コード例 #1
def respondInput(userInput):
	if (userInput=="How is your day?" or userInput=="How was your day?" 
		or userInput=="How are you?" or userInput=="How are you"):
		return True
	elif (userInput=="Impress my friends"):
		system("say watch the train go by... choo choo & sl")
		return True
	elif (userInput=="Goodbye" or userInput=="Quit" or userInput=="Bye" or userInput=="See ya"):
		system("say See you soon!")
		return False
	elif (userInput=="What is my current location?"):
		system("say I am not yet able to determine your location"+
		 "However, that feature will be coming soon")
		return True
	elif (userInput=="What is the weather?"):
		system("say I am not yet able to determine the weather"+
			"However, that feature will be coming soon")
		return True
	elif (userInput=="What is your name?"):
		system("say My name is %s"%(getName()))
		return True
	elif (userInput=="What time is it?"or userInput=="What time is it"):
		return True
	elif (userInput=="Lets talk"):
		return True
	elif (userInput=="Clear"):
		system("clear & say Done!")
		return True
	elif(userInput[0:4]=="Say "):
			system("say %s"%(userInput[4:]))
			system("say ...")
		return True
	elif(userInput[:9]=="Show face"):
		return True
		system("open%s & say opening"%(userInput[4:]))
		return True
		system("say I did not recognize your input.")
		return True
コード例 #2
def respondInput(self, userInput, areSilent):
    if userInput == "How is your day" or userInput == "How was your day" or userInput == "How are you":
    elif userInput == "Impress my friends":
        system("say watch the train go by... choo choo & sl")
    elif userInput == "Goodbye" or userInput == "Quit" or userInput == "Bye" or userInput == "See ya":
        system("say See you soon!")
        return False
    elif userInput == "What is my current location":
        system("say I am not yet able to determine your location" + "However, that feature will be coming soon")
    elif userInput == "What is the temperature":
    elif userInput == "What is your name":
        system("say My name is %s" % (mabUtilities.getName()))
    elif userInput == "What time is it" or userInput == "What time is it":
    elif userInput == "Let's talk":
    elif userInput == "Clear":
        system("clear & say Done!")
    elif userInput == "Are you better than siri":
        system("say Yes, by a long shot")
    elif userInput[0:4] == "Say ":
            system('say "%s"' % (userInput[4:]))
            system("say ...")
    elif userInput[:9] == "Show face":
        print("\n" + mabUtilities.colors.MAGENTA + mabFaces.getFace(userInput[10:]) + mabUtilities.colors.NOCOL)
    elif userInput[:4] == "Open":
        system("open%s & say opening" % (userInput[4:]))
    elif userInput == "Aperature":
        for line in mabFaces.aperatureFace.split("\n"):
            print(mabUtilities.colors.RED + line + mabUtilities.colors.NOCOL)
        system("say The cake is a lie!")
    elif userInput == "Stop listening":
    elif userInput == "Respond silently" or userInput == "Shut up":
        system("say I will listen, but only respond if I know what you said")
        return "silent"
    elif userInput == "Do not respond silently":
        system("say I will always respond to what you say")
        return "not silent"
    elif userInput == "##--(system)error: did not understand response.--##":
        if not areSilent:
            system("say I am having a hard time understanding you")
    elif userInput == "Run updated version" or userInput == "Reboot" or userInput == "Update":
                'osascript -e \'tell application "Terminal" to activate\' -e \'tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down\' -e \'tell application "Terminal" to do script "mab.run" in selected tab of the front window\''
            system("say I am unable to do this right now.")
        return False
    elif userInput == "N01nt3rn31":
        system("say I am unable to connect to the internet right now...")
    elif userInput == "Open website":
        system("say Navigating to GitHub & open https://github.com/yoze15/My-Artificial-Buddy")
    elif userInput == "Open hub" or userInput == "GitHub":
        system("open ~/../../Applications/GitHub.app/")
    elif (
        userInput == "Rebuild database"
        or userInput == "Update responses"
        or userInput == "Update database"
        or userInput == "Rebuild responses"
        or userInput == "Rebuild response database"
        system("say My response database has been rebuilt")
        if userInput in self.responseDatabase.keys():
            system("say %s" % (self.definedResponse(userInput)))
            system("say Ummm, come again?")

    return True