コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     # init LVGL
     # TFT and TS driver
     # POTENTIAL: move into LaserMcu
     self._tft = tftwing.TFTFeatherWing(tft_mhz=24)
     # Register display buffer, driver and input device driver
     th = lv.theme_night_init(210, lv.font_roboto_16)
     blank_scr = lv.obj()
     # MCU Control
     self.mcu = laser_mcu.LaserMCU()
     # Laser Measuring Control
     self.laser = laser_ctrl.LaserCtrl()
     # Load Time
     # TODO: also move into LaserMcu
     except OSError as err:
         print("OSError: {0}".format(err))
     # Create screen
     # Register Tasks
     # Create lock for panel wait process
     self._lock = _thread.allocate_lock()
コード例 #2
def init_styles(dark=True):
    if dark:
        # Set theme
        th = lv.theme_night_init(210, lv.font_roboto_22)
        # adjusting theme
        # background color
        cbg = lv.color_hex(0x192432)
        # ctxt = lv.color_hex(0x7f8fa4)
        ctxt = lv.color_hex(0xFFFFFF)
        cbtnrel = lv.color_hex(0x506072)
        cbtnpr = lv.color_hex(0x405062)
        chl = lv.color_hex(0x313E50)
        # Set theme to light
        # TODO: work in progress...
        th = lv.theme_material_init(210, lv.font_roboto_22)
        # adjusting theme
        # background color
        cbg = lv.color_hex(0xEEEEEE)
        # ctxt = lv.color_hex(0x7f8fa4)
        ctxt = lv.color_hex(0)
        cbtnrel = lv.color_hex(0x506072)
        cbtnpr = lv.color_hex(0x405062)
        chl = lv.color_hex(0x313E50)
        th.style.label.sec.text.color = cbtnrel
    th.style.scr.body.main_color = cbg
    th.style.scr.body.grad_color = cbg
    # text color
    th.style.scr.text.color = ctxt
    # buttons
    # btn released
    th.style.btn.rel.body.main_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.btn.rel.body.grad_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.btn.rel.body.shadow.width = 0
    th.style.btn.rel.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btn.rel.body.radius = 10
    # btn pressed
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btn.pr, th.style.btn.rel)
    th.style.btn.pr.body.main_color = cbtnpr
    th.style.btn.pr.body.grad_color = cbtnpr
    # button map released
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.main_color = cbg
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.grad_color = cbg
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.radius = 0
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.shadow.width = 0
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.text.color = ctxt
    # button map pressed
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.pr, th.style.btnm.btn.rel)
    th.style.btnm.btn.pr.body.main_color = chl
    th.style.btnm.btn.pr.body.grad_color = chl
    # button map toggled
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.tgl_pr, th.style.btnm.btn.pr)
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.tgl_rel, th.style.btnm.btn.pr)
    # button map inactive
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.ina, th.style.btnm.btn.rel)
    th.style.btnm.btn.ina.text.opa = 80
    # button map background
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.opa = 0
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.shadow.width = 0
    # textarea
    th.style.ta.oneline.body.opa = 0
    th.style.ta.oneline.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.ta.oneline.text.font = lv.font_roboto_28
    th.style.ta.oneline.text.color = ctxt
    # slider
    th.style.slider.knob.body.main_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.slider.knob.body.grad_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.slider.knob.body.radius = 5
    th.style.slider.knob.body.border.width = 0
    # page
    th.style.page.bg.body.opa = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.opa = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.left = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.right = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.top = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.bottom = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.left = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.right = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.top = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.bottom = 0


    styles["theme"] = th
    # Title style - just a default style with larger font
    styles["title"] = lv.style_t()
    lv.style_copy(styles["title"], th.style.label.prim)
    styles["title"].text.font = lv.font_roboto_28
    styles["title"].text.color = ctxt

    styles["hint"] = lv.style_t()
    lv.style_copy(styles["hint"], th.style.label.sec)
    styles["hint"].text.font = lv.font_roboto_16

    styles["small"] = lv.style_t()
    lv.style_copy(styles["small"], styles["hint"])
    styles["small"].text.color = ctxt
コード例 #3
import lvgl as lv
import lib.screen.widgets as w
import lib.screen.icons as i
import lib.game.game as g
import time as t
import gc

NIGHT_THEME = lv.theme_night_init(210, lv.font_roboto_16)
DEFAULT_THEME = lv.theme_default_init(210, lv.font_roboto_16)
MATERIAL_THEME = lv.theme_material_init(210, lv.font_roboto_16)

SCR_Y = 32
SCR_X = 40

class App():
    def __init__(self, name, display, buttons, timer, **kwargs):
        self.disp = display
        self.buttons = buttons
        self.tim = timer
        # self.theme = th
        self.group = lv.group_create()
        # lv.theme_set_current(self.theme)
        self.scr = lv.obj()
        self.name = name
        self.items = {}
        self.item_ids = {}
        self.cont = w.Container(self.scr)
コード例 #4
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: wielandgmeiner/specter-diy
def init_styles():
    # Set theme
    th = lv.theme_night_init(210, lv.font_roboto_22)
    # adjusting theme
    # background color
    cbg = lv.color_hex(0x192432)
    th.style.scr.body.main_color = cbg
    th.style.scr.body.grad_color = cbg
    # text color
    # ctxt = lv.color_hex(0x7f8fa4)
    ctxt = lv.color_hex(0xffffff)
    th.style.scr.text.color = ctxt
    # buttons
    cbtnrel = lv.color_hex(0x506072)
    cbtnpr = lv.color_hex(0x405062)
    # btn released
    th.style.btn.rel.body.main_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.btn.rel.body.grad_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.btn.rel.body.shadow.width = 0
    th.style.btn.rel.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btn.rel.body.radius = 10
    # btn pressed
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btn.pr, th.style.btn.rel)
    th.style.btn.pr.body.main_color = cbtnpr
    th.style.btn.pr.body.grad_color = cbtnpr
    # button map released
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.main_color = cbg
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.grad_color = cbg
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.radius = 0
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btnm.btn.rel.body.shadow.width = 0
    # button map pressed
    chl = lv.color_hex(0x313E50)
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.pr, th.style.btnm.btn.rel)
    th.style.btnm.btn.pr.body.main_color = chl
    th.style.btnm.btn.pr.body.grad_color = chl
    # button map inactive
    lv.style_copy(th.style.btnm.btn.ina, th.style.btnm.btn.rel)
    th.style.btnm.btn.ina.text.opa = 80
    # button map background
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.opa = 0
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.btnm.bg.body.shadow.width = 0
    # textarea
    th.style.ta.oneline.body.opa = 0
    th.style.ta.oneline.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.ta.oneline.text.font = lv.font_roboto_28
    # slider
    th.style.slider.knob.body.main_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.slider.knob.body.grad_color = cbtnrel
    th.style.slider.knob.body.radius = 5
    th.style.slider.knob.body.border.width = 0
    # page
    th.style.page.bg.body.opa = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.opa = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.left = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.right = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.top = 0
    th.style.page.bg.body.padding.bottom = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.border.width = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.left = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.right = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.top = 0
    th.style.page.scrl.body.padding.bottom = 0

    styles["theme"] = th


    # Title style - just a default style with larger font
    styles["title"] = lv.style_t()
    lv.style_copy(styles["title"], th.style.label.prim)
    styles["title"].text.font = lv.font_roboto_28
    styles["title"].text.color = lv.color_hex(0xffffff)

    styles["hint"] = lv.style_t()
    lv.style_copy(styles["hint"], th.style.label.sec)
    styles["hint"].text.font = lv.font_roboto_16