コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/django-magellan
def search(request):
    vars = {}
    if request.GET.get('query'):
        #form was submitted
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
        search_form = SearchForm(request.GET)
        query = search_form['query'].value().replace('+', ' AND ').replace(' -', ' NOT ')
        profile_ids = search_form['profiles'].value()
        if profile_ids and len(profile_ids) != len(search_form['profiles'].field.choices):
            profiles = SpiderProfile.objects.filter(active=True).filter(pk__in=profile_ids)
            query = "(%s) AND (%s)" % (query, ' OR '.join(['site:%s' % p.name for p in profiles] ))
        page_index = WhooshPageIndex()
        start_time = datetime.now()
        results = page_index.search(query, pagenum=page, pagelen=100)
        query_time = datetime.now() - start_time
        query_time_formatted = float(query_time.seconds) + float(query_time.microseconds)/1000000.0 
        vars['query_time'] = query_time_formatted
        vars['page'] = page
        vars['pagecount'] = results.pagecount
        vars['results'] = [ dict(title=r['title'], highlight=r.highlights('content'), url=r['url']) for r in results]
        vars['pagination_results'] = range(1, len(results))
        vars['num_results'] = len(results)
        template = 'search_results.html'
        search_form = SearchForm()
        template = 'index.html'
    vars['search_form'] = search_form 
    return render(request, template, vars)
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/django-magellan
def spider(profile, log=True):
    depth = profile.depth
    indexer = WhooshPageIndex()
    pending_urls = Queue.Queue()
    processed_responses = Queue.Queue(maxsize=50)
    finished = threading.Event()
    visited = {}
    scheduled = set()
    thread_count = profile.threads or getattr(settings, 'SPIDER_THREADS', 4)
    threads = [SpiderThread(pending_urls, processed_responses, finished, profile) for _ in range(thread_count)]
    pending_urls.put((profile.base_url, '', depth))
    extractor = profile.get_extractor_class()

    [t.start() for t in threads]
    processed_url = None
        while 1:
                # pull an item from the response queue
                result_dict, urls, depth = processed_responses.get(timeout=profile.timeout)
            except Queue.Empty:
                #check to see if any of the workers are still doing anything
                done = True
                for t in threads:
                    if t.working:
                        print "Thread %s is still working, not exiting" % t
                        done = False
                if done:
                    print "All threads done working"
                # save the result
                processed_url = result_dict['url']
                raw_content = result_dict['content']
                unicode_content = BeautifulSoup.UnicodeDammit(raw_content, isHTML=True).unicode
                e = extractor(unicode_content)
                if e.content_type == 'raw_ascii' and not getattr(settings, 'MAGELLAN_INDEX_RAW_ASCII', False):
                    if log:
                        print "Skipping page at url: %s, no means of extracting content" % processed_url
                    continue #don't index
                title = e.get_title()
                content = e.get_content()
                headings = e.get_headings()
                if log:
                    print "Adding page at url: %s, content length: %s to index" % (processed_url, len(content))
                indexer.add_page(url=processed_url, title=title, content=content, site=profile.name, headings=headings)
                # remove from the list of scheduled items
                # store response status in the visited dictionary
                visited[processed_url] = result_dict['response_status']
                # enqueue any urls that need to be checked
                if depth > 0:
                    for url in urls:
                        if url not in visited and url not in scheduled:
                            pending_urls.put((url, processed_url, depth - 1))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception, e:
        print "Got an exception while indexing page: %s\nWill exit." % processed_url