コード例 #1
ファイル: _ExculRosterView.py プロジェクト: ckSchool/bucky
 def createListCtrl(self, excul_id, itemNo):#posit, excul_id):
     list_ctrl_id   = 1000 + int(excul_id)
     list_ctrl_name = 'exculid:%d' % excul_id
     list_ctrl      = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel_list_ctrls, list_ctrl_id, size = (200,200), style=wx.LC_REPORT |wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
     title = fetch.excul_activityTitle_forExcul(excul_id)
     self.initListCtrl(list_ctrl, title)
     r, c = round(itemNo/4), itemNo%4
     self.sizer_excul.Add(list_ctrl, (r,c))
     sql = "SELECT s.id, s.first_name, b.name \
            FROM students s \
            JOIN batch_students bs ON s.id = bs.student_id \
            JOIN batches b ON b.id = bs.batch_id \
            JOIN excul_students es ON s.id = es.student_id \
           WHERE es.excul_id =%d" % excul_id
     lv.populate(list_ctrl, sql)
     return list_ctrl
コード例 #2
ファイル: _ExculRosterView.py プロジェクト: ckSchool/bucky
    def loadStudentPool(self):
        school_id      = fetch.schoolID_forExculSet(self.exculset_id)
        self.exculList = fetch.excul_groups_forExculSet(self.exculset_id)
        exculID_list   = ','.join([str(x[0]) for x in self.exculList])
        sql = "SELECT student_id FROM excul_students WHERE FIND_IN_SET(excul_id , '%s') " % exculID_list
        res = fetch.getAll_col(sql)
        in_excul_list  = ','.join([str(x[0]) for x in res])
        sql ="SELECT s.id, s.first_name, b.name \
                FROM students s \
           LEFT JOIN nis n ON s.id = n.student_id \
                JOIN batch_students bs ON s.id = bs.student_id \
                JOIN batches b ON b.id = bs.batch_id \
               WHERE %d BETWEEN n.admission_year AND n.withdrew_year\
                 AND n.school_id = %d \
                 AND NOT FIND_IN_SET(s.id, '%s') \
                 GROUP BY s.id \
                 ORDER BY s.id \
                 LIMIT 90"  % (gVar.schYr, school_id, in_excul_list)

        lv.populate(self.list_ctrl_pool, sql)