class MADDPGAgentTrainer(AgentTrainer): def __init__(self, name, model, obs_shape_n, act_space_n, agent_index, args, local_q_func=False): = name self.n = len(obs_shape_n) self.agent_index = agent_index self.args = args obs_ph_n = [] for i in range(self.n): obs_ph_n.append( U.BatchInput(obs_shape_n[i], name="observation" + str(i)).get()) # Create all the functions necessary to train the model self.q_train, self.q_update, self.q_debug = q_train(, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, q_index=agent_index, q_func=model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units) self.act, self.p_train, self.p_update, self.p_debug = p_train(, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, p_index=agent_index, p_func=model, q_func=model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units) # Create experience buffer self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(1e6) self.max_replay_buffer_len = args.batch_size * args.max_episode_len self.replay_sample_index = None def action(self, obs): return self.act(obs[None])[0] def experience(self, obs, act, rew, new_obs): # Store transition in the replay buffer. self.replay_buffer.add(obs, act, rew, new_obs) def preupdate(self): self.replay_sample_index = None def update(self, agents, t): if len( self.replay_buffer ) < self.max_replay_buffer_len: # replay buffer is not large enough return if not t % 100 == 0: # only update every 100 steps return self.replay_sample_index = self.replay_buffer.make_index( self.args.batch_size) # collect replay sample from all agents obs_n = [] obs_next_n = [] act_n = [] index = self.replay_sample_index for i in range(self.n): obs, act, rew, obs_next = agents[i].replay_buffer.sample_index( index) obs_n.append(obs) obs_next_n.append(obs_next) act_n.append(act) obs, act, rew, obs_next = self.replay_buffer.sample_index(index) # train q network num_sample = 1 target_q = 0.0 for i in range(num_sample): target_act_next_n = [ agents[i].p_debug['target_act'](obs_next_n[i]) for i in range(self.n) ] target_q_next = self.q_debug['target_q_values']( *(obs_next_n + target_act_next_n)) target_q += rew + self.args.gamma * 1.0 * target_q_next target_q /= num_sample # train q network q_loss = self.q_train(*(obs_n + act_n + [target_q])) self.q_update() # train p network p_loss = self.p_train(*(obs_n + act_n)) self.p_update() return [ q_loss, p_loss, np.mean(target_q), np.mean(rew), np.mean(target_q_next), np.std(target_q) ]
class IBMACAgentTrainer(AgentTrainer): def __init__(self, name, before_com_model, channel, after_com_model, critic_mlp_model, obs_shape_n, act_space_n, args, local_q_func=False): = name self.n = len(obs_shape_n) self.args = args self.alpha = 0.5 obs_ph_n = [] for i in range(self.n): obs_ph_n.append( U.BatchInput(obs_shape_n[i], name="observation_" + str(i)).get()) # Create all the functions necessary to train the model self.q_train, self.q_update, self.q_debug = q_train(, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, q_func=critic_mlp_model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units, ) self.act, self.p_train, self.p_update, self.p_debug = self.p_train_function(, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, before_com_func=before_com_model, channel=channel, after_com_func=after_com_model, q_func=critic_mlp_model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units, beta=args.beta, ibmac_com=args.ibmac_com, ) # Create experience buffer self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(1e6) # self.max_replay_buffer_len = 50 * args.max_episode_len self.max_replay_buffer_len = args.batch_size * args.max_episode_len self.replay_sample_index = None self.message_1_for_record = [] def action(self, obs_n, alpha, is_norm_training=False, is_inference=False): obs = [obs[None] for obs in obs_n] message_n = self.p_debug['check_message_n']( *(list(obs) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) self.message_1_for_record.append(message_n[0]) if len(self.message_1_for_record) % 2500 == 0: # print(np.var(self.message_1_for_record, axis=0)) # print(0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * np.mean(np.var(self.message_1_for_record, axis=0))) + 0.5) self.message_1_for_record = [] self.alpha = alpha return self.act(*(list(obs) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) def experience(self, obs, act, rew, new_obs, done, terminal): # Store transition in the replay buffer. self.replay_buffer.add(obs, act, rew, new_obs, [float(d) for d in done]) def preupdate(self): self.replay_sample_index = None def update(self, agents, t): if len( self.replay_buffer ) < self.max_replay_buffer_len: # replay buffer is not large enough return if not t % 100 == 0: # only update every 100 steps return is_norm_training = True is_inference = False self.replay_sample_index = self.replay_buffer.make_index( self.args.batch_size) # collect replay sample from all agents obs_n = [] obs_next_n = [] act_n = [] index = self.replay_sample_index samples = self.replay_buffer.sample_index(index) obs_n, act_n, rew_n, obs_next_n, done_n = [ np.swapaxes(item, 0, 1) for item in samples ] # for i in range(self.n): # obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = agents[i].replay_buffer.sample_index(index) # obs_n.append(obs) # obs_next_n.append(obs_next) # act_n.append(act) # obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = self.replay_buffer.sample_index(index) # train q network num_sample = 1 target_q = 0.0 # print(len(obs_next_n)) for i in range(num_sample): target_act_next_n = self.p_debug['target_act']( *(list(obs_next_n) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) target_q_next_n = self.q_debug['target_q_values']( *(list(obs_next_n) + list(target_act_next_n) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) target_q_n = [ rew + self.args.gamma * (1.0 - done) * target_q_next for rew, done, target_q_next in zip(rew_n, done_n, target_q_next_n) ] target_q_n = [target_q / num_sample for target_q in target_q_n] q_loss = self.q_train(*(list(obs_n) + list(act_n) + target_q_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) # train p network p_loss = self.p_train(*(list(obs_n) + list(act_n) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) self.p_update() self.q_update() # p_values = self.p_debug['p_values'](*(list(obs_n))) kl_loss = self.p_debug['kl_loss'](*(list(obs_n) + list(act_n) + [is_norm_training, is_inference])) # print('kl_loss', self.p_debug['kl_loss'](*(list(obs_n) + list(act_n)))) # if t % 5000 == 0: # print('p_values', p_values[0][0]) # print('check_value', self.p_debug['p_values'](*(list(obs_n)))[0][0]) # print('check_mu', self.p_debug['check_mu'](*(list(obs_n)))[0][0]) # print('check_log', self.p_debug['check_log'](*(list(obs_n)))[0][0]) # print('kl_loss', kl_loss) # message_n = self.p_debug['check_message_n'](*(list(obs_n)+[is_norm_training, is_inference])) # hiddens_n = self.p_debug['check_hiddens_n'](*list(obs_n)) # print("message_n", message_n[0][0]) # for message in message_n: # print("mean, var", np.mean(message, axis=0), np.var(message,axis=0)) # print("hiddens_n", hiddens_n[0][0]) # entropy = self.p_debug['check_entropy'](*list(obs_n)) # print("entropy",np.mean(entropy, (1,2))) return [ q_loss, p_loss, np.mean(target_q), np.mean(rew_n), np.mean(target_q_next_n), np.std(target_q), kl_loss ] def p_train_function(self, make_obs_ph_n, act_space_n, before_com_func, channel, after_com_func, q_func, optimizer, grad_norm_clipping=None, local_q_func=False, num_units=64, scope="trainer", reuse=None, beta=0.05, ibmac_com=True): with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): clip_threshold = 1 # 1, 5, 10 is_norm_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) is_inference = tf.placeholder(tf.bool) ibmac_nocom = not ibmac_com num_agents = len(make_obs_ph_n) # create distribtuions act_pdtype_n = [ make_pdtype(act_space) for act_space in act_space_n ] # set up placeholders obs_ph_n = make_obs_ph_n act_ph_n = [ act_pdtype_n[i].sample_placeholder([None], name="action" + str(i)) for i in range(num_agents) ] hiddens_n = [ before_com_func(obs_ph_n[i], num_units, scope="before_com_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] before_com_vars_n = [ U.scope_vars(U.absolute_scope_name("before_com_{}".format(i))) for i in range(num_agents) ] hiddens_n_for_message = tf.concat([ before_com_func(obs_ph_n[i], num_units, scope="before_com_{}".format(i), reuse=True, num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ], axis=1) hiddens_n_for_message = tf.stop_gradient(hiddens_n_for_message) channel_output = channel(hiddens_n_for_message, num_units * num_agents, scope="channel", num_units=num_units * num_agents) message_n, mu_message_n, logvar_message_n = [ tf.split(item, num_or_size_splits=num_agents, axis=1) for item in channel_output ] logvar_message_n = [ tf.clip_by_value(log, -10, 10) for log in logvar_message_n ] # constrain kl_loss not to be too large message_n = [ clip_message(message, clip_threshold, is_norm_training, is_inference) for message in message_n ] channel_vars_n = [U.scope_vars(U.absolute_scope_name("channel"))] if ibmac_nocom: print('no_com') p_n = [ after_com_func(hiddens_n[i], int(act_pdtype_n[i].param_shape()[0]), scope="p_func_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] else: check_n = [ hiddens_n[i] + message_n[i] for i in range(num_agents) ] p_n = [ after_com_func(hiddens_n[i] + message_n[i], int(act_pdtype_n[i].param_shape()[0]), scope="p_func_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] p_func_vars = [ U.scope_vars(U.absolute_scope_name("p_func_{}".format(i))) for i in range(num_agents) ] # wrap parameters in distribution act_pd_n = [ act_pdtype_n[i].pdfromflat(p_n[i]) for i in range(num_agents) ] act_sample_n = [act_pd.sample() for act_pd in act_pd_n] p_reg_n = [ tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(act_pd.flatparam())) for act_pd in act_pd_n ] act_input_n_n = [act_ph_n + [] for _ in range(num_agents)] for i in range(num_agents): act_input_n_n[i][i] = act_pd_n[i].sample() q_input_n = [ tf.concat(obs_ph_n + act_input_n, 1) for act_input_n in act_input_n_n ] q_n = [ q_func(q_input_n[i], 1, scope="q_func_{}".format(i), reuse=True, num_units=num_units)[:, 0] for i in range(num_agents) ] pg_loss_n = [-tf.reduce_mean(q) for q in q_n] # # 0.25 =bandwidth # kl_loss_message_n = [2 * (tf.pow(mu, 2) + tf.pow(tf.exp(log), 2)) - log + np.log(0.5) - 0.5 for mu, log in # zip(mu_message_n, logvar_message_n)] # #1 # kl_loss_message_n = [0.5 * (tf.pow(mu, 2) + tf.pow(tf.exp(log), 2)) - log - 0.5 for mu, log in # zip(mu_message_n, logvar_message_n)] # #5 # kl_loss_message_n = [1.0/50 * (tf.pow(mu, 2) + tf.pow(tf.exp(log), 2)) - log + np.log(5) - 0.5 for mu, log in # zip(mu_message_n, logvar_message_n)] # 10 # kl_loss_message_n = [1.0/200 * (tf.pow(mu, 2) + tf.pow(tf.exp(log), 2)) - log + np.log(10) - 0.5 for mu, log in # zip(mu_message_n, logvar_message_n)] ##bw=1 b1+b2 = 1, alpha = bw kl_loss_message_n = [ 1 / 2 * 1 / (tf.pow(self.alpha, 2)) * (tf.pow(mu, 2) + tf.pow(tf.exp(log), 2)) - log - np.log(self.alpha) - 0.5 for mu, log in zip(mu_message_n, logvar_message_n) ] entropy = [tf.exp(log) + 1.4189 for log in logvar_message_n] pg_loss = tf.reduce_sum(pg_loss_n) p_reg = tf.reduce_sum(p_reg_n) kl_loss_message = tf.reduce_mean(kl_loss_message_n) if ibmac_nocom: loss = pg_loss + p_reg * 1e-3 else: loss = pg_loss + p_reg * 1e-3 + beta * kl_loss_message kl_loss = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + act_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=kl_loss_message) var_list = [] var_list.extend(before_com_vars_n) if not ibmac_nocom: var_list.extend(channel_vars_n) var_list.extend(p_func_vars) var_list = list(itertools.chain(*var_list)) optimize_expr = U.minimize_and_clip(optimizer, loss, var_list, grad_norm_clipping) # Create callable functions train = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + act_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=loss, updates=[optimize_expr]) act = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=act_sample_n) p_values = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=p_n) if not ibmac_nocom: check_values = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=check_n) channel_com = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=channel_output) check_mu = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=mu_message_n) check_log = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=logvar_message_n) else: check_values = lambda x: 0 channel_com = lambda x: 0 check_mu = lambda x: 0 check_log = lambda x: 0 # target network target_hiddens_n = [ before_com_func(obs_ph_n[i], num_units, scope="target_before_com_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] target_before_com_vars = [ U.scope_vars( U.absolute_scope_name("target_before_com_{}".format(i))) for i in range(num_agents) ] target_hiddens_n_for_message = tf.concat([ before_com_func(obs_ph_n[i], num_units, scope="target_before_com_{}".format(i), reuse=True, num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ], axis=1) target_hiddens_n_for_message = tf.stop_gradient( target_hiddens_n_for_message) target_channel_output = channel(target_hiddens_n_for_message, num_units * num_agents, scope="target_channel", num_units=num_units * num_agents) target_message_n, target_mu_message_n, target_logvar_message_n = [ tf.split(item, num_or_size_splits=num_agents, axis=1) for item in target_channel_output ] target_channel_vars = [ U.scope_vars(U.absolute_scope_name("target_channel")) ] if ibmac_nocom: target_p_n = [ after_com_func(target_hiddens_n[i], int(act_pdtype_n[i].param_shape()[0]), scope="target_p_func_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] else: target_p_n = [ after_com_func(target_hiddens_n[i] + target_message_n[i], int(act_pdtype_n[i].param_shape()[0]), scope="target_p_func_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents) ] # target_p_n = [after_com_func(tf.concat([target_hiddens_n[i],target_message_n[i]], axis=1), int(act_pdtype_n[i].param_shape()[0]), scope="target_p_func_{}".format(i), num_units=num_units) for i in range(num_agents)] target_p_func_vars = [ U.scope_vars( U.absolute_scope_name("target_p_func_{}".format(i))) for i in range(num_agents) ] target_var_list = [] target_var_list.extend(target_before_com_vars) if not ibmac_nocom: target_var_list.extend(target_channel_vars) target_var_list.extend(target_p_func_vars) target_var_list = list(itertools.chain(*target_var_list)) update_target_p = make_update_exp(var_list, target_var_list) target_act_sample_n = [ act_pdtype_n[i].pdfromflat(target_p_n[i]).sample() for i in range(num_agents) ] target_act = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=target_act_sample_n) check_message_n = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=message_n) check_hiddens_n = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=hiddens_n) check_entropy = U.function(inputs=obs_ph_n + [is_norm_training, is_inference], outputs=entropy) return act, train, update_target_p, { 'p_values': p_values, 'target_act': target_act, 'kl_loss': kl_loss, 'check_values': check_values, 'channel_com': channel_com, 'check_mu': check_mu, 'check_log': check_log, 'check_message_n': check_message_n, 'check_hiddens_n': check_hiddens_n, 'check_entropy': check_entropy }