コード例 #1
ファイル: edge_seg.py プロジェクト: sanderslab/magellanmapper
def erode_labels(labels_img_np, erosion, erosion_frac=None, mirrored=True,
    """Erode labels image for use as markers or a map of the interior.
        labels_img_np (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Numpy image array of labels in
            z,y,x format.
        erosion (dict): Dictionary of erosion filter settings from
            :class:`profiles.RegKeys` to pass to
        erosion_frac (int): Target erosion fraction; defaults to None.
        mirrored (bool): True if the primary image mirrored/symmatrical, in
            which case erosion will only be performed one symmetric half
            and mirrored to the other half. If False or no symmetry is
            found, such as unmirrored atlases or experimental/sample
            images, erosion will be performed on the full image.
        mirror_mult (int): Multiplier for mirrored labels; defaults to -1
            to make mirrored labels the inverse of their source labels.
        :obj:`np.ndarray`, :obj:`pd.DataFrame`: The eroded labels as a new
        array of same shape as that of ``labels_img_np`` and a data frame
        of erosion stats.
    labels_to_erode = labels_img_np
    sym_axis = atlas_refiner.find_symmetric_axis(labels_img_np, mirror_mult)
    is_mirrored = mirrored and sym_axis >= 0
    len_half = None
    if is_mirrored:
        # if symmetric, erode only one symmetric half
        len_half = labels_img_np.shape[sym_axis] // 2
        slices = [slice(None)] * labels_img_np.ndim
        slices[sym_axis] = slice(len_half)
        labels_to_erode = labels_img_np[tuple(slices)]
    # convert labels image into markers
    #eroded = segmenter.labels_to_markers_blob(labels_img_np)
    eroded, df = segmenter.labels_to_markers_erosion(
        labels_to_erode, erosion[profiles.RegKeys.MARKER_EROSION],
        erosion_frac, erosion[profiles.RegKeys.MARKER_EROSION_MIN],
    if is_mirrored:
        # mirror changes onto opposite symmetric half
        eroded = _mirror_imported_labels(
            eroded, len_half, mirror_mult, sym_axis)
    return eroded, df
コード例 #2
ファイル: edge_seg.py プロジェクト: kaparna126/magellanmapper
def edge_aware_segmentation(path_atlas, show=True, atlas=True, suffix=None,
                            exclude_labels=None, mirror_mult=-1):
    """Segment an atlas using its previously generated edge map.
    Labels may not match their own underlying atlas image well, 
    particularly in the orthogonal directions in which the labels 
    were not constructed. To improve alignment between the labels 
    and the atlas itself, register the labels to an automated, roughly 
    segmented version of the atlas. The goal is to improve the 
    labels' alignment so that the atlas/labels combination can be 
    used for another form of automated segmentation by registering 
    them to experimental brains via :func:``register``.
    Edge files are assumed to have been generated by 
        path_atlas (str): Path to the fixed file, typically the atlas file 
            with stained sections. The corresponding edge and labels 
            files will be loaded based on this path.
        show (bool): True if the output images should be displayed; defaults 
            to True.
        atlas (bool): True if the primary image is an atlas, which is assumed 
            to be symmetrical. False if the image is an experimental/sample 
            image, in which case segmentation will be performed on the full 
            images, and stats will not be performed.
        suffix (str): Modifier to append to end of ``path_atlas`` basename for 
            registered image files that were output to a modified name; 
            defaults to None. If ``atlas`` is True, ``suffix`` will only 
            be applied to saved files, with files still loaded based on the 
            original path.
        exclude_labels (List[int]): Sequence of labels to exclude from the
            segmentation; defaults to None.
        mirror_mult (int): Multiplier for mirrored labels; defaults to -1
            to make mirrored labels the inverse of their source labels.
    # adjust image path with suffix
    load_path = path_atlas
    mod_path = path_atlas
    if suffix is not None:
        mod_path = libmag.insert_before_ext(mod_path, suffix)
        if atlas: load_path = mod_path
    # load corresponding files via SimpleITK
    atlas_sitk = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_ATLAS.value, get_sitk=True)
    atlas_sitk_edge = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_ATLAS_EDGE.value, get_sitk=True)
    labels_sitk = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS.value, get_sitk=True)
    labels_sitk_markers = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS_MARKERS.value, get_sitk=True)
    # get Numpy arrays of images
    atlas_img_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(atlas_sitk)
    atlas_edge = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(atlas_sitk_edge)
    labels_img_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(labels_sitk)
    markers = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(labels_sitk_markers)
    # segment image from markers
    sym_axis = atlas_refiner.find_symmetric_axis(atlas_img_np)
    mirrorred = atlas and sym_axis >= 0
    len_half = None
    seg_args = {"exclude_labels": exclude_labels}
    edge_prof = config.atlas_profile[profiles.RegKeys.EDGE_AWARE_REANNOTATION]
    if edge_prof:
        edge_filt = edge_prof[profiles.RegKeys.WATERSHED_MASK_FILTER]
        if edge_filt and len(edge_filt) > 1:
            # watershed mask filter settings from atlas profile
            seg_args["mask_filt"] = edge_filt[0]
            seg_args["mask_filt_size"] = edge_filt[1]
    if mirrorred:
        # segment only half of image, assuming symmetry
        len_half = atlas_img_np.shape[sym_axis] // 2
        slices = [slice(None)] * labels_img_np.ndim
        slices[sym_axis] = slice(len_half)
        sl = tuple(slices)
        labels_seg = segmenter.segment_from_labels(
            atlas_edge[sl], markers[sl], labels_img_np[sl], **seg_args)
        # segment the full image, including excluded labels on the opposite side
        exclude_labels = exclude_labels.tolist().extend(
            (mirror_mult * exclude_labels).tolist())
        seg_args["exclude_labels"] = exclude_labels
        labels_seg = segmenter.segment_from_labels(
            atlas_edge, markers, labels_img_np, **seg_args)
    smoothing = config.atlas_profile["smooth"]
    if smoothing is not None:
        # smoothing by opening operation based on profile setting
            labels_seg, smoothing, config.SmoothingModes.opening)
    if mirrorred:
        # mirror back to other half
        labels_seg = _mirror_imported_labels(
            labels_seg, len_half, mirror_mult, sym_axis)
    # expand background to smoothed background of original labels to 
    # roughly match background while still allowing holes to be filled
    crop = config.atlas_profile["crop_to_orig"]
        labels_img_np, labels_seg, crop)
    if labels_seg.dtype != labels_img_np.dtype:
        # watershed may give different output type, so cast back if so
        labels_seg = labels_seg.astype(labels_img_np.dtype)
    labels_sitk_seg = sitk_io.replace_sitk_with_numpy(labels_sitk, labels_seg)
    # show DSCs for labels
    print("\nMeasuring overlap of atlas and combined watershed labels:")
    atlas_refiner.measure_overlap_combined_labels(atlas_sitk, labels_sitk_seg)
    print("Measuring overlap of individual original and watershed labels:")
    atlas_refiner.measure_overlap_labels(labels_sitk, labels_sitk_seg)
    print("\nMeasuring overlap of combined original and watershed labels:")
    # show and write image to same directory as atlas with appropriate suffix
        {config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS.value: labels_sitk_seg}, mod_path)
    if show: sitk.Show(labels_sitk_seg)
    return path_atlas
コード例 #3
ファイル: edge_seg.py プロジェクト: sanderslab/magellanmapper
def edge_aware_segmentation(
        path_atlas: str, atlas_profile: atlas_prof.AtlasProfile,
        show: bool = True, atlas: bool = True, suffix: Optional[str] = None,
        exclude_labels: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, mirror_mult: int = -1):
    """Segment an atlas using its previously generated edge map.
    Labels may not match their own underlying atlas image well, 
    particularly in the orthogonal directions in which the labels 
    were not constructed. To improve alignment between the labels 
    and the atlas itself, register the labels to an automated, roughly 
    segmented version of the atlas. The goal is to improve the 
    labels' alignment so that the atlas/labels combination can be 
    used for another form of automated segmentation by registering 
    them to experimental brains via :func:``register``.
    Edge files are assumed to have been generated by 
        path_atlas: Path to the fixed file, typically the atlas file 
            with stained sections. The corresponding edge and labels 
            files will be loaded based on this path.
        atlas_profile: Atlas profile.
        show: True if the output images should be displayed; defaults 
            to True.
        atlas: True if the primary image is an atlas, which is assumed 
            to be symmetrical. False if the image is an experimental/sample 
            image, in which case segmentation will be performed on the full 
            images, and stats will not be performed.
        suffix: Modifier to append to end of ``path_atlas`` basename for 
            registered image files that were output to a modified name; 
            defaults to None. If ``atlas`` is True, ``suffix`` will only 
            be applied to saved files, with files still loaded based on the 
            original path.
        exclude_labels: Sequence of labels to exclude from the
            segmentation; defaults to None.
        mirror_mult: Multiplier for mirrored labels; defaults to -1
            to make mirrored labels the inverse of their source labels.
    # adjust image path with suffix
    load_path = path_atlas
    mod_path = path_atlas
    if suffix is not None:
        mod_path = libmag.insert_before_ext(mod_path, suffix)
        if atlas: load_path = mod_path
    # load corresponding files via SimpleITK
    atlas_sitk = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_ATLAS.value, get_sitk=True)
    atlas_sitk_edge = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_ATLAS_EDGE.value, get_sitk=True)
    labels_sitk = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS.value, get_sitk=True)
    labels_sitk_markers = sitk_io.load_registered_img(
        load_path, config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS_MARKERS.value, get_sitk=True)
    # get Numpy arrays of images
    atlas_img_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(atlas_sitk)
    atlas_edge = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(atlas_sitk_edge)
    labels_img_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(labels_sitk)
    markers = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(labels_sitk_markers)
    # segment image from markers
    sym_axis = atlas_refiner.find_symmetric_axis(atlas_img_np)
    mirrorred = atlas and sym_axis >= 0
    len_half = None
    seg_args = {"exclude_labels": exclude_labels}
    edge_prof = atlas_profile[profiles.RegKeys.EDGE_AWARE_REANNOTATION]
    if edge_prof:
        edge_filt = edge_prof[profiles.RegKeys.WATERSHED_MASK_FILTER]
        if edge_filt and len(edge_filt) > 1:
            # watershed mask filter settings from atlas profile
            seg_args["mask_filt"] = edge_filt[0]
            seg_args["mask_filt_size"] = edge_filt[1]
    if mirrorred:
        # segment only half of image, assuming symmetry
        len_half = atlas_img_np.shape[sym_axis] // 2
        slices = [slice(None)] * labels_img_np.ndim
        slices[sym_axis] = slice(len_half)
        sl = tuple(slices)
        labels_seg = segmenter.segment_from_labels(
            atlas_edge[sl], markers[sl], labels_img_np[sl], **seg_args)
        # segment the full image, including excluded labels on the opposite side
        exclude_labels = exclude_labels.tolist().extend(
            (mirror_mult * exclude_labels).tolist())
        seg_args["exclude_labels"] = exclude_labels
        labels_seg = segmenter.segment_from_labels(
            atlas_edge, markers, labels_img_np, **seg_args)
    smoothing = atlas_profile["smooth"]
    smoothing_mode = atlas_profile["smoothing_mode"]
    cond = ["edge-aware_seg"]
    if smoothing is not None:
        # smoothing by opening operation based on profile setting
        meas_smoothing = atlas_profile["meas_smoothing"]
        df_aggr, df_raw = atlas_refiner.smooth_labels(
            labels_seg, smoothing, smoothing_mode,
            meas_smoothing, labels_sitk.GetSpacing()[::-1])
        df_base_path = os.path.splitext(mod_path)[0]
        if df_raw is not None:
            # write raw smoothing metrics
                df_raw, f"{df_base_path}_{config.PATH_SMOOTHING_RAW_METRICS}")
        if df_aggr is not None:
            # write aggregated smoothing metrics
                df_aggr, f"{df_base_path}_{config.PATH_SMOOTHING_METRICS}")
    if mirrorred:
        # mirror back to other half
        labels_seg = _mirror_imported_labels(
            labels_seg, len_half, mirror_mult, sym_axis)
    # expand background to smoothed background of original labels to 
    # roughly match background while still allowing holes to be filled
    crop = atlas_profile["crop_to_orig"]
        labels_img_np, labels_seg, crop)
    if labels_seg.dtype != labels_img_np.dtype:
        # watershed may give different output type, so cast back if so
        labels_seg = labels_seg.astype(labels_img_np.dtype)
    labels_sitk_seg = sitk_io.replace_sitk_with_numpy(labels_sitk, labels_seg)
    # show DSCs for labels
        "\nMeasuring overlap of individual original and watershed labels:")
    dsc_lbls_comb = atlas_refiner.measure_overlap_labels(
        labels_sitk, labels_sitk_seg)
        "\nMeasuring overlap of combined original and watershed labels:")
    dsc_lbls_indiv = atlas_refiner.measure_overlap_labels(
    # measure and save whole atlas metrics
    metrics = {
        config.AtlasMetrics.SAMPLE: [os.path.basename(mod_path)],
        config.AtlasMetrics.REGION: config.REGION_ALL,
        config.AtlasMetrics.CONDITION: "|".join(cond),
        config.AtlasMetrics.DSC_LABELS_ORIG_NEW_COMBINED: dsc_lbls_comb,
        config.AtlasMetrics.DSC_LABELS_ORIG_NEW_INDIV: dsc_lbls_indiv,
    df_metrics_path = libmag.combine_paths(
        mod_path, config.PATH_ATLAS_IMPORT_METRICS)
        metrics, atlas_sitk, labels_sitk_seg, atlas_profile, df_metrics_path)

    # show and write image to same directory as atlas with appropriate suffix
        {config.RegNames.IMG_LABELS.value: labels_sitk_seg}, mod_path)
    if show: sitk.Show(labels_sitk_seg)
    return path_atlas