def __init__(self, init_state=Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), target_freq=30.0): """Initialize IMU bus connection, filter and threading. Initialize a bus connection to the ICM20948 IMU, a MadgwickAHRS filter for filtering noisy sensor data, and a deamon thread for background updating. Args: init_state (madgwick_py.quaternion, optional): Initial state of the filter. Defaults to Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0). target_freq (float, optional): Target update frequency. Defaults to 30.0. """ self.lock = threading.Lock() self.target_freq = target_freq self.imu = ICM20948(i2c_bus=SMBus(0)) self.filter = MadgwickAHRS( sampleperiod=1.0 / target_freq, quaternion=init_state, beta=0.05, ) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__update, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
class ImuUpdater: """Asynchronously get IMU state and pass to filter """ def __init__(self, init_state=Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), target_freq=30.0): """Initialize IMU bus connection, filter and threading. Initialize a bus connection to the ICM20948 IMU, a MadgwickAHRS filter for filtering noisy sensor data, and a deamon thread for background updating. Args: init_state (madgwick_py.quaternion, optional): Initial state of the filter. Defaults to Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0). target_freq (float, optional): Target update frequency. Defaults to 30.0. """ self.lock = threading.Lock() self.target_freq = target_freq self.imu = ICM20948(i2c_bus=SMBus(0)) self.filter = MadgwickAHRS( sampleperiod=1.0 / target_freq, quaternion=init_state, beta=0.05, ) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__update, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def __update(self): """Background update function. Asynchronously called in the background by a thread, this function obtains IMU data and passes it to the filter. """ while True: start = time.time() x, y, z = self.imu.read_magnetometer_data() ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz = self.imu.read_accelerometer_gyro_data() magnetometer = [x, y, z] accelerometer = [ax, ay, az] gyroscope = [math.radians(gx), math.radians(gy), math.radians(gz)] with self.lock: self.filter.update(gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer) time.sleep(max(1.0 / self.target_freq - (time.time() - start), 0)) def get_data(self): """Get filtered IMU data Returns: madgwick_py.quaternion: Filtered orientation quaternion """ with self.lock: return copy.deepcopy(self.filter.quaternion)
def _sample_thread(self): """Run sampling thread, to be run in a separate thread to handle sampling of sensors.""" while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Acceleration is already in m/s^2 so no conversion needed, # just unpacking acceleration_result = self._sensor.acceleration acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z = acceleration_result acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z = acceleration_x - self._calibration[ "accelerometer"]["x"], acceleration_y - self._calibration["accelerometer"][ "y"], acceleration_z - self._calibration["accelerometer"]["z"] # Gyro is in degrees/second so conversion to rads/sec is needed, # as well as unpacking gyro_result = [deg * (math.pi / 180.0) for deg in self._sensor.gyro] gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = gyro_result gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = gyro_x - self._calibration["gyro"][ "x"], gyro_y - self._calibration["gyro"]["y"], gyro_z - self._calibration["gyro"][ "z"] # Magnetometer values can be used to calculate our orientation rotation about the z # axis (yaw). # Futher work is needed to calculate pitch and roll from other available sensors. magnetometer_result = self._sensor.magnetic # magnetometer_quaternion = self.calculate_heading_quaternion(magnetometer_result) # Apply calibration to magnetometer result magnetometer_result = (magnetometer_result[0] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["x"], magnetometer_result[1] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["y"], magnetometer_result[2] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["z"]) if self._calculate_full_orientation: previous_orientation_quaternion = self._orientation_filter.quaternion self._orientation_filter.update(gyro_result, acceleration_result, magnetometer_result) if any(map(math.isnan, self._orientation_filter.quaternion)): self._orientation_filter = MadgwickAHRS( sampleperiod=1.0 / float(self._raw_sample_rate), quaternion=previous_orientation_quaternion, beta=AHRS_BETA) filter_w, filter_x, filter_y, filter_z = self._orientation_filter.quaternion self._orientation_quaternion = Quaternion(w=filter_w, x=filter_x, y=filter_y, z=filter_z) else: self._orientation_quaternion = PiPuckImuServer.calculate_heading_quaternion( magnetometer_result) self._gyro_result = (gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) if self._remove_gravity: pass # Not yet implemented self._acceleration_result = (acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z) self._magnetometer_result = magnetometer_result self._sample_rate.sleep()
(1 / samplePeriod), 'lowpass') accMagnitudeFiltered = signal.filtfilt( butterFilterB, butterFilterA, [accMagnitudeFiltered, accMagnitudeFiltered], padlen=1) # Are we actually stationary? stationary = accMagnitudeFiltered < ACCELEROMETER_DRIFT_WHEN_STATIONARY print(accMagnitudeFiltered) # If we are stationary, don't bother doing anything if stationary.any(): continue # Compute orientation ahrsAlgorithm = MadgwickAHRS() ahrsAlgorithm.update([gyro['x'], gyro['y'], gyro['z']], [acc['x'], acc['y'], acc['z']], [mag['x'], mag['y'], mag['z']]) quaternion = ahrsAlgorithm.quaternion # Rotate body accelerations to earth frame trueAcceleration = qv_mult(quaternion.conj(), [acc['x'], acc['y'], acc['z']]) # Convert acceleration to m/s/s accX = acc['x'] * 9.81 accY = acc['y'] * 9.81 accZ = acc['z'] * 9.81 # Compute translational velocities
import math def rad2deg(a): return list(map(lambda x: x * RAD2DEG, a)) def show3(v): print('x:{:+10.5f}'.format(v[0]), end=' ') print('y:{:+10.5f}'.format(v[1]), end=' ') print('z:{:+10.5f}'.format(v[2])) try: imu = mpu9250() mw = MadgwickAHRS(0.02, Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)) dcc = DynamicCompassCalibrator() while True: a = imu.accel g = list(map(lambda x: x * DEG2RAD, imu.gyro)) #m = list(imu.mag) #m = dcc.correct(imu.mag) mw.update_imu(g, a) #mw.update(g, a, m) #print('w:{:.3f} x:{:.3f} y:{:.3f} z:{:.3f}'.format(*mw.quaternion)) ea = mw.quaternion.to_euler_angles() show3(rad2deg(ea)) sleep(0.02) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('bye ...')
def __init__(self): """Initialise IMU server node.""" rospy.on_shutdown(self.close_sensor) rospy.init_node("imu") # Switch to determine if full orientation is calculated or just rotation around z axis. self._calculate_full_orientation = bool(rospy.get_param("~calculate_full_orientation", True)) # Unimplemented switch to control removal of gravity. self._remove_gravity = bool(rospy.get_param("~remove_gravity", False)) # Handle transformation tree prefix. tf_prefix_key = rospy.search_param("tf_prefix") if tf_prefix_key: self._tf_prefix = rospy.get_param(tf_prefix_key, None) else: self._tf_prefix = None self._tf_prefix = rospy.get_param(tf_prefix_key, None) if self._tf_prefix is not None and not self._tf_prefix.endswith("/"): self._tf_prefix += "/" # Rate of sensor data transmission self._rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~rate', 10)) # Rate of collection of sample data self._raw_sample_rate = int(rospy.get_param('~sample_rate', 128)) self._sample_rate = rospy.Rate(self._raw_sample_rate) self._sensor_imu_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/imu', Imu, queue_size=10) self._sensor_temperature_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/temperature', Temperature, queue_size=10) self._sensor_magnetic_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/magnetic', MagneticField, queue_size=10) self._sensor = None # Handle IMU calibration calibration_file = None if path.isfile("calibration.json"): calibration_file = "calibration.json" elif path.isfile(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "calibration.json")): calibration_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "calibration.json") if calibration_file: with open(calibration_file, "rb") as calibration_file_handle: self._calibration = load(calibration_file_handle) else: self._calibration = CALIBRATION_DATA_DEFAULT # Setup data storage variables. if self._calculate_full_orientation: self._orientation_filter = MadgwickAHRS(sampleperiod=1.0 / float(self._raw_sample_rate), beta=AHRS_BETA) self._acceleration_result = (0, 0, 0) self._orientation_quaternion = Quaternion(w=1, x=0, y=0, z=0) self._gyro_result = (0, 0, 0) self._magnetometer_result = (0, 0, 0)
class PiPuckImuServer(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ROS Node to publish data from the Pi-puck's IMU.""" def __init__(self): """Initialise IMU server node.""" rospy.on_shutdown(self.close_sensor) rospy.init_node("imu") # Switch to determine if full orientation is calculated or just rotation around z axis. self._calculate_full_orientation = bool(rospy.get_param("~calculate_full_orientation", True)) # Unimplemented switch to control removal of gravity. self._remove_gravity = bool(rospy.get_param("~remove_gravity", False)) # Handle transformation tree prefix. tf_prefix_key = rospy.search_param("tf_prefix") if tf_prefix_key: self._tf_prefix = rospy.get_param(tf_prefix_key, None) else: self._tf_prefix = None self._tf_prefix = rospy.get_param(tf_prefix_key, None) if self._tf_prefix is not None and not self._tf_prefix.endswith("/"): self._tf_prefix += "/" # Rate of sensor data transmission self._rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('~rate', 10)) # Rate of collection of sample data self._raw_sample_rate = int(rospy.get_param('~sample_rate', 128)) self._sample_rate = rospy.Rate(self._raw_sample_rate) self._sensor_imu_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/imu', Imu, queue_size=10) self._sensor_temperature_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/temperature', Temperature, queue_size=10) self._sensor_magnetic_publisher = rospy.Publisher('imu/magnetic', MagneticField, queue_size=10) self._sensor = None # Handle IMU calibration calibration_file = None if path.isfile("calibration.json"): calibration_file = "calibration.json" elif path.isfile(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "calibration.json")): calibration_file = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "calibration.json") if calibration_file: with open(calibration_file, "rb") as calibration_file_handle: self._calibration = load(calibration_file_handle) else: self._calibration = CALIBRATION_DATA_DEFAULT # Setup data storage variables. if self._calculate_full_orientation: self._orientation_filter = MadgwickAHRS(sampleperiod=1.0 / float(self._raw_sample_rate), beta=AHRS_BETA) self._acceleration_result = (0, 0, 0) self._orientation_quaternion = Quaternion(w=1, x=0, y=0, z=0) self._gyro_result = (0, 0, 0) self._magnetometer_result = (0, 0, 0) def close_sensor(self): """Close the sensor after the ROS Node is shutdown.""" self._sensor.close() def open_sensor(self): """Open the sensor.""" self._sensor = LSM9DS1() @staticmethod def euler_to_quaternion(yaw, pitch, roll): """Convert euler angles of pitch, roll, and yaw to a quaternion. Based on code from We don't use tf.transforms here to reduce dependence on tf and increase performance on this simple task. """ c_y = math.cos(yaw * 0.5) s_y = math.sin(yaw * 0.5) c_p = math.cos(pitch * 0.5) s_p = math.sin(pitch * 0.5) c_r = math.cos(roll * 0.5) s_r = math.sin(roll * 0.5) q_w = c_y * c_p * c_r + s_y * s_p * s_r q_x = c_y * c_p * s_r - s_y * s_p * c_r q_y = s_y * c_p * s_r + c_y * s_p * c_r q_z = s_y * c_p * c_r - c_y * s_p * s_r return Quaternion(x=q_x, y=q_y, z=q_z, w=q_w) @staticmethod def calculate_heading(magnetometer_reading): """Calculate the current orientation using magnetometer. Currently only supports yaw calculation e.g. rotation about the z axis. """ mag_x, mag_y, _ = magnetometer_reading if mag_y == 0: if mag_x > 0: x_y_direction = math.radians(180) else: # x <= 0 x_y_direction = math.radians(0) elif mag_y < 0: x_y_direction = math.radians(90) - math.atan(mag_x / mag_y) else: # y > 0 x_y_direction = math.radians(270) - math.atan(mag_x / mag_y) return x_y_direction @staticmethod def calculate_heading_quaternion(magnetometer_reading): """Calculate the current orientation as a quaternion using magnetometer. Currently only supports yaw calculation e.g. rotation about the z axis. """ return PiPuckImuServer.euler_to_quaternion( yaw=PiPuckImuServer.calculate_heading(magnetometer_reading), pitch=0, roll=0) def _sample_thread(self): """Run sampling thread, to be run in a separate thread to handle sampling of sensors.""" while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Acceleration is already in m/s^2 so no conversion needed, # just unpacking acceleration_result = self._sensor.acceleration acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z = acceleration_result acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z = acceleration_x - self._calibration[ "accelerometer"]["x"], acceleration_y - self._calibration["accelerometer"][ "y"], acceleration_z - self._calibration["accelerometer"]["z"] # Gyro is in degrees/second so conversion to rads/sec is needed, # as well as unpacking gyro_result = [deg * (math.pi / 180.0) for deg in self._sensor.gyro] gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = gyro_result gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = gyro_x - self._calibration["gyro"][ "x"], gyro_y - self._calibration["gyro"]["y"], gyro_z - self._calibration["gyro"][ "z"] # Magnetometer values can be used to calculate our orientation rotation about the z # axis (yaw). # Futher work is needed to calculate pitch and roll from other available sensors. magnetometer_result = self._sensor.magnetic # magnetometer_quaternion = self.calculate_heading_quaternion(magnetometer_result) # Apply calibration to magnetometer result magnetometer_result = (magnetometer_result[0] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["x"], magnetometer_result[1] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["y"], magnetometer_result[2] - self._calibration["magnetometer"]["z"]) if self._calculate_full_orientation: previous_orientation_quaternion = self._orientation_filter.quaternion self._orientation_filter.update(gyro_result, acceleration_result, magnetometer_result) if any(map(math.isnan, self._orientation_filter.quaternion)): self._orientation_filter = MadgwickAHRS( sampleperiod=1.0 / float(self._raw_sample_rate), quaternion=previous_orientation_quaternion, beta=AHRS_BETA) filter_w, filter_x, filter_y, filter_z = self._orientation_filter.quaternion self._orientation_quaternion = Quaternion(w=filter_w, x=filter_x, y=filter_y, z=filter_z) else: self._orientation_quaternion = PiPuckImuServer.calculate_heading_quaternion( magnetometer_result) self._gyro_result = (gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z) if self._remove_gravity: pass # Not yet implemented self._acceleration_result = (acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z) self._magnetometer_result = magnetometer_result self._sample_rate.sleep() def run(self): """Run the sensor server.""" self.open_sensor() # We need a separate sensor reading thread as the sample rate must be relatively high # (> 64 hrz), ideally close to 256 hrz. If we sent IMU data at this rate the overheads of # sending would slow the sensor reading rate, hence we use a separate thread. sensor_sample_thread = Thread(target=self._sample_thread) sensor_sample_thread.start() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self._tf_prefix: tf_reference_frame = self._tf_prefix + REFERENCE_FRAME_ID else: tf_reference_frame = REFERENCE_FRAME_ID # Temperature is in degrees C so no conversion needed temperature_message = Temperature(temperature=self._sensor.temperature, variance=UNKNOWN_VARIANCE) temperature_message.header.frame_id = tf_reference_frame self._sensor_temperature_publisher.publish(temperature_message) acceleration_x, acceleration_y, acceleration_z = self._acceleration_result gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z = self._gyro_result magnetometer_x, magnetometer_y, magnetometer_z = self._magnetometer_result orientation_quaternion = self._orientation_quaternion imu_message = Imu(linear_acceleration_covariance=LINEAR_ACCELERATION_COVARIANCE, linear_acceleration=Vector3(x=acceleration_x, y=acceleration_y, z=acceleration_z), angular_velocity_covariance=ANGULAR_VELOCITY_COVARIANCE, angular_velocity=Vector3(x=gyro_x, y=gyro_y, z=gyro_z), orientation=orientation_quaternion, orientation_covariance=ORIENTATION_COVARIANCE) imu_message.header.frame_id = tf_reference_frame self._sensor_imu_publisher.publish(imu_message) magnetic_message = MagneticField( magnetic_field=Vector3(x=magnetometer_x, y=magnetometer_y, z=magnetometer_z)) magnetic_message.header.frame_id = tf_reference_frame self._sensor_magnetic_publisher.publish(magnetic_message) self._rate.sleep() sensor_sample_thread.join()