コード例 #1
def event_cb(e):
    dsc = lv.obj_draw_part_dsc_t.cast(e.get_param())
    if dsc.part != lv.PART.INDICATOR:

    obj = lv.bar.__cast__(e.get_target())

    label_dsc = lv.draw_label_dsc_t()
    # label_dsc.font = LV_FONT_DEFAULT;

    value_txt = str(obj.get_value())
    txt_size = lv.point_t()
    lv.txt_get_size(txt_size, value_txt, label_dsc.font,
                    label_dsc.letter_space, label_dsc.line_space, lv.COORD.MAX,

    txt_area = lv.area_t()
    # If the indicator is long enough put the text inside on the right
    if dsc.draw_area.get_width() > txt_size.x + 20:
        txt_area.x2 = dsc.draw_area.x2 - 5
        txt_area.x1 = txt_area.x2 - txt_size.x + 1
        label_dsc.color = lv.color_white()
    # If the indicator is still short put the text out of it on the right*/
        txt_area.x1 = dsc.draw_area.x2 + 5
        txt_area.x2 = txt_area.x1 + txt_size.x - 1
        label_dsc.color = lv.color_black()

    txt_area.y1 = dsc.draw_area.y1 + (dsc.draw_area.get_height() -
                                      txt_size.y) // 2
    txt_area.y2 = txt_area.y1 + txt_size.y - 1

    lv.draw_label(txt_area, dsc.clip_area, label_dsc, value_txt, None)
コード例 #2
def slider_event_cb(e):
    code = e.get_code()
    obj = e.get_target()

    # Provide some extra space for the value
    if code == lv.EVENT.REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE:
    elif code == lv.EVENT.DRAW_PART_END:
        # print("DRAW_PART_END")
        dsc = lv.obj_draw_part_dsc_t.__cast__(e.get_param())
        # print(dsc)
        if dsc.part == lv.PART.INDICATOR:
            label_text = "{:d} - {:d}".format(obj.get_left_value(),slider.get_value())
            label_size = lv.point_t()
            lv.txt_get_size(label_size, label_text, lv.font_default(), 0, 0, lv.COORD.MAX, 0)
            # print(label_size.x,label_size.y)
            label_area = lv.area_t()
            label_area.x1 = dsc.draw_area.x1 + dsc.draw_area.get_width() // 2 - label_size.x // 2
            label_area.x2 = label_area.x1 + label_size.x
            label_area.y2 = dsc.draw_area.y1 - 10
            label_area.y1 = label_area.y2 - label_size.y

            label_draw_dsc = lv.draw_label_dsc_t()

            lv.draw_label(label_area, dsc.clip_area, label_draw_dsc, label_text, None)
コード例 #3
    def event_cb(self, e):

        code = e.get_code()
        chart = lv.chart.__cast__(e.get_target())

        if code == lv.EVENT.VALUE_CHANGED:
            # print("last_id: ",self.last_id)
            self.last_id = chart.get_pressed_point()
            if self.last_id != lv.CHART_POINT.NONE:
                p = lv.point_t()
                chart.get_point_pos_by_id(self.ser, self.last_id, p)
                chart.set_cursor_point(self.cursor, None, self.last_id)

        elif code == lv.EVENT.DRAW_PART_END:
            # print("EVENT.DRAW_PART_END")
            dsc = lv.obj_draw_part_dsc_t.cast(e.get_param())
            # if dsc.p1 and dsc.p2:
            # print("p1, p2", dsc.p1,dsc.p2)
            # print("p1.y, p2.y", dsc.p1.y, dsc.p2.y)
            # print("last_id: ",self.last_id)
            if dsc.part == lv.PART.CURSOR and dsc.p1 and dsc.p2 and dsc.p1.y == dsc.p2.y and self.last_id >= 0:

                v = self.ser_p[self.last_id]

                # print("value: ",v)
                value_txt = str(v)
                size = lv.point_t()
                lv.txt_get_size(size, value_txt, lv.font_default(), 0, 0,
                                lv.COORD.MAX, lv.TEXT_FLAG.NONE)

                a = lv.area_t()
                a.y2 = dsc.p1.y - 5
                a.y1 = a.y2 - size.y - 10
                a.x1 = dsc.p1.x + 10
                a.x2 = a.x1 + size.x + 10

                draw_rect_dsc = lv.draw_rect_dsc_t()
                draw_rect_dsc.bg_color = lv.palette_main(lv.PALETTE.BLUE)
                draw_rect_dsc.radius = 3

                lv.draw_rect(a, dsc.clip_area, draw_rect_dsc)

                draw_label_dsc = lv.draw_label_dsc_t()
                draw_label_dsc.color = lv.color_white()
                a.x1 += 5
                a.x2 -= 5
                a.y1 += 5
                a.y2 -= 5
                lv.draw_label(a, dsc.clip_area, draw_label_dsc, value_txt,