コード例 #1
ファイル: beats.py プロジェクト: EQ4/madmom
class BeatTrackingProcessor(Processor):
    Class for tracking beats with a simple tempo estimation and beat aligning.

    LOOK_ASIDE = 0.2
    LOOK_AHEAD = 10
    # tempo defaults
    TEMPO_METHOD = 'comb'
    MIN_BPM = 40
    MAX_BPM = 240
    ACT_SMOOTH = 0.09
    ALPHA = 0.79

    def __init__(self, look_aside=LOOK_ASIDE, look_ahead=LOOK_AHEAD, fps=None,
        Track the beats according to the previously determined (local) tempo
        by simply aligning them around the estimated position.

        :param look_aside: look this fraction of a beat interval to each side
                           of the assumed next beat position to look for the
                           most likely position of the next beat
        :param look_ahead: look N seconds in both directions to determine the
                           local tempo and align the beats accordingly

        If `look_ahead` is not set, a constant tempo throughout the whole piece
        is assumed. If `look_ahead` is set, the local tempo (in a range +/-
        look_ahead seconds around the actual position) is estimated and then
        the next beat is tracked accordingly. This procedure is repeated from
        the new position to the end of the piece.

        "Enhanced Beat Tracking with Context-Aware Neural Networks"
        Sebastian Böck and Markus Schedl
        Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Audio
        Effects (DAFx), 2011

        Instead of the auto-correlation based method for tempo estimation, it
        uses a comb filter per default. The behaviour can be controlled with
        the `tempo_method` parameter.

        # import the TempoEstimation here otherwise we have a loop
        from madmom.features.tempo import TempoEstimationProcessor
        # save variables
        self.look_aside = look_aside
        self.look_ahead = look_ahead
        self.fps = fps
        # tempo estimator
        self.tempo_estimator = TempoEstimationProcessor(fps=fps, **kwargs)

    def process(self, activations):
        Detect the beats in the given activation function.

        :param activations: beat activation function
        :return:            detected beat positions [seconds]

        # smooth activations
        act_smooth = int(self.fps * self.tempo_estimator.act_smooth)
        activations = smooth_signal(activations, act_smooth)
        # TODO: refactor interval stuff to use TempoEstimation
        # if look_ahead is not defined, assume a global tempo
        if self.look_ahead is None:
            # create a interval histogram
            histogram = self.tempo_estimator.interval_histogram(activations)
            # get the dominant interval
            interval = self.tempo_estimator.dominant_interval(histogram)
            # detect beats based on this interval
            detections = detect_beats(activations, interval, self.look_aside)
            # allow varying tempo
            look_ahead_frames = int(self.look_ahead * self.fps)
            # detect the beats
            detections = []
            pos = 0
            # TODO: make this _much_ faster!
            while pos < len(activations):
                # look N frames around the actual position
                start = pos - look_ahead_frames
                end = pos + look_ahead_frames
                if start < 0:
                    # pad with zeros
                    act = np.append(np.zeros(-start), activations[0:end])
                elif end > len(activations):
                    # append zeros accordingly
                    zeros = np.zeros(end - len(activations))
                    act = np.append(activations[start:], zeros)
                    act = activations[start:end]
                # create a interval histogram
                histogram = self.tempo_estimator.interval_histogram(act)
                # get the dominant interval
                interval = self.tempo_estimator.dominant_interval(histogram)
                # add the offset (i.e. the new detected start position)
                positions = detect_beats(act, interval, self.look_aside)
                # correct the beat positions
                positions += start
                # search the closest beat to the predicted beat position
                pos = positions[(np.abs(positions - pos)).argmin()]
                # append to the beats
                pos += interval

        # convert detected beats to a list of timestamps
        detections = np.array(detections) / float(self.fps)
        # remove beats with negative times and return them
        return detections[np.searchsorted(detections, 0):]
        # only return beats with a bigger inter beat interval than that of the
        # maximum allowed tempo
        # return np.append(detections[0], detections[1:][np.diff(detections) >
        #                                                (60. / max_bpm)])

    def add_arguments(cls, parser, look_aside=LOOK_ASIDE,
        Add beat tracking related arguments to an existing parser.

        :param parser:     existing argparse parser
        :param look_aside: look this fraction of a beat interval to each side
                           of the assumed next beat position to look for the
                           most likely position of the next beat
        :param look_ahead: look N seconds in both directions to determine the
                           local tempo and align the beats accordingly
        :return:           beat argument parser group

        Parameters are included in the group only if they are not 'None'.

        # add beat detection related options to the existing parser
        g = parser.add_argument_group('beat detection arguments')
        # TODO: unify look_aside with CRFBeatDetection's interval_sigma
        if look_aside is not None:
            g.add_argument('--look_aside', action='store', type=float,
                           help='look this fraction of a beat interval to '
                                'each side of the assumed next beat position '
                                'to look for the most likely position of the '
                                'next beat [default=%(default).2f]')
        if look_ahead is not None:
            g.add_argument('--look_ahead', action='store', type=float,
                           help='look this many seconds in both directions '
                                'to determine the local tempo and align the '
                                'beats accordingly [default=%(default).2f]')
        # return the argument group so it can be modified if needed
        return g

    def add_tempo_arguments(cls, parser, method=TEMPO_METHOD, min_bpm=MIN_BPM,
                            max_bpm=MAX_BPM, act_smooth=ACT_SMOOTH,
                            hist_smooth=HIST_SMOOTH, alpha=ALPHA):
        Add tempo arguments to an existing parser.

        :param parser:      existing argparse parser
        :param method:      tempo estimation method ['comb', 'acf']
        :param min_bpm:     minimum tempo [bpm]
        :param max_bpm:     maximum tempo [bpm]
        :param act_smooth:  smooth the activations over N seconds
        :param hist_smooth: smooth the tempo histogram over N bins
        :param alpha:       scaling factor of the comb filter
        :return:            tempo argument parser group

        # TODO: import the TempoEstimation here otherwise we have a
        #       loop. This is super ugly, but right now I can't think of a
        #       better solution...
        from madmom.features.tempo import TempoEstimationProcessor as Tempo
        return Tempo.add_arguments(parser, method=method, min_bpm=min_bpm,
                                   max_bpm=max_bpm, act_smooth=act_smooth,
                                   hist_smooth=hist_smooth, alpha=alpha)