class MADDPGAgentTrainer(AgentTrainer): def __init__(self, env_name, name, model, obs_shape_n, act_space_n, agent_index, args, local_q_func=False): self.env_name = env_name = name self.n = len(obs_shape_n) self.agent_index = agent_index self.args = args obs_ph_n = [] for i in range(self.n): obs_ph_n.append( U.BatchInput(obs_shape_n[i], name="observation" + str(i)).get()) # Create all the functions necessary to train the model self.q_train, self.q_update, self.q_debug = q_train( scope=self.env_name +, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, q_index=agent_index, q_func=model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units) self.act, self.p_train, self.p_update, self.p_debug = p_train( scope=self.env_name +, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, p_index=agent_index, p_scope="common_" +, p_func=model, q_func=model, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units) # Create experience buffer self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(args.buffer_size) self.max_replay_buffer_len = args.batch_size * args.max_episode_len self.replay_sample_index = None def action(self, obs): return self.act(obs[None])[0] def experience(self, obs, act, rew, new_obs, done, terminal): # Store transition in the replay buffer. self.replay_buffer.add(obs, act, rew, new_obs, float(done)) def preupdate(self): self.replay_sample_index = None def update(self, agents, t): if len( self.replay_buffer ) < self.max_replay_buffer_len: # replay buffer is not large enough return if not t % 100 == 0: # only update every 100 steps return self.replay_sample_index = self.replay_buffer.make_index( self.args.batch_size) # collect replay sample from all agents obs_n = [] obs_next_n = [] act_n = [] index = self.replay_sample_index for i in range(self.n): # buffer obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = agents[ i].replay_buffer.sample_index(index) obs_n.append(obs) obs_next_n.append(obs_next) act_n.append(act) obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = self.replay_buffer.sample_index(index) # train q network num_sample = 1 target_q = 0.0 for j in range(num_sample): target_act_next_n = [ agents[i].p_debug['target_act'](obs_next_n[i]) for i in range(self.n) ] target_q_next = self.q_debug['target_q_values']( *(obs_next_n + target_act_next_n)) target_q += rew + self.args.gamma * (1.0 - done) * target_q_next target_q /= num_sample q_loss = self.q_train(*(obs_n + act_n + [target_q])) # train p network p_loss = self.p_train(*(obs_n + act_n)) self.p_update() self.q_update() return [ q_loss, p_loss, np.mean(target_q), np.mean(rew), np.mean(target_q_next), np.std(target_q) ]
class MADDPGAgentTrainer(AgentTrainer): def __init__(self, name, model, lstm_model, obs_shape_n, act_space_n, agent_index, actors, args, local_q_func=False, session=None, lstm_scope=None): self.actors = actors = name self.n = len(obs_shape_n) self.agent_index = agent_index self.args = args self.history_length = args.history_length obs_ph_n = [] for i in range(self.n): obs_shape = [args.history_length] + list(obs_shape_n[i]) obs_ph_n.append( U.BatchInput((obs_shape), name="observation" + str(i)).get()) # Create all the functions necessary to train the model self.q_train, self.q_update, self.q_debug = q_train(, make_obs_ph_n=obs_ph_n, act_space_n=act_space_n, q_index=agent_index, q_func=model, lstm_model=lstm_model, lstm_scope=lstm_scope, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, args=self.args, grad_norm_clipping=0.5, local_q_func=local_q_func, num_units=args.num_units, reuse=False, use_lstm=self.args.use_lstm, session=session) self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(args.buffer_size, args.history_length) self.max_replay_buffer_len = args.batch_size * args.max_episode_len self.replay_sample_index = None def experience(self, obs, act, rew, new_obs, done, terminal): # Store transition in the replay buffer. self.replay_buffer.add(obs, act, rew, new_obs, float(done)) def preupdate(self): self.replay_sample_index = None def update(self, agents, t): # 训练critic # print("hello, nihao a ") if len( self.replay_buffer ) < self.max_replay_buffer_len: # replay buffer is not large enough return if not t % 100 == 0: # only update every 100 steps return # print("critic update") self.replay_sample_index = self.replay_buffer.make_index( self.args.batch_size) # collect replay sample from all agents obs_n = [] obs_next_n = [] act_n = [] index = self.replay_sample_index for i in range(self.n): # buffer obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = agents[ i].replay_buffer.sample_index(index) obs_n.append(obs) obs_next_n.append(obs_next) act_n.append(act) obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = self.replay_buffer.sample_index(index) # train q network num_sample = 1 target_q = 0.0 for i in range(num_sample): target_act_next_n = [ self.actors[j].p_debug['target_act'](obs_next_n[i]) for j in range(self.n) ] target_q_next = self.q_debug['target_q_values']( *(obs_next_n + target_act_next_n)) target_q += rew + self.args.gamma * (1.0 - done) * target_q_next target_q /= num_sample q_loss = self.q_train(*(obs_n + act_n + [target_q])) # train p network self.q_update() # print("step: ", t, "q_loss: ", q_loss) return [q_loss, np.mean(target_q), np.mean(rew), np.std(target_q)]