コード例 #1
 def _decompress(cls,
                 data: typing.Iterable[bytes]) -> typing.Iterable[bytes]:
     with LZ4FrameDecompressor() as decomp:
         for chunk in data:
             if not chunk:
             yield decomp.decompress(chunk)
         assert decomp.eof
コード例 #2
ファイル: store.py プロジェクト: xoriole/tribler
    def process_compressed_mdblob(self, compressed_data, **kwargs):
            with LZ4FrameDecompressor() as decompressor:
                decompressed_data = decompressor.decompress(compressed_data)
                unused_data = decompressor.unused_data
        except RuntimeError as e:
            self._logger.warning(f"Unable to decompress mdblob: {str(e)}")
            return []

        health_info = None
        if unused_data:
                health_info = HealthItemsPayload.unpack(unused_data)
            except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except  # pragma: no cover
                self._logger.warning(f"Unable to parse health information: {type(e).__name__}: {str(e)}")

        return self.process_squashed_mdblob(decompressed_data, health_info=health_info, **kwargs)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Decompress.py プロジェクト: MinshuG/pyUE4Parse
def Decompress(buffer: bytes, method, decompressSize=0) -> bytes:
    if method == "Oodle":
        from ..Oodle import Decompress as OoDecompress
        result = OoDecompress(buffer=buffer, decompressLength=decompressSize)
        assert len(result) == decompressSize
        return result
    elif method == "Gzip":
        from gzip import decompress as gDecompress
        result = gDecompress(buffer)
        assert len(result) == decompressSize
        return result
    elif method == "Zlib":
        from zlib import decompress as zDecompress
        result = zDecompress(buffer, bufsize=decompressSize)
        assert len(result) == decompressSize
        return result
    elif method == "LZ4":
        from lz4.frame import LZ4FrameDecompressor
        lz4Decompress = LZ4FrameDecompressor().decompress
        result = lz4Decompress(buffer, max_length=decompressSize)
        assert len(result) == decompressSize
        return result
        raise NotImplementedError("Unknown Compression Method " + str(method))
コード例 #4
def test_metadata_compressor():
    SERIALIZED_METADATA = f"<{'S' * 1000}>".encode('ascii')
    SERIALIZED_DELETE = f"<{'D' * 100}>".encode('ascii')
    SERIALIZED_HEALTH = "1,2,1234567890;".encode('ascii')

    metadata = Mock()
    metadata.status = NEW
    metadata.serialized = Mock(return_value=SERIALIZED_METADATA)
    metadata.serialized_delete = Mock(return_value=SERIALIZED_DELETE)
    metadata.serialized_health = Mock(return_value=SERIALIZED_HEALTH)

    def add_items(mc: MetadataCompressor, expected_items_count: int):
        prev_size = 0
        for i in range(1, 1000):
            item_was_added = mc.put(metadata)
            if not item_was_added:
                assert mc.count == i - 1  # last item was not added
                assert mc.count == expected_items_count  # compressor was able to add 10 items only

            assert mc.count == i  # after the element was successfully added, the count should increase
            assert mc.size > prev_size  # with each item the total size should become bigger
            prev_size = mc.size
            assert False  # too many items was added, something is wrong

        assert prev_size < mc.chunk_size  # total size should fit into the chunk

        assert not mc.closed
        result = mc.close()
        assert mc.closed
        assert isinstance(result, bytes)
        assert len(result) == prev_size
        assert len(result) < len(
        ) * expected_items_count  # our test data should be easy to compress

        return result

    # compressing a normal data without a health info

    mc = MetadataCompressor(200)
    assert mc.chunk_size == 200
    assert not mc.include_health  # include_health is False by default
    assert mc.count == 0  # no items added yet

    expected_items_count = 10  # chunk of size 200 should be enough to put 10 test items
    data = add_items(mc, expected_items_count)

    d = LZ4FrameDecompressor()
    decompressed = d.decompress(data)
    assert decompressed == SERIALIZED_METADATA * expected_items_count  # check the correctness of the decompressed data
    unused_data = d.unused_data
    assert not unused_data  # if health info is not included, no unused_data should be placed after the LZ4 frame

    assert metadata.serialized_health.assert_not_called
    assert metadata.serialized_delete.assert_not_called

    # cannot operate on closed MetadataCompressor

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='^Compressor is already closed$'):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='^Compressor is already closed$'):

    # chunk size is not enough even for a single item

    mc = MetadataCompressor(10)
    added = mc.put(metadata)
    # first item should be added successfully even if the size of compressed item is bigger than the chunk size
    assert added
    size = mc.size
    assert size > mc.chunk_size

    added = mc.put(metadata)
    assert not added  # second item was not added
    assert mc.count == 1
    assert mc.size == size  # size was not changed

    data = mc.close()
    d = LZ4FrameDecompressor()
    decompressed = d.decompress(data)
    assert decompressed == SERIALIZED_METADATA

    # include health info

    mc = MetadataCompressor(200, True)
    assert mc.include_health

    expected_items_count = 5  # with health info we can put at most 10 test items into the chunk of size 200
    data = add_items(mc, expected_items_count)

    d = LZ4FrameDecompressor()
    decompressed = d.decompress(data)
    assert decompressed == SERIALIZED_METADATA * expected_items_count  # check the correctness of the decompressed data
    unused_data = d.unused_data

    assert metadata.serialized_health.assert_called
    assert metadata.serialized_delete.assert_not_called

    health_items = HealthItemsPayload.unpack(unused_data)
    assert len(health_items) == expected_items_count
    for health_item in health_items:
        assert health_item == (1, 2, 1234567890)