elif (in_ == 'xyz') & (use_Yw == False):
        rgb = xyz
        rgbw1 = xyzw1
        rgbw2 = xyzw2
        rgbw0 = xyzw0
        raise Exception('Use of Yw requires xyz input.')

    # apply 1-step von Kries cat from 1->0:
    vk_w_ratio10 = rgbw0 / rgbw1
    yw_ratio10 = 1.0 if use_Yw == False else xyzw1[..., 1] / xyzw0[..., 1]
    if rgb.ndim == 3:
        vk_w_ratio10 = vk_w_ratio10[..., None]
        if use_Yw: yw_ratio10 = yw_ratio10[..., None]
    rgbc = (D[0] * yw_ratio10 * vk_w_ratio10 + (1 - D[0])) * rgb

    # apply inverse 1-step von Kries cat from 2->0:
    vk_w_ratio20 = rgbw0 / rgbw2
    yw_ratio20 = 1.0 if use_Yw == False else xyzw2[..., 1] / xyzw0[..., 1]
    if rgbc.ndim == 3:
        vk_w_ratio20 = vk_w_ratio20[..., None]
        if use_Yw: yw_ratio20 = yw_ratio20[..., None]
    rgbc = ((D[1] * yw_ratio20 * vk_w_ratio20 + (1 - D[1]))**(-1)) * rgbc

    # convert from cat16 sensor space to xyz:
    if out_ == 'xyz':
        return math.dot23(invmcat, rgbc).T
        return rgbc.T
コード例 #24
ファイル: graphics.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def plot_hue_bins(hbins = 16, start_hue = 0.0, scalef = 100, \
        plot_axis_labels = False, bin_labels = '#', plot_edge_lines = True, \
        plot_center_lines = False, plot_bin_colors = True, \
        plot_10_20_circles = False,\
        axtype = 'polar', ax = None, force_CVG_layout = False):
    Makes basis plot for Color Vector Graphic (CVG).
            | 16 or ndarray with sorted hue bin centers (°), optional
            | 0.0, optional
            | 100, optional
            | Scale factor for graphic.
            | False, optional
            | Turns axis ticks on/off (True/False).
            | None or list[str] or '#', optional
            | Plots labels at the bin center hues.
            |   - None: don't plot.
            |   - list[str]: list with str for each bin. 
            |                (len(:bin_labels:) = :nhbins:)
            |   - '#': plots number.
            | True or False, optional
            | Plot grey bin edge lines with '--'.
            | False or True, optional
            | Plot colored lines at 'center' of hue bin.
            | True, optional
            | Colorize hue bins.
            | False, optional
            | If True and :axtype: == 'cart': Plot white circles at 
            | 80%, 90%, 100%, 110% and 120% of :scalef: 
            | 'polar' or 'cart', optional
            | Make polar or Cartesian plot.
            | None or 'new' or 'same', optional
            |   - None or 'new' creates new plot
            |   - 'same': continue plot on same axes.
            |   - axes handle: plot on specified axes.
            | False or True, optional
            | True: Force plot of basis of CVG on first encounter.
            | gcf(), gca(), list with rgb colors for hue bins (for use in 
              other plotting fcns)

    # Setup hbincenters and hsv_hues:
    if isinstance(hbins, float) | isinstance(hbins, int):
        nhbins = hbins
        dhbins = 360 / (nhbins)  # hue bin width
        hbincenters = np.arange(start_hue + dhbins / 2, 360, dhbins)
        hbincenters = np.sort(hbincenters)

        hbincenters = hbins
        idx = np.argsort(hbincenters)
        if isinstance(bin_labels, list) | isinstance(bin_labels, np.ndarray):
            bin_labels = bin_labels[idx]
        hbincenters = hbincenters[idx]
        nhbins = hbincenters.shape[0]
    hbincenters = hbincenters * np.pi / 180

    # Setup hbin labels:
    if bin_labels is '#':
        bin_labels = ['#{:1.0f}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(nhbins)]
    elif isinstance(bin_labels, str):
        bin_labels = [
            bin_labels + '{:1.0f}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(nhbins)

    # initializing the figure
    cmap = None
    if (ax is None) or (ax == 'new'):
        fig = plt.figure()
        newfig = True
        fig = plt.gcf()
        newfig = False
    rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8,
            0.8]  # setting the axis limits in [left, bottom, width, height]

    if axtype == 'polar':
        # the polar axis:
        if newfig == True:
            ax = fig.add_axes(rect, polar=True, frameon=False)
        #cartesian axis:
        if newfig == True:
            ax = fig.add_axes(rect)

    if (newfig == True) | (force_CVG_layout == True):

        # Calculate hue-bin boundaries:
        r = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),
                       1. * scalef * np.ones(hbincenters.shape)))
        theta = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), hbincenters))
        #t = hbincenters.copy()
        dU = np.roll(hbincenters.copy(), -1)
        dL = np.roll(hbincenters.copy(), 1)
        dtU = dU - hbincenters
        dtL = hbincenters - dL
        dtU[dtU < 0] = dtU[dtU < 0] + 2 * np.pi
        dtL[dtL < 0] = dtL[dtL < 0] + 2 * np.pi
        dL = hbincenters - dtL / 2
        dU = hbincenters + dtU / 2
        dt = (dU - dL)
        dM = dL + dt / 2

        # Setup color for plotting hue bins:
        hsv_hues = hbincenters - 30 * np.pi / 180
        hsv_hues = hsv_hues / hsv_hues.max()

        edges = np.vstack(
            (np.zeros(hbincenters.shape), dL))  # setup hue bin edges array

        if axtype == 'cart':
            if plot_center_lines == True:
                hx = r * np.cos(theta) * 1.2
                hy = r * np.sin(theta) * 1.2
            if bin_labels is not None:
                hxv = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),
                                 1.4 * scalef * np.cos(hbincenters)))
                hyv = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),
                                 1.4 * scalef * np.sin(hbincenters)))
            if plot_edge_lines == True:
                #hxe = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),1.2*scalef*np.cos(dL)))
                #hye = np.vstack((np.zeros(hbincenters.shape),1.2*scalef*np.sin(dL)))
                hxe = np.vstack(
                    (0.1 * scalef * np.cos(dL), 1.5 * scalef * np.cos(dL)))
                hye = np.vstack(
                    (0.1 * scalef * np.sin(dL), 1.5 * scalef * np.sin(dL)))

        # Plot hue-bins:
        for i in range(nhbins):

            # Create color from hue angle:
            #c = np.abs(np.array(colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv_hues[i], 0.75, 0.85)))
            c = np.abs(np.array(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hsv_hues[i], 0.45, 0.5)))
            if i == 0:
                cmap = [c]

            if axtype == 'polar':
                if plot_edge_lines == True:
                    ax.plot(edges[:, i],
                            r[:, i] * 1.,
                if plot_center_lines == True:
                    if np.mod(i, 2) == 1:
                        ax.plot(theta[:, i],
                                r[:, i],
                        ax.plot(theta[:, i],
                                r[:, i],
                if plot_bin_colors == True:
                    bar = ax.bar(dM[i],
                                 r[1, i],
                if bin_labels is not None:
                            1.3 * scalef,
                            color=np.array([1, 1, 1]) * 0.45)
                if plot_axis_labels == False:
                axis_ = 1. * np.array(
                    [-scalef * 1.5, scalef * 1.5, -scalef * 1.5, scalef * 1.5])
                if plot_edge_lines == True:
                    ax.plot(hxe[:, i],
                            hye[:, i],

                if plot_center_lines == True:
                    if np.mod(i, 2) == 1:
                        ax.plot(hx[:, i],
                                hy[:, i],
                        ax.plot(hx[:, i],
                                hy[:, i],
                if bin_labels is not None:
                    ax.text(hxv[1, i],
                            hyv[1, i],
                            color=np.array([1, 1, 1]) * 0.45)

        if plot_axis_labels == False:

        ax.plot(0, 0, color='grey', marker='+', linestyle=None, markersize=6)

        if (axtype != 'polar') & (plot_10_20_circles == True):
            r = np.array([
                0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2
            ]) * scalef  # plot circles at 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 % of scale f
                       angles=np.arange(0, 365, 5),
                       angles=np.arange(0, 365, 5),
                    -0.75 * scalef,
                    -1.25 * scalef,

        if (axtype != 'polar') & (plot_bin_colors == True) & (_CVG_BG
                                                              is not None):
            ax.imshow(_CVG_BG, origin='upper', extent=axis_)

    return fig, ax, cmap
コード例 #25
def initialize_VF_hue_angles(hx = None, Cxr = _VF_MAXR, \
                             cri_type = _VF_CRI_DEFAULT, \
                             modeltype = _VF_MODEL_TYPE,\
                             determine_hue_angles = _DETERMINE_HUE_ANGLES):
    Initialize the hue angles that will be used to 'summarize' 
    the VF model fitting parameters.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | None defaults to Munsell H5 hues.
            | _VF_MAXR, optional
            | _VF_CRI_DEFAULT or str or dict, optional,
            | Cri_type parameters for cri and VF model.
            | _VF_MODEL_TYPE or 'M5' or 'M6', optional
            | Determines the type of polynomial model.
            | _DETERMINE_HUE_ANGLES or True or False, optional
            | True: determines the 10 primary / secondary Munsell hues ('5..').
            | Note that for 'M6', an additional 
            | {'href': href,
            |           'Cref' : _VF_MAXR, 
            |           'sig' : _VF_SIG, 
            |           'labels' : list[str]}

    # Get Munsell H5 hues:

    rflM = _MUNSELL['R']
    hn = _MUNSELL['H']  # all Munsell hues
    rH5 = np.where([
        _MUNSELL['H'][:, 0][x][0] == '5'
        for x in range(_MUNSELL['H'][:, 0].shape[0])
    ])[0]  #all Munsell H5 hues
    hns5 = np.unique(_MUNSELL['H'][rH5])
    # Determine Munsell hue angles in cam02ucs:
    pool = False
        'C']  # for determining Munsell hue angles in cam02ucs
    outM = VF_colorshift_model(IllC,
    if (determine_hue_angles == True) | (hx is None):
        # find samples at major Munsell hue angles:
        all_h5_Munsell_cam02ucs = np.ones(hns5.shape)
        Jabt_IllC = outM[0]['Jab']['Jabt']
        for i, v in enumerate(hns5):
            hm = np.where(hn == v)[0]
            all_h5_Munsell_cam02ucs[i] = math.positive_arctan(
                [Jabt_IllC[hm, 0, 1].mean()], [Jabt_IllC[hm, 0, 2].mean()],
        hx = all_h5_Munsell_cam02ucs

    # Setp color shift parameters:
    pcolorshift = {'href': hx, 'Cref': Cxr, 'sig': _VF_SIG, 'labels': hns5}
    return pcolorshift
コード例 #26
def generate_grid(jab_ranges = None, out = 'grid', \
                  ax = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR),\
                  bx = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR), \
                  jx = None, limit_grid_radius = 0):
    Generate a grid of color coordinates.
            | 'grid' or 'vectors', optional
            |   - 'grid': outputs a single 2d numpy.nd-vector with the grid coordinates
            |   - 'vector': outputs each dimension seperately.
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Specifies the pixelization of color space.
            | (ndarray.shape = (3,3), with  first axis: J,a,b, and second 
            | axis: min, max, delta)
            | default ndarray or user defined ndarray, optional
            | default = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR) 
            | default ndarray or user defined ndarray, optional
            | default = np.arange(-_VF_MAXR,_VF_MAXR+_VF_DELTAR,_VF_DELTAR) 
            | None, optional
            | Note that not-None :jab_ranges: override :ax:, :bx: and :jx input.
            | 0, optional
            | A value of zeros keeps grid as specified  by axr,bxr.
            | A value > 0 only keeps (a,b) coordinates within :limit_grid_radius:
            | single ndarray with ax,bx [,jx] 
            |  or
            | seperate ndarrays for each dimension specified.
    # generate grid from jab_ranges array input, otherwise use ax, bx, jx input:
    if jab_ranges is not None:
        if jab_ranges.shape[0] == 3:
            jx = np.arange(jab_ranges[0][0], jab_ranges[0][1],
            ax = np.arange(jab_ranges[1][0], jab_ranges[1][1],
            bx = np.arange(jab_ranges[2][0], jab_ranges[2][1],
            jx = None
            ax = np.arange(jab_ranges[0][0], jab_ranges[0][1],
            bx = np.arange(jab_ranges[1][0], jab_ranges[1][1],

    # Generate grid from (jx), ax, bx:
    Ax, Bx = np.meshgrid(ax, bx)
    grid = np.dstack((Ax, Bx))
    grid = np.reshape(grid, (np.array(grid.shape[:-1]).prod(), grid.ndim - 1))
    if jx is not None:
        for i, v in enumerate(jx):
            gridi = np.hstack((np.ones((grid.shape[0], 1)) * v, grid))
            if i == 0:
                gridwithJ = gridi
                gridwithJ = np.vstack((gridwithJ, gridi))
        grid = gridwithJ

    if jx is None:
        ax = grid[:, 0:1]
        bx = grid[:, 1:2]
        jx = grid[:, 0:1]
        ax = grid[:, 1:2]
        bx = grid[:, 2:3]

    if limit_grid_radius > 0:  # limit radius of grid:
        Cr = (ax**2 + bx**2)**0.5
        ax = ax[Cr <= limit_grid_radius, None]
        bx = bx[Cr <= limit_grid_radius, None]
        if jx is not None:
            jx = jx[Cr <= limit_grid_radius, None]

    # create output:
    if out == 'grid':
        if jx is None:
            return np.hstack((ax, bx))
            return np.hstack((jx, ax, bx))
        if jx is None:
            return ax, bx
            return jx, ax, bx
コード例 #27
def render_image(img = None, spd = None, rfl = None, out = 'img_hyp', \
                 refspd = None, D = None, cieobs = _CIEOBS, \
                 cspace = 'xyz', cspace_tf = {}, CSF = None,\
                 interp_type = 'nd', k_neighbours = 4, show = True,
                 verbosity = 0, show_ref_img = True,\
                 stack_test_ref = 12,\
                 write_to_file = None):
    Render image under specified light source spd.
            | None or str or ndarray with float (max = 1) rgb image.
            | None load a default image.
            | ndarray, optional
            | Light source spectrum for rendering
            | If None: use CIE illuminant F4
            | ndarray, optional
            | Reflectance set for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | 'img_hyp' or str, optional
            |  (other option: 'img_ren': rendered image under :spd:)
            | None, optional
            | Reference spectrum for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | None defaults to D65 (srgb has a D65 white point)
            | None, optional
            | Degree of (von Kries) adaptation from spd to refspd. 
            | _CIEOBS, optional
            | CMF set for calculation of xyz from spectral data.
            | 'xyz',  optional
            | Color space for color coordinate to rfl mapping.
            | Tip: Use linear space (e.g. 'xyz', 'Yuv',...) for (interp_type == 'nd'),
            |      and perceptually uniform space (e.g. 'ipt') for (interp_type == 'nearest')
            | {}, optional
            | Dict with parameters for xyz_to_cspace and cspace_to_xyz transform.
            | None, optional
            | RGB camera response functions.
            | If None: input :xyz: contains raw rgb values. Override :cspace:
            | argument and perform estimation directly in raw rgb space!!!
            | 'nd', optional
            | Options:
            | - 'nd': perform n-dimensional linear interpolation using Delaunay triangulation.
            | - 'nearest': perform nearest neighbour interpolation. 
            | 4 or int, optional
            | Number of nearest neighbours for reflectance spectrum interpolation.
            | Neighbours are found using scipy.spatial.cKDTree
            | True, optional
            |  Show images.
            | 0, optional
            | If > 0: make a plot of the color coordinates of original and 
              rendered image pixels.
            | True, optional
            | True: shows rendered image under reference spd. False: shows
            |  original image.
            | None, optional
            | None: do nothing, else: write to filename(+path) in :write_to_file:
            | 12, optional
            |   - 12: left (test), right (ref) format for show and imwrite
            |   - 21: top (test), bottom (ref)
            |   - 1: only show/write test
            |   - 2: only show/write ref
            |   - 0: show both, write test

            | img_hyp, img_ren, 
            | ndarrays with float hyperspectral image and rendered images 

    # Get image:
    #imread = lambda x: plt.imread(x) #matplotlib.pyplot

    if img is not None:
        if isinstance(img, str):
            img = plt.imread(img)  # use matplotlib.pyplot's imread
        img = plt.imread(_HYPSPCIM_DEFAULT_IMAGE)
    if isinstance(img, np.uint8):
        img = img / 255
    elif isinstance(img, np.uint16):
        img = img / (2**16 - 1)

    # Convert to 2D format:
    rgb = img.reshape(img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], 3)  # *1.0: make float
    rgb[rgb == 0] = _EPS  # avoid division by zero for pure blacks.

    # Get unique rgb values and positions:
    rgb_u, rgb_indices = np.unique(rgb, return_inverse=True, axis=0)

    # get rfl set:
    if rfl is None:  # use IESTM30['4880'] set
        rfl = _CRI_RFL['ies-tm30']['4880']['5nm']
    wlr = rfl[
        0]  # spectral reflectance set determines wavelength range for estimation (xyz_to_rfl())

    # get Ref spd:
    if refspd is None:
        refspd = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy()
    refspd = cie_interp(
        refspd, wlr,
        kind='linear')  # force spd to same wavelength range as rfl

    # Convert rgb_u to xyz and lab-type values under assumed refspd:
    if CSF is None:
        xyz_wr = spd_to_xyz(refspd, cieobs=cieobs, relative=True)
        xyz_ur = colortf(rgb_u * 255, tf='srgb>xyz')
        xyz_ur = rgb_u  # for input in xyz_to_rfl (when CSF is not None: this functions assumes input is indeed rgb !!!)

    # Estimate rfl's for xyz_ur:
    rfl_est, xyzri = xyz_to_rfl(xyz_ur, rfl = rfl, out = 'rfl_est,xyz_est', \
                 refspd = refspd, D = D, cieobs = cieobs, \
                 cspace = cspace, cspace_tf = cspace_tf, CSF = CSF,\
                 interp_type = interp_type, k_neighbours = k_neighbours,
                 verbosity = verbosity)

    # Get default test spd if none supplied:
    if spd is None:
        spd = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['F4']

    if CSF is None:
        # calculate xyz values under test spd:
        xyzti, xyztw = spd_to_xyz(spd, rfl=rfl_est, cieobs=cieobs, out=2)

        # Chromatic adaptation from test spd to refspd:
        if D is not None:
            xyzti = cat.apply(xyzti, xyzw1=xyztw, xyzw2=xyz_wr, D=D)

        # Convert xyzti under test spd to srgb:
        rgbti = colortf(xyzti, tf='srgb') / 255
        # Calculate rgb coordinates from camera sensitivity functions under spd:
        rgbti = rfl_to_rgb(rfl_est, spd=spd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)

        # Chromatic adaptation from test spd to refspd:
        if D is not None:
            white = np.ones_like(spd)
            white[0] = spd[0]
            rgbwr = rfl_to_rgb(white, spd=refspd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)
            rgbwt = rfl_to_rgb(white, spd=spd, CSF=CSF, wl=None)
            rgbti = cat.apply_vonkries2(rgbti,
                                        xyzw0=np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]),

    # Reconstruct original locations for rendered image rgbs:
    img_ren = rgbti[rgb_indices]
    img_ren.shape = img.shape  # reshape back to 3D size of original
    img_ren = img_ren

    # For output:
    if show_ref_img == True:
        rgb_ref = colortf(xyzri, tf='srgb') / 255 if (
            CSF is None
        ) else xyzri  # if CSF not None: xyzri contains rgbri !!!
        img_ref = rgb_ref[rgb_indices]
        img_ref.shape = img.shape  # reshape back to 3D size of original
        img_str = 'Rendered (under ref. spd)'
        img = img_ref
        img_str = 'Original'
        img = img

    if (stack_test_ref > 0) | show == True:
        if stack_test_ref == 21:
            img_original_rendered = np.vstack(
                (img_ren, np.ones((4, img.shape[1], 3)), img))
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)\n ' + img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 12:
            img_original_rendered = np.hstack(
                (img_ren, np.ones((img.shape[0], 4, 3)), img))
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd) | ' + img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 1:
            img_original_rendered = img_ren
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)'
        elif stack_test_ref == 2:
            img_original_rendered = img
            img_original_rendered_str = img_str
        elif stack_test_ref == 0:
            img_original_rendered = img_ren
            img_original_rendered_str = 'Rendered (under test spd)'

    if write_to_file is not None:
        # Convert from RGB to BGR formatand write:
        #print('Writing rendering results to image file: {}'.format(write_to_file))
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            imsave(write_to_file, img_original_rendered)

    if show == True:
        # show images using pyplot.show():


        if stack_test_ref == 0:

    if 'img_hyp' in out.split(','):
        # Create hyper_spectral image:
        rfl_image_2D = rfl_est[
            rgb_indices +
            1, :]  # create array with all rfls required for each pixel
        img_hyp = rfl_image_2D.reshape(img.shape[0], img.shape[1],

    # Setup output:
    if out == 'img_hyp':
        return img_hyp
    elif out == 'img_ren':
        return img_ren
        return eval(out)
コード例 #28
ファイル: sww2016_old.py プロジェクト: simongr2/luxpy
def cam_sww16(data, dataw = None, Yb = 20.0, Lw = 400.0, Ccwb = None, relative = True, \
              parameters = None, inputtype = 'xyz', direction = 'forward', \
              cieobs = '2006_10'):
    A simple principled color appearance model based on a mapping 
    of the Munsell color system.
    | This function implements the JOSA A (parameters = 'JOSA') published model. 
            | ndarray with input tristimulus values 
            | or spectral data 
            | or input color appearance correlates
            | Can be of shape: (N [, xM], x 3), whereby: 
            | N refers to samples and M refers to light sources.
            | Note that for spectral input shape is (N x (M+1) x wl) 
            | None or ndarray, optional
            | Input tristimulus values or spectral data of white point.
            | None defaults to the use of CIE illuminant C.
            | 20.0, optional
            | Luminance factor of background (perfect white diffuser, Yw = 100)
            | 400.0, optional
            | Luminance (cd/m²) of white point.
            | None,  optional
            | Degree of cognitive adaptation (white point balancing)
            | If None: use [..,..] from parameters dict.
            | True or False, optional
            | True: xyz tristimulus values are relative (Yw = 100)
            | None or str or dict, optional
            | Dict with model parameters.
            |    - None: defaults to luxpy.cam._CAM_SWW_2016_PARAMETERS['JOSA']
            |    - str: 'best-fit-JOSA' or 'best-fit-all-Munsell'
            |    - dict: user defined model parameters 
            |            (dict should have same structure)
            | 'xyz' or 'spd', optional
            | Specifies the type of input: 
            |     tristimulus values or spectral data for the forward mode.
            | 'forward' or 'inverse', optional
            |   -'forward': xyz -> cam_sww_2016
            |   -'inverse': cam_sww_2016 -> xyz 
            | '2006_10', optional
            | CMF set to use to perform calculations where spectral data 
              is involved (inputtype == 'spd'; dataw = None)
            | Other options: see luxpy._CMF['types']
            | ndarray with color appearance correlates (:direction: == 'forward')
            |  or 
            | XYZ tristimulus values (:direction: == 'inverse')
        | This function implements the JOSA A (parameters = 'JOSA') 
          published model. 
        | With:
        |    1. A correction for the parameter 
        |         in Eq.4 of Fig. 11: 0.952 --> -0.952 
        |     2. The delta_ac and delta_bc white-balance shifts in Eq. 5e & 5f 
        |         should be: -0.028 & 0.821 
        |     (cfr. Ccwb = 0.66 in: 
        |         ab_test_out = ab_test_int - Ccwb*ab_gray_adaptation_field_int))
        1. `Smet, K. A. G., Webster, M. A., & Whitehead, L. A. (2016). 
        A simple principled approach for modeling and understanding uniform color metrics. 
        Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(3), A319–A331. 


    # get model parameters
    args = locals().copy()
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = _CAM_SWW16_PARAMETERS['JOSA']
    if isinstance(parameters, str):
        parameters = _CAM_SWW16_PARAMETERS[parameters]
    parameters = put_args_in_db(
        args)  #overwrite parameters with other (not-None) args input

    #unpack model parameters:
    Cc, Ccwb, Cf, Mxyz2lms, cLMS, cab_int, cab_out, calpha, cbeta, cga1, cga2, cgb1, cgb2, cl_int, clambda, lms0 = [
        parameters[x] for x in sorted(parameters.keys())

    # setup default adaptation field:
    if (dataw is None):
        dataw = _CIE_ILLUMINANTS['C'].copy()  # get illuminant C
        xyzw = spd_to_xyz(dataw, cieobs=cieobs,
                          relative=False)  # get abs. tristimulus values
        if relative == False:  #input is expected to be absolute
            dataw[1:] = Lw * dataw[
                1:] / xyzw[:, 1:2]  #dataw = Lw*dataw # make absolute
            dataw = dataw  # make relative (Y=100)
        if inputtype == 'xyz':
            dataw = spd_to_xyz(dataw, cieobs=cieobs, relative=relative)

    # precomputations:
    Mxyz2lms = np.dot(
        math.normalize_3x3_matrix(Mxyz2lms, np.array([[1, 1, 1]]))
    )  # normalize matrix for xyz-> lms conversion to ill. E weighted with cLMS
    invMxyz2lms = np.linalg.inv(Mxyz2lms)
    MAab = np.array([clambda, calpha, cbeta])
    invMAab = np.linalg.inv(MAab)

    #initialize data and camout:
    data = np2d(data).copy(
    )  # stimulus data (can be upto NxMx3 for xyz, or [N x (M+1) x wl] for spd))
    dataw = np2d(dataw).copy(
    )  # white point (can be upto Nx3 for xyz, or [(N+1) x wl] for spd)

    # make axis 1 of dataw have 'same' dimensions as data:
    if (data.ndim == 2):
        data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=1)  # add light source axis 1

    if inputtype == 'xyz':
        if dataw.shape[
                0] == 1:  #make dataw have same lights source dimension size as data
            dataw = np.repeat(dataw, data.shape[1], axis=0)
        if dataw.shape[0] == 2:
            dataw = np.vstack(
                (dataw[0], np.repeat(dataw[1:], data.shape[1], axis=0)))

    # Flip light source dim to axis 0:
    data = np.transpose(data, axes=(1, 0, 2))

    # Initialize output array:
    dshape = list(data.shape)
    dshape[-1] = 3  # requested number of correlates: l_int, a_int, b_int
    if (inputtype != 'xyz') & (direction == 'forward'):
        dshape[-2] = dshape[
            -2] - 1  # wavelength row doesn't count & only with forward can the input data be spectral
    camout = np.zeros(dshape)

    # apply forward/inverse model for each row in data:
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):

        # stage 1: calculate photon rates of stimulus and adapting field, lmst & lmsf:
        if (inputtype != 'xyz'):
            if relative == True:
                xyzw_abs = spd_to_xyz(np.vstack((dataw[0], dataw[i + 1])),
                dataw[i +
                      1] = Lw * dataw[i + 1] / xyzw_abs[0, 1]  # make absolute
            xyzw = spd_to_xyz(np.vstack((dataw[0], dataw[i + 1])),
            lmsw = 683.0 * np.dot(Mxyz2lms, xyzw.T).T / _CMF[cieobs]['K']
            lmsf = (Yb / 100.0
                    ) * lmsw  # calculate adaptation field and convert to l,m,s
            if (direction == 'forward'):
                if relative == True:
                    data[i, 1:, :] = Lw * data[i, 1:, :] / xyzw_abs[
                        0, 1]  # make absolute
                xyzt = spd_to_xyz(data[i], cieobs=cieobs,
                                  relative=False) / _CMF[cieobs]['K']
                lmst = 683.0 * np.dot(Mxyz2lms, xyzt.T).T  # convert to l,m,s
                lmst = lmsf  # put lmsf in lmst for inverse-mode

        elif (inputtype == 'xyz'):
            if relative == True:
                dataw[i] = Lw * dataw[i] / 100.0  # make absolute
            lmsw = 683.0 * np.dot(
                Mxyz2lms, dataw[i].T).T / _CMF[cieobs]['K']  # convert to lms
            lmsf = (Yb / 100.0) * lmsw
            if (direction == 'forward'):
                if relative == True:
                    data[i] = Lw * data[i] / 100.0  # make absolute
                lmst = 683.0 * np.dot(
                    data[i].T).T / _CMF[cieobs]['K']  # convert to lms
                lmst = lmsf  # put lmsf in lmst for inverse-mode

        # stage 2: calculate cone outputs of stimulus lmstp
        lmstp = math.erf(Cc * (np.log(lmst / lms0) + Cf * np.log(lmsf / lms0)))
        lmsfp = math.erf(Cc * (np.log(lmsf / lms0) + Cf * np.log(lmsf / lms0)))
        lmstp = np.vstack(
            (lmsfp, lmstp)
        )  # add adaptation field lms temporarily to lmsp for quick calculation

        # stage 3: calculate optic nerve signals, lam*, alphp, betp:
        lstar, alph, bet = asplit(np.dot(MAab, lmstp.T).T)

        alphp = cga1[0] * alph
        alphp[alph < 0] = cga1[1] * alph[alph < 0]
        betp = cgb1[0] * bet
        betp[bet < 0] = cgb1[1] * bet[bet < 0]

        # stage 4: calculate recoded nerve signals, alphapp, betapp:
        alphpp = cga2[0] * (alphp + betp)
        betpp = cgb2[0] * (alphp - betp)

        # stage 5: calculate conscious color perception:
        lstar_int = cl_int[0] * (lstar + cl_int[1])
        alph_int = cab_int[0] * (np.cos(cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * alphpp -
                                 np.sin(cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * betpp)
        bet_int = cab_int[0] * (np.sin(cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * alphpp +
                                np.cos(cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * betpp)
        lstar_out = lstar_int

        if direction == 'forward':
            if Ccwb is None:
                alph_out = alph_int - cab_out[0]
                bet_out = bet_int - cab_out[1]
                Ccwb = Ccwb * np.ones((2))
                Ccwb[Ccwb < 0.0] = 0.0
                Ccwb[Ccwb > 1.0] = 1.0
                alph_out = alph_int - Ccwb[0] * alph_int[
                    0]  # white balance shift using adaptation gray background (Yb=20%), with Ccw: degree of adaptation
                bet_out = bet_int - Ccwb[1] * bet_int[0]

            camout[i] = np.vstack(
                (lstar_out[1:], alph_out[1:], bet_out[1:])
            ).T  # stack together and remove adaptation field from vertical stack
        elif direction == 'inverse':
            labf_int = np.hstack((lstar_int[0], alph_int[0], bet_int[0]))

            # get lstar_out, alph_out & bet_out for data:
            lstar_out, alph_out, bet_out = asplit(data[i])

            # stage 5 inverse:
            # undo cortical white-balance:
            if Ccwb is None:
                alph_int = alph_out + cab_out[0]
                bet_int = bet_out + cab_out[1]
                Ccwb = Ccwb * np.ones((2))
                Ccwb[Ccwb < 0.0] = 0.0
                Ccwb[Ccwb > 1.0] = 1.0
                alph_int = alph_out + Ccwb[0] * alph_int[
                    0]  #  inverse white balance shift using adaptation gray background (Yb=20%), with Ccw: degree of adaptation
                bet_int = bet_out + Ccwb[1] * bet_int[0]

            lstar_int = lstar_out
            alphpp = (1.0 / cab_int[0]) * (
                np.cos(-cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * alph_int -
                np.sin(-cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * bet_int)
            betpp = (1.0 / cab_int[0]) * (
                np.sin(-cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * alph_int +
                np.cos(-cab_int[1] * np.pi / 180.0) * bet_int)
            lstar_int = lstar_out
            lstar = (lstar_int / cl_int[0]) - cl_int[1]

            # stage 4 inverse:
            alphp = 0.5 * (alphpp / cga2[0] + betpp / cgb2[0]
                           )  # <-- alphpp = (Cga2.*(alphp+betp));
            betp = 0.5 * (alphpp / cga2[0] - betpp / cgb2[0]
                          )  # <-- betpp = (Cgb2.*(alphp-betp));

            # stage 3 invers:
            alph = alphp / cga1[0]
            bet = betp / cgb1[0]
            sa = np.sign(cga1[1])
            sb = np.sign(cgb1[1])
            alph[(sa * alphp) < 0.0] = alphp[(sa * alphp) < 0] / cga1[1]
            bet[(sb * betp) < 0.0] = betp[(sb * betp) < 0] / cgb1[1]
            lab = ajoin((lstar, alph, bet))

            # stage 2 inverse:
            lmstp = np.dot(invMAab, lab.T).T
            lmstp[lmstp < -1.0] = -1.0
            lmstp[lmstp > 1.0] = 1.0

            lmstp = math.erfinv(lmstp) / Cc - Cf * np.log(lmsf / lms0)
            lmst = np.exp(lmstp) * lms0

            # stage 1 inverse:
            xyzt = np.dot(invMxyz2lms, lmst.T).T

            if relative == True:
                xyzt = (100.0 / Lw) * xyzt

            camout[i] = xyzt

#    if flipaxis0and1 == True: # loop over shortest dim.
#        camout = np.transpose(camout, axes = (1,0,2))

# Flip light source dim back to axis 1:
    camout = np.transpose(camout, axes=(1, 0, 2))

    if camout.shape[0] == 1:
        camout = np.squeeze(camout, axis=0)

    return camout
コード例 #29
def rosenbrock_with_args(x, a, b, c=0):
    f = (a - x[:, 0])**2 + b * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 0]**2)**2 + c
    return f

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from pyswarms.utils.functions import single_obj as fx

    # 1: Rastrigin example:
    objfcn = fx.rastrigin
    fargs = {}
    dimensions = 2

    max_bound = 5.12 * np.ones(2)
    min_bound = -max_bound

    res1 = particleswarm(objfcn,
                         bounds=(min_bound, max_bound),
                             'c1': 0.5,
                             'c2': 0.3,
                             'w': 0.9
コード例 #30
def discrimination_hotelling_t2(Yxy1, Yxy2, etype = 'fmc2', ellipsoid = True, Y1 = None, Y2 = None, cspace = 'Yxy'):
    Check 'significance' of difference using Hotelling's T2 test on the centers Yxy1 and Yxy2 and their associate FMC-1/2 discrimination ellipses.
        :Yxy1, Yxy2:
            | 2D ndarrays with [Y,]x,y coordinate centers. 
            | If Yxy.shape[-1]==2: Y is added using the value from the Y-input argument.
            | 'fmc2', optional
            | Type of FMC color discrimination equations to use (see references below).
            | options: 'fmc1', fmc2'
        :Y1, Y2:
            | None, optional
            | Only affects FMC-2 (see note below).
            | If not None: Yi = 10.69 and overrides values in Yxyi. 
            | True, optional
            | If True: return ellipsoids, else return ellipses (only if cspace == 'Yxy')!
            | 'Yxy', optional
            | Return coefficients for Yxy-ellipses/ellipsoids ('Yxy') or XYZ ellipsoids ('xyz')

            | Chi-square based p-value
            | T2 test statistic (= mahalanobis distance on summed standard error cov. matrices)
        1. For each center coordinate, the standard error covariance matrix gij^-1 = Si/ni
        is determined using the FMC-1 or FMC-2 equations (see refs. 1 & 2).
        2. Calculate sum of covariance matrices: SIG = S1/n1 + S2/n2 = gij1^-1 + gij2^-1
        3. These are then used in Hotelling's T2 test: T2 = (xy1 - xy2).T*(SIG^-1)*(xy1_xy2)
        4. The T2 statistic is then tested against a Chi-square distribution with 2 or 3 degrees of freedom.
       1. Chickering, K.D. (1967), Optimization of the MacAdam-Modified 1965 Friele Color-Difference Formula, 57(4):537-541
       2. Chickering, K.D. (1971), FMC Color-Difference Formulas: Clarification Concerning Usage, 61(1):118-122

    if Yxy1.shape[-1] == 2:
        Yxy1 = np.hstack((100*np.ones((Yxy1.shape[0],1)),Yxy1))
    if Y1 is not None:
        Yxy1[...,0] = Y1
    if Yxy2.shape[-1] == 2:
        Yxy2 = np.hstack((100*np.ones((Yxy2.shape[0],1)),Yxy2))
    if Y2 is not None:
        Yxy2[...,0] = Y2
    # Get gij matrices (i.e. inverse covariance matrices):
    gij1 = get_gij_fmc(Yxy1, etype = etype, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, Y = Y1, cspace = cspace)
    gij2 = get_gij_fmc(Yxy2, etype = etype, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, Y = Y2, cspace = cspace)
    df = gij1.shape[1] # get degrees of freedom for Chi2
    # Calculate T2 statistic:
    D12 = (Yxy1[...,(3-df):] - Yxy2[...,(3-df):])
    SIG12 = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.inv(gij1) + np.linalg.inv(gij2))
    T2 = np.einsum('ki,ki->k',D12,np.einsum('kij,kj->ki',SIG12,D12))
    #T2 = np.atleast_2d(T2).T
    # Get p-value:
    p = sp.stats.distributions.chi2.sf(T2, df)
    return p, T2