コード例 #1
import time, math  # include time and math module

adc = ADC(Pin(Map.WIO_MIC))  # create ADC on built-in Mic Pin

WINDOW_SIZE = 50  # amount of previous signal entries that can be averaged together

# set variables to 0
SUM = 0
dB = 0

tft = LCD()  # LCD initialization
tft.setRotation(3)  # set screen rotation
spr = Sprite(tft)  # initialize buffer
spr.createSprite(320, 75)  # create buffer

ltx = 0  # saved x coordinate of bottom of needle
osx = 160  # saved x coordinate
osy = 160  # saved y coordinate
updateTime = 0  # time for next update

# create function to draw all graphics on LCD
def analogMeter():
    tft.fillScreen(tft.color.YELLOW)  # set background color
    tft.fillRect(5, 3, 310, 158, tft.color.WHITE)  # set meter box color
    tft.drawRect(5, 3, 310, 158, tft.color.BLACK)  # draw border line
コード例 #2
from machine import LCD  #include LCD function from machine module

lcd = LCD()  #initialize TFT LCD

lcd.fillScreen(lcd.color.WHITE)  #fill background color
lcd.setRotation(3)  #set screen rotation

#draw for title header
lcd.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 60, lcd.color.DARKGREEN)  #draw rectangle with border
lcd.setTextSize(3)  #set text size
lcd.setTextColor(lcd.color.WHITE, lcd.color.DARKGREEN)  #color of text
lcd.drawString("MUSIC PLAYER", 55, 15)  #draw a string

#draw for volume
lcd.drawRoundRect(90, 75, 140, 60, 15,
                  lcd.color.BLUE)  #draw round corner rectangle with border
lcd.fillTriangle(40, 105, 80, 75, 80, 135,
                 lcd.color.RED)  #draw triangle with fill color
lcd.fillTriangle(280, 105, 240, 75, 240, 135, lcd.color.DARKGREEN)
lcd.drawString("VOLUME", 105, 95)

#draw for play
lcd.drawCircle(160, 190, 45, lcd.color.BLUE)  #draw circle with fill color
lcd.fillTriangle(60, 185, 100, 155, 100, 215, lcd.color.RED)
lcd.fillTriangle(260, 185, 220, 155, 220, 215, lcd.color.DARKGREEN)
lcd.drawString("PLAY", 130, 180)