コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: lukasraska/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
    cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = request.form.copy()

        if form['bucket'] != get_bucket_token(container):
                "INSERT INTO machine(machine_name, bucket_token) VALUES (?, ?)",
                [container, form['bucket']])
            flash(u'Bucket config for %s saved' % container, 'success')

        # convert boolean in correct value for lxc, if checkbox is inset value is not submitted inside POST
        form['flags'] = 'up' if 'flags' in form else 'down'
        form['start_auto'] = '1' if 'start_auto' in form else '0'

        # if memlimits/memswlimit is at max values unset form values
        if int(form['memlimit']) == host_memory['total']:
            form['memlimit'] = ''
        if int(form['swlimit']) == host_memory['total'] * 2:
            form['swlimit'] = ''

        for option in form.keys():
            # if the key is supported AND is different
            if option in cfg.keys() and form[option] != cfg[option]:
                # validate value with regex
                if re.match(cgroup_ext[option][1], form[option]):
                    flash(cgroup_ext[option][2], 'success')
                        'Cannot validate value for option {}. Unsaved!'.format(
                            option), 'error')

        # we should re-read container configuration now to be coherent with the newly saved values
        cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    info = lxc.info(container)
    infos = {
        'status': info['state'],
        'pid': info['pid'],
        'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container)

    return render_template('edit.html',
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: jaags/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
    cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    if request.method == "POST":
        form = request.form.copy()

        if form["bucket"] != get_bucket_token(container):
            g.db.execute("INSERT INTO machine(machine_name, bucket_token) VALUES (?, ?)", [container, form["bucket"]])
            flash(u"Bucket config for %s saved" % container, "success")

        # convert boolean in correct value for lxc, if checkbox is inset value is not submitted inside POST
        form["flags"] = "up" if "flags" in form else "down"
        form["start_auto"] = "1" if "start_auto" in form else "0"

        # if memlimits/memswlimit is at max values unset form values
        if int(form["memlimit"]) == host_memory["total"]:
            form["memlimit"] = ""
        if int(form["swlimit"]) == host_memory["total"] * 2:
            form["swlimit"] = ""

        for option in form.keys():
            # if the key is supported AND is different
            if option in cfg.keys() and form[option] != cfg[option]:
                # validate value with regex
                if re.match(cgroup_ext[option][1], form[option]):
                    lwp.push_config_value(cgroup_ext[option][0], form[option], container=container)
                    flash(cgroup_ext[option][2], "success")
                    flash("Cannot validate value for option {}. Unsaved!".format(option), "error")

        # we should re-read container configuration now to be coherent with the newly saved values
        cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    info = lxc.info(container)
    infos = {"status": info["state"], "pid": info["pid"], "memusg": lwp.memory_usage(container)}

    # prepare a regex dict from cgroups_ext definition
    regex = {}
    for k, v in cgroup_ext.items():
        regex[k] = v[1]

    return render_template(
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: 62William/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
    cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = request.form.copy()

        if form['bucket'] != get_bucket_token(container):
            g.db.execute("INSERT INTO machine(machine_name, bucket_token) VALUES (?, ?)", [container, form['bucket']])
            flash(u'Bucket config for %s saved' % container, 'success')

        # convert boolean in correct value for lxc, if checkbox is inset value is not submitted inside POST
        form['flags'] = 'up' if 'flags' in form else 'down'
        form['start_auto'] = '1' if 'start_auto' in form else '0'

        # if memlimits/memswlimit is at max values unset form values
        if int(form['memlimit']) == host_memory['total']:
            form['memlimit'] = ''
        if int(form['swlimit']) == host_memory['total'] * 2:
            form['swlimit'] = ''

        for option in form.keys():
            # if the key is supported AND is different
            if option in cfg.keys() and form[option] != cfg[option]:
                # validate value with regex
                if re.match(cgroup_ext[option][1], form[option]):
                    lwp.push_config_value(cgroup_ext[option][0], form[option], container=container)
                    flash(cgroup_ext[option][2], 'success')
                    flash('Cannot validate value for option {}. Unsaved!'.format(option), 'error')

        # we should re-read container configuration now to be coherent with the newly saved values
        cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)

    info = lxc.info(container)
    infos = {'status': info['state'], 'pid': info['pid'], 'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container)}

    # prepare a regex dict from cgroups_ext definition
    regex = {}
    for k, v in cgroup_ext.items():
        regex[k] = v[1]

    return render_template('edit.html', containers=lxc.ls(), container=container, infos=infos,
                           settings=cfg, host_memory=host_memory, storage_repos=storage_repos, regex=regex,
コード例 #4
ファイル: lwp.py プロジェクト: remixtj/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    if 'logged_in' in session:
        host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
            ip_regex = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[12]?[0-9]))?'
            info = lxc.info(container)
            form = {}
            form['type'] = request.form['type']
            form['link'] = request.form['link']
                form['flags'] = request.form['flags']
            except KeyError:
                form['flags'] = 'down'
            form['hwaddr'] = request.form['hwaddress']
            form['rootfs'] = request.form['rootfs']
            form['utsname'] = request.form['hostname']
            form['ipv4'] = request.form['ipaddress']
                form['gateway'] = request.form['gatewayaddress']
            except KeyError:
                form['gateway'] = ''
            form['memlimit'] = request.form['memlimit']
            form['swlimit'] = request.form['swlimit']
            form['cpus'] = request.form['cpus']
            form['shares'] = request.form['cpushares']
                form['autostart'] = request.form['autostart']
            except KeyError:
                form['autostart'] = False

            if form['utsname'] != cfg['utsname'] and re.match('(?!^containers$)|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$', form['utsname']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.utsname', form['utsname'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hostname updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['flags'] != cfg['flags'] and re.match('^(up|down)$', form['flags']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.flags', form['flags'], container=container)
                flash(u'Network flag updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['type'] != cfg['type'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['type']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.type', form['type'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link type updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['link'] != cfg['link'] and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', form['link']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.link', form['link'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link name updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['hwaddr'] != cfg['hwaddr'] and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$', form['hwaddr']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.hwaddr', form['hwaddr'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hardware address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['ipv4'] and form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] ) or ( form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['ipv4']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.ipv4', form['ipv4'], container=container)
                flash(u'IP address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')
            if ( not form['gateway'] and form['gateway'] != cfg['gateway'] ) or ( form['gateway'] != cfg['gateway'] and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['gateway']) ):
                if IPAddress(form['gateway']) in IPNetwork(form['ipv4']):
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.ipv4.gateway', form['gateway'], container=container)
                    flash(u'Gateway address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')
                    flash(u'Gateway address not in same network of ip address','error')

            if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit'] and form['memlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['memlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total']):
                if int(form['memlimit']) == int(host_memory['total']):
                    form['memlimit'] = ''

                if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'], container=container)
                    if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'])
                    flash(u'Memory limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['swlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                if int(form['swlimit']) == int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                    form['swlimit'] = ''

                if form['swlimit'].isdigit(): form['swlimit'] = int(form['swlimit'])
                if form['memlimit'].isdigit(): form['memlimit'] = int(form['memlimit'])

                if ( form['memlimit'] == '' and form['swlimit'] != '' ) or ( form['memlimit'] > form['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'] != '' ):
                    flash(u'Can\'t assign swap memory lower than the memory limit', 'warning')

                elif form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['memlimit'] <= form['swlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'], container=container)
                    if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'])
                    flash(u'Swap limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['cpus'] and form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] ) or ( form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] and re.match('^[0-9,-]+$', form['cpus']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'])
                flash(u'CPUs updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['shares'] and form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] ) or ( form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['shares']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'])
                flash(u'CPU shares updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['rootfs'] != cfg['rootfs'] and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_/\-]+', form['rootfs']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.rootfs', form['rootfs'], container=container)
                flash(u'Rootfs updated!' % container, 'success')

            auto = lwp.ls_auto()
            if form['autostart'] == 'True' and not ('%s.conf' % container) in auto:
                    os.symlink('/var/lib/lxc/%s/config' % container, '/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % container)
                    flash(u'Autostart enabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                    flash(u'Unable to create symlink \'/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf\'' % container, 'error')
            elif not form['autostart'] and ('%s.conf' % container) in auto:
                    os.remove('/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % container)
                    flash(u'Autostart disabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                    flash(u'Unable to remove symlink', 'error')

        info = lxc.info(container)
        status = info['state']
        pid = info['pid']

        infos = {'status': status, 'pid': pid, 'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container)}
        return render_template('edit.html', containers=lxc.ls(), container=container, infos=infos, settings=lwp.get_container_settings(container), host_memory=host_memory)
    return render_template('login.html')
コード例 #5
ファイル: lwp.py プロジェクト: randywallace/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    if 'logged_in' in session:
        host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()

        if request.method == 'POST':
            cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
            ip_regex = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[12]?[0-9]))?'
            info = lxc.info(container)

            form = {}
            form['type'] = request.form['type']
            form['link'] = request.form['link']
                form['flags'] = request.form['flags']
            except KeyError:
                form['flags'] = 'down'
            form['hwaddr'] = request.form['hwaddress']
            form['rootfs'] = request.form['rootfs']
            form['utsname'] = request.form['hostname']
            form['ipv4'] = request.form['ipaddress']
            form['memlimit'] = request.form['memlimit']
            form['swlimit'] = request.form['swlimit']
            form['cpus'] = request.form['cpus']
            form['shares'] = request.form['cpushares']
                form['autostart'] = request.form['autostart']
            except KeyError:
                form['autostart'] = False

            if form['utsname'] != cfg['utsname'] and re.match(
                flash(u'Hostname updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['flags'] != cfg['flags'] and re.match(
                    '^(up|down)$', form['flags']):
                flash(u'Network flag updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['type'] != cfg['type'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['type']):
                flash(u'Link type updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['link'] != cfg['link'] and re.match(
                    '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', form['link']):
                flash(u'Link name updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['hwaddr'] != cfg['hwaddr'] and re.match(
                    '^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$', form['hwaddr']):
                flash(u'Hardware address updated for %s!' % container,

            if (not form['ipv4'] and form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4']) or (
                    form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4']
                    and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['ipv4'])):
                flash(u'IP address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit'] and form[
                    'memlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['memlimit']) <= int(
                if int(form['memlimit']) == int(host_memory['total']):
                    form['memlimit'] = ''

                if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit']:
                    if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    flash(u'Memory limit updated for %s!' % container,

            if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'].isdigit(
            ) and int(form['swlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                if int(form['swlimit']) == int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                    form['swlimit'] = ''

                if form['swlimit'].isdigit():
                    form['swlimit'] = int(form['swlimit'])
                if form['memlimit'].isdigit():
                    form['memlimit'] = int(form['memlimit'])

                if (form['memlimit'] == '' and form['swlimit'] != '') or (
                        form['memlimit'] > form['swlimit']
                        and form['swlimit'] != ''):
                        u'Can\'t assign swap memory lower than the memory limit',

                elif form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form[
                        'memlimit'] <= form['swlimit']:
                    if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    flash(u'Swap limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if (not form['cpus'] and form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus']) or (
                    form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus']
                    and re.match('^[0-9,-]+$', form['cpus'])):
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus',
                flash(u'CPUs updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if (not form['shares'] and form['shares'] != cfg['shares']) or (
                    form['shares'] != cfg['shares']
                    and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['shares'])):
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares',
                flash(u'CPU shares updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['rootfs'] != cfg['rootfs'] and re.match(
                    '^[a-zA-Z0-9_/\-]+', form['rootfs']):
                flash(u'Rootfs updated!' % container, 'success')

            auto = lwp.ls_auto()
            if form['autostart'] == 'True' and not ('%s.conf' %
                                                    container) in auto:
                        '/var/lib/docker/containers/%s/config' % container,
                        '/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % container)
                    flash(u'Autostart enabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                        u'Unable to create symlink \'/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf\'' %
                        container, 'error')
            elif not form['autostart'] and ('%s.conf' % container) in auto:
                    os.remove('/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % container)
                    flash(u'Autostart disabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                    flash(u'Unable to remove symlink', 'error')

        info = lxc.info(container)
        status = info['state']
        pid = info['pid']

        infos = {
            'status': status,
            'pid': pid,
            'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container)
        return render_template('edit.html',
    return render_template('login.html')
コード例 #6
ファイル: lwp.py プロジェクト: techdragon/LXC-Web-Panel-1
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
    cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
    # read config also from databases
    cfg['bucket'] = get_bucket_token(container)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        ip_regex = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[12]?[0-9]))?'
        info = lxc.info(container)

        form = {}
        form['type'] = request.form['type']
        form['link'] = request.form['link']
            form['flags'] = request.form['flags']
        except KeyError:
            form['flags'] = 'down'
        form['hwaddr'] = request.form['hwaddress']
        form['rootfs'] = request.form['rootfs']
        form['utsname'] = request.form['hostname']
        form['ipv4'] = request.form['ipaddress']
        form['memlimit'] = request.form['memlimit']
        form['swlimit'] = request.form['swlimit']
        form['cpus'] = request.form['cpus']
        form['shares'] = request.form['cpushares']
        form['bucket'] = request.form['bucket']
            form['autostart'] = request.form['autostart']
        except KeyError:
            form['autostart'] = False

        if form['utsname'] != cfg['utsname'] and re.match('(?!^containers$)|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$', form['utsname']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.utsname', form['utsname'], container=container)
            flash(u'Hostname updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['flags'] != cfg['flags'] and re.match('^(up|down)$', form['flags']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.flags', form['flags'], container=container)
            flash(u'Network flag updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['type'] != cfg['type'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['type']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.type', form['type'], container=container)
            flash(u'Link type updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['link'] != cfg['link'] and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', form['link']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.link', form['link'], container=container)
            flash(u'Link name updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['hwaddr'] != cfg['hwaddr'] and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$', form['hwaddr']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.hwaddr', form['hwaddr'], container=container)
            flash(u'Hardware address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if (not form['ipv4'] and form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4']) or (form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['ipv4'])):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.ipv4', form['ipv4'], container=container)
            flash(u'IP address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit'] and form['memlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['memlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total']):
            if int(form['memlimit']) == int(host_memory['total']):
                form['memlimit'] = ''

            if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit']:
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'])
                flash(u'Memory limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['swlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
            if int(form['swlimit']) == int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                form['swlimit'] = ''

            if form['swlimit'].isdigit():
                form['swlimit'] = int(form['swlimit'])

            if form['memlimit'].isdigit():
                form['memlimit'] = int(form['memlimit'])

            if (form['memlimit'] == '' and form['swlimit'] != '') or (form['memlimit'] > form['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'] != ''):
                flash(u'Can\'t assign swap memory lower than the memory limit', 'warning')

            elif form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['memlimit'] <= form['swlimit']:
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'])
                flash(u'Swap limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if (not form['cpus'] and form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus']) or (form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] and re.match('^[0-9,-]+$', form['cpus'])):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'], container=container)
            if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'])
            flash(u'CPUs updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if (not form['shares'] and form['shares'] != cfg['shares']) or (form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['shares'])):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'], container=container)
            if info["state"].lower() != 'stopped':
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'])
            flash(u'CPU shares updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        if form['rootfs'] != cfg['rootfs'] and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_/\-]+', form['rootfs']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.rootfs', form['rootfs'], container=container)
            flash(u'Rootfs updated!' % container, 'success')

        if bool(form['autostart']) != bool(cfg['auto']):
            lwp.push_config_value('lxc.start.auto', 1 if form['autostart'] else 0, container=container)
            flash(u'Autostart saved for %s' % container, 'success')

        if form['bucket'] != cfg['bucket']:
            g.db.execute("INSERT INTO machine(machine_name, bucket_token) VALUES (?, ?)", [container, form['bucket']])
            flash(u'Bucket config for %s saved!' % container, 'success')

    info = lxc.info(container)
    status = info['state']
    pid = info['pid']

    infos = {'status': status, 'pid': pid, 'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container)}
    return render_template('edit.html', containers=lxc.ls(), container=container, infos=infos, settings=cfg, host_memory=host_memory, storage_repos=storage_repos)
コード例 #7
ファイル: lwp.py プロジェクト: AlexFinn/LXC-Web-Panel
def edit(container=None):
    if 'logged_in' in session:
        host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
        if request.method == 'POST':
            cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
            ip_regex = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)'

            form = {}
            form['type'] = request.form['type']
            form['link'] = request.form['link']
            form['flags'] = request.form['flags']
            form['hwaddr'] = request.form['hwaddress']
            form['rootfs'] = request.form['rootfs']
            form['utsname'] = request.form['hostname']
            form['ipv4'] = request.form['ipaddress']
            form['memlimit'] = request.form['memlimit']
            form['swlimit'] = request.form['swlimit']
            form['cpus'] = request.form['cpus']
            form['shares'] = request.form['cpushares']

            if form['utsname'] != cfg['utsname'] and re.match('^(?!^containers$)([a-z0-9-]{1,63})|([a-z0-9-\.]{1,63}\.[a-z0-9-\.]{1,63}\.[a-z0-9\.]{1,6})$', form['utsname']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.utsname', form['utsname'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hostname updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['flags'] != cfg['flags'] and re.match('^(up|down)$', form['flags']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.flags', form['flags'], container=container)
                flash(u'Network flag updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['type'] != cfg['type'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['type']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.type', form['type'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link type updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['link'] != cfg['link'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['link']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.link', form['link'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link name updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['hwaddr'] != cfg['hwaddr'] and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$', form['hwaddr']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.hwaddr', form['hwaddr'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hardware address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if (not form['ipv4'] and form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4']) or (form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['ipv4'])):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.ipv4', form['ipv4'], container=container)
                flash(u'IP address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['memlimit']) and int(form['memlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total']):
                if int(form['memlimit']) == int(host_memory['total']):
                    form['memlimit'] = ''
                if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'], container=container)
                    flash(u'Memory limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['swlimit']) and int(form['swlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                if int(form['swlimit']) == int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                    form['swlimit'] = ''
                if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'], container=container)
                    flash(u'Swap limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if (not form['cpus'] and form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus']) or (form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] and re.match('^[0-9,-]+$', form['cpus'])):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'], container=container)
                flash(u'CPUs updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if (not form['shares'] and form['shares'] != cfg['shares']) or (form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['shares'])):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'], container=container)
                flash(u'CPU shares updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

        info = lxc.info(container)
        status = info['state']
        pid = info['pid']

        infos = {'status':status, 'pid':pid, 'memusg':lwp.memory_usage(container)}
        return render_template('edit.html', containers=lwp.ls(), container=container, infos=infos, settings=lwp.get_container_settings(container), host_memory=host_memory)
    return render_template('login.html')
コード例 #8
def edit(container=None):
    edit containers page and actions if form post request
    if 'logged_in' in session:
        host_memory = lwp.host_memory_usage()
        info = lxc.info(container)

        if request.method == 'POST':
            cfg = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
            ip_regex = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[12]?[0-9]))?'

            form = {}
            form['type'] = request.form['type']
            form['link'] = request.form['link']
                form['flags'] = request.form['flags']
            except KeyError:
                form['flags'] = 'down'
            form['hwaddr'] = request.form['hwaddress']
            form['rootfs'] = request.form['rootfs']
            form['utsname'] = request.form['hostname']
            form['ipv4'] = request.form['ipaddress']
            form['memlimit'] = request.form['memlimit']
            form['swlimit'] = request.form['swlimit']
            form['cpus'] = request.form['cpus']
            form['shares'] = request.form['cpushares']
                form['autostart'] = request.form['autostart']
            except KeyError:
                form['autostart'] = False

            form['priority'] = request.form['priority']
            if form['priority'].isdigit():
                form['priority'] = int(form['priority'])
                form['priority'] = ''

            if form['utsname'] != cfg['utsname'] and re.match('(?!^containers$)|^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$', form['utsname']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.utsname', form['utsname'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hostname updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['flags'] != cfg['flags'] and re.match('^(up|down)$', form['flags']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.flags', form['flags'], container=container)
                flash(u'Network flag updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['type'] != cfg['type'] and re.match('^\w+$', form['type']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.type', form['type'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link type updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['link'] != cfg['link'] and re.match('^[\w\d]+$', form['link']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.link', form['link'], container=container)
                flash(u'Link name updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['hwaddr'] != cfg['hwaddr'] and re.match('^([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}$', form['hwaddr']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.hwaddr', form['hwaddr'], container=container)
                flash(u'Hardware address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['ipv4'] and form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] ) or ( form['ipv4'] != cfg['ipv4'] and re.match('^%s$' % ip_regex, form['ipv4']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.network.ipv4', form['ipv4'], container=container)
                flash(u'IP address updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit'] and form['memlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['memlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total']):
                if int(form['memlimit']) == int(host_memory['total']):
                    form['memlimit'] = ''

                if form['memlimit'] != cfg['memlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', form['memlimit'], container=container)
                    if info["state"].lower() != "stopped":
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', int(form['memlimit'])*1024*1024)
                    flash(u'Memory limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'].isdigit() and int(form['swlimit']) <= int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                if int(form['swlimit']) == int(host_memory['total'] * 2):
                    form['swlimit'] = ''

                if form['swlimit'].isdigit(): form['swlimit'] = int(form['swlimit'])
                if form['memlimit'].isdigit(): form['memlimit'] = int(form['memlimit'])

                if ( form['memlimit'] == '' and form['swlimit'] != '' ) or ( form['memlimit'] > form['swlimit'] and form['swlimit'] != '' ):
                    flash(u'Can\'t assign swap memory lower than the memory limit', 'warning')

                elif form['swlimit'] != cfg['swlimit'] and form['memlimit'] <= form['swlimit']:
                    lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', form['swlimit'], container=container)
                    if info["state"].lower() != "stopped":
                        lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes', int(form['swlimit'])*1024*1024)
                    flash(u'Swap limit updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['cpus'] and form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] ) or ( form['cpus'] != cfg['cpus'] and re.match('^[0-9,-]+$', form['cpus']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != "stopped":
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus', form['cpus'])
                flash(u'CPUs updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if ( not form['shares'] and form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] ) or ( form['shares'] != cfg['shares'] and re.match('^[0-9]+$', form['shares']) ):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'], container=container)
                if info["state"].lower() != "stopped":
                    lxc.cgroup(container, 'lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares', form['shares'])
                flash(u'CPU shares updated for %s!' % container, 'success')

            if form['rootfs'] != cfg['rootfs'] and re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_/\-]+', form['rootfs']):
                lwp.push_config_value('lxc.rootfs', form['rootfs'], container=container)
                flash(u'Rootfs updated!' % container, 'success')

            auto = lwp.ls_auto()
            if form['autostart'] == 'True' and (not container in auto or auto[container] != form['priority']):
                    if container in auto and auto[container]:
                        old_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%06d-%s.conf' % (auto[container], container,)
                        if os.path.exists(old_conf):
                            flash(u'Autostart for %s: old priority dropped' % container, 'success')
                        old_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % (container,)
                        if os.path.exists(old_conf):
                            flash(u'Autostart for %s: default priority dropped' % container, 'success')

                    if form['priority']:
                        new_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%06d-%s.conf' % (form['priority'], container, )
                        flash(u'Autostart for %s: set new priority' % container, 'success')
                        new_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % (container,)

                    os.symlink('/var/lib/lxc/%s/config' % container, new_conf)
                    flash(u'Autostart enabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                    flash(u'Unable to create symlink \'/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf\'' % container, 'error')
            elif not form['autostart'] and container in auto:
                    if auto[container]:
                        old_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%06d-%s.conf' % (auto[container], container, )
                        old_conf = '/etc/lxc/auto/%s.conf' % (container, )
                    flash(u'Autostart disabled for %s' % container, 'success')
                except OSError:
                    flash(u'Unable to remove symlink', 'error')

        info = lxc.info(container)
        status = info['state']
        pid = info['pid']

        infos = {
            'status': status,
            'pid': pid,
            'memusg': lwp.memory_usage(container),
            'cpu': lwp.container_cpu_percent(container),
            'max_memusg': lwp.max_memory_usage(container),
            'diskusg': lwp.get_filesystem_usage(container)

        settings = lwp.get_container_settings(container)
        settings["ipv4_hint"] = 'Undefined'
        if settings["ipv4_real"]:
            settings["ipv4_hint"] = settings["ipv4"]
            settings["ipv4"] = ''

        # Align value to slider step
        host_memory["total"] -= host_memory["total"] % 2

        return render_template('edit.html',
    return render_template('login.html')