def _exp_startup_callback(self) -> None: """Registers the hp config to tensorboard upon experiment startup.""" tensorboard._register(EnvSing.get_instance().get_logdir( self.app_id, self.run_id)) tensorboard._write_hparams_config( EnvSing.get_instance().get_logdir(self.app_id, self.run_id), self.config.searchspace, )
def register_environment(app_id, run_id): """Validates IDs and creates an experiment folder in the fs. Args: :app_id: Application ID :run_id: Current experiment run ID Returns: (app_id, run_id) with the updated IDs. """ app_id = str(find_spark().sparkContext.applicationId) app_id, run_id = validate_ml_id(app_id, run_id) set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) # Create experiment directory. EnvSing.get_instance().create_experiment_dir(app_id, run_id) tensorboard._register(EnvSing.get_instance().get_logdir(app_id, run_id)) return app_id, run_id
def wrapper_function(_: Any) -> None: """Patched function from dist_executor_fn factory. :param _: Necessary catch for the iterator given by Spark to the function upon foreach calls. Can safely be disregarded. """ EnvSing.get_instance().set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) partition_id, _ = util.get_partition_attempt_id() client = Client(server_addr, partition_id, 0, hb_interval, secret) log_file = log_dir + "/executor_" + str(partition_id) + ".log" builtin_print = __builtin__.print reporter = Reporter(log_file, partition_id, 0, builtin_print) def maggy_print(*args, **kwargs): builtin_print(*args, **kwargs) reporter.log(" ".join(str(x) for x in args), True) __builtin__.print = maggy_print try: _register_with_servers(client, reporter, partition_id) tb_logdir, trial_log_file = _setup_logging(reporter, log_dir) reporter.log("Awaiting worker reservations.", True) client.await_reservations() reporter.log("Reservations complete, configuring PyTorch.", True) master_config = client.get_exec_config()[0] if not master_config: reporter.log("RuntimeError: PyTorch registration failed.", True) raise RuntimeError("PyTorch registration failed.") addr, port = master_config["host_port"].split(":") torch_config = { "MASTER_ADDR": addr, "MASTER_PORT": port, "WORLD_SIZE": str(master_config["num_executors"]), "RANK": str(partition_id), "LOCAL_RANK": str(0), # DeepSpeed requires local rank. "NCCL_BLOCKING_WAIT": "1", "NCCL_DEBUG": "INFO", } tensorboard._register(tb_logdir) reporter.log(f"Torch config is {torch_config}", True) _setup_torch_env(torch_config) _sanitize_config(config) _init_cluster(timeout=60, random_seed=0) module = _wrap_module_dispatcher(config) _monkey_patch_pytorch(config.zero_lvl) reporter.log("Starting distributed training.", True) sig = inspect.signature(train_fn) if sig.parameters.get("reporter", None): retval = train_fn( module=module, hparams=config.hparams, train_set=config.train_set, test_set=config.test_set, reporter=reporter, ) else: retval = train_fn( module=module, hparams=config.hparams, train_set=config.train_set, test_set=config.test_set, ) retval = util.handle_return_val(retval, tb_logdir, "Metric", trial_log_file) dist.barrier( ) # Don't exit until all executors are done (else NCCL crashes) reporter.log("Finished distributed training.", True) client.finalize_metric(retval, reporter) except: # noqa: E722 reporter.log(traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: reporter.close_logger() client.stop() client.close()
def _wrapper_fun(iter): """ Wraps the user supplied training function in order to be passed to the Spark Executors. Args: iter: Returns: """ experiment_utils._set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) # get task context information to determine executor identifier partition_id, task_attempt = util.get_partition_attempt_id() client = rpc.Client(server_addr, partition_id, task_attempt, hb_interval, secret) log_file = (log_dir + "/executor_" + str(partition_id) + "_" + str(task_attempt) + ".log") # save the builtin print original_print = __builtin__.print reporter = Reporter(log_file, partition_id, task_attempt, original_print) def maggy_print(*args, **kwargs): """Maggy custom print() function.""" original_print(*args, **kwargs) reporter.log(" ".join(str(x) for x in args), True) # override the builtin print __builtin__.print = maggy_print try: client_addr = client.client_addr host_port = client_addr[0] + ":" + str(client_addr[1]) exec_spec = {} exec_spec["partition_id"] = partition_id exec_spec["task_attempt"] = task_attempt exec_spec["host_port"] = host_port exec_spec["trial_id"] = None reporter.log("Registering with experiment driver", False) client.register(exec_spec) client.start_heartbeat(reporter) # blocking trial_id, parameters = client.get_suggestion(reporter) while not client.done: if experiment_type == "ablation": ablation_params = { "ablated_feature": parameters.get("ablated_feature", "None"), "ablated_layer": parameters.get("ablated_layer", "None"), } parameters.pop("ablated_feature") parameters.pop("ablated_layer") tb_logdir = log_dir + "/" + trial_id trial_log_file = tb_logdir + "/output.log" reporter.set_trial_id(trial_id) # If trial is repeated, delete trial directory, except log file if hopshdfs.exists(tb_logdir): util._clean_dir(tb_logdir, [trial_log_file]) else: hopshdfs.mkdir(tb_logdir) reporter.init_logger(trial_log_file) tensorboard._register(tb_logdir) if experiment_type == "ablation": hopshdfs.dump( json.dumps(ablation_params, default=util.json_default_numpy), tb_logdir + "/.hparams.json", ) else: hopshdfs.dump( json.dumps(parameters, default=util.json_default_numpy), tb_logdir + "/.hparams.json", ) try: reporter.log("Starting Trial: {}".format(trial_id), False) reporter.log("Trial Configuration: {}".format(parameters), False) if experiment_type == "optimization": tensorboard._write_hparams(parameters, trial_id) sig = inspect.signature(map_fun) if sig.parameters.get("reporter", None): retval = map_fun(**parameters, reporter=reporter) else: retval = map_fun(**parameters) if experiment_type == "optimization": tensorboard._write_session_end() retval = util._handle_return_val(retval, tb_logdir, optimization_key, trial_log_file) except exceptions.EarlyStopException as e: retval = e.metric reporter.log("Early Stopped Trial.", False) reporter.log("Finished Trial: {}".format(trial_id), False) reporter.log("Final Metric: {}".format(retval), False) client.finalize_metric(retval, reporter) # blocking trial_id, parameters = client.get_suggestion(reporter) except: # noqa: E722 reporter.log(traceback.format_exc(), False) raise finally: reporter.close_logger() client.stop() client.close()
def init_ml_tracking(self, app_id, run_id): tensorboard._register(experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id))
def spark_wrapper_function(_: Any) -> None: """Patched function from tf_dist_executor_fn factory. :param _: Necessary catch for the iterator given by Spark to the function upon foreach calls. Can safely be disregarded. """ EnvSing.get_instance().set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) partition_id, _ = util.get_partition_attempt_id() client = EnvSing.get_instance().get_client( server_addr, partition_id, hb_interval, secret, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), ) log_file = log_dir + "/executor_" + str(partition_id) + ".log" reporter = Reporter(log_file, partition_id, 0, __builtin__.print) builtin_print = __builtin__.print _setup_logging(reporter, log_dir) def maggy_print(*args, **kwargs): builtin_print(*args, **kwargs) reporter.log(" ".join(str(x) for x in args), True) __builtin__.print = maggy_print try: host = EnvSing.get_instance().get_ip_address() tmp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tmp_socket.bind(("", 0)) port = tmp_socket.getsockname()[1] + 1 host_port = host + ":" + str(port) _register_with_servers(client, reporter, partition_id) tb_logdir, trial_log_file = _setup_logging(reporter, log_dir) tensorboard._register(tb_logdir) reporter.log("Awaiting worker reservations.") client.await_reservations() reservations = client.get_message("RESERVATIONS") reporter.log(reservations) reporter.log(host_port) reporter.log("Reservations complete, configuring Tensorflow.") if not reservations: reporter.log("Tensorflow registration failed, exiting from all tasks.") return workers_host_port = [] for i in list(reservations["cluster"]): if len(reservations["cluster"][i]) > 0: workers_host_port.append(reservations["cluster"][i][0]) is_chief = False task_index = find_index(host_port, reservations) tf_config = reservations if task_index == -1: tf_config["task"] = {"type": "chief", "index": 0} is_chief = True else: tf_config["task"] = {"type": "worker", "index": task_index} last_worker_index = len(reservations["cluster"]["worker"]) - 1 if not last_worker_index < 0: evaluator_node = reservations["cluster"]["worker"][last_worker_index] reservations["cluster"]["evaluator"] = [evaluator_node] del reservations["cluster"]["worker"][last_worker_index] if evaluator_node == host_port: tf_config["task"] = {"type": "evaluator", "index": 0} reporter.log(f"Tensorflow config is {tf_config}") _setup_tf_config(tf_config) strategy = tf.distribute.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy model = _wrap_model(config, strategy, is_chief) if config.dataset is not None and config.process_data is not None: config.dataset = _consume_data(config) reporter.log(f"index of slice {partition_id}") reporter.log("Starting distributed training.") sig = inspect.signature(train_fn) kwargs = {} if sig.parameters.get("model", None): kwargs["model"] = model if sig.parameters.get("dataset", None): kwargs["dataset"] = config.dataset if sig.parameters.get("hparams", None): kwargs["hparams"] = config.hparams if sig.parameters.get("reporter", None): kwargs["reporter"] = reporter retval = train_fn(**kwargs) else: retval = train_fn(**kwargs) # Set retval to work with util.handle_return_value, # if there is more than 1 metrics, retval will be a list and # retval[0] will contain the final loss retval_list = [] if isinstance(retval, dict): for item in retval.items(): retval_list.append(item[1]) retval = retval_list retval = {"Metric": retval[0] if isinstance(retval, list) else retval} retval = util.handle_return_val(retval, tb_logdir, "Metric", trial_log_file) reporter.log("Finished distributed training.") client.finalize_metric(retval, reporter) except: # noqa: E722 reporter.log(traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: reporter.close_logger() client.stop() client.close()
def python_wrapper_function(_: Any) -> None: """Patched function from tf_dist_executor_fn factory. :param _: Necessary catch for the iterator given by Spark to the function upon foreach calls. Can safely be disregarded. """ EnvSing.get_instance().set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) partition_id, _ = util.get_partition_attempt_id() log_file = log_dir + "/executor_" + str(partition_id) + ".log" reporter = Reporter(log_file, partition_id, 0, __builtin__.print) builtin_print = __builtin__.print def maggy_print(*args, **kwargs): builtin_print(*args, **kwargs) reporter.log(" ".join(str(x) for x in args), True) __builtin__.print = maggy_print try: tmp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tmp_socket.bind(("", 0)) tb_logdir, trial_log_file = _setup_logging(reporter, log_dir) tensorboard._register(tb_logdir) tf_config = None physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU") if physical_devices is not None: strategy = tf.distribute.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy for count, pd in enumerate(physical_devices): if pd == "/gpu:0": tf_config["task"] = {"type": "chief", "index": 0} else: tf_config["task"] = {"type": "worker", "index": count} else: # Use the Default Strategy strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy model = _wrap_model(config, strategy, False) if config.dataset is not None and config.process_data is not None: config.dataset = _consume_data(config) reporter.log(f"index of slice {partition_id}") reporter.log("Starting distributed training.") sig = inspect.signature(train_fn) kwargs = {} if sig.parameters.get("model", None): kwargs["model"] = model if sig.parameters.get("dataset", None): kwargs["dataset"] = config.dataset if sig.parameters.get("hparams", None): kwargs["hparams"] = config.hparams if sig.parameters.get("reporter", None): kwargs["reporter"] = reporter retval = train_fn(**kwargs) else: retval = train_fn(**kwargs) # Set retval to work with util.handle_return_value, # if there is more than 1 metrics, retval will be a list and # retval[0] will contain the final loss retval_list = [] if isinstance(retval, dict): for item in retval.items(): retval_list.append(item[1]) retval = retval_list retval = {"Metric": retval[0] if isinstance(retval, list) else retval} retval = util.handle_return_val(retval, tb_logdir, "Metric", trial_log_file) reporter.log("Finished distributed training.") except: # noqa: E722 reporter.log(traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: reporter.close_logger() __builtin__.print = builtin_print return retval
def lagom( map_fun, name="no-name", experiment_type="optimization", searchspace=None, optimizer=None, direction="max", num_trials=1, ablation_study=None, ablator=None, optimization_key="metric", hb_interval=1, es_policy="median", es_interval=300, es_min=10, description="", ): """Launches a maggy experiment, which depending on `experiment_type` can either be a hyperparameter optimization or an ablation study experiment. Given a search space, objective and a model training procedure `map_fun` (black-box function), an experiment is the whole process of finding the best hyperparameter combination in the search space, optimizing the black-box function. Currently maggy supports random search and a median stopping rule. **lagom** is a Swedish word meaning "just the right amount". :param map_fun: User defined experiment containing the model training. :type map_fun: function :param name: A user defined experiment identifier. :type name: str :param experiment_type: Type of Maggy experiment, either 'optimization' (default) or 'ablation'. :type experiment_type: str :param searchspace: A maggy Searchspace object from which samples are drawn. :type searchspace: Searchspace :param optimizer: The optimizer is the part generating new trials. :type optimizer: str, AbstractOptimizer :param direction: If set to ‘max’ the highest value returned will correspond to the best solution, if set to ‘min’ the opposite is true. :type direction: str :param num_trials: the number of trials to evaluate given the search space, each containing a different hyperparameter combination :type num_trials: int :param ablation_study: Ablation study object. Can be None for optimization experiment type. :type ablation_study: AblationStudy :param ablator: Ablator to use for experiment type 'ablation'. :type ablator: str, AbstractAblator :param optimization_key: Name of the metric to be optimized :type optimization_key: str, optional :param hb_interval: The heartbeat interval in seconds from trial executor to experiment driver, defaults to 1 :type hb_interval: int, optional :param es_policy: The earlystopping policy, defaults to 'median' :type es_policy: str, optional :param es_interval: Frequency interval in seconds to check currently running trials for early stopping, defaults to 300 :type es_interval: int, optional :param es_min: Minimum number of trials finalized before checking for early stopping, defaults to 10 :type es_min: int, optional :param description: A longer description of the experiment. :type description: str, optional :raises RuntimeError: An experiment is currently running. :return: A dictionary indicating the best trial and best hyperparameter combination with it's performance metric :rtype: dict """ global running if running: raise RuntimeError("An experiment is currently running.") job_start = time.time() sc = hopsutil._find_spark().sparkContext exp_driver = None try: global app_id global experiment_json global run_id app_id = str(sc.applicationId) app_id, run_id = util._validate_ml_id(app_id, run_id) # start run running = True experiment_utils._set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) # create experiment dir experiment_utils._create_experiment_dir(app_id, run_id) tensorboard._register(experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id)) num_executors = util.num_executors(sc) # start experiment driver if experiment_type == "optimization": assert num_trials > 0, "number of trials should be greater " + "than zero" tensorboard._write_hparams_config( experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id), searchspace ) if num_executors > num_trials: num_executors = num_trials exp_driver = experimentdriver.ExperimentDriver( "optimization", searchspace=searchspace, optimizer=optimizer, direction=direction, num_trials=num_trials, name=name, num_executors=num_executors, hb_interval=hb_interval, es_policy=es_policy, es_interval=es_interval, es_min=es_min, description=description, log_dir=experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id), ) exp_function = elif experiment_type == "ablation": exp_driver = experimentdriver.ExperimentDriver( "ablation", ablation_study=ablation_study, ablator=ablator, name=name, num_executors=num_executors, hb_interval=hb_interval, description=description, log_dir=experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id), ) # using exp_driver.num_executor since # it has been set using ablator.get_number_of_trials() # in if num_executors > exp_driver.num_executors: num_executors = exp_driver.num_executors exp_function = else: running = False raise RuntimeError( "Unknown experiment_type:" "should be either 'optimization' or 'ablation', " "But it is '{0}'".format(str(experiment_type)) ) nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors) # Do provenance after initializing exp_driver, because exp_driver does # the type checks for optimizer and searchspace sc.setJobGroup(os.environ["ML_ID"], "{0} | {1}".format(name, exp_function)) experiment_json = experiment_utils._populate_experiment( name, exp_function, "MAGGY", exp_driver.searchspace.json(), description, app_id, direction, optimization_key, ) experiment_json = experiment_utils._attach_experiment_xattr( app_id, run_id, experiment_json, "CREATE" ) util._log( "Started Maggy Experiment: {0}, {1}, run {2}".format(name, app_id, run_id) ) exp_driver.init(job_start) server_addr = exp_driver.server_addr # Force execution on executor, since GPU is located on executor nodeRDD.foreachPartition( trialexecutor._prepare_func( app_id, run_id, experiment_type, map_fun, server_addr, hb_interval, exp_driver._secret, optimization_key, experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id), ) ) job_end = time.time() result = exp_driver.finalize(job_end) best_logdir = ( experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id) + "/" + result["best_id"] ) util._finalize_experiment( experiment_json, float(result["best_val"]), app_id, run_id, "FINISHED", exp_driver.duration, experiment_utils._get_logdir(app_id, run_id), best_logdir, optimization_key, ) util._log("Finished Experiment") return result except: # noqa: E722 _exception_handler( experiment_utils._seconds_to_milliseconds(time.time() - job_start) ) if exp_driver: if exp_driver.exception: raise exp_driver.exception raise finally: # grace period to send last logs to sparkmagic # sparkmagic hb poll intervall is 5 seconds, therefore wait 6 seconds time.sleep(6) # cleanup spark jobs if running and exp_driver is not None: exp_driver.stop() run_id += 1 running = False sc.setJobGroup("", "") return result
def _wrapper_fun(_: Any) -> None: """Patched function from trial_executor_fn factory. :param _: Necessary catch for the iterator given by Spark to the function upon foreach calls. Can safely be disregarded. """ env = EnvSing.get_instance() env.set_ml_id(app_id, run_id) # get task context information to determine executor identifier partition_id, task_attempt = util.get_partition_attempt_id() client = EnvSing.get_instance().get_client( server_addr, partition_id, hb_interval, secret, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM), ) log_file = (log_dir + "/executor_" + str(partition_id) + "_" + str(task_attempt) + ".log") # save the builtin print original_print = __builtin__.print reporter = Reporter(log_file, partition_id, task_attempt, original_print) def maggy_print(*args, **kwargs): """Maggy custom print() function.""" original_print(*args, **kwargs) reporter.log(" ".join(str(x) for x in args), True) # override the builtin print __builtin__.print = maggy_print try: client_addr = client.client_addr host_port = client_addr[0] + ":" + str(client_addr[1]) exec_spec = {} exec_spec["partition_id"] = partition_id exec_spec["task_attempt"] = task_attempt exec_spec["host_port"] = host_port exec_spec["trial_id"] = None reporter.log("Registering with experiment driver", False) client.register(exec_spec) client.start_heartbeat(reporter) # blocking trial_id, parameters = client.get_suggestion(reporter) while not client.done: if experiment_type == "ablation": ablation_params = { "ablated_feature": parameters.get("ablated_feature", "None"), "ablated_layer": parameters.get("ablated_layer", "None"), } parameters.pop("ablated_feature") parameters.pop("ablated_layer") tb_logdir = log_dir + "/" + trial_id trial_log_file = tb_logdir + "/output.log" reporter.set_trial_id(trial_id) # If trial is repeated, delete trial directory, except log file if env.exists(tb_logdir): util.clean_dir(tb_logdir, [trial_log_file]) else: env.mkdir(tb_logdir) reporter.init_logger(trial_log_file) tensorboard._register(tb_logdir) if experiment_type == "ablation": env.dump( json.dumps(ablation_params, default=util.json_default_numpy), tb_logdir + "/.hparams.json", ) else: env.dump( json.dumps(parameters, default=util.json_default_numpy), tb_logdir + "/.hparams.json", ) model = config.model dataset = config.dataset try: reporter.log("Starting Trial: {}".format(trial_id), False) reporter.log("Trial Configuration: {}".format(parameters), False) if experiment_type == "optimization": tensorboard._write_hparams(parameters, trial_id) sig = inspect.signature(train_fn) kwargs = {} if sig.parameters.get("model", None): kwargs["model"] = model if sig.parameters.get("dataset", None): kwargs["dataset"] = dataset if sig.parameters.get("hparams", None): kwargs["hparams"] = parameters if sig.parameters.get("reporter", None): kwargs["reporter"] = reporter retval = train_fn(**kwargs) else: retval = train_fn(**kwargs) # todo: test this change retval_list = [] if isinstance(retval, dict): for item in retval.items(): retval_list.append(item[1]) retval = retval_list retval = { "Metric": retval[0] if isinstance(retval, list) else retval } retval = util.handle_return_val(retval, tb_logdir, optimization_key, trial_log_file) except exceptions.EarlyStopException as e: retval = e.metric reporter.log("Early Stopped Trial.", False) reporter.log("Finished Trial: {}".format(trial_id), False) reporter.log("Final Metric: {}".format(retval), False) client.finalize_metric(retval, reporter) # blocking trial_id, parameters = client.get_suggestion(reporter) except: # noqa: E722 reporter.log(traceback.format_exc(), False) raise finally: reporter.close_logger() client.stop() client.close()