コード例 #1
    def _handle_text(cls, node: etree._Element, do_handle_tail_instead=False):
        if do_handle_tail_instead:
            if not node.tail or not node.tail.strip():
            text = node.tail
            node.tail = ''
            insert_node = node.getparent()
            insert_start = insert_node.index(node) + 1
            if not node.text or not node.text.strip():
            text = node.text.strip()
            node.text = ''
            insert_node = node
            insert_start = 0

        word_nodes = cls._str_2_word_nodes(text)

        # the child nodes all get the classes of the parents.  that's used later in postproc
        for word_node in word_nodes:
                cls.PARENT_CLASS_ATTRIB_NAME] = insert_node.attrib.get(
                    'class', '')

        # set the newly created word nodes as children of the parent node.
        # for text they go below the current node, at the beginning.
        # for tail, they get inserted into the current node's parent after the current node.
        for word_ind, word_node in enumerate(word_nodes):
            insert_node.insert(word_ind + insert_start, word_node)

コード例 #2
    def fix_tail(self, item: etree._Element) -> None:
        """Fix self-closing elements.

        Designed only to work with self closing elements after item has just
        been inserted/appended
        parent = item.getparent()
        idx = parent.index(item)
        if idx == 0:
            # item is the first child element, move the text to after item
            item.tail = parent.text
            # There are other elements, possibly also text, before this child
            # element.
            # Move this element's tail to the previous element (note: .text is
            # only the text after the last child element, text before that and
            # surrounding elements are attributes of the elements)
            item.tail = parent[idx - 1].tail
            # If this is the last child element, it gets the remaining text.
            if idx == len(parent) - 1:
                parent[idx - 1].tail = parent.text
コード例 #3
    def _add_kobo_spans_to_node(
        self, node: etree._Element, name: str
    ) -> etree._Element:
        # process node only if it is not a comment or a processing instruction
        if (
            node is None
            or isinstance(node, etree._Comment)
            or isinstance(node, etree._ProcessingInstruction)
            if node is not None:
                node.tail = None
            self.log.debug(f"[{name}] Skipping comment/ProcessingInstruction node")
            return node

        # Special case some tags
        special_tag_match = re.search(r"^(?:\{[^\}]+\})?(\w+)$", node.tag)
        if special_tag_match:
            # Skipped tags are just flat out skipped
            if special_tag_match.group(1) in SKIPPED_TAGS:
                self.log.debug(f"[{name}] Skipping '{special_tag_match.group(1)}' tag")
                return node

            # Special tags get wrapped in a span and their children are ignored
            if special_tag_match.group(1) in SPECIAL_TAGS:
                    f"[{name}] Wrapping '{special_tag_match.group(1)}' tag and "
                    + "ignoring children"
                span = etree.Element(
                        "id": f"kobo.{self.paragraph_counter[name]}.1",
                        "class": "koboSpan",
                return span

        # save node content for later
        node_text = node.text
        node_children = deepcopy(node.getchildren())
        node_attrs = {}
        for key in list(node.keys()):
            node_attrs[key] = node.get(key)

        # reset current node, to start from scratch

        # restore node attributes
        for key in node_attrs:
            node.set(key, node_attrs[key])

        # the node text is converted to spans
        if node_text is not None:
            if not self._append_kobo_spans_from_text(node, node_text, name):
                # didn't add spans, restore text
                node.text = node_text
                self.paragraph_counter[name] += 1

        # re-add the node children
        for child in node_children:
            # save child tail for later
            child_tail = child.tail
            child.tail = None
            node.append(self._add_kobo_spans_to_node(child, name))
            # the child tail is converted to spans
            if child_tail is not None:
                if not self._append_kobo_spans_from_text(node, child_tail, name):
                    # didn't add spans, restore tail on last child
                    node[-1].tail = child_tail
                    self.paragraph_counter[name] += 1

        return node