def _ext(ext): return L.div / ( L.small('.extlink') / ( L.a(href='/ext/%s.html' % ext['ext_id']) / ('#' + ext['ext_id']) ), L.h2(id=ext['ext_id']) / (L.a(href=ext['url'] if ext['url'] else '') / ext['name']), L.small / _add_commas(ext['user_count']), L.ul / (( / ( L.a(href=file['storage_url']) / ( file['name'].replace('.zip', ''), ' - ', L.small / (' ' + _sizeof_fmt(file['size'])), ), ' ', L.small / ( L.a(target='_blank', rel='noreferrer', href=VIEW_SOURCE_URL + file['storage_url']) / 'view source' ), ) ) for file in ext['files']) )
def depute(request, dep_id): dep = Depute.objects.get(identifiant=dep_id) dossiers = Dossier.objects.filter( date_promulgation__isnull=False).order_by("-date_promulgation", "titre") return HttpResponse( template([ _render_breadcrumb([dep]), L.p / ( L.a(href=dep.url() + "/lois-en-cours") / L.button(".btn.btn-warning") / "voir lois en cours", ' ', L.a(href=dep.url() + "/autres-votes") / L.button(".btn.btn-warning") / "voir autres votes", ), L.h2 / ["Lois", L.small(".text-muted") / " promulguées"], L.div(".list-group") / [ L. a(".list-group-item.list-group-item-action.flex-column.align-items-start", href=dos.url(dep)) / [ L.div(".d-flex.w-100.justify-content-between") / [ L.h5(".mb-1") / dos.titre, _display_depute_vote(dos, dep), ] ] for dos in dossiers ] ]))
def _ext(ext): return L.div / ( L.small('.extlink') / ( L.a(href='/ext/%s.html' % ext['ext_id']) / ('#' + ext['ext_id']) ), L.h2(id=ext['ext_id']) / (L.a(href=ext['url'] if ext['url'] else '') / ext['name']), L.small / _add_commas(ext['user_count']), L.ul / (( / ( L.a(href=file['storage_url']) / ( file['name'].replace('.zip', ''), ' - ', L.small / (' ' + _sizeof_fmt(file['size'])), ' - ', L.small / (file['created']), ), ' ', L.small / ( L.a(target='_blank', rel='noreferrer', href=VIEW_SOURCE_URL + file['storage_url']) / 'view source' ), ) ) for file in ext['files']) )
def homepage(request): deputes = Depute.objects.filter(actif=True).order_by( Lower('nom'), 'prenom') return HttpResponse( template([ raw(""" <div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info"> <p>Ce site permet de retrouver facilement les votes de vos députés</p> <p>Vous pouvez trouver votre député par circonscription sur <a href="" class="alert-link">NosDéputé</a></p> </div> """), L.p / L.a(href="/deputes/inactifs") / L.button(".btn.btn-warning") / "voir députés inactifs", L.h2 / ["Députés ", L.small(".text-muted") / " actifs"], L.div(".list-group") / [ L. a(".list-group-item.list-group-item-action.flex-column.align-items-start", href=dep.url()) / [ L.div(".d-flex.w-100.justify-content-between") / [ L.h5(".mb-1") / f"{dep.nom}, {dep.prenom}", L.small / f"{dep.groupe}" ] ] for dep in deputes ], ]))
def model(requests, model_name): app = apps.get_app_config('core') model = app.models[model_name] return HttpResponse(str(L.ul / ( ( / L.a(href='/'+model_name+'/' / str(obj) ) for obj in model.objects.all() )))
def index(requests): app = apps.get_app_config('core') html_names = [] for model_name, model in app.models.items(): html_names.append( / L.a(href='/'+model_name + '/') / model_name) return HttpResponse(str(L.ul / html_names))
def _base(content, title_prefix=''): return str(L.html / ( L.head / ( L.meta(charset="utf-8"), L.meta(content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1", name="viewport"), L.title / (title_prefix + "Chrome Extensions Archive"),"/style.css", media="screen", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css"), ), L.body() / ( L.a(href='/') / (L.h1 / "Chrome Extensions Archive"), L.div(style='text-align: right') / ( L.a(href="") / "" ),, content, ), ))
def _base(content='', title_prefix=''): return str(L.html / ( L.head / ( L.meta(charset="utf-8"), L.meta(content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1", name="viewport"), L.title / (title_prefix + "Chrome Extensions Archive"),"/style.css", media="screen", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css"), ), L.body() / ( L.a(href='/') / (L.h1 / "Chrome Extensions Archive"), L.div(style='text-align: right') / ( L.a(href="") / "" ),, content, ), ))
def ext(ext): return _base((_ext( ext ), L.p('.description') / _nl2br(ext['full_description']), L.small / (L.a( '.removal-request', href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=Extension removal request&body=' + str(ext.get('ext_id'))) / 'request removal from the archive', ),, L.pre('.pprint') / json.dumps(ext, indent=2, sort_keys=True)), title_prefix=ext['name'] + ' - ')
def ext(ext): return _base(( _ext(ext), L.p('.description') / _nl2br(ext['full_description']), L.small / ( 'Are you the owner of the extension ?', L.a('.removal-request', href='mailto:[email protected]?subject=Extension removal request&body=' + str(ext.get('ext_id')) + '%0A%0A%0Aproof you are the owner of this extension:') / 'request removal from', ),, L.pre('.pprint') / json.dumps(ext, indent=2, sort_keys=True) ), title_prefix=ext['name']+ ' - ')
def ext(ext): return _base(( _ext(ext), L.p('.description') / _nl2br(ext['full_description']), L.small / ( 'Are you the owner of the extension ?', L.a('.removal-request', href='mailto:[email protected]? - Contact as owner&body=' + str(ext.get('ext_id')) + '%0A%0A%0Aproof you are the owner of this extension (own an email related to the extension / dashboard screenshot):') / 'Contact as owner', ),, L.pre('.pprint') / json.dumps(ext, indent=2, sort_keys=True) ), title_prefix=ext['name']+ ' - ')
def _render_breadcrumb(els): def _el_url(el): nonlocal els if hasattr(el, 'url'): if el == els[0]: return el.url() else: return el.url(els[0]) return L.ol(".breadcrumb") / [( ('.breadcrumb-item') / L.a(href=_el_url(el)) / str(el)) if el != els[-1] else ('') / str(el))) for el in els]
def depute_scrutin(request, dep_id, scrutin_id): dep = Depute.objects.get(identifiant=dep_id) scrutin = Scrutin.objects.get(id=scrutin_id) return HttpResponse( template([ _render_breadcrumb( [dep, scrutin.dossier, scrutin.etape, scrutin.objet]), L.span('.badge.badge-info') / ( 'Le ',, (' ', scrutin.heure) if scrutin.heure else None, ), ((L.p / L.a(href=scrutin.url_an) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / "scrutin") if scrutin else None), ]))
def depute_article(request, dep_id, etape_id, article): dep = Depute.objects.get(identifiant=dep_id) etape = Etape.objects.get(identifiant=etape_id) dos = etape.dossier try: scrutin = etape.scrutin_set.filter(article=article).first() except: scrutin = None return HttpResponse( template([ _render_breadcrumb([dep, dos, etape, article]), (L.span('.badge.badge-info') / ( 'Le ',, (' ', scrutin.heure) if scrutin.heure else None, ), ) if scrutin else None, ((L.p / L.a(href=scrutin.url_an) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / "scrutin") if scrutin else None), ]))
def depute_dossier(request, dep_id, dos_id): dep = Depute.objects.get(identifiant=dep_id) dos = Dossier.objects.get(identifiant=dos_id) etapes = Etape.objects.filter(dossier=dos).order_by("-date") return HttpResponse( template([ _render_breadcrumb([dep, dos]), L.p / L.a(href=dos.url_an()) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / "dossier législatif", L.h2 / [ "Étapes", ], L.div(".list-group") / [ L. a(".list-group-item.list-group-item-action.flex-column.align-items-start", href=etape.url(dep)) / [ L.div(".d-flex.w-100.justify-content-between") / [ L.h5(".mb-1") / etape.titre, _display_etape_vote(etape, dep), ] ] for etape in etapes ] ]))
def _page(p): name = ('pages/' + str(p) if p > 1 else 'index') + '.html' link = L.a(href='/' + name) / (' %d ' % p) if p == page: return L.strong / link return link
def _simple_ext(ext): return L.div / (L.a(href='/ext/%s.html' % ext['ext_id']) / ext.get('name'))
def _page(p): link = L.a(href='/' + name) / (' %d ' % p) if p == page: return L.strong / link return link
def depute_etape(request, dep_id, etape_id): dep = Depute.objects.get(identifiant=dep_id) etape = Etape.objects.get(identifiant=etape_id) dos = etape.dossier try: scrutin = etape.scrutin_set.filter(dossier__isnull=True, article__isnull=True).first() except: scrutin = None articles = etape.scrutin_set.values_list( 'article', flat=True).order_by('article').distinct() articles = [a for a in articles if a] articles.sort(key=_sort_articles) scrutins_amendements = etape.scrutin_set.filter(dossier=dos, etape=etape) return HttpResponse( template([ _render_breadcrumb([dep, dos, etape]), (L.span('.badge.badge-info') / ( 'Le ',, (' ', scrutin.heure) if scrutin.heure else None, ), ) if scrutin else None, L.p / (( ' ', L.a(href=scrutin.url_an) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / f'Scrutin', ( ' ', L.a(href=scrutin.url_video) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / "video du vote", ) if scrutin.url_video else None, ( ' ', L.a(href=scrutin.url_CR) / L.button(".btn.btn-info") / "compte-rendu", ) if scrutin.url_CR else None, ) if scrutin else None), (L.h2 / ["Articles", L.small(".text-muted") / " votés"], L.div(".list-group") / [ L. a(".list-group-item.list-group-item-action.flex-column.align-items-start", href="/" + dep.identifiant + "/etape/" + etape.identifiant + "/article/" + article) / [ L.div(".d-flex.w-100.justify-content-between") / [ L.h5(".mb-1") / f"Article {article}", _display_article_vote(etape, dep, article), ] ] for article in articles ]) if articles else None, (,, L.h2 / [ "Amendements et motions", L.small(".text-muted") / " votés" ], L.div(".list-group") / [ L. a(".list-group-item.list-group-item-action.flex-column.align-items-start", href="/" + dep.identifiant + "/scrutin/" + str( / [ L.div(".d-flex.w-100.justify-content-between") / [ L.h5(".mb-1") / f"{amdt_scrutin.objet}", _display_scrutin_vote(dep, amdt_scrutin), ] ] for amdt_scrutin in scrutins_amendements ]) if scrutins_amendements.count() else None, ]))
def index(request): email = None message = None if 'token' in request.GET: try: token = LoginToken.objects.get(email=request.GET['email'], token=request.GET['token']) email = except LoginToken.DoesNotExist: pass if email: # logged in account = Account.objects.get(email=email) if request.method == 'POST': # todo: atomize / transaction # todo: validate email dest_email = request.POST['email'] dest_amount = -1 message = 'invalid amount' try: dest_amount = int(request.POST['amount']) except ValueError: pass optional_message = '' if request.POST['message']: optional_message = '\nHis message: \n' + slugify(request.POST['message'][:140], allow_unicode=True) if account.amount >= dest_amount and dest_amount > 0: # TODO: else "not enough founds" try: dest_account = Account.objects.get(email=dest_email) dest_account.amount += dest_amount except Account.DoesNotExist: dest_account = Account.objects.create(email=dest_email, amount=dest_amount) token = get_random_string() LoginToken.objects.create(email=dest_email, token=token, + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) send_mail('[petals] %s sent you %d petals' % (email, dest_amount), """%s sent you %d petals.%s You current balance is now: %d petals """ % (email, dest_amount, optional_message, dest_account.amount, token, dest_email), '*****@*****.**', [dest_email], fail_silently=False) account.amount -= dest_amount message = '%d sent' % dest_amount else: if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST['email'] try: account = Account.objects.get(email=email) token = get_random_string() LoginToken.objects.create(email=email, token=token, + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) send_mail('[petals] link to connect to your account', """Here is a temporary link to connect to your account: """ % (token, email), '*****@*****.**', [email], fail_silently=False) message = 'connection link sent to %s' % email except Account.DoesNotExist: pass email = None # lol total = sum([account.amount for account in Account.objects.all()]) content = L.div('.container') / ( L.div('.row') / ( L.div('.col-sm-12') / ( L.h3 / (L.a(href='/') / 'Petal'), L.strong / ('%d petals in circulation' % total),, ), ), ( L.div('.row') / ( L.div('.col-sm-3') / ( L.h3 / email, L.p / ('You have %d petals' % account.amount), L.h4 / 'send petals', L.form(method='post') / ( L.input(type='hidden', name='csrfmiddlewaretoken', value=get_token(request)), L.div / ( L.label('control-label') / 'email',, L.input(name='email'), ), L.div / ( L.label('control-label') / 'amount',, L.input(name='amount', type='number'), ), L.div / ( L.label('control-label') / 'message (optional)',, L.input(name='message', max_length="140"), ),, L.button(type='submit') / 'send petals', ), L.i / message, ), ) ) if email else ( L.div('.row') / ( L.div('.col-sm-3') / ( L.h3 / 'see your account', L.p / 'You will receive an email with a link to login to your account', L.form(method='post') / ( L.input(type='hidden', name='csrfmiddlewaretoken', value=get_token(request)), L.div / ( L.label('control-label') / 'email',, L.input(name='email'), ),, L.button(type='submit') / 'send email with login link' ), L.i / message, ), ) ) ) return HttpResponse(tpl_base(content))
from lys import L, raw REPO_DIR = sys.argv[1] OUTPUT_DIR = sys.argv[2] template = open('template.html').read() repo = git.Repo(REPO_DIR) # <repo>/index.html listing branches pathlib.Path(OUTPUT_DIR).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/index.html', 'w') as f: html = L.ul / ( ( / L.a( / ) for branch in repo.branches ) f.write(template.replace('{{CONTENT}}', str(html)).replace('template_files/', '../template_files/')) for branch in repo.branches: # <repo>/<branch>/index.html pathlib.Path(f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/{}').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/{}/index.html', 'w') as f: html = L.ul / ( ( / L.a(href=commit.hexsha + '.html') / commit.message.strip().split('\n')[0] ) for commit in repo.iter_commits(branch) ) f.write(template.replace('{{CONTENT}}', str(html)).replace('template_files/', '../../template_files/'))